IMA, Independent Medical Alliance, is the newly renamed FLCCC, Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance founded by Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory.

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The old url still gets you to their website.


They have added info on other aspects of health, beyond preventing &treating COVI-19. "long Covid", and injuries from injection with the product fraudulently labelled & marketed as a "COVID-119 Vaccine.

The PDF 'Cancer Care' available on the site is well worth reading, and downloading for future reference.

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another 3 letter agency, there has always been IME that is an "independant" medical examiner however we call them insurance _hores because they are wll paid to destroy the claims of licensed docs. To be fair there is over billing, but these guys work for the insurance industry and their job description is to deny claims. They write long letters and were considered the "final" word. They like to extroll the virtues of "standards" of care which means whatever Big P and the cartel suggests...

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Signed!!! I also sent one from "Stand for Health Freedom." So maybe others can sign there too.

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Please also see my comment below on additional steps everyone can take.

Our health and that of our children hang in the balance!

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Thanks for the tip!

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Done! Also emailed Dr/Senator Rand Paul and called his Washington office.

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I tried to sign the same petition from the IMA but it rejected me because I didn't provide a mobile phone #. I've encountered such rigidity before for other requests for help but there's no way around it as I don't actually have a mobile phone. On principle. Shockingly, I manage to survive with a landline!

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You can just enter a number. In case anyone was unaware that your cellphone is being used to track & surveil you 24/7/365... e-facto digital I.D. almost...

We know several people who don't own cellphones. Aside from the fact that everything you do on them is tracked, the camera & microphone can - and is - activated without your knowledge or permission.

You can cover the lens(es) with something you can peel away when you want to use the camera, but a separate camera/compact video recorder is affordable, and more secure.

Someone we know also tape half a foam earplug over the microphone and peels it back when needed. It doesn't muffle all sound, but makes those illegally spying on us all wor for it.

The main reason those we know who choose not to pay a significant amount of money for a personal electronic tracking & surveillance device, and a monthly fee for the privilege of having their privacy violated (which is against the law for any individual, corporation, or government without a proper warrant to do)....

is to avoid being 'nuked' with the microwaves we have been trained to call "cell signal".

And to avoid exposing ever living thing on earth to the harmful man-made radiation fields, beams, and pulses from both cell towers and satellites so we can have the convenience of a cellphone.



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I used to think that teevees were the worst abominations ever invented, and I never allowed one in my house, but I think cell phones are even worse. I detest the bleepin pieces of trash!

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LOL! Yes, cell phones are even worse the teevees. Most of my adult life, we haven't had one, either.

Now, the "smart" teevees are actually 'spying' on the people who have them, too. The 'tin-foil hat' people :-) from the last century were just a bit ahead of the technology.

Sadly, some people are required to use cellphones for their job. Will their employer compensate them for the harm cause by radiation from the phone? The unnaturally blue-shifted light is not good, either.

A few more articles on the harm - not just from cell towers or satellites- but also directly from cellphones from the organization RFKjr co-founded, Childrens Health Defense:


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Used a land line. Not even sure it has to be your number.

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I am in Canada and I am rooting for Kennedy

Wish I could sign

I have hope with Kennedy in the health department it may trickle over here to Canada

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IMA is the Independent Medical Alliance, the rebranding of the FLCCC.

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They were a lifeline during the crisis and they were bashed and beaten down for their true knowledge of health and saving lives. I am so thankful for ALL OF THESE BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN.

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Thank You Dr Teacher Meryl Nass for providing this to all of us who believe in TRUTH and our right to TRUTHFUL information, especially about our health.. The top regret that Hospice nurses hear when people are in Hospice Care is that they REGRET not taking care of their health, but unfortunately it is not 100% their fault.. We have been LIED to by the doctors we have trusted since day one. We have to stop delegating our health to anyone but ourselves.. The burden is on us to keep our critical thinking skills and do our own research and when you find Doctors=Teacher such as Dr Teacher Meryl Nass support them because they have OUR best interest at heart, not MONEY...

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New name for the FLCCC

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Signed. RFK Jr *is* the man for this job at this time, regardless of what people say about him personally, or his historical stance on some issues. It's imperative he be confirmed. Personal feelings must be put aside. Let's give him a chance to blow the lid off of these departments under HHS. "If they've got nothing to hide, they have nothing to worry about."

