That’s what happened to my father in a Lansing hospital

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And my mom Detroit

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Truly sorry about your mother.

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Thank u John Roberts . It was before Covid but hospital staff was nasty.

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And Willie's father of course. I wish suitably bad karma for the killers.

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At least you know what happened even though your loss is great. Others are living in a fog of mystery.

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I just want it stopped. Doctors never used to tell their patients “haven’t you had enough? Rather than, “ we’ll do everything we can to help you” docs are becoming SS doctors

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We dealt with the Nazi’s several years ago but apparently “paperclip brought them to North America and South America and to other places around the world. I’m starting to think it wasn’t their intention to rid the world of Nazi’s.

So now we have to go through it again. This time we get them all.

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What you call "Nazi" is a mindset, not a people or a political party. By the way, the Nazis didn't get paid for killing. The medical assassins are.

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Yes, and consider the seeming advantages afforded "evil" over that of "Good." Using forceful persuasion, carefully concocted lies, propaganda, and fearful tactics, it has gained the WORLD's favor, whereas the "good" the Christian, law abiding, citizens of God's "church" have no such advantages given them. They must be totally dependent upon the promises of their Maker for their hope and joy in this miserable place called earth (in its present condition). They must face ridicule and persecution as harbingers of the rejected Truth.

As hope diminishes and frustration increases in the face of all of this, there is opened a door, which might otherwise be left closed. During "good" or prosperous times, the prospect of financial ruin, death, and discomfort dissipates and God our Provider is forgotten. But when the reverse is true, and things become hopeless, the necessity of a Savior takes center stage, and ears and eyes are opened. This is an opportunity that should be exploited to the full, now in these times of trouble which are beginning with the intention to destroy our faith and will. Use these times to promote the Gospel of Christ, and to expose the Pagan church known as Babylon, and her daughters, known as the "Protestant" churches here and abroad. Learn what Rev: teaches of these matters.

May the Lord have mercy on us!

Your friend,


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I have seen what you mention. I often wonder "how could we have missed the evil going on." The answer to that is lack of knowledge. I remember a nun saying "you will see evil people succeeding but that is only a mirage. It is the good people who are succeeding." It is one of the clearest memories of my life that helped me make better choices. Some people may have contradicted her to their own eternal detriment.

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Thank you kindly, Kathy,

I truly wish I had the sense you had at an earlier age. Life would have been far better.



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Sorry Willie

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Yeah it’s sad people don’t value life like it’s a gift from God. Maybe they’ll remember the commandment “ thou shall not kill”

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Living a short distance away, this is horrifying.

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Same with my dad in FL

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They did the same to my Dad. Outright murder. May Grace's gentle soul rest in peace.

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Our Gracious Lord has a soft spot, like most of us do, toward those who deal with physical maladies, and yet maintain a great spirit within. Grace will most likely be resurrected when the FIRST resurrection takes place when the Lord of Hosts RETURNS to earth and gathers His "children" from their graves (first). All those souls "resting in peace" will come back alive; raised from the dead, and be "changed in the blink of an eye; given the robe of (Christ's) Righteousness, and gathered as a shepherd gathers his sheep! OH the wonder of it all!


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The Bible says that the path to salvation is a narrow one. I believe that most people don't realize how narrow, and that God's grace must not be taken for granted. We must rember to do our part.

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Hi Larry!

I'd say you're spot on. From my point of view, there are a couple of different angles from which to view this thought, though. One underscores your comment, in that there will be many (on the Day of Christ's Return) who will be caught off-guard by having engaged in a careless lifestyle, expecting to receive eternal life without having to observe the necessity for obedience. These are they who trust in their system of religion to usher them into eternal life. Their church leaders, in order to retain their attendance, told them lies and kept them in a state of slumber. They told them that the Law has been done away with, and that the world has transitioned from a sacrificial system to a new dispensation; one of Grace alone. (No need to be concerned with meeting God's Ten Commandments). The leaders SHOULD have known that the Ten Commandments have been, and will always be in force, never to disappear as long as eternity lasts. They will stand as a "Transcript of God's Character." But they unwittingly have sacrificed not only their own salvation, but that of many of their congregation. This future condition is highlighted in many different ways throughout the Bible and is prevalent among the parables of Jesus. Therefore, we must stay vigilant and watchful, as we conduct ourselves in this foreign land or the words of Christ will enter our hearing, "I never knew you. Depart from me ye workers of iniquity."

