I have been sharing the January 30th paper from the Cochrane Library with this information. Building new enemies daily

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If you're creating new enemies by sharing the truth and science, then what you have really done is DRAWN OUT the fascists, Marxists, totalitarians, and their useful idiots. You have in fact rendered yourself and all of humanity that believes in truth, real science, freedom and true democracy a GREAT FAVOR - you have IDENTIFIED our enemies and the enemies of all humanity that believes in the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!!!!!

Keep up your GREAT WORK Ian.

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Thank you. Sadly the Marxist that has been drawn out, is my eldest whom has been indoctrinated by the university he (yes "HE" not "they") attends.

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That is sad. I am very sorry to hear that. It must be a difficult pill to swallow.

But perhaps as the world melts down he might come to his senses.

The whole of Marxism is a fake concept, filled with lies, designed to turn the very part of the population that has been impoverished by fascist global capitalism into useful idiots for another form of fascism. One replaces the other. Have you read any of Richard Poe's work? He has a great article on how the British created communism, and used it to take down Russia, and then later China. It shows the links to global capitalism. Maybe you could get your son to read it.

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Thank you Ivan I will sneak this into his library.

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CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is still lying about masks, including completely misrepresenting the Cochrane study:


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Is she the most hated woman in America? Or has she failed to edge out Hillary? And Ursula von der Leyen is surely the most hated in the EU.

They send in the women for the real dirty jobs.

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Ursula von der LYing

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Yes, and they also very easily get dropped when or if the thing goes wrong....

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And it is easy to see why! Did you hear her reply to the question of why the CV vax had been added to the childhood vaccine schedule? So that the 'poor children' would be able to get it! How insane is that??

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oh yeah, I have commented on that on another post. sickening. gotta poison all the po' folks.

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She probably thinks "poor children" are useless eaters.

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Just a thinly veiled excuse - trying to make her look like she cares about them or anyone else!! My 2cents!

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so, so thin that I wouldn't even count that as 'virtue signaling'. I don't even think that kool aid drinkers are falling for that one.

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for a supposedly educated woman, she sounds so vapid when she speaks. either that or so contemptuous of us peons, that she believes we all can't understand any 'big words' and will just take all she says as gospel because of her job title.

both are highly insulting and they can't throw her under the bus fast enough. but alas, she will just be replaced with another arrogant, vapid toadie who looks good on camera. ugh.

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I personally think “they” are throwing her under the bus. IMO.

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not soon enough. and when she does go, it will be with a huge $$ severance package, I'm sure. curtesy of the US taxpayers, no less.

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If her lips are moving, she is lying.

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I never bought into any of the nonsense.

I have far less friends than I used to but those I have I adore. So be it.

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I relate. 💪🧠 Ross.

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Nothing has changed except what the "experts" are willing to admit.

There must be a reason for that.

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War is on the horizon.

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War is here. Acts of war have already been taken against We the People.

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Time to dismantle the CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA and start over. Dismantle and abandon the WHO. These "pillars" of modern medicine have failed doctors, patients, public health and are now dangerous sources of misinformation.

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There will be people who will mask until their dying day, and maybe even in their graves (just to be safe), such is the psychological trauma that has been caused by the masking and the propaganda campaign. People have become so distrustful of all "information" that comes from the outside, that their critical thinking skills have been overwhelmed and they are operating under reptilian brain function. The capacity to think intelligently about information, which was never all that great in many people has now become crippled to the extent that many people suffer from a kind of emotional anxiety-based disability. Because it would be too frightening to get it treated, and because this pathologic behavior has been normalized by our culture, I believe there will be some who will never stop masking and others who will take years or possibly a decade or more to recover. That of course, is predicated on not having another round of mask mandates from a pandemic repeat performance by the pandemic machine.

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Yes but, very unhealthy for them,....can’t they get that?

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Mark Brody what a great comment and all true

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sadly, you're describing my sister. we went to a family wedding in the fall of '22. she was fully prepared to wear a mask. I said if it was required, I would not go; she could take my card/gift. upon arriving, NO ONE was wearing masks.

the following day, she insisted on wearing a mask into a grocery store with me, saying that she better because she was 'pressing her luck' not having worn one at the wedding. she is a college educated, 60+ yr old woman with zero health issues. yet didn't see the complete lack of logic.

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Eugyppius wrote an article on the comments. Apparently, the true believers are unconvinced. LOL.


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They can triple or more mask, whatever the - they want but don’t force it on the rest of us.

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Is sharing the full text putting you in legal jeopardy? Please be careful, we love you Meryl!

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Yes but if you read the comments after the article, none of the NYT readers bought it. I'm not sure it made a dent.

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I’m sure it didn’t.

The masses are walking morons.

The aren’t interested in reading or learning.

They’re just too damn lazy to do anything but listen to the propaganda on TV.

