Beware every "emergency declaration." That's what the WHO wants to be able to do even more of in the future.

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“Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.”

― Friedrich Hayek

“emergency powers are just another name for lawlessness. you can be a nation of rights and laws or a nation of emergency. you cannot do both.” —@boriquagato

This operation has all the earmarks of Animal Farm: new pigs, same as the old pigs.

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Taking down the food supply. Thank you for the reporting.

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Exactly! Soon to be slaughtered

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Clearly, this is the first steps, amongst many others to follow, that plant seeds of FEAR so that the public will willfully give up certain personal freedoms and individual liberties without question...and will then demonize anyone who doesn't blindly follow governmental and media dictums that just happen to be an integral part of the Big Pharma/Big Ag/Big Food narrative.

This fear-mongering is simply a magician's strategy for misdirection...for creating blame elsewhere in order to hide the insidious efforts to dumb-down our food system. Damn, it is so obvious!

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Setting us up for the next pandemic…and of course the bioweapon vaccines! …this is from Dr Makis substack…2 parts



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Control the food and will be able too control the people.

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If Republican RINO's were like Christine Anderson (https://twitter.com/AndersonAfDMdEP), none of this stuff would even get off the ground. Never forget who and what they are. We need a TRUE opposition party.

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the idea is to 'live better through chemistry' as Gates and the rest advocate

HOWEVER, THEY will not be putting that on THEIR table.

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Nope. Billy Boy will never be eating bugs or his own lab-grown meat. He'll be enjoying filet mignon on his private jet and yacht as he travels around the world preaching Netzero.

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He has always preached while involving himself in same

much as Kerry has always done. . .with the little missus funding it all

I stopped using any Heinz products when I found out his wife is the owner

who provides funds for the 'Envoy for Climate'


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Yeah, Kerry is such a shameful hypocrite.

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Nah - he'll be holed up in his private accommodation in the Swiss alps, hoping he has enough canned food or underground live meat supply to last out the siege! Sweat it Billy!

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some are making their home now in former USAF missile silos

Their digs are quite spacious.. . .several stories fully loaded not only with food etc

but surrounded by expen$ive comfort to keep them happy

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Well they still need to breathe air to live!

This might prove to be problematic if ...

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Until sequestered appropriately.

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He is a monster. But considering his physique and man boobs I really suspect he eats a lot of soy.

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I'm particularly 'impressed' with the section of the order limiting the flight paths of racing pigeons to certain counties. Policing should be mandatory, of course. /s

The entire "emergency" is utterly ridiculous.

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No doubt they have honed their skills policing our borders against illegal immigrants!

Keeping off track pigeons out ought to be a breeze!

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Perhaps they can line hunters up along county lines, and shoot any racing pigeons that venture into forbidden territory. Of course, other birds will still have access to those areas, unless they plan to kill everything. Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if somebody shot an eagle, or a hawk, or some other protected species. Would the Feds be forced to sue MDARD?

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If the governor hasn't already confiscated all the hunters' guns under some 'emergency' pretext.

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True 'nuff. I guess they'll have to resort to poisoning the birds instead.

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Sounds like Bill Gates behind this

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They never do tell you what the disease is, what its symptoms are, what test they used to diagnose it. The reason for this is that contagion has never been shown to exist. Starting more than 100 years ago in 1918 the US government ran trials named after the head doctor, Rosenau, who began with several hundred healthy volunteers. Trying many methods of infection, including injecting fluids from people said to be infected with the Spanish flu into healthy volunteers, no one ever became sick. Other trials to prove contagion numbering over 100 since then have similarly been failures. Dr. Tom Cowan wrote a book called The Contagion Myth with Sally Fallon Morrell. The Drs. Bailey just published another called The Last Pandemic, another book by Daniel Roytas verifies and adds on to the failures to prove contagion. It doesn’t exist.

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Very interesting, but how then do these "who knows what to call these things" spread?

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They don’t spread. These illnesses are from toxins. It’s possible that multiple animals were subjected to/poisoned by the same toxin. In the case of the Spanish flu it was the soldiers who were given vaccines and others who were also given the same vaccines. It was also from the EMF’s from telegraph wires that were being strung all along the railroad tracks and over houses in cities. There was also aspirin, the new wonder drug, that was being given out by the handfuls. People who came down with “the flu” who were treated in homeopathic hospitals died at a .32% rate (something very low, forgive if I was off by a few hundredths) much lower than allopathic hospitals. Aspirin caused bleeding, obviously.

Generally, flu is caused by EMF’s as well. Arthur Firstenberg gives a plethora of evidence in The Invisible Rainbow to substantiate this. Before there were manmade EMF’s there were sunspots which caused the flu. There was a period from 1635-1710 when there was a dearth of sunspots, and no historian mentioned any flu epidemics.