The other side of the coin, I would add, is ambiguous and potentially wishful thinking. It rests upon the concept of the extreme love and forgiveness of Christ toward mankind. This might be seen as obviated by His extreme Sacrifice and continual work of intercession in the Sanctuary above. It can be construed as being made evident by the things of His Creation as well, and all the peaceful, and beautiful things which still remain for our pleasure and affirmation of His works being reflective of His amazing attention to detail. This concept undergirds the thought that if Christ our Creator puts such emphasis on inanimate things and non-human life forms, how much more is He able and willing to put forth toward forgiving those who were simply a bit too trusting in their spiritual leaders during life, and like the five "foolish" virgins, left off from securing enough "oil" for their lamps to be lighted when the Master should arrive? Time had run out for them. There was no time left to obtain the "character" (oil) once the pronouncement was heard, "The Bridegroom cometh" and were not admitted to the wedding.

But this would require us to assume that these parables and holy words of inspiration have been but a ruse to wake us up and to spread the good news of the Gospel to the world. And I don't think it is likely to be such. 9/10ths of the world's population does, however, and that's the block that stumbles most of us.

Let us not fall into that trap of Satan's. Trust the Holy Scriptures for the Truth is within them, and no where else.

God bless all,


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Hello Ray,

Thanks for your well-said reply. Unfortunately, religious institutions are among those that are infested with evil.

What's your take on the "eye for eye vs. the "turn the other cheek" interpretation?

It seems that all who post hear are not standing by for a double slap by those who would harm us. I believe that we have the obligation to fight evil and injustice at all levels.

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Hi Larry!

Thanks for the question.

The short answer is that "an eye for an eye" was practiced during a time before Christ gave to the world how the Kingdom of heaven views the situation. Or at least was supposed to, according to the Sermon on the Mount.

"Fighting evil" is multi-faceted, and in my opinion, should be attended to on all fronts. Whether it be aimed at the food industry, or the medical, or the financial, or the education, or the religious or governmental, efforts should be made to expose all. Compare their doings with Scriptural authority given us by Christ and blow the trumpet so to speak, when breaches have been discovered.

Stuff like OK city, Nine Eleven, and now C-19 kill off, have been checked off from the list of narrative-minded folks. All have been exposed. But do the people rise up? No. And it is not due to any Scriptural maxim that they don't. They just don't, and so evil goes unchecked, growing exponentially.

So all in all, Christianity in society is needed to point folks to the source of that evil, and to the war between it and Good. It is the Great Controversy which was, is, and is to come in ever more obvious and definite waves.

The Christian's duty is to pray for enlightenment so that the Holy Spirit will guide one into the will of the Creator, and thereby maximize the collection of souls to bring to Christ for His Saving Grace. It is a deliberate, but delicate and ever so important commission we are given. The task is endless, and often thankless. But the records kept regarding such will prove out the efforts of the faithful.

The "works" of the children of God are a RESULT of Christ's saving grace, and should never be construed as a MEANS of Justification. He who knows the heart of every soul will Judge righteously, whether that soul has brought many to Christ, or few.

God Bless you and yours!


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Thanks Ray,

God bless you and yours also.

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After the last five years, I will not go near the medical profession -- unless I absolutely have to (this last added as a sort of "touch wood")! I won't have anything at all injected into me if I can avoid it -- not even dental anaesthetic. There now seem to me to be far too many individuals associated with Big Pharma and the medical profession in general who are ... well, frankly crazy, to the point of being dangerous. They actually seem to enjoy their ability to kill.

