What pisses me off the most is that Pfizer since Oct 2019, and Moderna since Nov 2018, in their annual filings with SEC state, 'FDA and the EU regulatory authorities classify mRNA based products as gene therapy," because they know that if they lied to SEC about the nature of their product, they could be found criminally liable, but they never made the same statement to their Covid-19 trials participants in the Informed Consents or even in their trial protocols, knowing very well that they can get away scot-free with lying to the patients.
Unfortunately, the Nuremberg Code was never made into law supposedly "not impede research," as well as ICH-GCP, the Belmont report, etc., and even the FDA regulations about patients rights in medical research are simply recommendations, nothing more, and 21 CFR Part 312 seem toothless, so until the above are made into law with heavy criminal charges against whoever violates patient rights, we'd see again and again the Tuskegee experiments of all sorts, or... Covid-19 vaccine trials
“Kingston notes that once a company has gone through an Initial New Drug (or IND) application process, it no longer enjoys legal immunity against adverse events under an Emergency Use Authorization.
She then goes on to show that, by producing COMIRNATY “vaccine” lots, the company broke this so-called “immunity shield”
provided by the EUA,
opening itself up to lawsuits from recipients harmed by the injections.”
We presently have A HUGE WORLDWIDE problem with Corruption at every level however…
We see the deep state ALTERING the TRUE meaning of words - (genetic modification…vaccines… men are now women and can give birth - birthing “person” etc)
to prevent legal conviction of their crimes -
is there any chance of winning when they change
the RULES in motion and back again when it suits them…
Well, at the top they don't want to create "hesitancy". I've heard that excuse thrown around a lot as the reason why they don't tell the truth. Funny thing is, a grade school kid would be able to explain why lying about something actually creates MORE "hesitancy" and/or rebellion. I pray RFK Jr is confirmed and that he follows through on his promise to get to the bottom of all of this stuff.
The "buyers remorse" is real. Trusting Big Pharma doesn't seem like such a good idea after all. Good luck getting compensation for the victims. Just ask the victims (or their parents) of the childhood schedule how it's going. They would know. And they made a video called "Vaxxed". Too bad people didn't listen to them. It could have saved a lot of pain and suffering.
Yes, thanks for mentioning that. All three are excellent and informative. I just wish more people had listened to the stories and to the information they were trying to convey rather than vilifying and dismissing those people. I do think more people are aware on a national and global scale, so that is the silver lining. Crossing fingers that in the coming months, the childhood schedule is exposed for what it is and abolished, along with the mRNA injections.
Indeed. they tell the truth about these random suicide attacks, weather reports (except for geo-engineering- and routine news,but they lie consistently by omission or commission about the big stuff.
Massive amounts. of money given to promote these WMD, but nothing to compensate the victims! This is the same scenario with the Vaccine Court set up, after The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was passed. The court was supported from a fee attached to every vax paid for by the recipients of the vaccines. Many vax injured did not receive compensation. The Court made it very difficult for the vax injured to be compensated. Billions of dollars were paid out, but there was not enough paid out to cover all those injured by these defective and dangerous products.
Somehow I picture Lieutenant Columbo with a cigar trying to get help understanding how the CICP just doesn't seem to be able to compensate the millions of vaccine injured people, not even a few of them...
Note that the Declaration says we have inalienable rights, AMONG which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "Among" is the least comprehended word here. We need to assert MORE. Jon
Well, bless his heart. The problem, IMHO, lies in ENFORCEMENT. The Constitution basically assumes that you HAVE all your rights, until you manage to prove in a court of law that you, in fact, do not. The burden of proof is on YOU. Good luck.
Like so many other government programs, of course it isn't there-but it also isn't there that they CAN experiment, which I think falls under the "liberty" category.
The heads of these Big Pharma companies should be arrested and hung on the White House steps. Then the companies should be totally dismantled and sold to new owners who are America First!
Rather than hung (which also makes us murders, let them go to the American dungeons, cynically called "correction facilities," and learn of the brutal conditions. But YES to the dismantling of these putrid companies.
