This isn't a conservative revolution; this is a freedom fighters' anti-globalist revolution. Everyone who is not in favor of being ruled by fascistic technocrats should be behind this revolution. Those who already are part of the fight are a mix of liberals, conservatives, independents and just plain people who don't like their freedoms being stolen by dictators.

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Well said, and I keep trying to remind my CNN-addled friends of this, but wow, the propaganda is powerful.

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Those of us who oppose tyranny are labeled by the globalist controlled MSM as "right wing conspiracy theorists", the "radical right", "MAGA extremists" or other fictional bogeymen designed to convince the naive that we should be opposed and the technofascist agenda supported as a matter of PRINCIPLE!

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Well they fall for Anderson Coopers cool suits with fancy glasses…if only they knew his CIA mockingbird connection…but most will not even LISTEN to facts.

It’s too stressful for them…

like Jack Nicholsons character said to Tom Cruise’s

…”you can’t HANDLE the TRUTH”.

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'Mary', why do you persist with this irrelevant line on most of Meryls articles? Admittedly, I haven't clicked on your weird looking link, and I have no intention to.

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I never click on short links. It’s a matter of tech safety….

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I come from a distinctly Left orientation (whose allies turned into something else) and strongly support these changes so far. I can do that and not be fundamentally Right (because I don't suffer from TDS). I think Dugin is spot on, based on what I now know. I never thought I'd live to see something that I've long dreamed of: the end of the Empire.

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The fake news echo chamber is mostly irrelevant and financially insolvent.

Conspiracy is accurate, it is when 2 or more plan something illegal.

At the same time it is not theoretical. The final flush comes soon.

As you mention priciple and ethics the governor.

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lol YES! We here are all Toto pulling the curtain back from the Wizard of Oz. Whereas 90% of everyone else is still suffering from covid "stockholm" syndrome and believing that growing global socialist infrastructure is the only way to secure the future.

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I am for it as long as America does not end up under the control of a dictator.

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Same here. Not going to happen though; unlike demonrat leaders, Trump will be held accountable by his constituents.

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Hope so. Have to keep an eye on that digital “safety net” being erected all around as we speak and read on substack. As much as I approve what Elon is doing right now- I’m not naive enough to think about the secondary gain and corporate conflicts of interest he could easily have. We must not blindly put people on pedestals.

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I love his corporate conflicts of interest, if it will get us to explore, colonize & bioform Mars. The greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization.

Although his support of Trump didn't stop Trump from killing the EV federal subsidy.

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It is all about accurate assessment. If Musk were a restaurant he has been serving some really great food. DJT is a visionary, he sees the way forward. Musk shuttered NSAID, that is a million times more important than what you mention...

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Shuttering USAID was a great achievement, but colonizing and bioforming Mars is something that will endure for millennia. In 50yrs if you mention USAID, people will say: "What's that, never heard of it, must be ancient history, how boring".

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"The greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization"

will happen when all the occupants of the earth figure out how to do so peacefully!

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The reason occupants of Earth are always fighting each other is they've been deluded in the belief of "finite resources" & "The Earth is all we got". When mankind must fight the elements of nature to survive, to build, to explore, to have vision and a higher purpose, then we have no time for foolish, destructive wars.

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There is no higher purpose than stopping genocide.

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The destruction of human civilization would be the penultimate in genocide, by a millionX. And as a corollary, the potential saving of human civilization by having an alternative, separated branch on Mars would be the penultimate in Altruism.

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You know using AI to push a load of Bullshit makes it stink even worse. I got 4 siblings with PHD's. They all got the shot. Your Big words are a symptom, not a cure!

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Who said anything about A.I.? And I don't know what basic commonsense has to do with your siblings with PhD's.

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What’s the obsession with Mars. I just don’t get it.

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Just a virgin territory for us to fight over.

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Do you really believe we made it to moon, in that tinfoil contraption they took photo’s of?

