Neil has just become an evil, vile man. Joni, a long time smoker, had a stroke (or something similar); saw her recently on some show. Wow! I just remember he as this lithe, willowy blonde from Saskatchewan. We all get old! As they say, "'Tis only one life; twill soon be past; and only what's done for Christ will last."
Joni, a long time smoker, had a stroke (or something similar); saw her recently on some show. Wow! I just remember he as this lithe, willowy blonde from Saskatchewan.
We all get old! As they say, "'Tis only one life; twill soon be past; and only what's done for Christ will last."
Neil has just become an evil, vile man.
Joni, a long time smoker, had a stroke (or something similar); saw her recently on some show. Wow! I just remember he as this lithe, willowy blonde from Saskatchewan.
We all get old! As they say, "'Tis only one life; twill soon be past; and only what's done for Christ will last."