Every State's AG needs to be filing first degree murder charges against the HHS directors and its' sub agencies, pfizer, moderna, j&j, etal. instead of deflecting. This is a government orchestrated Democide and HHS pulled the trigger.
Compensation MUST NEVER be paid from Taxes. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, were all LIABLE but demanded a waiver (Shield) against the responsibility of MURDERING thousands (if not millions - by the time mRNA injections complete the permanent damage to all recipients).
Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, all made fortunes from their DEPOPULATION PROGRAM - They must pay the price = BANKRUPTCY and imprisonment!
Gates has told his WHO Employees to pretend they are honest, but hopefully, Trump (Musk & Kennedy) will see through their lies.
They must make 'LIABILITY' the first condition for Big Pharma to sell all meds, especially the depopulating mRNA injections!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer if we distrust everything Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, etc, say!
"Please, pretty please consider at your leisure making your process for denials of claims for injury from the covid vaccines more transparent." Bulldog attorneys are fighting for us!
The answer is simple enough. PREP Act and 400 billion dollars of "COVID aid" vanished into thin air just like every other corrupt government that participated in the heist of the century.
What pisses me off the most is that Pfizer since Oct 2019, and Moderna since Nov 2018, in their annual filings with SEC state, 'FDA and the EU regulatory authorities classify mRNA based products as gene therapy," because they know that if they lied to SEC about the nature of their product, they could be found criminally liable, but they never made the same statement to their Covid-19 trials participants in the Informed Consents or even in their trial protocols, knowing very well that they can get away scot-free with lying to the patients.
Well, then…they misrepresented themselves, and any LIABILITY protections given to them with EUA SHOULD be null and void.
Therefore criminal charges should be pursued.
That’s something Karen Kingston keeps mentioning..
Exactly! Lying to research participants is definitely a criminal offense.
Unfortunately, the Nuremberg Code was never made into law supposedly "not impede research," as well as ICH-GCP, the Belmont report, etc., and even the FDA regulations about patients rights in medical research are simply recommendations, nothing more, and 21 CFR Part 312 seem toothless, so until the above are made into law with heavy criminal charges against whoever violates patient rights, we'd see again and again the Tuskegee experiments of all sorts, or... Covid-19 vaccine trials
This is an interesting point Kingston has also made concerning those injured or killed from the shots -
EXCERPT from above article:
“Kingston notes that once a company has gone through an Initial New Drug (or IND) application process, it no longer enjoys legal immunity against adverse events under an Emergency Use Authorization.
She then goes on to show that, by producing COMIRNATY “vaccine” lots, the company broke this so-called “immunity shield”
provided by the EUA,
opening itself up to lawsuits from recipients harmed by the injections.”
We presently have A HUGE WORLDWIDE problem with Corruption at every level however…
We see the deep state ALTERING the TRUE meaning of words - (genetic modification…vaccines… men are now women and can give birth - birthing “person” etc)
to prevent legal conviction of their crimes -
is there any chance of winning when they change
the RULES in motion and back again when it suits them…
Attorneys of he World Unite! You Have Nothing to Lose but your LIVES (by letting these crimes against humanity gain impunity)
** ding ding!! **
We have a winning (and astute) comment.
Very disappointed my own state's Republican AG failed to participate and sign.
Yep. Where's Florida?🤬🤔
Good question.
Yes; but perhaps they're just grandstanding....
I understand. But whatever calls attention to this issue could continue to tip the scales toward the truth.
...or just covers their asses...
Well, at the top they don't want to create "hesitancy". I've heard that excuse thrown around a lot as the reason why they don't tell the truth. Funny thing is, a grade school kid would be able to explain why lying about something actually creates MORE "hesitancy" and/or rebellion. I pray RFK Jr is confirmed and that he follows through on his promise to get to the bottom of all of this stuff.
Defiance, not Compliance! And no, we are not "hesitant," we are defiant.
The "buyers remorse" is real. Trusting Big Pharma doesn't seem like such a good idea after all. Good luck getting compensation for the victims. Just ask the victims (or their parents) of the childhood schedule how it's going. They would know. And they made a video called "Vaxxed". Too bad people didn't listen to them. It could have saved a lot of pain and suffering.