And that they operated the camera that managed to zoom in on them as they took off from the moon to return to earth…that was some remote control they had on earth.

I doubt we will be reaching mars ever.

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I do not want to go to Mars. I like it here!

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You don't have to go to Mars. Millions of people will volunteer. The best and the brightest. A new, dynamic branch of human civilization and progeny of Mother Earth.

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Of course we've been to Mars, there are two rovers operating on Mars right now. I think you're talking about the Moon, and yes humans did land on the Moon, that is incontrovertible.

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Are you SURE they are on Mars?

That’s what they tell you….just like safe and effective promises.

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Absolutely. Zero doubt about it.

If you want a REAL Mars conspiracy, rather than a fake one, Why is NASA lying about Extant Life on Mars?

We know almost 100% certain that there are living organisms on Mars, right now. The Viking landers themselves virtually proved it, and the excuses NASA came up with to deny that have been debunked. And there is multiple tracks of compelling evidence that confirm that. But NASA, ever since the Viking landers has essentially banned any further direct testing for life on Mars. And even makes sure it doesn't send rovers where there may be extant life. SOMETHING STINKS AT NASA.

Jan Spacek - 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention:


How to Search for Life on Mars. First, stop refusing to look. Robert Zubrin, Steven Benner, Jan Špaček:


Steven Benner - The Case for Extant Life on Mars - 25th Annual International Mars Society Convention:


10 Indicators that Mars Might Harbor Life:


Will the SpaceX Starship crew find life on Mars? An exclusive interview with Dr. Gilbert Levin:


Dr. Gilbert Levin, the only surviving Principal Investigator of the 1976 NASA Viking Lander biology team, presents his startling and overwhelming proof for life on Mars.

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Lack of territory & resources causes us to fight. Mars and a Mars space base opens up millions of times the resources than we have on Earth.

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Are you making my point or arguing against it?

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How's about we show some responsible behavior here, before we go fuck up the rest of the universe.

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Easy, there is likely extant life on Mars, the only other branch of life we know of in the universe, just waiting for us to explore. Quit possible, Earth life was seeded from Mars life, which was a water world before Earth.

And it is the only planet in our solar system that can be readily bioformed and colonized - permanently. A new, dynamic branch of human civilization. And a genesis of Earth life, the greatest since the Cambrian explosion.

If we fail on Earth, Mars will survive and reseed life on Earth. And vice-versa. Increase the probability by a 100X that the light of consciousness will continue to glow for thousands if not millions of years. A treasure that would be the greatest crime ever to let it be extinguished.

Also Mars will make an incredibly valuable base for exploration of the outer planets & moons and asteroid mining. A single asteroid might easily have over a million $trillion worth of minerals. Very easy to launch off of Mars, unlike Earth. The Starship can launch right off of Mars and travel all the way to Earth, no booster needed.

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Yes, got to stay alert for LEFT - RIGHT paradigm from the same monster body…Pass the baton from one relay runner to the next…

Stay vigilant and keep those neurons firing on all cylinders.

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Neurons cross synapses. Cars have cylinders... Just saying

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every one dances to their own song, and grass is green

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Call it creative license - I march to my own beat.

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Excellent point.

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DJT does not need to be "held accountable" He is the visionary.

Constituents are mostly choir boys.

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😂. Not even surprised at the djt hero worship excusing the creature djt from all accountability.

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Lets hope so but remember Trump never disowned operation warp speed & now talking AI & OWS II

Give me a break

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Poor donny he was misled by fauci. Now he will be misled by the technocrats he surrounds himself with. Simple everyone else’s fault, never donny.

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Regarding the left, the tail wags the dog.

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Good grief sad anyone buys into the sham of trump and musk.

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And your alternative?

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They never have an alternative especially after Obiden/Obama’s destruction of America!! They’ve have no credibility!!

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Trump the hero let us all bow and worship hero trump. I thought the Obama cult was bad but the trump cult outshines the Obama cult by a longs-shot. Amazing how after how badly trump betrayed America people still worship and defend trump. .