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Same sentiments here. We the People…it’s in the constitution.

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"We the People..." It's not just in the Constitution. those are the opening words of that document.

"We the People of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare (well-being), and to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

All legitimate citizens of these Unite States are the posterity of those who authorized it and wrote it- in the direct sense of descendants, or in the general sense of successive generations. That make us heirs to that contract., the document by which We the People constituted, created, the federal government of the United States.

The word "preamble" is sometime used to make us think it isn't actually oat of the Constitution, but the word "preamble" appear nowhere on the original document. Now I call it the first paragraph of the Constitution.

Amendment IX

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others RETAINED by THE PEOPLE."

Amendment X

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are RESERVED to the States respectively, or TO THE PEOPLE."

We the People must know and understand our lawful, Constitutional authority, or risk losing it forever.

Ray Horvath is not wrong; a group of people illegitimately hijacked our country, and 1913 was a pivotal year. The silver lining of the scamdemic was that a lot of people realized that there are people subverting our 51 Constitutions in our time.

As attorney Bobbie Anne Cox says (along with Dr. Meryl Nass, one of my heroes),

"Knowledge is power."

Or, 'My people perish for a lack of knowledge.'

Thank you, Ester, for reminding us all that WE the People have more power than we've been led to believe.

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1st petition I've signed in at least a decade.

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1. Click here to quickly email your senators urging them to support RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary.

https://standforhealthfreedom.com/actions/final-rfk/. This is a pre-written letter that you can personalize.

Follow-up with a phone call (find your senators here: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/).

2. Please also contact every member of the two committees holding the confirmation hearings and tell them precisely why you think RFK Jr is the best and only choice for the position.

Committee on Finance https://www.finance.senate.gov/about/membership

Committee on Health Education Labor & Pensions https://www.help.senate.gov/

SOME POINTS TO INCLUDE when you contact the senators (personalize as you wish):

Kennedy has an army of supporters who helped elect Trump. They can swing elections and will remember how you vote on this question.

The US is sicker than all other developed nations, by far, and this situation is bankrupting our country and causing untold suffering, disability and mortality.

We have an epidemic of chronic disease that is now affecting children with illnesses that children have historically never had.

This is an emergency situation, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the single most qualified person in the world to turn it around, due to his long history of studying and fighting this problem. He knows that this problem is fundamentally due to corruption in our regulatory agencies because of their capture by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.

Please ignore the smears against Kennedy that are made by the pharmaceutical and monied special interests whose profits and power he is challenging. They have run amok with our country and it is time to stop listening to them and fix our problem instead. Kennedy will do this.

This is not a partisan issue. Get on the right side of history before it's too late for our country.

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P.S. January 28:

Let's make a TSUNAMI OF PHONE CALLS TODAY! Our health and that of our children are hanging in the balance!

It's ideal if we all call again during 'business hours' to try to get someone on the phone, and multiple times are more powerful.

Call your 2 senators, and everyone on the 2 committees holding hearings for RFK Jr:

Committee on Finance https://www.finance.senate.gov/about/membership

Committee on Health Ed Labor Pensions https://www.help.senate.gov/

(There is some overlap – a few senators are in both groups.)

Be sure to include the senators we're told need extra urging to get on the right side of history, before it's too late for our ailing country (see list below).

Speak earnestly, politely, clearly, and a bit slowly so they can write it down. It's helpful to write out a little script for yourself so you don't falter or forget something.

Let's have a tidal wave of Americans calling on their lunch break or coffee break or whenever we can. WE CAN DO THIS!

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Here's a list of 7 Senators we're told need extra urging to get on the right side of history with extra calls to support RFK Jr's nomination.

Focus on ending chronic disease epidemic and getting toxins/chemicals out of our food.

Word it in a way to say that you feel that RFK Jr has the best experience to help us make the country healthy again and significantly reduce chronic disease.

