You have come a long way. And you've gotten to your rightful place where your voice is being heard. As I've said for a long time now, you are a global treasure who I greatly admire.

With great respect!

Len Saputo, MD

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Amen! I am a witness of Dr. Saputo's rave reviews of your great might! From the time you wanted to put together a host of politicians who were against the jab, we go back with you a long way and will stick with you through thick and thin! All blessings!

And I wonder exactly what kind of red wine was in that bottle! HOW FUN!

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Thankyou for visiting us, a true hero on our shores. I wish I had known you were coming, I would have put the kettle on.

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Amazing! This was a fun post to read :) wish I could have been a fly on the wall!!! Man, what an awesome line up. Will I be able to see a recording of this?

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Yes, please! At least a transcript. Curious to see Christine Andersen bring down the house.

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Carry on Meryl, carry on…

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You world-wind traveler--but you do keep good company. I cannot thank you enough for doing this work for all of us. I watched the Congressional hearing today on the WHO led by Reps. Smith and Winthrup. It was quite good--especially the strong voices of Regi Littlejohn and Frank Gaffney. I was horrified to hear that a Bill had been introduced to the Senate a year or so back by Ron Johnson requiring that the Senate vote on the WHO treaty. It was voted down 49 -47. I can only say that those who voted against it are not only shirking their responsibility but are seeking to destroy our Constitutional Rights and National sovereignty. It is horrifying to see what the Democratic party has become. I was one of them. What happened? Actually, I do know. It is the work of the alien Intervention in our world and their hypnotic work in the mental environment. Do you have a better answer? AlliesofHumanity[dot]org If we want to win this battle we must confront the real enemy. I'm sure this makes a lot of people uncomfortable but it is essential to face reality in order to see the wisest way forward.

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The “better answer” is biblical prophecy playing out. You’re witnessing demonic uprising, plain and simple, marked by every gross illogic at existential odds with humanity, unapologetic hypocrisy, sadistic biomedical excesses, and normalized ritual humiliation, celebrating a catalog of species-wide indignities they’ve only just begun to explore. The “aliens” presently at work, decimating all that’s moral and lawful, despise humankind for its place in creation’s hierarchy.

Whether or not green-eyed, nonetheless monstrous.

Ephesians 6: 12-13:

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.(KJV)


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This is 100% a spiritual warfare, not against flesh and blood. Please keep Dr. Meryl Nass in your daily prayers.

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I pray for each one of them to go everywhere WITH God, armed in prayer, wielding TRUTH, and returning home whole, in His guiding grace and fortifying might.

They’re making a stand in a dark breach of history’s uncharted territory. They go without Light at their peril.

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Now that's opening a can of worms! Yes, 'alien's' are in the mix to be sure. They come in

varying categories, the good the bad and the ugly of course it's more subtle and nuanced than that, broadly races that are #1 benevolent #2 regressive or #3 observers.

Military and Gov's have cut deals / treaties with various groups since Eisenhower in the late

1940's. Sadly opting to sign up with grey Zeta Reticuli in cahoots with the reptilian's rather than a more peace loving Pleidian race. Long story short the military got some tech and keep

their nukes and Zeta/Greys/Rep's got some DUMB's (deep underground military bases) and the 'right' to do genetic experiments on some human's. These off world races had superior

mental powers to our military and government ppl and have been able to manipulate them to their advantage.

It is highly probable that an alien agenda is behind the CoVid19- affair. The global response

is via, 'Operation Warp Speed', this is a predominantly Military, US Dept of Defence operation. The 'vaccines' are in fact 'counter-measure's', which are military nano technology, synthetic, gene therapy injection bioweapons. As such their roll out to countries is an act of covert war.....

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Yes. So what technology was used in the jabs? Why can’t the medics heal the casualties?

Because they poison is not earthly poison.

This was posted in 2020. Each time I reviewed it as the injuries became evident, it was more bone-chilling, equally it made more sense.


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Thank you for the Anneka/humanities link above. It's a rapid deep dive into both Galactic

exo-politics the 'Federation' etc and 'alien' tech in the DoD military, gene-editing, nanotech, 'experimental' countermeasure bio-weapons project that most of the world 'agreed' to participate in.

A sci-fi operation up close and personal - a truly bizarre situation.

However one cut's it - it put's the ball firmly in our - humanities court. This crime beyond all crimes has been unleashed upon us, it's not just 17 million plus killed but the fundamental ploy to covertly transhumanise humanity.

The net effect of this - is it is now easier for us to collectively stand back and get a view of the bigger picture - we are part not just of global complex situation but also a galactic one ! This is something that the reptoid 'overloads' have kept hidden from us as they farmed and abused us for millennia. Now that this dastardly card has been played - the veil has been lifted some and hopefully people will connect more dot's about our history and situation. A situation where we need expose the crimes and take control of our destiny.

