$10 billion employing behavioral scientists on how to psychologically manipulate people, $ 1 billion on coordinating all MSM to repeat the same exact words with no journalism and to demonize and censor other views. Goebbels gave everyone radios and controlled the radio stations to broadcast the same messages - same playbook, new technology. They managed to pull it off, for awhile, which is astonishing. Thanks to all the courageous ones, like you, for persisting.

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people still continue to get the vaxx

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Not as many are getting the booster. They believe their lying eyes.

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Exactly. They took 80 years of research into the science of persuasion, and used all of it.


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thanks for this.

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Undermining all the good purposes and former trust that behavioral sciences have had and can have. Sickening.

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That's a lot of Gaslighting for psychological manipulation. Lots of money for "individuals" as well. I wonder if the Big Guy got his usual 10%?

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And plenty of dough for the hospitals and doctors, nurses, et al...

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just read this article of how much money the govt paid for ventilators, how very little people knew how to use them, killing people, how everyone got labeled covid, ventilated, and when the patient died the hospital got 100 000 bucks... and then they are surprised we don't go to the hospital


and that so many good doctors and nurses left !

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I'd venture to say that it wasn't that people didn't know how to use the ventilators, but that ventilators are a LAST DITCH effort, always, because forcing air into lungs is a very dangerous thing, because lung tissue is very delicate, and sedating someone and forcing air into their lungs is usually the last thing that happens before a patient DIES. So I think the ventilators were a sort of costume for just killing people (lots of elders went this route).

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Lungs pop like an old cracked balloon.

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Yeah, the hospitals got more money if people were on ventilators so they bought a bunch of ventilators. I think it's called something like value-based medicine.

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Or... genocide. See my comment above. It's NOT a common procedure.

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right?! yet I had a friend who's been an RN for 35+ yrs (though no longer on patient floors) look at me like I had two heads when I asked if it was standard procedure for respiratory viruses and/or low O2 stats. she changed the subject quickly.

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I have a very, very hard time feeling forgiveness right now for the medical (and other) people who


I mean... these dancing people? And locking old people in a room without food or water and... I can't think about it too long.

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Congress critters are useless grifters and puppets.

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Some are not. Sen Ron Johnson comes to mind. Would be good if we had a few more like him.

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While @Baaaaa correctly points out a few exceptions exist, which are great, the vast majority of the rest of them are narcissistic scum. Calling them "grifters and puppets" is an insult to actual grifters and puppets.

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Those terms could be interchangeable in regard to politicians, generally.

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they are all bought and paid for before they reach washington.

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They will not succeed.

I have my differences with organized religion and Christianity, but we need God on our side, especially when we see the alternative:

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’


So when we find voices from the pulpit that speak reasonably, we should at least listen:

Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order


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Yuval Noah Harari, the futurist employed by WEF, is called by them 'the prophet', and repeats the hostility to God expressed by Schwab.

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Harari is a slick little shit. But like nearly ALL psychopaths, he's so wrapped up in himself, and his need to be worshiped, he doesn't really have the wherewithal to think through, and think thoroughly, about what he's talking about, which are basically fantasies. Because psychopaths are unable to understand that Humanity is much, much more than they can see, and they aren't able to see how THEY are the "useless eaters" they call us with such contempt... People who contribute nothing but trouble.

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When the WEF acquires "Divine Powers," we'll ALL be dead. In other words, don't expect truthiness from a fucking psychopath.

And I do agree with you, and the Covid farce was simply a way to beat us down, demoralize, weaken, terrorize, and then move in with some preliminary culling for their own enjoyment.

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“Support” my butt! Most of it has been to directly or indirectly advance the globalist agenda. After all, that’s why they released the virus in the first place. We are investing in our own enslavement.

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That "release" of a "virus" I would say was actually 5G being "released."

Those first two weeks when we were all told to stay home, stay inside? They were feverishly installing 5G towers EVERYWHERE. The "virus" could easily be a false flag, while the real weapons turn out to be 5G and the vaccine. That's my theory so far...

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since many shots contain graphene, and graphene nanobots have been filmed assembling things in the vax, and 5G is capable of modulating signals, it should not be dismissed

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Uh... I'm not dismissing anything. Read it again.

"...while the real *****weapons***** turn out to be *****5G***** and the *******vaccine*******."

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When the American public started to wise up on the shell game scamdemic, right on cue the nUkraine war got hot.

And the viruganda narrative became to the last nUkrainian for dem-o-Rat-ocracy

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ukraine is a totally separate piece of the puzzle ... it stands on its own, no relation to covid bs.