List from Senator Marshall:

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Bill Cassidy (LA-R)

DC Number: (202) 224-5824

Email: https://www.cassidy.senate.gov/contact/get-in-touch/

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Susan Collins (ME-R)

DC Number: (202) 224-2523

Email: https://www.collins.senate.gov/contact

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Lisa Murkowski (AK-R)

DC Number: (202) 224-6665

Email: https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/contact

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Mitch McConnell (KY-R)

DC Number: (202) 224-2541

Email: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactForm

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Thom Tillis (NC-R)

DC Number: (202) 224-6342

Email: tillis.senate.gov/email-me

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Cory Booker (NJ-D)

DC Number: (202) 224-3224

Email: https://www.booker.senate.gov/contact/write-to-cory

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Catherine Cortez Masto (NV-D)

DC Number: (202) 224-3542

Email:  https://www.cortezmasto.senate.gov/contact/connect/

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By petitions, you accomplish two things:

1. Get registered for future elimination;

2. Acknowledge an illegitimate power that sold out the US in 1913:


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Not necessarily. It's important for people to learn about what happened in 1913, but -

We are here, now.

Every one of We the actual People legitimately of these United States is an heir to the Declaration of Independence which established our "Free and Independent States" , "...in the Name and by the Authority of the good People..." - and the Constitution which the People "ordained and established for the United States of America", thereby constituting, creating, the federation of our States, and the government thereof.

Unlawful actions by 'the millionaire Congress' and others does not create a legitimate outcome.

Norton vs. Shelby Co. - S.C. U.S. (1886)

"An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed."

If you have practical solutions, great.

Otherwise, I am standing on my Rights as one of We the People, heir to the legitimate documents by which the People created the States, and the United States, "...with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence..." as did my predecessors who signed the Declaration of Independence.

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Thank you, for this information.

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Warner Mendenhall also referenced a petition to support RFK's nomination which is different than the FLCCC's/IMA letter to Senators.

Mendenhall's one is for healthcare workers, scientists credentialed with a degree, and academics titled to sign: The Accademic Support Letter.

The letter was created by Dr Mark Hyman, director of the Cleveland Clinic's functional medicine group. And yes, I am surprised and thrilled someone at the Cleveland Clinic is supporting Kennedy.



Link to the letter to sign


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Warner Mendenhall, you probably know, is an attorney who has been fighting for the rights of the people and the rule of law against unconstitutional actions by government under the excuse of a public health "emergency".

If war is profitable, we will always have wars.

If "emergencies" are profitable and give the people who declare them more power - however unconstitutional - we will always be in an "emergency".

If not a real emergency, a made-up one. Such as the bird flu. (

Though unlawful, unconstitutional actions by government against commercial CAFO operations, farmers, and people who just own a few chickens or cows or pigs..., across the US IS creating a real food shortage emergency. Especially the most nutrient-dense and lowest mark-up foods: meats, eggs, milk * milk products.

Find the independent farmers & market gardeners, and smallholders (homesteaders) in your area, and support them- while we still have a choice. Check the Farm & Garden section of Craigslist for farms too small to have a website or a booth at the Farmers Market.

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If anyone from IMA Action is reading this, they would be well served by placing an "About Us" link on their webpage. I was unwilling to enter my info and especially my cell number, until I researched them and found they were, or were affiliated with the Front Line Medical folks. I found very little about them on the web.

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Look at flccc.net; IMA is just FLCCC rebranded.

I will personally vouch for them, have met several @ their first two conferences, have given substantial support as stock to them , the VSRF, & React 19.

All of these people have suffered significant persecution, career loss, unjustified loss of position, specialty certification, hospital privileges, medical licensure, public attacks, misrepresentation of their position from the government and main line professional organizations, and the regime lackeys in the MSM.

They are not scamming anyone. It is there persecutors who are the scammers.

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Put in a dummy number if you are not comfortable putting in your actual number.

Many, (most? all?) members of Congress appear require cellphone numbers when you contact them. My guess is that IMA is complying with that requirement . Presumably this is so that petitions and emails can't just be generated in large numbers, but are actual people.

That said,... they'll get my personal number when I get there's. If I have a cellphone...

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FLCCC Alliance renamed their organization, and have expanded their mission to help people with info on health issues beyond COVID-19.

Independent Medical Alliance

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Done! Good letter.

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Let's make this simple: put names of your 2 senators in the email as follows: for California

padilla.senate.gov and schiff.senate.gov. AND go to the senate website and get their Washington phone numbers and call and leave your DEMAND (or request) that they confirm Kennedy. If you don't know your senators (shame on you) go to www.senate.gov and pick the state to get the contact info. Hurry up and send a short email to everybody you know regardless of the state to do the same. All 100 senators will vote so get after them to finally get somebody decent (although I still say the guy is nuts about global warming!).

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