Well who is shocked by the longtime RINOS??

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Susan Collins is a turnip.

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Democrats dressed in the American flag. Take their orders from Big Pharma just like boot licking Durbin!

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Jan 22Edited
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I hit the like in error, this is a advertisement link!

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hit it again to turn it off

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These 2 notorious politicians have been against the America 1st agenda.

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You are absolutely right. They are most likely the soulless tools of Soros and the NWO... put into office in order to destroy America.

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What happened to Bobby's promise to turn OFF TV advertising for Big Pharma on Day #1?

What's up with Trump pushing now for MORE mRNA vaccines?

What's up with Trump getting all chummy with Klaus Schwab in Davos?

There are some pretty important questions we need to be asking as all of this is unfolding . . . .

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Trump meets with everyone! Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Everyone heard of that? Bobby hasn't been confirmed yet. Trump isn't pushing jabs. How about letting him get all of the facts. 🤷‍♀️

It's only been two days.

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and since those two days.... the Planned Parenthood president died from the vax (brain cancer 2023) on the day trump was inaugurated at 67 years old.

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Oh boy!!!

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That would be nice but I worry for whatever useless reason.

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"What happened to Bobby's promise..."

If that dog won't hunt then we'll get another one.

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How about letting Bobby getting confirmed first. 🤦‍♀️

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No kidding! Good lord, give the man a chance.

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Yeah, with a meeting that brought a smile to Gates at a recent meeting (Trump and Gates')

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I took a moment this morning to prepare this script and to call their DC offices. I reached a person at Collins' office, and a recording prompt at Murkowski's.

"My name is James Lord, and I'm calling from XX in regards to the nomination of RFK Jr to head HHS. I've read two of his books, and I have high hopes for an historic upgrade over current Secretary Becerra. I ask for the sake of all Americans that Senator ___________ will support this pick. (That's my comment, and I wish you a good day.)"

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Perfect, thank you!

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Thank you. I hope you have friends who will do this as well. They need to know the people who vote for or against them care and are watching closely what they do.

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Thanks for the suggestions.

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It is absolutely no surprise she is a no - During Covid we were locked down by the devil’s spawn herself - Anne Zink. Lisa Murkowski and Anne Zink locked arms during Covid in an effort to push the jabs on pregnant women:

“I’m really hoping we can get more women vaccinated, particularly pregnant women,” she told Murkowski.

This woman was appointed by Governor Mike Dunleavy so called “conservative” in the state of Alaska.


Anne Zink’s maternal grandfather, “Al Bartlett, was a University of Colorado Boulder physics professor and a nationally recognized speaker on exponential growth and humans’ inability to comprehend it — a lesson not lost on Zink as she navigates the COVID-19 pandemic. “I think about him all the time,” she said. “Particularly in this world of trying to understand exponential growth, and trying to keep our state from getting into a place of exponential growth.” From the website Limits to Growth, a student remarked on Bartlett – “His timeless, internationally revered lecture on the impacts of world population growth+ will live beyond his passing, a distinction few professors can claim,” DiStefano said in the release. Also from the website – “In his decades as a Boulder resident, Bartlett worked to preserve open space and initiated the “Blue Line” charter amendment that restricted growth in the city’s foothills by limiting the elevation to which municipal water could be delivered.” Anne Zink was given full reign in our state as shown in the long list of draconian health mandates including the closure of schools, mandates to “control the moment of individuals” and dictating certain businesses be considered “non-essential” and therefore closed for business, many of them were subsequently shuttered permanently. Our largest population center was completely brutalized by municipal mandates, many of which followed the recommendation of Zink. Governor Dunleavy was insistent these mandates originate from local governments and took no stand to defend individual freedoms.

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Thank you Meryl, I don't know how you do it but I'm so grateful for all that you do. Thank you for making it short and simple. Please continue to take care of yourself so you can continue to help OUR world. I will do as you ask, and thank you again for providing all the information we need.❤️

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Kennedy is as Kennedy does.

Leo Hohmann: Trump Throws His Weight Behind New Generation of mRNA Gene-Therapy Injections, for Cancer and Other Diseases

Now we know why he never backtracked from the disastrous Operation Warp Speed


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Looked at the Lioness of Judah site. Apparently the proprietors of the technology are better sales personnel than the w h o which Trump just pushed out the door. As you say, "Now we know......." 🤦 or do we even?

Romans 3:4 works here and everywhere else!

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Oh jeeze. Yes of course, the usual suspects. How the hell do these two keep getting voted into office? Or are they stealing their votes. Clown show.

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After some of her votes for Bidens picks, she should be ashamed of herself. I contacted. Thanks for all you do!

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For me rn, Www.senate.gov has a web error using brave browser. But will post my blurb in support of rfk. Please support RFk Jr.,’s confirmation for HHS secretary. As a biochemist and researcher, I recognize RFK’s experience in environmental and health issues related to his support for the children’s health defense organization and his law experience combined with his questioning existing paradigms is critical to the health of our country.