They’ve been brainwashed and indoctrinated by the lies of the Rockefeller Carnegie Flexner commandeering of modern medicine.

They’ve been taught to believe in airborne pathogenic viruses. That’s been taught for over 150 years. And the talking head experts on their lazy source of information told them to wear those masks to protect them and save their lives.

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Not the masses. The NYT readers. Around here, every blue collar worker gets it.

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My blue collar brother has a higher IQ than most people I know, even the 6 MDs I work for or equal anyway, and better common sense.

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I went to the grocery store today in Southern California & was astonished to see how many people were wearing masks. For a long while hardly anyone was, what has changed? IDK, I don’t watch TV.

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I noticed the same in Ohio. Thought I was imagining it,

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No, you guys are right. I am not exactly sure either. I live in Texas and in stores about half and half masking but still seems more than 6 mos ago.

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here, just outside of Chicago, the mask wearing increased as soon as the weather got colder and has just increased a little more, in the past few weeks. where do I see the MOST mask-wearing? in the upscale Whole Foods store, among the yuppie, Lexus-driving class. in MY very blue collar neighborhood, only a smattering, with most being elderly.

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Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s were the worst during the lockdown stage. I no longer support Bezos enterprises but at TJ’s it seems like most of the masks are worn by the employees. The customers here in suburban NJ are mostly over maskmania.

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I wish there was a way to teach them it’s not the viruses , it’s the immune system decrease that’s the problem. Even if you believe a virus (which no one has seen or got by itself ever) is so tiny no mask will filter. At best a virus is a pathogen created with data to affect RNA. We have thousands ready to activate when something goes wrong. Now bacteria,....that’s a different story. So keep things clean, wash your Hands going into and out of the stores. Don’t touch your face. Get hydrogen peroxide wipes. You know there is a group of flowers and herbs that help keep the area in your yard clean. I think that’s what herbs were created for,.....sage especially keeps the nasty out. Oh and in a plane put your sock foot on metal to ground yourself from any pathogens that might stick to you.

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Didn't (and won't) read them but not surprised at all.

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agree. why the time suck of bothering to read the bleating of sheep (rude comment I know, but geez already)

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Dean not surprising and even predictable

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The writer might have more credibility if he would have refrained from the totally false and demeaning statement "It is turning itself into an unwitting accomplice to the "GENUINE ENEMIES" of reason and science-(the dreaded) CONSPIRACY THEORISTS (who are being proven right over and over again) and QUACK-CURE peddlers (you know those HCQ and ivermectin people)-.....blah, blah,blah

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I noticed that too. All three of the high profile “amnesty” articles recently written did that same thing.

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Huh. Next thing you know, the NYT will say that the vaccines didn't help, either.

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I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889


There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.

They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and jag is due.

Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.

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They didn’t

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I love this statement. “Yet there was never a chance that mask mandates in the United States would get anywhere close to 100 percent compliance or that people would or could wear masks in a way that would meaningfully reduce transmission. Part of the reason is specific to American habits and culture, part of it to constitutional limits on government power, part of it to human nature, part of it to competing social and economic necessities, part of it to the evolution of the virus itself.”

And partly because we are not bat-sheet-crazy.

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Yes, great. But read the comments to this article in the NYT. They are a real downer. Most dismiss this article with vitriol, dismiss the author as a right-winger, dismiss the Cochrane results, dismiss any questioning of the validity of wearing masks. We are living in dangerous times when a large number of people simply refuse to admit what they've been propagandized to believe. They simply won't question it. Many people angrily condemn any questioning of mRNA vaccines and insist they have saved millions of lives. I really believe we must find our way to alternative communities, as far off the grid as possible, and duck the waves of closed-mindedness verging on madness which seem never to let up

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Michael Brownstein yes I’ve experienced the same thing - so frustrating. The die-hard believers who will fight to the death defending the propaganda they have been brainwashed into believing. You cannot reason with them. They’re too far gone. So sad but I don’t think they will ever come out of it. A wise man once said:

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled”

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Another “apology”? A hidden request for “amnesty”? The NYT us dead to me, along with every other lying MSM outlet.

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I’ll never forget putting masks on my three children before school. I wanted to scream.

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I knowwwwwww god I felt so like I was turning into one of them.....eeeewwww. Just so she could go to a pre school event to be with other children for a change.

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VA denies medical care to any veteran not wearing a mask.

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Then they should be sued and fired.

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A lot of veterans have PTSD or Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Wearing a mask increases anxiety and depression levels. In addition, a lot of vets have hearing loss from spending time in loud environments while in the military (think artillery or the flight deck of an aircraft carrier). We subconsciously read lips and the veterans have lost that advantage with everyone wearing a mask.

The mask essentially reduces us to nameless and faceless beings. It is totally demoralizing and dehumanizing. All done on purpose.

The VA says they care about all the veteran suicides, but they are lying.

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