Feb 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

I have been sharing the January 30th paper from the Cochrane Library with this information. Building new enemies daily

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CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is still lying about masks, including completely misrepresenting the Cochrane study:


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I never bought into any of the nonsense.

I have far less friends than I used to but those I have I adore. So be it.

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Nothing has changed except what the "experts" are willing to admit.

There must be a reason for that.

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Time to dismantle the CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA and start over. Dismantle and abandon the WHO. These "pillars" of modern medicine have failed doctors, patients, public health and are now dangerous sources of misinformation.

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There will be people who will mask until their dying day, and maybe even in their graves (just to be safe), such is the psychological trauma that has been caused by the masking and the propaganda campaign. People have become so distrustful of all "information" that comes from the outside, that their critical thinking skills have been overwhelmed and they are operating under reptilian brain function. The capacity to think intelligently about information, which was never all that great in many people has now become crippled to the extent that many people suffer from a kind of emotional anxiety-based disability. Because it would be too frightening to get it treated, and because this pathologic behavior has been normalized by our culture, I believe there will be some who will never stop masking and others who will take years or possibly a decade or more to recover. That of course, is predicated on not having another round of mask mandates from a pandemic repeat performance by the pandemic machine.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Nass

Eugyppius wrote an article on the comments. Apparently, the true believers are unconvinced. LOL.


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Is sharing the full text putting you in legal jeopardy? Please be careful, we love you Meryl!

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Yes but if you read the comments after the article, none of the NYT readers bought it. I'm not sure it made a dent.

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The writer might have more credibility if he would have refrained from the totally false and demeaning statement "It is turning itself into an unwitting accomplice to the "GENUINE ENEMIES" of reason and science-(the dreaded) CONSPIRACY THEORISTS (who are being proven right over and over again) and QUACK-CURE peddlers (you know those HCQ and ivermectin people)-.....blah, blah,blah

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Huh. Next thing you know, the NYT will say that the vaccines didn't help, either.

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I love this statement. “Yet there was never a chance that mask mandates in the United States would get anywhere close to 100 percent compliance or that people would or could wear masks in a way that would meaningfully reduce transmission. Part of the reason is specific to American habits and culture, part of it to constitutional limits on government power, part of it to human nature, part of it to competing social and economic necessities, part of it to the evolution of the virus itself.”

And partly because we are not bat-sheet-crazy.

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Yes, great. But read the comments to this article in the NYT. They are a real downer. Most dismiss this article with vitriol, dismiss the author as a right-winger, dismiss the Cochrane results, dismiss any questioning of the validity of wearing masks. We are living in dangerous times when a large number of people simply refuse to admit what they've been propagandized to believe. They simply won't question it. Many people angrily condemn any questioning of mRNA vaccines and insist they have saved millions of lives. I really believe we must find our way to alternative communities, as far off the grid as possible, and duck the waves of closed-mindedness verging on madness which seem never to let up

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Another “apology”? A hidden request for “amnesty”? The NYT us dead to me, along with every other lying MSM outlet.

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I’ll never forget putting masks on my three children before school. I wanted to scream.

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VA denies medical care to any veteran not wearing a mask.

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