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Proxy war to bring down Europe and Russia. Build up of the Military Industrial Complex, utilizing wokeness and Covid to cripple the military.

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Oh, I disagree. There's a book that came out in 2015 by Annie Jacobsen, a very good journalist... the book is titled "The Pentagon's Brain." What was DARPA working on in those days just before she published? You guessed it... viruses. And what was happening in Ukraine in 2014? Yep... the CIA was doing their tapdance in Ukraine and egging on the govt. there to bomb their own (ethnic Russian) populace. And why the billions and billions funneled into Ukraine in the past year? Right! Money laundering!

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Sorry, I misspoke above... I meant to say "vaccines"... DARPA was working on VACCINES, not viruses... although maybe that, too.

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I’ve known all this and been trying in some infinite way to make a contribution, very frustrating not being able to make any. Just watching and attempting to support when possible.

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Just talk to people. That is what we need most.

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Shine the light on darkness.

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When the currency of exchange - whether paper, coins, precious metals, Wampum beads or Dutch Tulips - becomes so over-supplied as to be worthless it collapses the economy. We are headed into a depression which will make 2008 look like a walk in the park.

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And that is why a bag of chicken feed is now double what I paid for it two years ago for my hens. I never thought I would here the term super inflation of egg prices, yet here we are.

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“They” want to have complete control over our food sources, our currency and our housing. In sum, these add up to complete control over US.

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Agenda 2030

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We don't need those muffos.

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There is also the at least $5 trillion created and handed to the big banks to pad their nests with, and to hand out as 1% loans to private equity behemoths to buy up the wreckage of lockdowns. Greatest transfer of wealth up the social pyramid in the history of the world, dwarfing QE of the great recession.

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When our currency truly fails, and will soon it seems, we will see what has real value and what is worthless.

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Food and bullets

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FTX founder mr. fried might disagree. btw, NY times is arranging a brainstorming discussion of him with secretary of treasury in some neutral territory ... the guy is a real genius, stealing ten billions is not easy.

it almost make you feel sorry for bernie maddoff and his poor wife ... what a difference a few years make.

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Fried money laundered with $- billions of Ukrainian handouts and mostly Democrats running in the 2022 elections.

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A trillion here, a trillion there, soon you're talking real money...

A quick reminder, try counting to a million?

1 Million Seconds is about 12 days.

1 Billion Seconds is about 32 Years, so a trillion seconds is about 31,700 years.

It's a wery, wery, big numba.

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Thanks for that reminder - it brought this book to mind. Speaking of big number, here's a few paragraphs out of Science Speaks, considering certain Biblical prophetic events:

"Let us try to visualize our probability of 1 in 5.76 x 10 to the 59th power. Let us round this off to 5 x 10 to the 59th power. Let us suppose that we had that number of silver dollars. What kind of a pile would this be?

The volume of the sun is more than 1,000,000 times that of the earth, yet out of 5 x 10 to the 59th power silver dollars we could make 10 to the 28th power solid silver balls the size of the sun.

Our group of stars, called our galaxy, comprises all of the stars which stay together in this one group. It is an extremely large group of at least 100,000,000,000 stars, each star averaging as large as our sun. At great distances from our galaxy are other galaxies similar to ours, containing about the same number of stars. If you were to count the 100,000,000,000 stars, counting 250 a minute, it would take you 1,000 years, counting day and night, and you would only have counted the stars in a single galaxy. (Note: All computations are only approximate and all numbers are expressed with only one or two digits.)

It has been estimated that the whole universe contains about two trillion galaxies, each containing about 100 billion stars. From our 5 x 10 to the 59th dollars we could make all of the stars, in all of these galaxies, 2 x 10 to the 5th times.

Suppose we had marked one of these silver dollars, and had stirred it into the whole pile before we had made them into balls the size of the sun. Then suppose we had blindfolded a man and told him to go over all of these great balls and pick up the dollar which he thinks is the right one. What chance would he have of finding the right one? It would be a very great task to look over this mass of dollars. If our blindfolded man were to travel sixty miles per hour, day and night, it would take him five years to go once around a star. This would give him a very poor chance to select what might be the marked dollar from that star, but this amount of time per star would take 500 billion years for each galaxy. Let us suppose our man were extremely speedy, able to look over all of the dollars contained in 100 billion stars each second (instead of 500 billion years), it would still take him about 3 x 10 to the 9th power years to look over the whole mass. This is one half the six billion years back to creation. It is absurd to think that he would have any conceivable chance of picking up the right dollar.

