Deliberations on the WHO Treaty and these "Amendments" would, arguably, qualify as the biggest story in the world right now. Has anyone seen any major stories in any of the Establishment U.S. newspapers or magazines about the implications of these proposals? I haven't.

So this, again, shows us how captured the "gatekeepers of the news" are ... and who these "journalists" are working for. This should be a major scandal as well.

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Total silence.

Here in Europe I’ve asked a lot of contacts if they know what the WHO is up to?

Blank stares all round.

Not one of them has heard or seen anything in the corporate media. Not even at this late stage.

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This is such a "tell."

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AI is apparently continually scanning posts on social media so the globalists can figure out how we’re accepting their propaganda (we’re NOT) & how they can adjust it to appeal to us (they can’t).

What this means is the more we write and say: DEFUND THE WHO, REFUSE TO COMPLY, NO MORE PLANDEMICS etc.....the more they get the message.

As they push ahead (« bird flu »?), we have to push back.

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Not only monitoring, but censoring our comments. I have never had so many of my social media comments strangely disappear before they are published than ever before.

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This WHO treaty is yet another distraction, almost every single country made ridiculous, unethical, totalitarian decisions in relation to ‘Covid’ and have now further entrenched their ability to do it again through further legislation and now case law precedents, so what’s to stop them doing it again irrespective of this WHO garbage??

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This is another layer of law that will be one more noose around our necks

Not the only one. But the broadest one. The IHR amendments, if they pass, will have authority over 196 countries. The pandemic agreement will have authority over only those countries and ratify or sign it Second step after it Passes

I have a hard time, taking seriously, those who berate me for not paying attention to other layers of law, since I have been exposing the prep since 2009 And the model state emergency health powers act since about 2001

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I’m not berating you, simply pointing out that this is a distraction. Is anyone calling out the US government for the rubbish they released a few weeks ago essentially signalling that they intend to do exactly what this WHO treaty suggests totally irrespective of whether the WHO rubbish is ratified or not?

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It is not a distraction. And yes, I have called out the US government and other government for bad laws they passed. This is simply another one which as I just wrote would affect 196 countries. 8 billion people

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Thank You, Meryl. It is really hard for people to see how far this is from their perceptions of "political reality".

The globalist "owners" are very serious about concentrating all political and military power into their own (very few) hands before this decade is out, so that they can cull us, not the other way around, as our global economic life-support system collapses/"resets".


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I understand it’s terrible, but whether you want to admit it or not, it’s a smokescreen, as every country can and already will do everything it allows right now, as they showed through the great con of ‘Covid’. Dragging this rubbish out is just wasting out the clock and allowing each country to further push through more legislation to cement it in place regardless of any WHO treaty or not

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Are you a bot?

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It is incessant, because the insecurity of the owners, knowing what they know, is incessant.

It all needs to be called out and resisted.

People need to hear/read what is happening until one day they are ready to pay attention, and it is already in their minds somewhere, which will be the first place anybody looks for something when a question forms.

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What’s to stop them is all of us.

If we counter their propaganda well enough & get enough people to see the crimes, we can stop them.

Keeping power as close to people as possible is important - we need to hold politicians & bureaucrats accountable. They are meant to SERVE us, not rule us.

The more centralized & distant those in power are, the harder it is to hold them accountable. You can protest against “authorities” fairly easily in your local town or your region or state - if the WEF consolidate their global rule using the WHO, they’re that much more insulated on their private islands...

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You are right...there are more of us, the people, than them. Everyone worldwide who does not want the Dictator of the WHO to make the rules must do something...Expose this Tedros the Terrorist with no Health Credentials... who is presenting this Pandemic Treaty. He has absolutely no qualifications to be in a position to demand the world must follow his Pandemic Preparedness Scam! People have to know the WHO is corrupt. It's connected to the CCP and Biowarfare. Is this what the people of the world want to support?

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Distraction from all the death. Exactly, who needs a treaty? All they need is an "emergency" and money to buy off the resistance.

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Yes Dee Dee, distraction is one of the most insidious weapons being used to keep the public in the dak and impotent.

Look what's happening on college campuses. Again, Black Lives Matter, who are merely paid thugs hired to srir the pot with dessention and destruction. Do they really care about black lives, or any lives? Even grownup professors are helping to stir the pot which points to the reality that our educational institutions are also under the thumb of globalists along with political, medical, media and science entities.

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According to Dr. David Martin, the WHO is a "criminal racketeering organisation"—founded by eugenicists—which has been, since 1953, "exclusively a vaccine promoting enterprise, for the benefit of the people who have a commercial interest in vaccines".