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Did you read what Dugin said? This is a big deal numb nuts.

It's only 2 weeks and by the stink the Liberals are putting up over USAID, he just dropped a dam buster on the swamp rats.

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Awesome another ignorant liberal accusation.

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Voted for Ronnie, Ross and Ron Paul. If Trump keeps guys from beating up girls at the Olympics, he will be a hero. Everything else is bonus points.

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Bonus points with trump, far from that. All those who have died or been damaged from trumps “beautiful” shots he likes to brag about are far from “bonus points”. Trump should be in an orange jumpsuit.

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Nobody is perfect or prescient. Trump did the best he could under the circumstances. He made a mistake...c'est la vie. If he does it again, I'll change my mind about him but his accomplishments since reclaiming the presidency FAR overshadow that error.

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Trump excuses round two. Man these next four years are going to be anything but a joy. Funny how you are silent about trumps new push of stargate, AI and more of trumps death shots. I know all ok because hero trump does it.

We are so screwed.

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We could’ve had more of the same - DEI, a man is a woman, birthing “PERSON”, what’s your Pronoun! and so on. Insanity!

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Instead we have trump awesome. Ignore how badly trump betrayed Americans in 2020. Close eyes to all trump does and never look past the shallow headlines propping trump up. Line ip for trump’s AI and mrna death shots all ok because its hero trump.

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Sad that anyone bought into the lies of the left for so long. Trump & Co. may not be perfect but we're finally on a FAR better track than we were on previously and the absolute disaster that would have been a Harris administration.

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Sad anyone buys into the djt lies or any lies and lack of info. Trump and co are as dangerous if not more than the left as the trump loyalists blindly just go along with pied piper trump without questioning one thing. Anyone who questions the pied piper has all kinds of baseless and ignorant accusations tossed at them. The real sad part id the willing blindness of the trump cult. Funny not one in the trump cult addresses Kamala did not qualify to be potus as she was born to parents who were here on student visas. Hero trump was silent yet could spout all his childish insults. The trump cult shows how screwed we are because they will go along without question whatever the create trump does or says.

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I have seen no significant lies or reasons not to follow the "pied piper". He is brash, he is bold and he doesn't always express himself as I would like but he is effective. ALL executives have great power and are, therefore, dangerous. It is the chance we take when we vote but I see far less danger in Trump & Co. than the disasters through which we have lived under Biden & Co. and certainly would have suffered under a Harris administration.

We went along with Trump because he was and still is the best alternative.

You chose unwisely. You lost. Suffer in silence and best of luck regaining power...if ever.

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Awesome, happy to be a blind follower of the evil creature. Funny how the trump cult cannot come to the terms of their evil leader is no hero or that if someone does not join the trump cult they don’t support the left. All part of the blindness. I wish you well in the trump cult, be sure to follow off the cliff and certainly be an obedient AI/stargate serf and get donny’s death mena shots. Enjoy being a serf.

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You have nothing but silly opinions. Trump has done an amazing job so far. We support him and will, I expect, continue doing so.

Suffer...in silence.

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Wow “silly” people dying or damaged from trumpie’s mrna death and damage shots is silly. Shows what a deep dark hole the trump cult has dug. I already paid the trump price with him destroying my job and 3 gen family business in 2020 but at least I did jot get his mrna poison you seem to support. Sad the cult is so blind. Wish you well in your cult koolaid delusion following the evil creature. Have a nice day loving what trump has done.

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You do realize that your extremism is falling on deaf ears? You are not convincing. Good on you for seeing through the jab nonsense, as did I, but that has nothing to do with Trump who is neither a doctor or a medical scientist and everything to do with Big Pharma driven by Dr. Doom Fauci.

Trump is a good man and we are headed in the right direction...finally.

Suffer...in silence.

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Okie dokie, live in your trump delusion land. Wish you well. Trump is an evil creature but keep believing the nonsense. I hope it all works out well for you in evil creature delusion land. Have a nice day.

