It's like waking up to Christmas every day! Having said that, now is not the time for celebration; it's the time for increased vigilance. The fight will be long and hard. They will pull dirty punches, and still way too much of the population is militantly ignorant. Just wait 'til the weather warms... all the BLM orcs and Antifa fascist g…
It's like waking up to Christmas every day! Having said that, now is not the time for celebration; it's the time for increased vigilance. The fight will be long and hard. They will pull dirty punches, and still way too much of the population is militantly ignorant. Just wait 'til the weather warms... all the BLM orcs and Antifa fascist gremlins will take to the streets. The Deep state will try to sew as much chaos as possible.
Any change is good change at this point. What, you would posit that another 4 years of Biden/Harris and corrupt democrap majority rule were going to be great? The system needs a shaking up, and--sorry--but that is what your fellow citizens voted to support.
I get it trumpie is always the better. Good grief wake up to his scam. It is not always about just two sides you want to fit people into. No wonder why we are in the mess we are in. Guess just another day in only two “sides” crap show land. Americans have lost their ability to freely think.
You are wearing out the words….Good Grief!!! Good grief to your mind set…you must have loved the illegal invasion…DEI destroying public safety agencies…apparently you had no one harmed or killed! It’s a shame people like you troll pages you are never going to really contribute to! So far you have yet to give one good suggestion!
You are a cause of “good grief”, yet you show how clueless you are with your senseless babbling. DJY propped up Jamiel Shaw St in 2015 like DJT would do something yet drop Jamiel Shaw Sr like a rock after elected to round one. Silence from those like you about that. Those like you who still back trump are disgusting frauds.
Well, I call it the Uniparty, as do others much more astute than I. It is why things seem to always progress according to the banksters', globalists', and M-IC's goals, etc. regardless of who/which party is in office. Trump seems radically different enough (except for his views with respect to Israel, perhaps) though to offer a legit challenge to this paradigm. (I hope I'm not wrong, or else I'll be eating my hat!) He is so far not scamming anyone; he is carrying out his campaign promises, and to a degree of accuracy and thoroughness unlike any president before him has ever done. (Biden/Harris were actual scammers, since they were lying about almost everything they claimed to represent.)
I believe we have “elite” tribal wars going on right now.
Many in the “old guard” are really old = warren buffet, Georgie boy Soros,…are dying off (Kissinger, and Rockellers),
then you have the UN who really are partners of WEF, Club of Rome,IMF money changers, and WHO run by the front chosen front , Billy boy Gates of Hell Jnr, and the Masonic sect and Zionists at war with the Jesuits …
there are so many in the octopus who seem to be wrestling each other - its hard to keep up.
And for those saying BRICS is fighting the attempted ONE WORLD ORDER …Keep in mind Putin also gave his people the Sputnik vax…
Went through the WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS indoctrination program, and is moving towards digital currency…and his and China BRICS that’s supposed to be dumping the dollar is apparently secretly funded by the DOLLAR. You can’t make this up…😆
And then there are just the opportunistic vampires trying to squeeze out what they can for their own empires…
And here WE ALL are - stuck in the middle…. Sounds like an old song I knew…
People like you have been a cancer to my country for far too long. To think that you actually crave the tyranny of the bureaucracy is simply mind blowing. Although I wonder no longer how a nation could murder 6 million people and the citizens suddenly agree with their government that Jews are bad.They're friends that they've known for years had to be cancelled for religion the gov didn't, or basically just, free thinking people who didn't tow the Party line should be silenced and cancelled by way of an acid shower or an oven. Experimented on with proceders that were actually just butcheries to see what would happen, or drugs, telling the people they had a disease so they would have to take the "vaccine or they couldn't live in the ghetto with their family because they would kill their loved ones. Sounds familiar doesn't it? So you're freaking out because the bureaucracy, that was actually unelected authoritarian . is being turned inside out. You actually believe that bleeding Americans dry is good, politicians launder money through war that destroys foreign countries, and they give money to countries for things like a dude wants his doctor to lop off his weenie. And American taxpayers get the privilege of paying for it. Americans supposed to pay for politicians money laundering schemes. We payed the FBI to spy on us, break into homes guns blazing, crawling around a home like cockroaches because a Catholic woman had the audacity to pray in front of a baby killing mill. Or went to church the FBI didn't like that so they infiltrated. The US Constitution means nothing to them because what they're doing is justified. Like the Gestapo or the KGB.
And you whine because Elon exposed it all. I mean, getting rid of fascists is well, fascist. Making America economically and nationally secure that too is fascist.
Seriously, wake the fuck up. Stop letting people who despise you tell what to think.
Odd that you would call the richest man in the world a grifter. But then again, there are a lot of weak arguments out there that hold no weight and rather than being made to enlighten or elucidate, are more like a cathartic vomit of words.
It's like waking up to Christmas every day! Having said that, now is not the time for celebration; it's the time for increased vigilance. The fight will be long and hard. They will pull dirty punches, and still way too much of the population is militantly ignorant. Just wait 'til the weather warms... all the BLM orcs and Antifa fascist gremlins will take to the streets. The Deep state will try to sew as much chaos as possible.
Good grief we are so screwed by the masses buying into the trump and musk sham crap.
Any change is good change at this point. What, you would posit that another 4 years of Biden/Harris and corrupt democrap majority rule were going to be great? The system needs a shaking up, and--sorry--but that is what your fellow citizens voted to support.
