Exactly. No mandates for medical procedures

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Agreed and no shots period!

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Isn't it nightmarish that unelected executive branch "health" bureaucrats roll on with their policies, including mandates, without ever engaging with dissident experts? The bureaucrats are insulated from the popular will, and would be even more insulated if they were headquartered in Geneva!

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This is NOT science. The scientific method depends upon lively debate & exchange of views while releasing information allowing other scientists to reproduce results that support a theory. It is NOT a diktat from on high by so-called experts who then shut down all debate & brand those who disagree as conspiracy theorists spreading disinformation. That makes science akin to religious dogma.

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In fact, the most draconian WHO IHR revisions were largely instigated by the Biden regime.

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Right, and we know that Biden can not be trusted. I wish Robert Kennedy was also in the debate. Both candidates are afraid of him. I would love to see Fouci debate with Kennedy. He would start by saying I dont remember any of that!

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To end mandates at the State and Federal level would be great... Must be done at the State level first and foremost. No more you can't be in school unless you take vaccines.

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Federal money pays for vaccines through the VFP, VA,DOD, Medicare, Medicaid and tribal programs. Mandates could be ended for vaccines obtained through all those programs at the federal level.

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Medicaid is run by the individual States (as you know).

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Medicaid money comes from both states and feds and I believe the feds pay the bulk of it and do issue federal rules and state rules governing it.


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It's a 50/50 split but run by the states.

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Sorry: 31% state and 69% fed


Both make regulations regarding it

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The States always ignore the Federal Statute... "Any therapy known to correct or ameliorate a child's condition shall be covered regardless of whether it is covered by the State plan."

The States will always say if it isn't covered by MediCare we aren't paying for it.

The problem is MediCaid and MediCare cover two distinct populations.

I met with CMMS officials 20 years ago hoping to get a new NCD for TBI/CP and other brain injuries but I was told these were not relevant to the 65 yo population MediCare covered. I asked to see who was in charge of MediCaid at CMMS..... that was when I found out... there really wasn't anyone at CMMS in charge of MediCaid.

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Yes! Children and young adults shouldn't need a medical or religious exemption. EVERYONE has a God given right to refuse a medical procedure.

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Unfortunately, we share this society with uninformed, intellectually lazy, constantly fearful germophobes, which is why the sheep are so easily manipulated with fear tactics.

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What sound do sheeple make? VAAAAAAAAAAAAX

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That good.

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I am grateful that the only shot I got was smallpox.

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That was the first shot I ever was mandated to receive, in order to attend SUNY Binghamton, in 1967; I got it just a few days before leaving for my freshman year; ironically, it was pulled off the market forever a mere four years later. I was in the infirmary for over a week, with an all-over-body rash and high fever; the doc was ready to send me into the Binghamton city hospital, which he did not, ultimately, have to do. I had been raised naturopathically, by a strong grandma, and my widowed mom. It was the latter who said -- very sadly -- to me, "I'm tired of fighting with your college, and time is running out...."

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Your grandmother was a smart woman.

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Without a doubt; I keep her photo, along with that of my mom, where I can see them every day. This doting grandma (my "Ganny") was deafened from a horrific fall when she was a teen; was then sent from her Alabama home up to board at Wright Humason, in Manhattan, and was a schoolmate of Helen Keller (Helen was four years older than she.) When Ganny (an avid reader, all her life) had begun following the writings of Dr. John H. Tilden, out of Denver, she learned of the horrific dangers of the smallpox vax. She kept my uncle (b.1915) and my mom (b. 1920) out of school, during numerous NYC mandates of that shot. During my childhood illnesses (including nonparalytic polio; eastern Long Island was bathed in DDT during the early/mid 1950's; am sure you know of Suzanne Humphries research on this, and its crucial connection to "polio" diagnoses), she would put me to bed, and only allow rest and hydration, for the first few days. Wisdom!! When she died, with dementia, in 1965, I vowed to myself that I'd keep alive all she would've wished re assuring health for myself and my children. Thank your for your sweet words, Elsie!

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She sounds resilient, intelligent and so much smarter than those currently running our government health agencies. Wonderful story! You have a heroic ancestor.

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Definitely end mandates (hopefully), which, of course will open the door to what is equally as important. Long-term placebo testing of childhood vaccines. I imagine numbers of unvaccinated children will skyrocket should the mandates be scrapped.

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SAME for children!!!!!!

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MERYL, YOU ARE UTTERLY BRILLIANT AND AMAZING AND WONDERFUL i AM SO VERY GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOU DO AND TELL US. You and others like you are saving the world for us . I have not enough words. .I do not subscribed for money.I am old and rather poor but very,very wise to all this.I know the lat 3 times they tried this and knew form the first moment of this.Of course I had no idea how they now own the world. But if we get our liberty back it will be beccause of you and your chums. Brave souls. Thanks you. from the bottom of my heart.

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It's a bitter pill to hear Republican Chair Wenstrup and others assert that the "vaccine" saved "hundreds of thousands of lives." The Republican Counsel ("Mitch") seemed to approach the questions with a familiar smile, as if he and Fauci were headed out for lunch and drinks after the hearing. I was hoping for more. Always thankful to Ms. Greene for her passion and frankness. McCormick and Jackson's expressed sentiments were ones I agree with; but I don't see any traps here that put Fauci in the legal jeopardy he deserves to be in.

As far as the Democrats are concerned, listening to them is more than I can bear. I just have to turn down the volume.

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me too

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Hello down there. Viruses don't exist, Mark and Sam couldn't be more correct than they are now. No virus, no vaccine? We are playing silly word games, have been for 4 years now. Meryl, how do you feel about this terrain theory jazz?

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I agree, no mandates. And jail fauci.