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I feel likewise, and suspect that there are many others who have completely lost any trust they had in the medical complex. It would be accurate to say that I will likely only end up under a doctor's care if I am unconscious and unable to object.

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Same here. My son has type 1 diabetes (conveniently unprovably caused by childhood vaccine scam pushed unbearably hard upon us) & has no choice but to give himself multiple insulin injections daily. From Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s research the insulin also has hydrogels with dangerous things like nanotechnology in it. We’re trying every new alternative therapy we can to try to regenerate his pancreatic function. It’s a serious battle against the medical industrial complex. Hard to stay positive & in the fight, but I will not give up as long as I’m living in this realm.

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OMG, I'm so sorry. On the basis of zero specific evidence, have you tried ivermectin? Apparently it's taken every Sunday as a routine in Africa vs river blindness and has incompletely understood but almost miraculous properties against all sorts of things, which got its discoverers the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine ....

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We do take it regularly. Hasn’t helped with the autoimmune type 1 diabetes, but I believe it helps with other issues a lot…like inflammation.

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Since you addressed me directly Susan, (snicker) I wanted to send along a big me too and a brief comment.

When we think of getting ones head chopped off, we think violent act. Pushing a button that launches a nuclear weapon in itself seems benign, pushing a button, but in our highly leveraged state, a feeble little grandma could push that button and kill millions.

Violence is the use of physical force to cause harm to people, or non-human life, such as pain, injury, death, damage, or destruction.[1] Some definitions are somewhat broader, such as the World Health Organization's definition of violence as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened[2] or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation."[3]

So the above quote (from wikipedia) quoting the WHO, is fascinating to me. My conclusion. The entity (call it what you will) maneuvering to control the whole planet, is violently attacking humanity! The WHO is an integral part of the entity. The WHO was intimately involved in Pushing the Covid button.

I would have loved to have known Grace. She exudes dignity and strength. Those who pushed the buttons on Grace deserve a fair trial and a violent death.

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Scary isn't it? I remember when the US bragged about it's leading role in medicine and our longevity. Now we're near the bottom.

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Standard of Care? I'd say Standard of Murder.

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Fauci sanctioned.

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My father was Covid negative, captured, tied down, starved, dehydrated, isolated, forced high pressure air and muttered in 12 days at ..VA AUGUSTA MAINE

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My uncle was jabbed had blood clots in lungs and had a heart attack .. death certificate says: COVID… again VA AUGUSTA MAINE

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It pays better: 3x (approximately) the normal reimbursement

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You understand there's no way doctors don't know this treatment is wrong correct? Which makes them all psychopaths.

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And when the nurse says: “ if he was vaccinated he’d still be alive”

And when the Dr says when you check in: “ Well, he’s still


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Then all family and friends blame you for his death because he was not vaccinated

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Yeah and I'd knock them right in the nose and said you know if you'd kept your damn mouth shut you wouldn't be bleeding right?! 😡 People next go around better be busting down hospital and nursing home doors stating WE PAY YOU!!! YOU DON'T PAY US!!!

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My God. I’m sickened & angered to my very core each time I hear of another murder victim from this attack on humanity. I’m so deeply sorry for you multiple losses.

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I’m so sad so many have died at the hands of medical “professionals “ I had been a pediatric nurse and when I heard what they were doing I couldn’t believe it. The protocol was wrong right off the bat! My son lost his best friend from blood clots in his legs after vaccination. My neighbor died after her second shot within 24 hours. Prayers for each and every victim of medical care. Question everything.!

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Does everyone know our hospitals were paid blood money from the drug companies that put out the clotshots? Quite a large amount from what I heard. It was in the thousands. They need to be exposed and shamed harshly for their involvement. Sue them if you can. This can never happen to anyone ever again. Protect the elderly and handicapped(the have no voice)

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Yes hundreds of thousands. Scott Schara has a photo on his page of the amount for each state

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I'm so sorry!!

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Sorry Soul Warrier

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I'm sooo sorry. 😢 I hate that the VA has gotten worse than ever. God bless you and your family. 🙏

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Meryl - I heard her parents speak at a local patriot meeting last year. They were in town to see their attorney, Warner Mendenhall.