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Thank you. I wish us ALL well You have a nice day also...if you can given the circumstances. lol

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Absolutely 🦅

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Well said!

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It's like waking up to Christmas every day! Having said that, now is not the time for celebration; it's the time for increased vigilance. The fight will be long and hard. They will pull dirty punches, and still way too much of the population is militantly ignorant. Just wait 'til the weather warms... all the BLM orcs and Antifa fascist gremlins will take to the streets. The Deep state will try to sew as much chaos as possible.

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Good grief we are so screwed by the masses buying into the trump and musk sham crap.

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Any change is good change at this point. What, you would posit that another 4 years of Biden/Harris and corrupt democrap majority rule were going to be great? The system needs a shaking up, and--sorry--but that is what your fellow citizens voted to support.

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I get it trumpie is always the better. Good grief wake up to his scam. It is not always about just two sides you want to fit people into. No wonder why we are in the mess we are in. Guess just another day in only two “sides” crap show land. Americans have lost their ability to freely think.

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You are wearing out the words….Good Grief!!! Good grief to your mind set…you must have loved the illegal invasion…DEI destroying public safety agencies…apparently you had no one harmed or killed! It’s a shame people like you troll pages you are never going to really contribute to! So far you have yet to give one good suggestion!

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The Hound is deaf to reason...

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You are a cause of “good grief”, yet you show how clueless you are with your senseless babbling. DJY propped up Jamiel Shaw St in 2015 like DJT would do something yet drop Jamiel Shaw Sr like a rock after elected to round one. Silence from those like you about that. Those like you who still back trump are disgusting frauds.

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So what’s your solution????

Suggestions please.

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Trump of course trump who is god nothing else we need. Trump the idol hero is the only answer.

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This has to be a bot.🤡😂

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Has to be a bot when someone doesn’t worship the creature trump.

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Well, I call it the Uniparty, as do others much more astute than I. It is why things seem to always progress according to the banksters', globalists', and M-IC's goals, etc. regardless of who/which party is in office. Trump seems radically different enough (except for his views with respect to Israel, perhaps) though to offer a legit challenge to this paradigm. (I hope I'm not wrong, or else I'll be eating my hat!) He is so far not scamming anyone; he is carrying out his campaign promises, and to a degree of accuracy and thoroughness unlike any president before him has ever done. (Biden/Harris were actual scammers, since they were lying about almost everything they claimed to represent.)

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I believe we have “elite” tribal wars going on right now.

Many in the “old guard” are really old = warren buffet, Georgie boy Soros,…are dying off (Kissinger, and Rockellers),

then you have the UN who really are partners of WEF, Club of Rome,IMF money changers, and WHO run by the front chosen front , Billy boy Gates of Hell Jnr, and the Masonic sect and Zionists at war with the Jesuits …

there are so many in the octopus who seem to be wrestling each other - its hard to keep up.

And for those saying BRICS is fighting the attempted ONE WORLD ORDER …Keep in mind Putin also gave his people the Sputnik vax…

Went through the WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS indoctrination program, and is moving towards digital currency…and his and China BRICS that’s supposed to be dumping the dollar is apparently secretly funded by the DOLLAR. You can’t make this up…😆

And then there are just the opportunistic vampires trying to squeeze out what they can for their own empires…

And here WE ALL are - stuck in the middle…. Sounds like an old song I knew…

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I like that song.

Well, I don't know why I came here tonight

I got the feeling that something ain't right

I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair

And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs

Clowns to the left of me

Jokers to the right

Here I am

Stuck in the middle with you . . .

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Copy wish you well in trump delusion land. Hope it works out well for you.

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Bassehound, can you please explain the reasons that you think what you think?

“It isn’t what people think that’s important, but the reasons they think what they think.” Eugene Ionesco

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The Hound is bereft of reason. When one wrestles with a pig everyone gets dirty and... the pig likes it

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The so called truth seeker pulling out the normal baseless ignorant insults, shocking. In competition with a second grader.

