NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. There are things worse than death (and even illness), Living in a medical tyranny hellscape is worse than death or illness. I'll take my chances thank you. I will NEVER take another shot for anything as long as I live. They are going to try to make it impossible for us to live normal lives without being "up to date" on all of the pharma soup they require for us. If enough of us say NO we can stop this madness. God help us. I'm so sick of all of this.

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"The US government has ordered 4.8 million doses of bird flu from the CSL Sequirus company..." Exactly. Note the possibly inadvertent but quite interesting omission of the word "vaccine" from this statement. How else would our insane self-appointed masters create the next pandemic? And since the alleged bird flu virus doesn't exist, do you really think that the "vaccine" will be free of whatever toxin(s) cause birds to exhibit flu-like symptoms, plus whatever else they need to make humans sick?

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The bio weapons will be FREE of charge, but won't be FREE of self-assembling nano-technology that creates Cyborgs that are PATENTABLE. Two birds with one stone: accelerated depopulation and immense profits...

As vaccines are paid by the government, that means our taxes make them "FREE".

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Your taxes and money printing are paying for it, watch how fast the "dollars" get converted to something valuable, as they know the crash is almost here.

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The courts determined that mRNA and DNA products do not meet the legal definition of "Vaccines".

The COVID "vaccine-products" were technically "bioweapon countermeasures" under DoD contracts.

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They don’t give a damn what harm they cause! The EAU is their license to kill! US Citizens are now considered lab rats and they don’t have to pay to test on rats! All free! The political clowns in DC are afraid of their own shadow!

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RFK Jr. is the only presidential candidate who came out proactively, consistently, in opposition to the Covid Catastrophe.

At least the USA has a candidate that is sane. In Canada we have wall to wall agenda 2030 accolades. Do not miss your chance America, it may be your last!

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Not one candidate is sane. They are all beholden to another country.

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Or beholden to drug companies like Trump and Vance.

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Absolutely no one says a word about the depopulation bioweapon. It’s like CONvid never happened!

I find that ALONE, very telling. And evil…

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"....Some candidates are more insane than other candidates (;-)."

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Paying lip service to Israel is mandated. Throwing Fauci under the bus and ripping big pharma a new one puts him in a unique category.

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Paying lip service to the vaccine cabal must also be a mandate because Bobby Jr has said he's not anti-vax but just wants a "safe vaccine." Could there ever be a more legitimate oxymoron? What Junior doesn't say is how many recipients of this observational lab concoction have to be injured or killed before it's deemed to be "safe."

He's stated himself that billions have been paid out of court for vaccine damage, and this was after all the "proper" testing had been performed. He says vaccines should be tested on animals as well. How many millions of animals have suffered and died needlessly due to this logic?

He's aligned himself with medical shills like Dr Malone and other quacks who are also pro-vax, and is on the record as stating that climate-change deniers should be jailed. The adversary has all their bases covered and will tell you endless truths just to push one lie. Like his predecessors, Bobby Junior would have been taken out long ago if he was any threat to the establishment.

"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used." — Dr. James A. Shannon, National Institutes of Health.

"No batch of vaccine can be proved safe before it is given to children." — Surgeon General of the United States Leonard Scheele, addressing an AMA convention in 1955.

"The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective.” ― Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Suggested reading:

"RFK Jr. takes disastrous position on child transgender issue"


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So another no such thing as a virus nut job eh? Complete with your upvote gang. Ever been to the music festival in Vavenby?

Look man he is trying to get elected. A vaccine is a wonderful ideal. I would love to hear Dr. Nass expound on the topic of safe vaccines. He trashed Fauci when everyone else was naming their grandchildren after him. He is friends with Dr. Nass.

Who would you people nominate to put the world right? The Devil? Who passes muster with your crowd, honestly what system. Marxist anarchists marching to some off the beaten path, cult ritualizing, drug addicts?

What's your slogan? The only good god is a dead one? Shoot first and ask questions later? Why be happy when you can piss in everybody's cornflakes?

Or is this some sorta hyper negative AI monster created to erase hope from humanity, yeah that's it. Good job shit for brains!

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Not on my watch in Az 😎🎤 Spread the word , worldwide . God bless 🙏🙏🙏

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Good! Let's fight back...

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Jul 27·edited Jul 28

My roommate caught bird flu and can't stop clucking hysterically! What should I do? Feed her some worms : )!

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Glad to see someone still has a sense of humor.

You’re comment put a big smile on my face.

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She may have been a bird all along. Vaccine just brought out the clucking.

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My roommate caught the bird flu also, I’d give her the jab but I need the eggs.

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Gummie worms work wonders. Sour gummie worms are even better for the clucking.

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They are trying it again, straight murder. It bears repeating. My spin. The smiling Nazi shoulders round them up and offer refreshing showers. Victims are primed. They are lined up and march to the showers. Single file they enter oblivious and trusting. They lock the door. Instead of cool refreshing water for parents, children and infants gas flows from the taps. Soon their terror and suffering ends. Identical to vaccinations. People are trusting and oblivious. Promised protection effective and safe. They submit. Later they start dying. Wasn’t for there protection, was for depopulation. They were not effective or safe. The virus itself mad invented for this purpose. Similarly George, the concentration camps. Corralled in behind barb-wired fences stamped with a number on their wrists for easy dehumanizing identification. Instead now the digital ID, now you are a modern version of concentration camps. You under their total control with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s) currencies and literally you live or die ie get your ID and CBDC’s cancelled depends on your gov’t issued digital compliance and obedience report card.