It was gut wrenching to hear their story about Grace.

Their court case will be heard next year. I am praying they win.

How can we process such evil?

Ephesians 6:12

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Just remember with faithful diligence: God wins and the entire universe will be cleansed of all things that are hurtful and evil. We've read the back of the Book!


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Amen Ray. God bless you for that reminder.

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It's just as much as a reminder to myself. It's no easy task to assure ones self as to what awaits us as per the Lord's promises; behind their vail; obscured by the evils and the daily worries we all face. But there is a very un-worldly thing which occurs, when one reads His Holy Word and prays daily. There is then manifested an assurance which the world cannot obtain, nor understand, nor wish to understand. It is the core of the Gospel of Jesus Christ's Love for His Creation; mankind. And it is fueled and guided by The Holy Spirit's influence in a very special way that is mysterious to all but those who experience it themselves. And this is why He is called "The Comforter."

God bless you too Laura, and all who read these words of assurance.


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So beautifully said Ray.

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Those complicit will not be happy when they face GOD on Judgment Day.

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This is so sickening.

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Grace's story is so sad...and infuriating.

We cannot forget what they did to us.

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Can you say M O N E Y? She and others are nothing but useless eaters to these people. We are disposable. Kill one another is born.....or so it used to be before the COVID sterilized so many people. I beg people (especially the over weight) to get healthy. Stay away from packaged foods and fast food restaurants. Regular restaurants are not all that good either. Exercise. Get out in the sun. Learn to grow some of your own food. Vit. D3

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Vitamin D3 has kept us healthy for years.

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I agree. I try to get out in the sun every day for at least an hour but take D3 sublinqual too. I also have my levels checked yearly and they are always above normal. I am 75 years old and don't even take as much as an aspirin. I probably should think about a bay aspirin every other day but so far just my D3 and B12 (I am a vegetarian so I need to take B12)

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There is B12 in dairy but does not hurt to take it. Vegans must replace it.

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Yes I know but I am vegan. I do not eat dairy or eggs. Crazy I know. I try to follow an alkaline diet and dairy is a big no no unless it is raw milk products.

Even though raw dairy products are legal in TN I do not live near a place that sells raw dairy.

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I’ve recently learned that raw milk is shipped to 47 states now

In some cases as pet food

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Hello Meryl. Do you know anything about the rat poision claims and what D supplement is best? Or is this considered a medical question that you are being forced not to answer due to your sham loss of license?

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Rat poison?

I have used many Vit D products and the one I love is Allergy Research Group. 5,000 IU D3 plus a bit of K2. My D level tripled on this dose (which it did not do on other products)

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Thanks Meryl

Yes there is a lot of info on line that claims to connect cholecalferol, a major source of D with rat poison.

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Larry, Meryl's avoiding the word "cholecalciferol"

C & P it into a search engine to find out what Ms Mass won't tell ya.

A previous comment of mine;........ Chemically synthesised "vitamin d" is cholecalciferol.


Safety Data Sheet for cholecalciferol


A major constituent of rodenticide is cholecalciferol! Google it!!

Some more reading;



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Hello Andy,

Thanks for all your information. Why do you think that Meryl is hiding this? I just mentioned Cholecalferol to her. Hopefully she will respond. Also, with all your research into D, do you take or know of a safe alternative to use?

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Meryl, you forgot to remind your readers of these;

Vit b12 Safety Data Sheet https://www.fishersci.com/store/msds?partNumber=AC405920010&productDescription=CYANOCOBALAMIN%2C+96+1GR&vendorId=VN00032119&countryCode=US&language=en

Quote; "Recommended Use; laboratory chemical. Uses advised against; food, drug, pesticide or biocidal product"

How is this lab. chemical made?