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Not going to explain. Go find someone else to bot.

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Hound, were you not on self exile? Return with yer pimples

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Shocking another ignorant and childish insult. Nothing out of the norm for so called truth seeker.

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People like you have been a cancer to my country for far too long. To think that you actually crave the tyranny of the bureaucracy is simply mind blowing. Although I wonder no longer how a nation could murder 6 million people and the citizens suddenly agree with their government that Jews are bad.They're friends that they've known for years had to be cancelled for religion the gov didn't, or basically just, free thinking people who didn't tow the Party line should be silenced and cancelled by way of an acid shower or an oven. Experimented on with proceders that were actually just butcheries to see what would happen, or drugs, telling the people they had a disease so they would have to take the "vaccine or they couldn't live in the ghetto with their family because they would kill their loved ones. Sounds familiar doesn't it? So you're freaking out because the bureaucracy, that was actually unelected authoritarian . is being turned inside out. You actually believe that bleeding Americans dry is good, politicians launder money through war that destroys foreign countries, and they give money to countries for things like a dude wants his doctor to lop off his weenie. And American taxpayers get the privilege of paying for it. Americans supposed to pay for politicians money laundering schemes. We payed the FBI to spy on us, break into homes guns blazing, crawling around a home like cockroaches because a Catholic woman had the audacity to pray in front of a baby killing mill. Or went to church the FBI didn't like that so they infiltrated. The US Constitution means nothing to them because what they're doing is justified. Like the Gestapo or the KGB.

And you whine because Elon exposed it all. I mean, getting rid of fascists is well, fascist. Making America economically and nationally secure that too is fascist.

Seriously, wake the fuck up. Stop letting people who despise you tell what to think.

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Weird, ridiculous claims and accusations enjoy whatever delusion you are living in.

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What’s the sham? Getting rid of the unelected/unaccountable administrative state?

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Well then start with getting rid of grifter mr brain chip musk.

Guess it is no surprise duper donny would find musk an pal as two con birds of a feather stick together.

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someone is clueless and likes to appear relevant. There really is a fierce competition for the lowest level.

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Odd that you would call the richest man in the world a grifter. But then again, there are a lot of weak arguments out there that hold no weight and rather than being made to enlighten or elucidate, are more like a cathartic vomit of words.

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Hallelujah, Dugin is 100% correct, to kill the beast one needs to deprive it of the sustenance it needs and voraciously consumes, in this case U.S people’s tax dollars and or monies they end up on the hook for given the ever increasing budget deficit funded through borrowings to the tune of presently USD$1.7trillions and growing by USD$1Trillion every 100 days resulting the accruing interest costs, a blight on future generations… not enough that those who foment via their neo liberal ideology will take from the present generations, nope they even have to go so far as to impose their hegemon upon future generations indebting those generations to have to repay borrowings to ensure their nefarious warmongering, regime change, conflicts and chaos can continue unabated as they, the perpetrators and their ilk profit and benefit from the grift they create.. sharing in the spoils a captured political class who have virtually sold out their constituents for pennies on the dollar, their share of the take, fed back to them via donations from the recipients of this ongoing grift and fraud…

However so much for Aid, not many around the world lining up to give thanks, not likely, never following the destruction, mayhem, death perpetrated by those like Samantha Power a recent Director of this odious organisation, no surprise the venal names they use, U.S Aid as if sone benevolent organisation yet it’s activities far from beneficent, instead as noted they rain chaos, destruction, death doing so the myriad NGO’s, Foundations, Think Tanks all utilised as champions and cheerleaders of this evil, for evil truly describes the reality of their existence, save a minority who might get real assistance in the form of aid, but as noted such beneficiaries are a true minority… instead this organisation was formatted to promote U.S exceptionalism… as they weaved a web joined by the likes of Alex and George Soros sowing discord… all a front, a fraud, coupled corruption, feeding those who would gain positions ex time served in government departments on highly paid outsized salaries another means of rewarding their foot soldiers who in their positions usurped those they were engaged apolitically to serve… take for example this latest case from outstanding investigative undercover reporter James O’Keefe… who succinctly captures the reality of these seditious and deluded tyrants…

Brandon Wright, a GS-14 Platform Services Manager for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), admitted that career officials within the department actively resist directives from political appointees, including newly appointed DHS Secretary Kristi Noem.