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Thanks Linda, The CosmicAgency/Swaruu material is big picture stuff to be sure and interesting for the open minded - without being judgemental. Even if it is fabricated it is still thought provoking material. It's certainly a 'easy' way to step into highly censored, complex and disinformation riddled 'alien' arena. The Marie Swarru reports are short (15 min) and regular and it's 'unusual' to be getting report's from 'off worlders's (Pleidian's) perspective.

I do not believe the incredible nano-technology in many of the jabs certainly was not cooked up by Pfizer, Moderna et al over the past 3 years - this is more sinister

and complex - 'countermeasure', gene therapy, nano tech operation. Admittedly it's a huge leap for most to even to begin to contemplate that a hostile alien race

is influencing nearly all earth's government's and militaries's that got most of humanity to roll up sleeves to participate nano-tech gene altering experiment.

Klaus S & Harari et al like to tell us the jabbed are becoming synthetics, homo cyborg human.2 ie a new non homo sapiens programable race - this in itself is 'far-out', and other worldly.

Operation Warp Speed = all the jabs = war on humanity.

Now consider that the US DoD had their own US forces jabbed !

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Thanks for your thoughts here. I see we see many things alike. What seems important to me is that we see there is a power behind the powers we see operating here and that we recognize their finger prints. Even more important is the fact that they do not have the spiritual connection that has guided humanity down through the ages. Yes they are very intelligent but devoted to the god of technology. We are caught up in a great evolutionary period which has us emerging into the Greater Community of intelligent life. We must learn all we can about this larger arena of life we have always been a part of--but are definitely not prepared to compete in. Our spiritual core is the most essential part of humanity and the only thing about us--the Greater Intelligence endowed in each sentient being by our Creator--that can prepare us for this new world which will be nothing like our past. There is NO going back into isolation. We have been discovered and must do our best to educate ourselves to the agenda of those who are seeking to take over our world. Scary? It is simply what the Conquistadors did to the Aztecs and globalists here practice wherever they can. It is actually a brave new world that we are entering and those who are strong and willing to confront reality as it is--such as Dr. Meryl Nass and the other Lions of Truth--will inherit the Earth. I really do think that God--our Source by whatever name you like--wants us to win this one. We are meant to help other races out in our galaxy who will face this situation in their future. AlliesofHumanity[dot]org.

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Yes, it is opening a can of worms. But if we cannot see the reality facing us we cannot avail ourselves of the wisdom needed to direct things in our direction. Humanity must become more intelligent. I've heard it described that intelligence is the ability and the creativity to adapt to change.

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

You rock Dr. Nass, bless you for whirlwinding the world to save us.

Here's an Irish proverb that might be a good retort:

Time and patience brings a snail to Cork

"I first heard an old uncle from Roscommon use the Irish proverb “Time and patience brings a snail to Cork”, and it made everyone sat around the table raise an eyebrow.

According to himself, it’s a saying that acts as a reminder that the path of a goal or a desired location isn’t always smooth and the journey isn’t always fast – time and patience is required."


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Instead of 'partners in crime', how about 'dynamic duo' ?

Great pic.....

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Love your opening. Thank you and congratulations, Dr. Nass!

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

The oligarchs are like junkies.

They started with a bit of heroin & now they’re taking it all day every day.

What I mean is this:

They started by saying: ´Why SHOULDN’T we have more cash & power?’

And they ended up saying: ‘Why shouldn’t we put chips in their heads & abolish elections?.....’

By the way - I’ve yet to hear a Democrat say the WEF idea of chipping heads & abolishing elections is « dangerous to our democracy ».......

(The 2017 video where Schwab suggests that to Sergei Brin is available online).

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

What an adventure! Thank you for spreading the word and getting media coverage too!

So much history and beautiful scenery to enjoy.

Hope you are able to get some rest.

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Yup. If I were to guess how this will play out it would be voices like yours eventually percolating to the very top.

It's going precisely as planned...mwuu ha-ha-ha!

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Great job Meryl ! You are an amazing lady. Thank you for all that you are doing.

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Dear Meryl, what a delightful summary! I am so glad you had a good time with new friends as well. You certainly deserved that, for all the other b.s. you've had to endure.

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Great to see you yesterday Meryl! Thanks for coming to the UK to help raise awareness of the WHO Power Grab. It was a thoroughly worthwhile event and all the speakers were excellent, making it very clear how critical it is that we stop this audacious WHO Power Grab by raising public awareness of the documents they have published which clearly lay out their plans. Hope the Norway and Ireland Parliament events go just as well.

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Haha! You are «ACCUSED» of « spreading misinformation ».


Clearly exercising the 1A RIGHT to free speech is a crime!

Seriously though - it is surely in their heads to criminalize dissent.

I think (not sure) that the war criminal Tony Blair started all that by creating « hate speech » and then designating it a crime.

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Feb 6Liked by Meryl Nass

Thank you for all your efforts Dr Nass! Without your endeavours we would be totally at sea in these egregious times. I hope some MPs were there to hear you and the incredible team Andrew Bridgen had gathered, I'm a citizen of both UK and NZ, just hoping the same expertise will be bought to the shores of these far away Pacific islands!!

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