Bioprocess Optimization for Cyanocobalamin Microbial Production of Vitamin B12

For e.g. Quote; "P. denitrificans is a Gram-negative bacterium that uses the aerobic biosynthetic pathway to produce vitamin B12. Despite not having a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status,P. denitrificans is currently the main vitamin B12 producer used by industrial manufactures, such as Sanofi in Europe [74] or the Huarong Pharmacy Corporation in China"

Anyway congratulations on getting rid of "that word" from the title of your newsletter. You know which word I mean, the one that gives a name to a made up disease.

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Better versions of B12 (Cobalomin) avoid the cyanide moiety and are hydroxy or methyl cobalomin

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sources please Mery, it's not rocket surgery to provide a link or three is it?

Example; pubmed search; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=vitamin+b12

Click, click, click et voila; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38987878/

"Lack of Clinical Evidence Regarding the Guidelines for Vitamin B12 Deficiency: An Analysis From Literature and Recommendations From Clinical Practice" (June 2024)

aannnd quote; "Results: No robust clinical trial nor RCT has been found to back up the current protocols. The research used is primarily based on assumptions rather than solid clinical evidence.

Read that again folks; "No robust clinical trial nor RCT has been found to back up the current protocols. The research used is primarily based on assumptions rather than solid clinical evidence."

Conclusion: Existing guidelines for vitamin B12 deficiency need to be significantly revised and improved through clinical research, clinical experience by experts in the field with input from patient groups worldwide.

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Karen, What kind of D supplement do you take? Is it Cholecalciferol? I'm still confused by the rat posion claims.

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I have read that claim by one Substack writer. It it contains rat poison then a lot of us would have been dead or sick long ago. I am 75 years old and have ZERO health issues and take ZERO medications. I take 10,000 IU of Vit D3 per day. This is what I have taken for years. I used to buy it in a health food store then I moved and there are no health food stores near me so I order it from Amazon. It is one tiny pill that you dissolve under your tongue. There are many many options though. This is what I take. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005AY7JJG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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God Bless you Karen. Thanks for your response. I'm nearing 80, but can't say I feel as good as I used to. Stomach issues from years of abuse. Tiredness also, but still look better than I feel. Try to eat right, but even "organics" are contaminated these days. Please let me know when you hit 80 if I or any of us is still around.

Best wishes and good health,


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My son does not have DS, but he has other conditions which make me fearful for him ever being in hospital. And I'm in a country where "assisted death" is becoming SOC. My heart breaks for this family

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Best wishes Jaye. God bless you and your son.

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Thank you

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The humans running and continuing to participate in those kill factories are broken. They must be exposed, brought to light, then dismantled.

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It is near impossible for the wee folk to have the resources to fight against the corporations. Truly, most everywhere I look, the solution is to get services and stuff from the smallest and nearest source you can find, and PAY the extra money! And that means culling out the frills AND convenience. I just don't want to support Big pharma, Big food, etc

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Know your farmers!

Raise fowl and grow what you can

Concierge medicine

Take charge of your health

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Hospitals received EXTRA funds when a patient: is diagnosed with COVID;is prescribed Remdesivir;is put on a ventilator;dies with COVID.


There is NO reward for succesfully treating a patient.

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Here's the thing: "It is a category error to think that doctors care about us. Some do, some do not. Doctors are an interest group and unfortunately their interests and the public interest are no longer aligned (perhaps they never were). It is also a category error to think that doctors care about science or truth. Some do, some do not. Medicine is always intertwined with power and profit.

Rosy histories of medicine that portray slow and steady progress over centuries are fairy tales written by the pharmaceutical industry." (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/reconsidering-the-history-of-medicine)

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I am so happy this wonderful father is continuing to fight for justice for his beloved Grace. I hope he wins and bankrupts that hospital. Instead of the medical boards going after good doctors like Dr. Nass they need to revoke the licenses of every doctor and nurse that were part of the murder of Grace.

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So sad considering covid was the flu. I never trust hospitals or drs. I am a nurse so we treat at home. All medications can be ordered overseas as I have done for years with no regret. I will never trust a hospital after the covid scam.

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Where is the coroner? Where is the judge?

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