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Thanks for your reply Geraldine.

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The EMF’s cause flu…

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and when ye olde "sky net" is fired up to do its real job then We will be dropping like flies, but still theres nothing quite like pretending to be humanity`s saviour to hide ones dastardly part in the "plan" is there?

"they" will have to pull evidence of something so frightening that it overcomes the fear of the allowed and limited exposure of the "covid" vaccine harms to calm the masses fears..

so expect something drastic (imho)

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Pig flu, for instance, as Jon Rappoport has pointed out repeatedly was from a place in Mexico with 900,000 pigs. The waste ponds (toxins) can be seen from space. The CDC sends in their ‘virus hunters’ who invariably find a “novel virus.” Don’t ask them how they did this because no virus has ever been isolated and found to cause any disease. The whole basis of virology is a paper by John Franklin Enders, for which he won a Nobel Prize in 1954. There was a case in Germany that ended in 2017 where someone was trying to prove a measles virus existed. Six papers were submitted to prove this. Enders's Nobel paper was one of them. The case lost. Enders’s trial had no control and can not be duplicated. Virology is a pseudoscience. No real specimen of SARS-CoV-2 exists or any other virus, and this includes rabies.

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Since you're on a roll and I, like probably most people, are ignorant on this subject, please tell me this. Is it correct to say that the covid scamdemic was produced as a toxin in labs and distributed through large swathes of the public through vaccines and other forms of direct media contact?

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No. There is no Covid. People in the early days were either murdered in hospitals with Midazolam, Remdesivir, ventilators, being starved, etc. the real kill weapon was the ‘vaccine.’ They learned long ago that the best way to kill and sicken people was through a needle. That’s why the childhood vaccine schedule has exploded. Stephanie Seneff from MIT estimates that by 2025 1 in every 2 children will be autistic. This is from the aluminum adjuvants in the vaccine. Dr. Christopher Exley at Keele University in the UK is the recognized expert on autism and Alzheimer’s, both of which are caused by aluminum plaques in the brain, which are picked up by macrophages at the injection site and taken to the brain and other organs. Dr. Seneff is mostly concerned with glyphosate but the aluminum is coming from vaccines. There’s a big difference between ingested aluminum (which we’re getting from food, air, etc.) and injected aluminum which is in most vaccines. The ingested is less toxic because our body has skin, liver, kidneys to get rid of those toxins but the injected has no organs of excretion.

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Geraldine - I just finished a book titled, "The Autism Vaccine" by Forrest Maready. He explains very well how & when autism really started to escalate, which was after they started adding aluminum to the diptheria vaccine (& later, the DPT vaccine) in 1932. Also, that the lymphatic system, which was always believed to stop at the level of the neck, does indeed enter the brain per a 2016 study. It picks up these tiny bits of circulating aluminum, as well as from the granulomas that form at the injection site, & end up causing, in some cases, an encephalitis and neuro-inflammation that goes undetected. It is the macrophages, in their role of cleaning-up, that inadvertently end up carrying the aluminum elsewhere in the body. In the 1970s, the rate of autism was 1:10,000. Today, it is 1:34. Over the same decades, the childhood vaccination schedule has grown exponentially, thanks to the protection that was given to the makers of vaccines in 1986. By the time a child turns 18 years old today, they may have had 108 doses of these vaccines. Dr. Seneff's prediction of 1 in every 2 children being autistic by 2025, seems very likely based on the rate at which it has grown over the last 50-years. Between the aluminum (& other adjuvants) & the liability protection given to the makers of these products, they created the perfect storm of vaccine injury. It's disgusting.

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Wouldn’t the lymphatic system eliminate the aluminum? That’s the purpose of the lymph system? It’s the macrophages that deposit the aluminum in the brain and other organs where it takes up rather permanent residence.

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The other thing is the 5G. The people who died in Italy were found to have 5G antennas near their homes, and the other hot spots also had recent large installations of 5G so that is a further possibility. 30% of the population is very sensitive to EMF’s.

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Same thing in China. 5G.

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I know; I live with one of them, and it's no joke. I understand that many cell towers sprung up like mushrooms during the covid lockdowns. I have met no one who has experienced better better performance on their devices from this proliferation. We are really getting hit from all angles by an exceptionally ruthless, comprehensive, insidious, well-functioning, evil power with no regard for human life or God's creation. There is no need to fear World War III because we are already in it. Despite the fact that few shots have been fired, in my opinion the destruction has likely surpassed all conventional wars put together as we approach the half billion human target projected on the recently destroyed Georgia Guidstones. As I have suggested in the past, I quote the New Hampshire State Moto, "Live Free or Die" (trying). We have no other choice other than to sit back and enjoy ourselves in the short time that is guaranteed by complacency. Thanks again to Meryl, Dane Wigington and all who lead and fight for the survival of humanity and all of God's creation.