"The minute the people who have a financial incentive to gain from the decision to declare a pandemic, the minute they're the ones who are collecting data... they're going to collect the data that actually justifies their existence."

"As long as the financial interest that dictates what product is going to be promoted is the one making the declaration of the pandemic, we have no possibility for accountability. We have no possibility for justice."

Copied from DrDavid Martin Telegram page. There is video of him speaking.

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We need to get Fauci, Birx, Biden, Pelosi, Collins, Hotez, Bourla, Bancel, Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg ON TRIAL.

For multiple crimes.

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How about Rochelle Valensky and Mandy Cohen ??

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Its like a game of chess - forever trying to anticipate the global parasites next move and their true agenda- which involves the uncomfortable task of delving into the darkness to understand how these self-proclaimed "controllers" think. Bribes, Blackmail, false flags, society interruptus, propaganda, manufactured crisis, threats, "accidents" and Bullets. No doubt we will read about the "strange things" that happened on the way to the WHO conference. Thanks, Meryl, as usual, not only critical thinking but strategic also.

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I’m amazed at how easily people agree to give up their sovereignty and freedom. Again I say, Satan is at work in full swing and speed to destroy God’s plan. May God have mercy on all those that love Him.

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Me too. That people are apathetically comfortable, and prefer to let others make decisions for them has become very clear in Covid. The western world is already defeated it seems.

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Bill Gates is the problem.

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no. the problem is the world is full of pea-brains who lend credibility to a horrible piece of feces like Bill Gates. If they all knew as you and I do that this guy would be more useful buried up his neck in one of our basements with the portable toilet placed correctly to feed him than he is as one of the kings of communist society, then he'd have no power.

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You mean Gates under a Porta-Potty ???


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who deserves more than he does to not be given an option besides eating shit or starving to death? What goes around comes around.

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Only part of the problem

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Why this urgency? Is there an agenda? Might the border, where Elon, RFK jr., Michael Yon, Project Veritas, and Bret Weinstein have all witnessed drug cartels running the border, military age males flown in from N. Africa and Eastern Europe, Iranians with Venezuelan passports, and a camp of Chinese Nationals at the border, besides the tragic flow of refugees who are extorted or harmed or abused coming through the Darien Gap. What if Naomi Wolf's sense that there will be an October 7 here, might actually be illegals (who are also being flown in by Biden, and for whom billions in tax dollars were just allocated) with suitcase nukes and/or infectious disease strains. A false flag to get WHO compliance? I think of worse case scenarios, but there is something suspicious about the urgency at the very least.

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Another way to "convince" politicians to vote for the WHO is to buy them. Remember the recent case of Bill Gates who, investing 55 million in the medical industry, got a return of a billion $. With 194 countries, reserving 10 million $ "campaign money" for the 3 most important politicians of each country, would cost less than 2 billion. Surely that's worth the investment to set up the greatest racket ever.

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Thanks so much for this, Meryl. Yikes! You have our back as far as I'm concerned in keeping up with and interpreting the ulterior motives of this madness.

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I'm still trying to catch up in understanding the mechanism of legitimacy of the WHO global "takeover."

If the WHO does get the 2/3 vote--130 countries being in agreement with the WHO agenda--I still don't see how that gives them any authentic/legitimate power/control over the other 1/3 of nations since the WHO was never elected (given power) by ALL the world's nations to represent the whole world; the WHO doesn't represent all nations just because it and 2/3 of nations choose to believe it does.

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The treaty is a two-step process.

If it passes at the world health assembly, then nations will need to sign or ratify it, and only those nations that do so will be subject to its provisions

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Great Meryl, That's the best piece of news I've heard on this subject lately. Thanks again and again for all your hard work and honest reporting, and for encouraging others to follow.

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Thanks, Meryl. So, since I live in the U.S., the only way the WHO could exert their IHR agenda over us U.S. citizens is if our federal govt signs on to, agrees to, the upcoming WHO treaty? Or does each individual U.S. state have to sign on in order for the WHO to have enforcement rights? Likewise, if our federal govt does sign on, can individual states still legitimately/legally refuse to comply, as Louisiana has recently announced?

BTW, thanks so much for all the work you've done to awaken people about all-things C19 pandemic, including the personal and professional perils you've faced from the "medical-bot" cabal for being an honest doctor practicing honest medicine (e.g., use of ivermectin). I've watched several of your videos (e.g., with the EpochTimes crew) and followed your substack writings; I find everything you say to be truthful/valid in these C19-related matters. Best of luck to you going forward. I very much appreciate you and your efforts. You're truly a great public servant!

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No--they made this so complicated.

The treaty is 2 steps.

The IHR is one step. 50% vote--then it applies to everyone.

Unless the US Congress and other parliaments say Whoa Nellie! This requires consent from us according to our constitutions.