“The truth is, we don't let them [secretaries] get in our way,” Wright disclosed to an undercover O'Keefe Media journalist. He went on to explain the deeply entrenched bureaucratic resistance within DHS, likening it to a multi-layered septic system that filters out directives it does not align with. “There’s a lot of layers, like [in] government… By the time the actual marching orders get to me and below, we can filter it in a way that steadies the ship.”

This admission exposes a deliberate effort within the department to manipulate the interpretation of policy decisions based on personal and ideological preferences, rather than faithfully executing the agenda set by elected and appointed officials. “[If] we don’t agree with those priorities,” Wright stated, confirming that DHS officials often redefine priorities they oppose to make them more palatable to their own perspectives: “There’s a lot of room for interpretation.”

Wright didn’t mince words about his view of Kristi Noem’s ability to lead the department, declaring: “Kristi Noem doesn’t know… She doesn’t know her ass.” He went even further, casting doubt on her competency: “The Department of Homeland Security could fall on her f*cking head, and she wouldn’t recognize what it is.”

His disdain for Noem’s leadership was clear, as he admitted: “To say that I am not excited about this would be the most epic understatement.”

The Department of Homeland Security provided the following statement to O’Keefe Media Group:

“Secretary Noem has not seen the video in its entirety. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. This person has been placed on leave and is under investigation… The senior official says the termination of the official is imminent.”

[Courtesy James O’Keefe OMG Media Received 04.02.2025 NZPST Filed Colour Coded AQUA]

We know many of these characters are employed in Companies, Banks, Foundations, Councils, NGO’s on outsized salaries, their reward for aiding and abetting the take down of your nation, for approving Drugs, Legislation that further enriches … assisted by lobbyists who in my view are the scourge…. the worst pox on the lot of them.

The above OMG example being but just one example of many, little wonder the U.S felt until Trumps win, that it was going down the dunny… can’t say I blame American’s feeling that way, despondent, but watch this space as I’ve written of late there is a lot to come, I believe that now after events the last 8years that Americans are now ready to handle the truths that needed aired, sunlight poured upon the lies and secrets kept from them the past 70 years…. especially those details that will blow apart the vestige once held by many that the U.S was a righteous nation, far from it, sinister, dark, truly evil agenda’s, indeed even worshipping such dark forces will be the revelations to come, most disturbing will be the truths around your revered and in cases worshipped elites who are responsible for some of the most heinous and evil acts perpetrated against those most vulnerable amongst you… your children all in order they advance careers… watch this space this promises to be a truly revealing period in your nations history, but until confronted you cannot hope to move forward cleansed of the burden of the filth that has beset you these past decades… just saying

Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) from New Zealand

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High level reasoning skills based on historical fact on full display. Very few readers have the bandwidth to follow. Worry not about moving forward. If you blink you are 3 weeks behind...

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Thanks for the perspective and info.

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Thank you for your words and clarification Alexander. We are all just people that want simple lives - to respect and love our fellow man. These globalist entities are so far removed from what a world without violence and coercion could be - our next stage of evolution.

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Meryl, I am convinced you do not sleep.

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Check out my newest Door to Freedom newsletter. coming out Tuesday am

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Too many people have no real idea of what One Trillion dollars is like. Let's talk about it in seconds - makes it easier to visualize. 1 million seconds is 11 days. 1 Trillion seconds is 31.5 YEARS. And we are $36 Trillion dollars in debt!

As for USAID, it needs to be shut down or realigned under Sec of State and refitted to NOT be a CIA nest of vipers. End it! We all know how it is used and abused - USAID gives to some barely known NGO, NGO pays it's people, they donate back to Dems, or directly to them.