On their road to get there they need to steal elections in 71 countries. See Tina Peters Case on Dominion Voting Machines) Here is how they are doing it. Then adding digital vaccination passports and population controls to their subjugation war chest against humanity. Add this to said Dominion Viting Machines Tina Peters case used by WEF world wide to subvert democracies.

Remember my 50 tools for critical thinking and analysis“Are you able to see what you are looking at?”

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Remember the majority of nazi mentality did not get culled…

Many of Hitlers top guys were EMPLOYED at NASA!

The LEAD guy who started NASA was high up in Hitlers gang.

Should we believe ANYTHING NASA tells us?

Just like what the scripted MSM liars tell us…

Propaganda has existed in EVERY sector our ENTIRE lives.

Time to wake up from the matrix and take control of our own lives and not be DICTATED to from the magicians who want to keep us hypnotized while they maim, cull and rob us.

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It wasn't a pandemic previously as the increase in deaths started after the rollout of the jab. Besides, there is more and more evidence that viruses don't even exist. If people realised this then TPTB wouldn't be able to manipulate we the people through fear. It's all LIES. Lies, lies and more lies.

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Jul 27Liked by Meryl Nass

This whole evil scam would stop dead in its tracks if one simple thing happened: Big Pharma lost its immunity from prosecution.

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Jul 27Liked by Meryl Nass

!Even here in Australia, the threat of a bird flu pandemic has been in the media. They have been priming us for a bird flu pandemic!

People don’t hear all the modality words ‘potential’, ‘may’, ‘could’; they only hear ‘pandemic’…

Society has been psychologically abused and nudged to succumb to this pandemic propaganda…

We know what’s happening, most don’t!

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Jul 27Liked by Meryl Nass

Dr. Nass - Just emailed you some Avian mortality data and other information about the ICD10 coding for this "Novel" strain. Lo and Behold the Coding is the same for Swine Flu along with this "new" one, just add J09.x -- If you actually get pneumonia then the code is J09.x1 for billing and tracking purposes.


ICD-10-CM Code J09.X1

Influenza due to identified novel influenza A virus with pneumonia

BILLABLE | ICD-10 from 2011 - 2016

J09.X1 is a billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of influenza due to identified novel influenza A virus with pneumonia. A 'billable code' is detailed enough to be used to specify a medical diagnosis.

The ICD code J09 is used to code Swine influenza

Swine influenza, also called pig influenza, swine flu, hog flu and pig flu, is an infection caused by any one of several types of swine influenza viruses. Swine influenza virus (SIV) or swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs. As of 2009, the known SIV strains include influenza C and the subtypes of influenza A known as H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.

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I'll always treasure the memory of Rand Paul inducing a sheen of sweat on Becerra's forehead during a committee hearing a few years ago. I think the guy is handsome, slick, coolheaded, and profoundly evil.

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Has anyone calculated the deaths & harm from this new money-making/ fear-based death jab?

Inquiring minds want to know!

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If it’s mRNA, it will cause pretty much the same problems the Covid mRNA caused.

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It's more the LNPs, not to be used on humans or animals, or used in injections! rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos The Pandora's Vaccine - 3 vids, good english voiceover.

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Big Pharma needs a new revenue stream.

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It's amusing that Kennedy thinks he can stop whatever is coming, or that anyone thinks Trump/Vance ticket will make anything better.

If you have an hour to see exactly how screwed we are, here it is.


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Whitney Webb really connects the dots! I have Volumes 1-2 of “One Nation Under Blackmail”. Great interview!

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What else is new. What to do? Tell everyone. Peaceful Non-Compliance for God, Country, Health and Safety, Morality and Ethical Imperitives and most of all Conscience. Support those who are fighting for you and risking everything. Make political noise. Vote Trump. If not, you are hopelessly uninformed.

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I am informed. I will vote for Kennedy.

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The usual retort for those who believe in the left/right paradigm would be to say that both political parties are "two cheeks of the same ass." It now looks like that ass has just dropped a turd, lol.

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well, it is election season...

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It is election season and I am voting for Robert Kennedy!! It is the only way we can be sure that no one will be forced vaccinated! Unortunately I will be still in Illinois then, but I will change my residenship to an state that admits third party candidates.

We must do away with the Electoral College. It is no longer relevant.

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The electoral college may not be perfect, but with "One man one vote" the major population centers would unfairly dominate even more than now.

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Yes. "They" have been beating the Big Blue propaganda drum to convince the liberal sheeple that ending the electoral college will solve our political problems, just like expanding the Supreme Court to 12 justices will, too.

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100% nonsense! Go back to Illinois.

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I do not have to go back to Illinois. I am in Illinois, I went to a catholic private school in Illinois, have a house in Illinois. I plan to leave in Illinois because of the reasons I mentioned before.

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No to ending the electoral college.

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Just remember there are no red states that want you idiots moving there and screwing their states up. You made your bed. Now lie (in more ways than one, in your case) in it.

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Exactly. I live in a very red state, the second least vaccinated state.

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Your state can beat up my state! 😉😊😋

But no matter what: Red power! ✊

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