Jun 14Liked by Meryl Nass

Thanks for doing this Dr Nass. It did clear things up a bit for me. Ultimately, we still need to completely get rid of the "WHO", but at least this is something. Personally, I didn't plan on complying with anything anyway, even if the whole shebang would have been adopted with all of the tyranny included as they originally wanted. I think we forget that we the people still have incredible amounts of power. If we can't be governed... we won't be. If people just refuse to comply with insanity government and tyrants typically give up. I think it was James Corbett who said something like, "How are they going to enforce all of this in every country on the planet? Send in armed blue helmets? They don't have enough personnel to do that anyway." I always refer back to LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL. We need to make sure that our states, counties, districts, etc have sane people representing us who have the courage to say, "um... we see your insane "regulations", but we aren't going to enforce that insanity here." We can make the "WHO" and any of these other monstrous groups obsolete if we just say, I will NOT comply.

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Totally agree--but I also believe in fighting the coercion and corruption at every level. Each win makes us stronger and helps with the next. The US state wins helped us win at the WHO. This is why our strategy involves using every lever at our disposal.

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Jun 14Liked by Meryl Nass

Absolutely! If we could clone you and some others who have the drive and fight we need at this time, we would sure be further ahead. I do see some others who are starting to brave these dark waters a bit. There is hope! (Though it sure seems like everything is hopeless at times). If the people really understood that would really help. You know, I've found in my life that people typically agree on important things. Unfortunately, with the amount of brain washing and division that's gone on, the people have somehow forgotten that we really do agree. I don't know how we get that back. What is that saying? "People lose their minds all at once but find their sanity one at a time" or something like that. Let's hope that people start regaining their sanity at a faster pace. I think this Avian Flu and a few other things they are trying to stir up is waking people up even more. In some ways, I hope they keep pushing this insanity on the public. It swells our ranks. Thanks again Dr Nass. I am on a mostly fixed income so I can't usually send $ to people. But, I do spread the word! Thanks again. :)

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"the adopted changes will not go into effect for 12 months for most countries and 24 months for others"

Why acknowledge any effect, when they have no effect at all in the U.S., because they violate the Constitution and are therefore void ab initio, dead on arrival?

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Since when has the biden administration (or others) paid attention to the constitution? They initiated the IHRs.

Not sure why people do not get this.

Nothing is DOA--it requires litigation, often to the supreme court, to determine whether WHO has jurisdiction were the treaties to be implemented.

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What about states like Louisiana and Oklahoma that have declared their independence from the WHO (and other orgs) Have they not by those acts denied jurisdiction?

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Yes--those states used *our model legislation* for those laws--but it is possible the Biden admin or another adverse federal administration could take them to court and challenge those laws. We believe the tenth amendment argument is strong, as did 24 governors and 22 AGs. But they still could be challenged.

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You are at the front fighting these battles, but it seems like trying to reason with any federal authority or federal court at this point when they are clearly carrying out a depopulation aka genocide program is a strategy that's likely to lose. That doesn't mean I favor violence, not at all. But it does mean I think the 10th amendment *has* to be strong and if the feds tried to force something down in for example Louisiana or Oklahoma then they have to be met with people in the streets demonstrating non-violently. I think people are more likely to show support in that way if they understand the issues, i.e. *that the genocide comes from DoD and their bosses*, and the purpose is clear.

"I would love your help in bringing this forward into the public consciousness. I really mean it." -SL


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Miss, Nass, can you for the time being forget about the WHO and turn your focus onto the UN? Their Pact for the Future is making their would-be pandemic treaty look like a house party.

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Our Door to Freedom newsletter is all about the UN and pact, which I will post shortly

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Please do. Glenn Beck posted a special episode yesterday going into detail about how this whole thing will operate and it's much more terrifying than what the WHO wanted to do.

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Very simple. Out of the Who PERIOD

DJT did this before and will do it again.

He is so far ahead the Deep State Goons are in full panic mode.

Will most definitely not go down the WHO rabbit hole, as it leads nowhere.

Covidiocy was the largest scale intelligence test ever conducted, the result

was not favorable. Retest is forth coming. Prepare.

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For any Compliance Junkies, what about Do Not Comply is complicated???

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Regarding the human rights issue, I suspect the UN is going to remove the human rights since we human beings are going to be tokenised?

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