I get it trumpie is always the better. Good grief wake up to his scam. It is not always about just two sides you want to fit people into. No wonder why we are in the mess we are in. Guess just another day in only two “sides” crap show land. Americans have lost their ability to freely think.
You are wearing out the words….Good Grief!!! Good grief to your mind set…you must have loved the illegal invasion…DEI destroying public safety agencies…apparently you had no one harmed or killed! It’s a shame people like you troll pages you are never going to really contribute to! So far you have yet to give one good suggestion!
The Hound is deaf to reason...
You are a cause of “good grief”, yet you show how clueless you are with your senseless babbling. DJY propped up Jamiel Shaw St in 2015 like DJT would do something yet drop Jamiel Shaw Sr like a rock after elected to round one. Silence from those like you about that. Those like you who still back trump are disgusting frauds.
So what’s your solution????
Suggestions please.
Trump of course trump who is god nothing else we need. Trump the idol hero is the only answer.
This has to be a bot.🤡😂
Has to be a bot when someone doesn’t worship the creature trump.
Well, I call it the Uniparty, as do others much more astute than I. It is why things seem to always progress according to the banksters', globalists', and M-IC's goals, etc. regardless of who/which party is in office. Trump seems radically different enough (except for his views with respect to Israel, perhaps) though to offer a legit challenge to this paradigm. (I hope I'm not wrong, or else I'll be eating my hat!) He is so far not scamming anyone; he is carrying out his campaign promises, and to a degree of accuracy and thoroughness unlike any president before him has ever done. (Biden/Harris were actual scammers, since they were lying about almost everything they claimed to represent.)
I believe we have “elite” tribal wars going on right now.
Many in the “old guard” are really old = warren buffet, Georgie boy Soros,…are dying off (Kissinger, and Rockellers),
then you have the UN who really are partners of WEF, Club of Rome,IMF money changers, and WHO run by the front chosen front , Billy boy Gates of Hell Jnr, and the Masonic sect and Zionists at war with the Jesuits …
there are so many in the octopus who seem to be wrestling each other - its hard to keep up.
And for those saying BRICS is fighting the attempted ONE WORLD ORDER …Keep in mind Putin also gave his people the Sputnik vax…
Went through the WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS indoctrination program, and is moving towards digital currency…and his and China BRICS that’s supposed to be dumping the dollar is apparently secretly funded by the DOLLAR. You can’t make this up…😆
And then there are just the opportunistic vampires trying to squeeze out what they can for their own empires…
And here WE ALL are - stuck in the middle…. Sounds like an old song I knew…
I like that song.
Well, I don't know why I came here tonight
I got the feeling that something ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you . . .
Copy wish you well in trump delusion land. Hope it works out well for you.
Bassehound, can you please explain the reasons that you think what you think?
“It isn’t what people think that’s important, but the reasons they think what they think.” Eugene Ionesco
The Hound is bereft of reason. When one wrestles with a pig everyone gets dirty and... the pig likes it
The so called truth seeker pulling out the normal baseless ignorant insults, shocking. In competition with a second grader.
Not going to explain. Go find someone else to bot.
Hound, were you not on self exile? Return with yer pimples
Shocking another ignorant and childish insult. Nothing out of the norm for so called truth seeker.
People like you have been a cancer to my country for far too long. To think that you actually crave the tyranny of the bureaucracy is simply mind blowing. Although I wonder no longer how a nation could murder 6 million people and the citizens suddenly agree with their government that Jews are bad.They're friends that they've known for years had to be cancelled for religion the gov didn't, or basically just, free thinking people who didn't tow the Party line should be silenced and cancelled by way of an acid shower or an oven. Experimented on with proceders that were actually just butcheries to see what would happen, or drugs, telling the people they had a disease so they would have to take the "vaccine or they couldn't live in the ghetto with their family because they would kill their loved ones. Sounds familiar doesn't it? So you're freaking out because the bureaucracy, that was actually unelected authoritarian . is being turned inside out. You actually believe that bleeding Americans dry is good, politicians launder money through war that destroys foreign countries, and they give money to countries for things like a dude wants his doctor to lop off his weenie. And American taxpayers get the privilege of paying for it. Americans supposed to pay for politicians money laundering schemes. We payed the FBI to spy on us, break into homes guns blazing, crawling around a home like cockroaches because a Catholic woman had the audacity to pray in front of a baby killing mill. Or went to church the FBI didn't like that so they infiltrated. The US Constitution means nothing to them because what they're doing is justified. Like the Gestapo or the KGB.
And you whine because Elon exposed it all. I mean, getting rid of fascists is well, fascist. Making America economically and nationally secure that too is fascist.
Seriously, wake the fuck up. Stop letting people who despise you tell what to think.
Weird, ridiculous claims and accusations enjoy whatever delusion you are living in.
What’s the sham? Getting rid of the unelected/unaccountable administrative state?
Well then start with getting rid of grifter mr brain chip musk.
Guess it is no surprise duper donny would find musk an pal as two con birds of a feather stick together.
someone is clueless and likes to appear relevant. There really is a fierce competition for the lowest level.
Odd that you would call the richest man in the world a grifter. But then again, there are a lot of weak arguments out there that hold no weight and rather than being made to enlighten or elucidate, are more like a cathartic vomit of words.