It looks like the WHO's Pandemic Treaty, set to be signed by member nations on May 27th, is unavoidable, so we need a backup plan. However, at a CHD TV roundtable, Senator Ron Johnson mentioned that a new US president might be able to repeal this problematic treaty.

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Greetings from Nebraska! Thank God our own governor spoke up against this tyranny! I thought we were alone here!

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Howdy, Lincoln here.

Yes there's a conservative in Lincoln

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That's lovely!

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I bet you don't get to say 'Hat trick' often while watching US Soccer? Only kidding!

With so many now speaking out against the CORRUPT WHO TREATY, it seems we might be winning the war. With Adolf Schwab retiring we've got rid of another insane lunatic who was planning and scheming to destroy the world - as we knew and loved it.

Next is MAKE Pfizer, Moderna, etc, LEGALLY LIABLE for all injuries and DEATHS caused by their POISONS! even if a temporary avoidance of guilt was excusable, surely the millions of deaths they have caused means they've reached the end off their lollipop!

Unjabbed Mick - because I need to live longer and destroy the enemy = The cretins who want to depopulate the planet with their designer diseases and deadly injections, and make the rest of us their SLAVES!

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It looks like whatever's gonna happen, we are, in one way or another, in for one hell of a ride.

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Oh yes. I think so. I'm somewhat insulated as we have one car and I do not

"window shop" as I once did.

Used to be a people person.

That aspect HAS changed.

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But wait, WHERE are the Democrats ?!

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They are about as democratic as People’s Republic of China. To their credit they’ve done a remarkable job brainwashing their constituents to actually believe they represent them.

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I am 8decades in. My folks were Roosevelt Democrats.

They were grown adults then.

The Depression was always something they carried with them.

And now we have a bunch of megalomaniacs trying to break us again


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Well said

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They're busy screeching about 'Dangers to Democracy' to distract all from MURDER OF THE CONSTITUTION AND OUR REPUBLIC.

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It's my understanding that the average US congressional district includes over 700k constituents. After two years of frustration on the subject of WHO overreach and evident lack of congressional interest or zeal, I shifted toward my state rep and senator, who belong to one of the 24 states above. I wrote to my state rep in February, then followed up with rep and senator after Louisiana's State Senate passed SB 133 last month. Dare I hope that these state officials are closer to their constituents? It sure would be nice to think someone's listening.

I included links to the "Agreement" and the proposed IHR amendments. Let them see for themselves WHO's lying about intrusions on sovereignty, states' rights, and individual medical autonomy!

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some brass shown

Too bad it is so little when so much is needed

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This is huge👍🏻

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I don't see any mention in the letter of preventing the WHO from gaining any power to control "misinformation" or "disinformation", nor do I see any mention of revoking the WHO's sovereign immunity that keeps it free from prosecution.

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Of course democrat governor in Pa didn’t 😡

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He's a dipwad

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Governor not senator

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I am confused. I thought Senator Doug Mastriano would have signed.

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Weird, I didnt see Gov Newsom from California's signature on there :)

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This encouraging news will also go into today's blog post.


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Arigato gozaimashita?


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Google translate: "Everyone please oppose🙏From Japan"

Hai, Ganbatte!

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Good for the senators, but the winner is... the Federal Government!

Good for Louisiana, but the winner is... the Federal Government!


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Again today I'm not being allowed to like any of the comments below. Same on James Roguski's substack and others. Strange.

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Hmm, 50%....better than expected actually.

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This is far better than I ever expected. Thank you, Dr. Nass!

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Excellent! Bravo for all the Governors, AG's, Senators and Reps who are representing the people. Hard to believe that Hawaii is not represented here after what has recently transpired. Captured.

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It's not perfect (because many states and even the federal govt has a lot of "pandemic" legislation enacted), but it's really good to see our governor's name on this list! (He is a big time leftest RINO!)

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