The reason occupants of Earth are always fighting each other is they've been deluded in the belief of "finite resources" & "The Earth is all we got". When mankind must fight the elements of nature to survive, to build, to explore, to have vision and a higher purpose, then we have no time for foolish, destructive wars.
The reason occupants of Earth are always fighting each other is they've been deluded in the belief of "finite resources" & "The Earth is all we got". When mankind must fight the elements of nature to survive, to build, to explore, to have vision and a higher purpose, then we have no time for foolish, destructive wars.
The destruction of human civilization would be the penultimate in genocide, by a millionX. And as a corollary, the potential saving of human civilization by having an alternative, separated branch on Mars would be the penultimate in Altruism.
You know using AI to push a load of Bullshit makes it stink even worse. I got 4 siblings with PHD's. They all got the shot. Your Big words are a symptom, not a cure!
Gibberish and Strawman arguments, and you call yourself Mr. Commonsense.
I never said going to Mars will fix what all that ails us. Never even implied it. Not one iota.
Obvious to anyone but you (Mr. Commonsense) I was simply referring to the great value to humanity to colonize & bioform Mars. Creation rather than Destruction (I'm vehemently against War). Cost would be maybe 1% of budget for major industrialized nations. Far, far less than what we spend on idiot wars that we always lose (badly) and kill millions of people. And now your leaders are trying to start WW3 with Russia. And you gripe about making Mars a Living World.
Does that sound like I believe it will "fix all that ails us". So what's the other 99% of the budget for?
"I love his corporate conflicts of interest, if it will get us to explore, colonize & bioform Mars. The greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization."
My response
"The greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization"
will happen when all the occupants of the earth figure out how to do so peacefully!
The space programs have always been more about the military. If the greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization does not fix what ails us, then it isn't really of any value at all.
I can just imagine the last transmission from earth to Mars. Hope you guys make it, the big one started, we are all goners here. God have mercy! Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows! Do you get the reference? Nah too young.
No Mr. Commonsense would have dismissed you, without a thought!
Pipe dream that our greatest achievement will fix all that ails us. We do have achievements, and we must also have our greatest achievement. But something that will fix every problem, not going to happen.
No space exploration isn't about the military. Proof positive, the Moon program was not supposed to end with Apollo 17, The plans were more missions, a Moon base and continuing to manned landings on Mars. In fact that's what the AppleTV series "For All Mankind" was about, how different the World would have been if we had continued with the Apollo program.
But President Nixon decided we couldn't afford it because he wanted to pour $billions down the sewer into the crackpot Vietnam disaster. Ever since we've had a War economy, NOT a Space economy, and I've heard enough from the War Hawks and Globalist Warmongers and they sure are against Mars or Moon colonies.
But you are probably right that if they can find some military application for Near Earth space hardware, they would finance that in an instant rather than do something "useless" like discover the first non-terrestrial life we have ever found on Mars.
The reason occupants of Earth are always fighting each other is they've been deluded in the belief of "finite resources" & "The Earth is all we got". When mankind must fight the elements of nature to survive, to build, to explore, to have vision and a higher purpose, then we have no time for foolish, destructive wars.
There is no higher purpose than stopping genocide.
The destruction of human civilization would be the penultimate in genocide, by a millionX. And as a corollary, the potential saving of human civilization by having an alternative, separated branch on Mars would be the penultimate in Altruism.
You know using AI to push a load of Bullshit makes it stink even worse. I got 4 siblings with PHD's. They all got the shot. Your Big words are a symptom, not a cure!
Who said anything about A.I.? And I don't know what basic commonsense has to do with your siblings with PhD's.
I'm saying you respond like a robot. you don't even get subtlety.
Recommending going to mars to fix what ails us, is like doing exploratory brain surgery because you need a haircut!
Basic commonsense? What are you smoking?
Gibberish and Strawman arguments, and you call yourself Mr. Commonsense.
I never said going to Mars will fix what all that ails us. Never even implied it. Not one iota.
Obvious to anyone but you (Mr. Commonsense) I was simply referring to the great value to humanity to colonize & bioform Mars. Creation rather than Destruction (I'm vehemently against War). Cost would be maybe 1% of budget for major industrialized nations. Far, far less than what we spend on idiot wars that we always lose (badly) and kill millions of people. And now your leaders are trying to start WW3 with Russia. And you gripe about making Mars a Living World.
Does that sound like I believe it will "fix all that ails us". So what's the other 99% of the budget for?
"I love his corporate conflicts of interest, if it will get us to explore, colonize & bioform Mars. The greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization."
My response
"The greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization"
will happen when all the occupants of the earth figure out how to do so peacefully!
The space programs have always been more about the military. If the greatest achievement in the entirety of human civilization does not fix what ails us, then it isn't really of any value at all.
I can just imagine the last transmission from earth to Mars. Hope you guys make it, the big one started, we are all goners here. God have mercy! Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows! Do you get the reference? Nah too young.
No Mr. Commonsense would have dismissed you, without a thought!
Pipe dream that our greatest achievement will fix all that ails us. We do have achievements, and we must also have our greatest achievement. But something that will fix every problem, not going to happen.
No space exploration isn't about the military. Proof positive, the Moon program was not supposed to end with Apollo 17, The plans were more missions, a Moon base and continuing to manned landings on Mars. In fact that's what the AppleTV series "For All Mankind" was about, how different the World would have been if we had continued with the Apollo program.
But President Nixon decided we couldn't afford it because he wanted to pour $billions down the sewer into the crackpot Vietnam disaster. Ever since we've had a War economy, NOT a Space economy, and I've heard enough from the War Hawks and Globalist Warmongers and they sure are against Mars or Moon colonies.
But you are probably right that if they can find some military application for Near Earth space hardware, they would finance that in an instant rather than do something "useless" like discover the first non-terrestrial life we have ever found on Mars.
Fixing ALL that ails us were your words. How many astronauts were not in the military?
I'm kinda on the fence about actually going to the moon.
I agree wasting our creative energy on better ways to kill people is very profitable for those whose sons do not go to the grinder.