It seems to me that , when people are paid with taxpayer money for work; they should not receive royalty payments, too. Royalty payment should go into Social Security for taxpayers. When future Social Security for taxpayers is in jeopardy (when they have already paid into)...why is someone, like Fauci, receiving millions for his taxpayer-funded work?

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Absolutely not! Even paid royalties to develop products that harm.

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Why not defense related expenditures? Royalties for suppliers of covert enterprises? CIA, state departments, department of commerce?

We should expect the same of our senators and representatives too as they exist.

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How about all their stock transactions. Apparently that's how many make a killing.

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Well when they move contracts in their direction and also buy stock - that's the worst of all. Gates did that with WHO and buying Gilead .. the same Gilead that Rumsfeld (then CEO) concocted many of the original processes. I am less worried that the buy stock than they have a vested interest in the outcome.

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Why just health agencies?

Does the Congress have to do this too, with campaign donors and lobbyists? How about judges?

We've seen that even when judges do disclose, it doesn't affect anything. This proposal has no teeth.

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This reminds me of patent law regarding inventions discovered while on a private company's payroll using company laboratories, for example. IIRC the company owns the patents and receives the income generated from them, even though the employee's name may be on the patent.

Following suit, the proceeds (royalties) from government inventions/patents should go into the general federal budget, decreasing the tax burden, rather than into government employees' pockets.

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Very important! Agree 👏🏻👏🏻

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Follow the money, never fails if you can actually follow the money but I have no doubt we only see the tip of the iceberg.

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Excellent disclosure!! Thank you Dr. Nass. Yes, agree this is powerful news!

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It seems tome that "conflict of interest" is the wrong phrase. It seems to me to be ""congruence of interest!"

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Sad that simple disclosure is a big improvement. Outlawing royalties for government employees would be more appropriate.

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They shouldn't be getting any payouts at all. Expecting congress to police itself is ludicrous.

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This is a start, and a good one.

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I am very interested in why chemical trails are spraying dangerous substances all over the world (in Russia too)? Who allowed them? I call for resistance and struggle against the “rulers of the planet.”

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See geoengineeringwatch.org. They spray for many reasons. I agree with your call for We the People to stand!

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Rand Paul has some questions to answer about his wife's Remdesavere "insider investments".

Curious that the drug was a Fauci favorite - proven to cause kidney failure when used as an Ebola treatment - let alone Covid. Let's hope this isn't true - a grave situation for Paul....btw we already knew he wasn't quite as politically honorable as his Father Dr. Ron Paul - whom cured my apathy when it comes to the fascist marxist unacknowleged differences btwn government assistance and government jobs (or inventions.) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/rand-paul-reveals-his-wife-invested-in-remdesivir-parent-company-gilead-sciences-at-the-beginning-of-the-pandemic-11628792738

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Too little.

Too late?

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Go for it Rand Paul! The people need this!!!!

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got a better idea. let's repeal bayh/dole

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