"I bet the employees at FDA and USDA are being pushed by their overlords very hard to find some infected milk, or to spike some samples with live virus…" with a test that is fraud to find something that does not exist.

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No such thing as "live virus" (or dead, for that matter). See


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Strange, virologists seem to have no problem "identifying strains" yet thus far no government seems to be capable of producing a sample of the "bird flu virus" as documented by https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/dont-fall-for-the-avian-influenza

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That again shows how unbelievable stupid/corrupt/criminal/rotten to the core most governments are. They have nothing, and yet they take very hard REAL measures against a FICTITIOUS threat of an allegedly existing virus "in vivo" and destroy the live of millions if not billions.

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Here's a refreshing off switch for the fear porn re-run lust (by Crowe and Engelbrecht 2005): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7173052/

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Viroliegy is the FRAUD!! Tests are just run off from the source of the fraud: viro lie gy.

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The Vaccinated Are The Product.

The Dead Are Just Defects.


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False Narrative #2: Bird Flu

Everything and anything that flows from #2 is inherently false, borne of a lie.

Making all that flows from #2 Evil.

Rejecting #2 makes rejecting any and all of the "mitigation" easy.

If only we all had done our part in 2020 and rejected False Narrative #1: Covid then the world would be in a much better place today. And there would be no False Narrative #2: Bird Flu to destroy our food supply in order to make us happy to eat bugs.

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The threat made in April was the “heads up”. My guess is he, meaning Marks, pulls that trigger not long before the election. The writing is on the wall. There will be some event that stops the election; they’re desperate. Hoping I’m wrong but all trust is gone. It would be a huge gamble but they may hold in to it should Trump be re-elected as another destruction point. Let’s see how he handles it this time. No coincidence that Covid started during his time in office. All planned. It’s all just maddening. Praying for relief for us all. It’s mentally wearing us all down…..to submission I’d assume.

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Spike the milk with viruses?! Wouldn't that be immoral, if not illegal??!!

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Yeah, so why would THAT stop them?

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All kinds of crap has found its way into milk. What's tripping the PCR test? Great question. Well, it ain't a fictitious virus. Any ideas?

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Spiked milk might be a thing, but not with viruses. They don't exist.

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Could they spike it with what would trip the PCR 'test'? And what is that?

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In recognition of Meryl‘s fine sleuth work in exposing the biosecurity state's absolute need for a fake bird flu virus narrative as the foundation for constructing its surveillance panopticon, I have composed a few lines of verse in her honor:

Ode to Mer-owl Holmes

Across media, the headlines blare,

A tale is spun, to make us scare.

A birdy bug with wings of dread,

To plant fear within our head.

They speak of flu that takes to flight,

A species jumper that haunts the night.

But underneath this crafted scare,

Lies a plot, to ensnare.

With feathers ruffled, minds take wing,

In fear, we cage the songs we sing.

The biosecurity state takes form,

Tyranny disguised, as health reform.

Golden eggs of control they seek,

To clip our wings, and make us meek.

Agents flock together, to weave their lies,

And monitor dissent, through FedBook's eyes.

Yet, a canary in the coal mine sings,

Of surveillance plans and tethered strings.

A Trojan egg within our nest,

Freedoms curbed, as lies infest.

So let us see beyond the tall tale,

Of birdy bugs 'contagion' trail.

Always vigilant, to fix an eagle eye,

On those that spread, the virus lie.

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Don't you just love being an expendable pawn in this game of Psycho Perpetual Edition?

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So the FDA is looking for more guinea pis!

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I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but anyone peddling the birdy flu narrative is laying the groundwork for a biosecurity state. They need this fictitious narrative to 'justify' the terrifying surveillance dragnet they plan to install.

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It's looking like "bad actor" syndrome in the jab cabal has reached a tipping point, being willing to go to any lengths, like intentionally leaking pathogens amongst us all, to try to scare us into full compliance with their global jab alliance.

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It won't be the first time that pathogens were intentionally released

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I believe you. For sure. The rising jab-cabal's adherence to playing with the spread-disease-and-make-$billions-jabbing-it playbook has broken through a tipping point in view of the success (in their eyes) of the C19 plandemic.

Anyone want to take a guess as to how many secret, unaccountable, offshore personal back accounts have opened in the last four years?! In addition to the Ukraine war (and others preceding it), pandemics have to be the most lucrative money laundering scheme to date. Our tax dollars at work.

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Since 2020 it is reasonable to assume that ALL VACCINES have now been secretly modified with inbuilt mRNA dangers that are not disclosed to the public.

We must now assume that NO injection is SAFE and avoid medical intervention at all costs. The mRNA process is Genetic Modification - without your knowledge or permission.

Blood transfusions are not registered as VAXXED or UNVAXXED so, if you're unlucky enough to need a transfusion, you can assume it'll be with Vax Contaminated blood! They'll get you one way or another!

Australia launches secret BLACK TRIANGLE on medical packages including dangerous unproven medicines and injectable solutions (called 'vaccines').

The BLACK TRIANGLE (pointing down) is supposed to notify the Australian public that such products are experimental' and 'under evaluation for SAFETY & EFFICACY'.

The Black Triangle is also supposed to invite any recipient of said experimental medicine (injection, etc,) to report any/all Adverse Reactions to the Australian Health Safety Board. The problem is the Black triangle is a secret! Nobody knows what it means, nor do they know what action to take in the event of Adverse Reactions or DEATH following their (or a relative's) participation in the 'EXPERIMENT'.

Unjabbed Mick (UK)

I'll live longer without medical intervention or a 'vax contaminated' DIRTY Blood transfusion.

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They already proved they will lie to advance the vaccine / pandemic agenda.

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My friends,

With the blatent truth of government corruption being showcased heavily today, and in the heat of a presidential election that is filled with a Reality TV host and a Geriatric Genocidist, we need to wake up the world more than ever. That's my duty as an artist/human being.

I need your help to share THE FIRST Film EXPLOITING THE CORRUPTION OF COVID by Michael Angel Loayza Jr.


Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram so I can continue to create this content:

Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment




Your love is much appreciated.

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I have not taken any flu vaccine in 10 years and I'm doing good health wise. My opinion about COVID 19, I felt affected by it no worse then the flu wich is all that it was. They didn't burn enough food processing plants because they want to starve us and they will not stop until they are done depopulateting 90,%of the globe by 2030. I will not comply no matter what they throw at us next. Stay free and strong. Thank you Meryl Nass.💖

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Beaking news!! Birds get sick. They're raised in fucking apalling conditions. Fed on industrially grown, genetically modified corn to fatten them so they can lay more eggs. They're cooped up in small cages with no sunlight, not eating grass, and subjected to round the clock mistreatment with hundreds of thousands of chickens.

In these bird farms the air is comprised of toxic laden dust. Bird poop creates toxic amonia which the birds are breathing in constantly and being bombarded with LED light.

Additionally, they're pumped full of hormones, antibiotics, and toxic jabs, which fuks up their microbiomes. The poor birds are just being poisoned and overbred which causes physical abnormalities such as weak bones. And Meryl, wants to attribute their poor health from abuse to a virus she wont even cite any evidence for. Truly bird-brained. My apologies to all birds.

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Hormones are illegal in poultry farming. Still plenty of mistreatment, as you laid out, but they are not pumped full of hormones.

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Cool 👍 that's one less thing our feathered friends have to worry about before they are mass culled for a virus that doesn't exist.

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Wild birds can also die in large numbers from various causes often due to human pollution and destruction of their habitat.

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Totally agree!! I had to cut my typing short due to multiple train transfers.

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