The chance of these eleven prophecies being written in human wisdom, and all coming true, is a similar chance to that which the blindfolded man had of finding the right dollar. But these prophecies, and many more, all came true. We can then draw only one conclusion, and that is that God inspired the writing of every one of these prophecies. What stronger proof can any man ask for the inspiration of the Bible?

.....God has proved that He is our supernatural God with all wisdom. We have no alternative but to believe."


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I think the term "God" is too small of a box, and that's why humans seem unable to get beyond it... Besides "HE"? Why is the Ultimate for humans a HE, I'm wondering. Because that's what we were told, by a very very old book, written by men?

This sounds like the same kind of thinking we Substackers are supposedly questioning... Just believing what some "authority figure" tells us?

How bout we just talk about Peace, Love, and Wisdom, and stuff that doesn't need even metaphorical genitalia, eh? Just thought I'd tweak the whole "God" thing a bit, and...

All those galaxies? Surely ONE of them would be a good place to send all the psychopath demonic oligarch monsters? Or just put 'em in a few rockets and shoot 'em into our Sun? That's doable, surely?

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Is that you, Count von Count?

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Unfortunately what I think they are doing is

ON the one hand

1. using tax payer money for this ubiquitous 'control';

On the second hand

2. using the printing of the money to effect the 'you will own nothing' aspect of the Great Reset


the great spend is the great print, is the great inflation, is the great interest rate hikes, is the great loss of discretionary income, is the great lay off, is the great loss of businesses, is the great mortgage default, is the great loss of the economic engine, is the great homelessness and hunger....and the great RESET It is the weaponization of the Financial System. What they print they must burn. and it's your pocket book it comes from. This is the HOW and no one is talking about it enough. Protect yourself and refinance to fixed before rates are through the roof.

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At some point, “they” are just going to seize our property outright, in the name of distributing it in an “equitable” manner. Which means that the global elite will own it all, and the media will tell us that we should be “happy”; many of the mindless sheep will actually believe that. Propaganda is a powerful thing; it convinced millions to poison and sterilize themselves, and many still believe that obvious lie despite all of the evidence against it.

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Thats called "property tax".

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There was a lady running against George W Bush years ago for Texas governor. She was running on the platform to eliminate property tax and was beating Bush in polls, that is until she was trapped by shill Glenn Beck into saying there was more to 9/11 than meet the eye, questioning the official narrative. Beck made her appear crazy.

Debra Medina was her name.

With property taxes, you never really own anything. I had a friend whose family cashed in on back property taxes during the Great Depression and bought thousands of acres of prime farmland for pennies on the dollar, completely wrecking scores of families.

My grandfather was one who lost everything. His lost due to back property taxes land in Oklahoma later had hundreds of oil wells in production.

He died in poverty.

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Sorry for your granddad. And that sounds all too believable. Murka... Land of the Freak, home of the Slave.

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A fucking stealth job from the get go...

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Theodore sees through the entire conspiracy. Pay attention to him.

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It’s telling that Klaus did not say “We” will own nothing...” Of course, “they” will own everything. If we want to eat, travel, spend or even survive, we had better try very hard to be “happy.” 😊

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The single most important thing is to stop the spending each country. Many deaths will result of their little game with the financial system.

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Oh, we'll be happy alright. Happy because of the lobotomies... or happily dead... shiiiiiiiit.

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His use of the term "You" is rather directed.

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I think you're right. But... refinance what? My 1999 Toyota?

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An endless river of money kept this thing going; without it, the whole thing would have collapsed. Hospitals and doctors would not have blindly cooperated; media would have been tempted to tell the truth; states would not have cooperated without bribes; and who knows how many others were bribed into keeping what they knew about the whole thing to themselves? Nothing like this could have taken place without priming the pump with wads of cash. Taking bribes to be complicit in mass murder is almost as bad as pulling the trigger. All those people willing to sell their souls for temporary riches. Makes you contemptuous of your fellows, just a bit.

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Doctors, hospitals and staff have been on Big Pharma's payroll for many decades. Doctors are nothing more than glorified pill-pushers with few exceptions.

In the New Testament, the Greek word for sorcery and witchcraft is "pharmakeia".

Go figure.

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I think it's part complicity in that pharma makes it easy to dispense pills; most pharma companies give away as many free samples as they sell, from what I can see. The other part is doctor training/med school. Most doctors will tell you that they get almost no training in vaccines; they're just presented with the CDC schedule and told to follow that. Hardly any of them know what's in the needles, what the side effects are, or whether or not they work as designed. That is a result of Rockefeller and pharma taking full control of medical training, all so they could develop a marketing plan to sell injections and pills, rather than seek ways to heal the body.

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Land of the Free

Home of the

B iological

R ights

A bove

V accine

E nslavement


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