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The natty legal question is whether if/when the US delegates and/or POTUS and/or Congress goes along with all of this this assent applies to the states. Arguably, the federal government does not have power to bind states in areas not enumerated as federal matters in the Constitution. This is because states have all authorities not assigned to the federal government under the Constitution. One of those areas (of fed authority) has to do with matters of interstate commerce -- a whole lot. But health is not mentioned as within federal purview in the Constitution. These are matters, arguably, to be settled by the SCOTUS. But, importantly, for the SCOTUS to make a determination, a case has to be brought by a plaintiff or petitioner with standing. Presumably, one or more state AGs could do that. But in the meantime....... The other problem is that Congress in the National Defense Authorization Act brought into US law a bunch of evil things that refer into the WHO IHR and/or Treaty (like use of US troops to make other countries comply), if I remember correctly. So the Executive has power to carry that part out and there's arguably no argument that international authorities have no jurisdiction over these things. It's SO complicated. Meryl, correct me if I'm not understanding this properly.

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I do not believe there is law that the US military can force countries to comply overall. However, the 2023 N DAA did suggest that Americans could go into a country if an outbreak began there, presumably to do something like collect samples.

I agree that this would probably end up in the Supreme Court Regarding whether this states with the federal government has authority to comply with WHO dictates

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I believe that their making it complicated, confusing, and obfuscated is intentional since people who are feeling confused and lost in chaos are more easily controlled; they just give up trying to understand what's going on and unwittingly obey. Part of the reason for just giving in is people's unwillingness to appear like they don't know what's going on, don't understand, not wanting to appear ignorant...so they simply comply, especially since that's what "the crowd" is doing. This dominance ploy is clever/evil elitism at its best.

People not wanting to appear ignorant, or even not knowledgeable, is also what keeps them from wanting to engage in discussions/debates over these issues; their egos (sense of self) don't like appearing "less than" those others who are more aware and savvy. This is a dangerous and dysfunctional position to take--vainity's self protection--in crucial times requiring clear thinking and the courage of one's convictions.

It's going to take a few courageous, intelligent, informed individuals, like yourself, Meryl, and others, to spearhead this forward, revealing the facts/truth of it all. I'm guessing that it's a blessing in disguise for the rest of us that the medico-bots slammed your medical career, as honorable as it was (and still is to those of us who know better), giving you the gumption to do what you're doing, for not only yourself but also the rest of us as well. Onward...

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Larry, it’s crazy.

Imagine you’re very rich.

You offer Biden, Trudeau & Rishi Sunak a ton of cash to “give you” power over America, Canada & the UK.

They “vote” their (temporary) power to you.

You start telling everyone in America, Canada & the UK what to do.

Absolute lunacy!

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I think that when people get to the highest levels of power, especially when the power they wield is largely behind the scenes, that they inevitably become more sociopathic-like in their thinking and behavior; they think they're "above it all" and don't have the usual socially healthy constraints/considerations that us "regular" people have in conducting our lives.

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Russell Brand to cover new WHO strategy at noon on youtube May 2

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So the next country to lead the EU from June is Hungary. Let’s be active there as well.

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Thanks again Meryl for a great summary of what is happening in this mad race to control everything and everybody by those who already have too much power and too much money.

Are they so insecure that they must control everyone else to prove they truly are all powerful?

They need some basic understanding from Jesus about how real leaders are to act:

And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

(Mark 10:42-45)

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Can the challenges the world faces, given the complexities brought forth, become anymore convoluted? How devious, how utterly immoral, how dishonest and destructive, these power hungry demons can be! Their repulsive nature and determined efforts to sink the world, takeover sovereignty from sovereign nations, all in the name of what, “Health Care”? Planetary wellbeing?

Thank you Dr Nash once again, for keeping us all abreast. Illuminating these Devil-like imbeciles, for lack of a better word, is paramount to humanity’s survival! Stopping them is critical!

Whether it’s a local school board’s disgraceful abuse of parental rights, while stripping away our freedoms or a global group of non-elected, out for themselves, parasitic creeps, we are constantly under threat of this “One World Order”!

Thank you immensely Dr Nash, your work is truly appreciated!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I would yield to your opinion on the "strategies" they will use to make this happen ... and be binding for the world population. They are very good at coming up with such strategies.

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yes, too bad they didn't use their strategic, imaginative talent on something good.

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I've made the same point about every diabolical program they conceive and then execute. This requires a form of mad genius and incredible short, medium and long-term planning. What if these same people had used these intellectual skills for the community good?

What's happened is they see who has great power - and who can benefit them the most, the government and the Deep State - and then they just go to work for these people. Also, that's where the big money is.

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