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I don’t count on the legislature protecting our rights.

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There probably in on it $$...

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Perhaps.... or compromised with videotapes of them doing incriminating things a la Epstein Island

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That is way more likely

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FYI @openthebooks Adam Andrzejewski (on Substack) has lots of info on those payments.

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For my taste, the Chairman's concluding statements were far too supportive of future "vaccines" and medical treatments authorized by the captured government science complex.

I'm pretty sure nothing substantive will come out of this Select Committee's hearings. The majority might write a "strongly-worded" letter reprimanding Fauci and the NIAID for a few things, but that's it.

Also, every Democrat who spoke preached from the authorized narrative script - e.g. Fauci was a hero of public health and he helped save millions of lives. I hope one day the historic record shows that one political party was 100-percent behind all of the NPIs and vaccines and also think, like Fauci, that the natural origins theory is far more likely than a lab-leak theory.

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The most beautiful thing I’ve witnessed in a very long time! God Bless Florida Congressman Joseph Sansone!

Putting forth a bill declaring the UN, WEF and WHO “ Terrorist Organizations”, banning any and all presence, influence or engagement with Florida-permanently!


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Fauci is a FRAUD. Not respected as a Doctor or Scientist. His Licensed revoked and millions to be paid back to the World. The Death Penalty needs to be reinstated for this Evil & Crimes Against Humanity along side the other RATS.

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Considering how the dems defended Fauci and his record in this hearing, and the soft touch of most of the Republicans, it will take considerably more to get a bill passed to outlaw mandates. It will take Bobby Kennedy as Director of FDA in a Trump administration.

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Dr Nass I would love it if you were RFKjr's deputy heading up R&D, and/or overseeing the nation's medical boards

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Kennedy already tried to expose the data for the childhood vaccine schedule that would have proven they are dangerous and Trump ghosted him after their first meeting early in Trump’s presidency. Trump is owned by big pharma.

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Yes I am aware of that and it was one of Trump's many mistakes in his first term. I'm willing to give him a second chance and Bobby and Meryl would be a big asset to him in a second term, as well as a boon for medical care in the US.

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You only get to fool DJT once.

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Praying for that. I think he tried by taking ivermectin but got pressured. Then look what happened! We had good friends die from the vaccine. Recently a friend who got all the shots and boosters and died from Covid. Evil prevailed there🙁

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He didn't die from Covid.


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It wasn’t a mistake. He turned down Kennedy and then he signed Operation Warp Speed and is still bragging about it even though everyone knows it was a failed and most people know that it killed more people than even Covid was killing. If it was a mistake, he would be admitting that he did the wrong thing and then taking steps to correct it. He meant to side with Pharma and it’s not possible at this point in time for him to not know how bad it was for the citizens. He knows. He knew. He’s lying to everyone’s face. If he told the truth and admitted to doing the wrong thing, his favorability would skyrocket amongst voters but he can’t because he is beholden to pharma.

He gave Fauci a presidential award and then pretended that he didn’t know how that happened. He worked with Fauci daily. Trump is not stupid, those he pretends to be.

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Good analysis, difficult to accept about Trump but probably correct. Still I hope (pray actually) that in a second term he will take a much bolder approach to reform the captured agencies destroying the country. That would include Bobby and Meryl in his administration.

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“that in a second term he will take a much bolder approach to reform the captured agencies destroying the country”.

Please consider what steps he took to reform them while he had four years to do so... None. Zero. He thinks they did a fantastic job. He did absolutely nothing to reform them except paying lip service with a few comments here and there that garnered applause. But he’s still willing to push the injections even if it means getting booed.

He actually did worse than nothing. The regulatory agencies flourished under his presidency and have more money and power than they had ever had by the end of his four years. He had time both pre and post “pandemic” and he didn’t do anything meaningful. He withdrew from the WHO but he gave the money to gavi and he actually did everything the WHO wanted done. And Biden put us right back in because Trump’s withdrawal was meaningless.

The only difference between being in the WHO under Trump, and being out, was that the NIH in the US recommended remdesivir and the WHO recommended against it. So the one thing his presidency can claim, without even blaming the WHO, is remdesivir!

I just don’t understand how people can not see that the powerful elites want the race to be between Biden and Trump because they are BOTH completely controlled by them. It’s so disheartening. The political theater to politically persecute Trump is clearly to boost his ratings amongst republicans and its simultaneous boosting Biden’s ratings amongst democrats. This way, it’s a win win for them.

I’m not advocating for any particular candidate but there are two candidates who actually would reform the regulatory agencies and Biden and Trump are neither one of those two candidates.

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This is the kind of bill that Del Bigtree and ICAN should be supporting. Instead they are doing a bill promoting vaccine confidence. See Peggy Hall's 14-minute substack on this. I was shocked to learn this.


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Isn’t that ridiculous?! They are not on our side!

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Pretty disappointing.

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No medical mandates for anything should ever be allowed. They need to be made illegal forever! And anyone who dares to force them should have no place to hide. Because when government gives itself the power to force medical procedures or treatment on its own people that brings the opportunity for the greatest crimes in history to be committed. If every single human being on the planet would know the truth about the covid vaccines mandates governments around the world would literally start falling like a house of cards.

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We live on a Created FLAT EARTH. Earth’s Globe-propaganda has worked to indoctrinate falsehoods. Get past gov’t censors ! Find out more here :

“200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” = excellent !


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Dr. McCormick was excellent!

He was passionate. He was angry.

He was everything WE are.

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Thanks for clarifying the more salient points. Wish they could have laid this up for future prosecution, however. This man should pay for all the lies, misappropriation of funds, undermining a president during a crises and profiteering from the death and misery of others.

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