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OK- yes, they are RHINOS, of course, but we need to pressure them.

anyone have quick talking points for the phone calls?? What are the best short arguments for RFKJ?

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He has vowed to make medical institutions accountable for misinformation.

He has vowed to clean up the revolving doors in our public health agencies

He wants to get rid of toxic products in our food, air and water

He demands better quality science

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But Meryl, do any of those points matter to these women? Is there a particular thing he stands for that they stand for or would like to be associated with? Any sincere common ground?

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He's not an "anti-vaxxer." He wants rigorous methodological review. He wants tests done that haven't been done for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity etc. There are already thousands of peer reviewed scientific papers that have identified very serious concerns. Surveys show public attitudes toward the vaccines are changing and not confirming RFK Jr could in the long run result in them losing votes in their constituencies etc. The Florida grand jury found serious problems, even though they did not get enough evidence ( because the prosecution 'ran dead') to recommend criminal prosecutions. Texas is inquiring into fraud. If the results are not good it will bite Collins and Murkowski on the ass. etc

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Does it matter if am one of their constituents ? I live in another state

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Same - prolly depends on senator, have had some who ask at front end explicitly "are you in my district?" - to be fair they don't owe non voters allegiance as they do their tax funding citizens. I will still call as a tip of hat to Dr. Ness.

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To me if they are the ones who could ruin Bobby’s nomination for the country and frankly I see even a global impact then I see that we all should have a legitimate reason to contact them. They are only beholden to their constituents but if they see a lot of support for Bobby, they will have to know voting against him will make them look very bad in public opinion.

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Collins and Murkowski are a bundle of contradictions. They are towering figures in the MAVA movement. But this enthusiasm for the ideals of Mandate All Vaccines Again is tempered by their love of abortion, an issue on which RFK Jr has been inconsistent. Collins and Murkowski want as many Democrats as possible to be born, believing that this both improves the gene pool and helps to ensure that the future belongs to Democrats and yet at the same time they are opposed to limits on abortion, which puts more Democrats into the gene pool and increases their strength as a voting bloc. Hence, they are ambivalent about RFK Jr. Regardless, they need to be lobbied to confirm RFK Jr.

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Not so good news here: NATURAL NEWS Mike Adam Health Ranger

After meeting with Bill Gates, the Trump transition team sidelines two key figures spreading vaccine truth 01/20/2025 // Lance D Johnson

¨Two advisors to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were removed from Trump’s transition team over their anti-vaccine views.

Bill Gates had previously pressured Trump in his first term to abandon plans for a vaccine safety commission, influencing the administration’s approach to vaccines.

Bill Gates recently met with Trump again and was very pleased with the meeting.

Internal tensions within the Trump transition team reveal efforts to limit Kennedy’s influence and align health policy that promote vaccines.

Gates’ involvement in vaccine policy this time around raises questions about conflicts of interest and the role of private influence in public health decisions.

Ousting two prominent individuals who understand the issues caused by vaccines

In a move that highlights the deepening divide over vaccine policy within Donald Trump’s political orbit, two prominent vaccine skeptics advising Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were sidelined during the presidential transition. Stefanie Spear and Aaron Siri, known for spreading truth about vaccine side effects and failures, were reportedly removed from their advisory roles due to their controversial views, signaling a broader effort to align health policy with mainstream conservative priorities that promote vaccines as the holy grail of science...¨ Read More


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Yep. And most people will ignore Trump meeting with Gates. Um... the last time he met with Gates we had a "pandemic". Gates is a monster and I'm amazed Trump is still bumping elbows with him. I guess billionaires stick together

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Lol, it's called exposure, putting them in the forefront to expose them. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 😉

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Or it’s called undermining your pick for HHS and commitment to him and the people who voted to get you in office only based on that promise. Time will tell but this is a very bad look.

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This would not be happening if we had the clarity to see what Bobby had to give us… if we were referring to him as President Kennedy he would have had the power of our votes behind him. He asked us for a sword and a piece of earth to stand on. We failed him. He is not failing us. We failed us.

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In fairness, the DNC failed us, intentionally keeping Bobby from being heard. So many never got the chance to hear him to know what we know and that roadblock was intentional.

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The ACOG still wants to jab every pregnant woman. Stop this technology please

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As a "Brit", am I correct to suggest that neither will even consider RFK.Jr unless a VERY large sum of money is placed under their noses as an incentive? Please tell me I am wrong?

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Having given my comment further I have come to believe it was inappropriate and as such I must apologise unreservedly for it.

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You just said the quiet part out loud that’s all. Regardless, they still need to be approached in good faith incase there is something that could possibly move the dial and make them want to do the right thing.

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