Since the original "Vaxxed" there is Vaxxed #2 and recently Vaxxed #3.
Yes, thanks for mentioning that. All three are excellent and informative. I just wish more people had listened to the stories and to the information they were trying to convey rather than vilifying and dismissing those people. I do think more people are aware on a national and global scale, so that is the silver lining. Crossing fingers that in the coming months, the childhood schedule is exposed for what it is and abolished, along with the mRNA injections.
Further, on another front, progress is being made exposing the fraud of the official 9/11 events narrative. I follow that closely too.
I agree. Once you start checking into official narratives, you find we have been lied to about many things.
Indeed. they tell the truth about these random suicide attacks, weather reports (except for geo-engineering- and routine news,but they lie consistently by omission or commission about the big stuff.
Massive amounts. of money given to promote these WMD, but nothing to compensate the victims! This is the same scenario with the Vaccine Court set up, after The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was passed. The court was supported from a fee attached to every vax paid for by the recipients of the vaccines. Many vax injured did not receive compensation. The Court made it very difficult for the vax injured to be compensated. Billions of dollars were paid out, but there was not enough paid out to cover all those injured by these defective and dangerous products.
Somehow I picture Lieutenant Columbo with a cigar trying to get help understanding how the CICP just doesn't seem to be able to compensate the millions of vaccine injured people, not even a few of them...
Of course you don't see the liberal blue states on that list...when will these people be prosecuted for being for Americans last????
Well...where in the Constitution is anyone guaranteed actual healthcare, or free from being experimented on by those wealthy enough to do it?
We don’t need the constitution to guarantee our rights. We are born with them and it’s why they are called inalienable rights.
Try finding Judge Napoltino’s articles on this.
He recently spoke about the 1st amendment in his Xmas specials you can find here. I’m not sure which of the 3 it was in.
He also has a website called judge nap.
Note that the Declaration says we have inalienable rights, AMONG which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "Among" is the least comprehended word here. We need to assert MORE. Jon
Well, bless his heart. The problem, IMHO, lies in ENFORCEMENT. The Constitution basically assumes that you HAVE all your rights, until you manage to prove in a court of law that you, in fact, do not. The burden of proof is on YOU. Good luck.
Like so many other government programs, of course it isn't there-but it also isn't there that they CAN experiment, which I think falls under the "liberty" category.
The heads of these Big Pharma companies should be arrested and hung on the White House steps. Then the companies should be totally dismantled and sold to new owners who are America First!
Rather than hung (which also makes us murders, let them go to the American dungeons, cynically called "correction facilities," and learn of the brutal conditions. But YES to the dismantling of these putrid companies.
I seem to remember something about rats and a sinking ship
Nothing " Honorable" about him or the secretary or his office, bought, sold and paid for..
Years late and millions of $$ short!
Every State's AG needs to be filing first degree murder charges against the HHS directors and its' sub agencies, pfizer, moderna, j&j, etal. instead of deflecting. This is a government orchestrated Democide and HHS pulled the trigger.
Compensation MUST NEVER be paid from Taxes. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, were all LIABLE but demanded a waiver (Shield) against the responsibility of MURDERING thousands (if not millions - by the time mRNA injections complete the permanent damage to all recipients).
Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck, etc, all made fortunes from their DEPOPULATION PROGRAM - They must pay the price = BANKRUPTCY and imprisonment!
Gates has told his WHO Employees to pretend they are honest, but hopefully, Trump (Musk & Kennedy) will see through their lies.
They must make 'LIABILITY' the first condition for Big Pharma to sell all meds, especially the depopulating mRNA injections!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer if we distrust everything Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, etc, say!
"Please, pretty please consider at your leisure making your process for denials of claims for injury from the covid vaccines more transparent." Bulldog attorneys are fighting for us!
"Better late than never. " Nah, I hold grudges especially when they knew they were hurting and killing people and did it anyway. I'm still pissed.
The answer is simple enough. PREP Act and 400 billion dollars of "COVID aid" vanished into thin air just like every other corrupt government that participated in the heist of the century.