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Check out Dr Bryan Ardis on Rumble. He's had some solid evidence that "covid" was caused by snake venom poisoning. Evidence from Italy showed many types of snake venom in bodily fluids. Snake venom causes issues with the CNS - most specifically, affecting breathing. Putting people on vents actually killed them.

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So they're injecting the unsuspecting with snake venom. Seems as likely a toxin as any to cull the population. I thank God that I was fortunate enough to have discovered Dane Wigington well before the vaccine was released who suggested the investigation that shielded me from it.

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here is a paragraph from a mid 1990`s speech by a Chinese general "Chi":


Of the research done on genetic weapons throughout the world, Israel is the most advanced. Their genetic weapons are designed to target Arabs and protect the Israelis. But even they have not reached the stage of actual deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these technologies to protect the yellow people. But their technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years before some breakthrough can be achieved in genetic weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer.


The whole can be read here:


Until even very recently the concept that the toxic mrna shots affected certain ethnic/race differentials at varying levels was not widely recognised, there is now solid evidence that the Caucasian people are number 1 on the list, 2 groups are not affected at all......

This concept may swill around in the "possibly/maybe" category for some time, arguments both ways will cloud the water allowing yet more time for things to carry on in the desired direction...

Some people knew this deades ago, i have met two of them, one ex intelligence, the other the son of high rank military...

Its clear from what You write You aware that all of these interventions are bad, horrendous actually and thus You also then probably know its intended to get a whole lot worse, removing blinkers and realising that We need everyone to know everything as fast as possible is probably the only recourse We have,

Some of it will prove very uncomfortable to digest

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There is no disease called Covid, Larry. The weapon was the vaccine. Look up Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. They have followed this scam to the root which is the Department of Defense. The covid operation was the deployment of a bioweapon from the beginning.

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The only "thing" that spreads is FEAR, based on the spreading of their LIES. And, needless to say, they are so very good at this.

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Yes, but if retaliation does not spread at the same rate, we are doomed. God Bless You.

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Perhaps it already is.

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It feels like they are 4 steps ahead while we play catchup. They are attacking through every avenue that also serves as a distraction. From WHO pandemic treaty, DEI, Ilegal immigration as per there replacement theory agenda. Lgbt,child mutilation, drag shows in libraries and even churches. And many more evil kniving things. Oh and the paid Palestinian protest etc

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since they're writing and producing this shit, they better be at least a week ahead.

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Here we go. Disease X, right on schedule.

Get those gardens planted friends.


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Remember how Gov Witmer closed the garden stores?

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Y'know... Maybe we should quarantine the entire state. Because it's well known that viruses cannot cross state lines, just as they are unable to float over plexiglass barriers.

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my bestie works the elections up in northern Michigan and SWEARS that its IMPOSSIBLE to cheat in an election because the machines print out a tally on what looks like a cash register receipt. and you can't possibly fake one of THOSE. she was AGAST that voters came in and actually ASKED questions about election integrity. they were all ignorant Trumpers, getting misinformation on the internet, don't ya know... she found it insulted that anyone would even question her.

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Indeed. Beyond belief.

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"through this scientifically based extraordinary executive order"

yea right!

it should be no surprise that Michigan is the first state to do this. We are a test base for all the globalist ideas

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w i t m e r

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This is horrible!!! This is all manufactured to destroy our food supply and us!!!

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And fear. I've read that a brand new "vaccine" is in the works. Don't fall for it!

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Nope, no vaccines for our family!!!

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what can be done?

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Get a lawyer with your neighboring farmers and say no.

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Forgive me please Lord but I have sentiments about where this woman should be drop shipped into (forget the parachute, my first thought, that was far too kind for her ilk).

Express delivery. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $100.00. Head directly to the fiery pit. Her final destination anyway.

Thank you Dr. Nass for always keeping us informed about the latest move on their chess board to starve us all and every other option they have to "cull" humanity.

Praying we can find a way to halt their treasonous diabolical actions.

Aside from a magnetic pole reversal or asteroid anyone got ideas?

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Asian flu is perpetuated by concentrated chicken farming operations! Eliminate the root cause and the fear mongers will have to find a new BS narrative!

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The two flu’s in 1957 and 1968, according to Firstenberg, were caused by the deployment of radar and many military satellites that were put in orbit.

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