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This is so much fun!

Promises made promises kept.

We have an Executive, the Commander in Chief, a dude who's working on making America great again, Our President Donald Trump 🇺🇲 and so far he's succeeding💪🇺🇸

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it really is, and also quite dangerous Train derailments, Bridge collisions, Airplane attacks and missles. We have won, it is still a time of peril.

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Alexander Dugin, like Putin, is False Opposition January 23, 2025 https://henrymakow.com/2025/01/duggan-like-putin-false-opposition.html

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Lets hope so.

Edward Dowd: "Stargate", A $500 Billion Initiative Announced by President Trump to Invest in AI, is Ultimately All Smoke and Mirrors

"Stargate was started last year...they've already broken ground...They have 10 data centers...[but it's] not fully funded because OpenAI has no money."


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ED is a data cruncher, knows alot about top of the tree finance. What do they say about opinions? Musk is worth 400 Bil, not short of $$$

If smoke and mirrors is a diversion of attention that would explain why people have zero comprehension about S. Gate

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I wonder if they were funding the chemtrails? I have another day here in New England which started out with a beautiful clear blue sky at 6:30AM, now one hour later there are dozens of gray parallel and crisscrossing lines at the horizon which are slowly spreading out and will turn the entire sky a bleak gray in about 4 hours. I hope this chemtrail project takes a hit with this. If not, then I hope Elon finds out who and how it's being funded. Those pilots and their commanders must be getting paid a lot of money.

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Me too. It happens here all the time. When I see a weather report that says "cloudy" I know chemtrails will appear all across the sky imminently.

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thank GOD

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Not just liberal globalists... Lindsay Graham suddenly said he'd approve Trump's cabinet picks. Wondering about the sudden turnaround, I found out that he is a compensated board member of a NGO that gets paid well. Maybe one way for kickbacks to make it back to political wallets and how these elected people make so much money on their salaries.

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maybe, however there is a simpler and better explanation

Just like Castro's bastard son, the Prime Minister of Chinada, who has resigned... in many months and the woman with German last name, the Pres of Mexico, it is called capitulation. 25% tariffs caused the capitulation. LG fears getting primaried.

DJT has a long list of capitulators...

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Lindsay "Chicken Hawk" Graham know he's skating on thin ice, the MAGA crowd don't like him, he's a duplicitous War Hawk, and he will face a tough primary challenge. You see him like Mike Johnson following Trump around like a puppy hoping some of his popularity will rub off on them.

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I think they're laundering money. And Graham is so deep in the grift he's probably scared of Kash and his where-did-the-money-go investigations.

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Undoubtedly. Like all the Big Pharma whores in the DemonRat party.

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over the target...

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I love the 500+ comments telling NY POST “Pfizer whores” how MOST PEOPLE REALLY feel about RFK Jnr and his position on the unsafe vaccination programs especially the childhood schedule - and it’s connection to autism. Many experts have expressed the same concern but they get ousted or muzzled because this is a BIG BUSINESS cartel

Sorry to be so graphic - but that’s what they are PHARMA WHORES .

It’s wonderful to see so many COMMENTERS at the bottom of the article take the time to call out NY Posts attack on RFK Jnr because he stands up for children and real health , and they don’t want their PHARMA SPIGOT turned off by his honesty - just like Bernie and Lizzy warren …


Also love this - UN NGO’s private partnership to PROMOTE ILLEGAL Immigration using OUR COLLECTIVE TAX PAYER funds - Trump has AXED that PIPE!

I’m liking what I see …so…far…


I hate the NY Post but they do sometimes get the news before everyone else, and get “some” things right occasionally.😂

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Your sorrow is un-necessary. It is exactly as you have stated.

I prefer the moniker Poco. Both her and Berner have their greasy hands deep in

Big P's sesspool

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Powerful and intriguing news🦅

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A Pivotal Post👌

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