$10 billion employing behavioral scientists on how to psychologically manipulate people, $ 1 billion on coordinating all MSM to repeat the same exact words with no journalism and to demonize and censor other views. Goebbels gave everyone radios and controlled the radio stations to broadcast the same messages - same playbook, new technology. They managed to pull it off, for awhile, which is astonishing. Thanks to all the courageous ones, like you, for persisting.

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just read this article of how much money the govt paid for ventilators, how very little people knew how to use them, killing people, how everyone got labeled covid, ventilated, and when the patient died the hospital got 100 000 bucks... and then they are surprised we don't go to the hospital


and that so many good doctors and nurses left !

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Congress critters are useless grifters and puppets.

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They will not succeed.

I have my differences with organized religion and Christianity, but we need God on our side, especially when we see the alternative:

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’


So when we find voices from the pulpit that speak reasonably, we should at least listen:

Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order


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“Support” my butt! Most of it has been to directly or indirectly advance the globalist agenda. After all, that’s why they released the virus in the first place. We are investing in our own enslavement.

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When the American public started to wise up on the shell game scamdemic, right on cue the nUkraine war got hot.

And the viruganda narrative became to the last nUkrainian for dem-o-Rat-ocracy

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I’ve known all this and been trying in some infinite way to make a contribution, very frustrating not being able to make any. Just watching and attempting to support when possible.

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When the currency of exchange - whether paper, coins, precious metals, Wampum beads or Dutch Tulips - becomes so over-supplied as to be worthless it collapses the economy. We are headed into a depression which will make 2008 look like a walk in the park.

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And that is why a bag of chicken feed is now double what I paid for it two years ago for my hens. I never thought I would here the term super inflation of egg prices, yet here we are.

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There is also the at least $5 trillion created and handed to the big banks to pad their nests with, and to hand out as 1% loans to private equity behemoths to buy up the wreckage of lockdowns. Greatest transfer of wealth up the social pyramid in the history of the world, dwarfing QE of the great recession.

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When our currency truly fails, and will soon it seems, we will see what has real value and what is worthless.

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A trillion here, a trillion there, soon you're talking real money...

A quick reminder, try counting to a million?

1 Million Seconds is about 12 days.

1 Billion Seconds is about 32 Years, so a trillion seconds is about 31,700 years.

It's a wery, wery, big numba.

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Unfortunately what I think they are doing is

ON the one hand

1. using tax payer money for this ubiquitous 'control';

On the second hand

2. using the printing of the money to effect the 'you will own nothing' aspect of the Great Reset


the great spend is the great print, is the great inflation, is the great interest rate hikes, is the great loss of discretionary income, is the great lay off, is the great loss of businesses, is the great mortgage default, is the great loss of the economic engine, is the great homelessness and hunger....and the great RESET It is the weaponization of the Financial System. What they print they must burn. and it's your pocket book it comes from. This is the HOW and no one is talking about it enough. Protect yourself and refinance to fixed before rates are through the roof.

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An endless river of money kept this thing going; without it, the whole thing would have collapsed. Hospitals and doctors would not have blindly cooperated; media would have been tempted to tell the truth; states would not have cooperated without bribes; and who knows how many others were bribed into keeping what they knew about the whole thing to themselves? Nothing like this could have taken place without priming the pump with wads of cash. Taking bribes to be complicit in mass murder is almost as bad as pulling the trigger. All those people willing to sell their souls for temporary riches. Makes you contemptuous of your fellows, just a bit.

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Land of the Free

Home of the

B iological

R ights

A bove

V accine

E nslavement


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