Just because you can scam people with virus fears, there is no logical reason to say viruses don't exist. PLEASE learn to be logical in your thinking. It is critical to be able to separate the baby from the bathwater. I am trying to assist. How can I do better?
Just because you can scam people with virus fears, there is no logical reason to say viruses don't exist.
PLEASE learn to be logical in your thinking. It is critical to be able to separate the baby from the bathwater. I am trying to assist. How can I do better?
Just because you can scam people with virus fears, there is no logical reason to say viruses don't exist.
PLEASE learn to be logical in your thinking. It is critical to be able to separate the baby from the bathwater. I am trying to assist. How can I do better?
You are doing splendidly, from what I can tell. Your posts are well written and organized!
Even Spock was emotional sometimes! : )
I am not saying viruses don't exist. I'm saying Covid 19 doesn't exist.