Andrew Bridgen hosted Philipp Kruse, Christine Anderson and myself to speak for 2 hrs in Parliament Room 10 today
Loads of favorite people turned up to hear it. So nice to see so many good people, and perhaps even a few sneaky hecklers who tried to school us that we were going after the wrong villains.
I wanted to use the language of the cockney streets on a couple of kibbitzers, but refrained. After all the UK is a foreign country and i didn’t want to be accused of a hate crime or expropriating their culture or some other nouveau crime that used to be called “teasing.” I had my phrase awaiting—I adore it because I really don’t get the full gist of it. Here goes:
“Teach your granny to suck eggs?” So when some young men told me how I must change my strategy to one much more long term and problematic I came up with nothing clever, just a “you are wrong.” It is easy to hate the WHO, much harder to battle it out with your MPs. Let’s stick to the 2 instruments for now.
Clare Craig, Liz Evans, Norm Fenton, Mike Rogers of UK Column and other independent media were there. I met Charlie Ward, an interesting bloke. Politico did not seem to know how to spin it. I hoped to speak with a Mrs. Darcy a bit longer about the different ways to approach different people, but we were ushered into the House of Lords posh dining room and had to suffer with lovely dishes and unlabeled red wine, which only said “House of Lords claret” on the label. It got me tipsy, but as you know I am a one beer screamer.
The CIA’s Guardian tried to kill off the party last week before it happened. Christine’s AFD party is always being smeared as Nazi, because really, what else can they do? The word populist has been removed from the English language dictionary by Emmanuel Goldman.
Fortunately, Christine came out and made clear that she HATES Nazis. Watch for what they will try to pin on this eloquent German and European Parliament member next.
It was not all work.
Philipp Kruse, my erstwhile partner in crime, was there and got a selfie of us on Parliament’s patio with the Thames and the London Eye in the background i
Here MP Andrew Bridgen was showing me around the House of Commons. Where did the phrase “Table it” come from? Put it down on the central table. How about “It’s in the bag?” We saw the bag (locked) where petitions are placed.
The 2 parties sit on opposite sides of the room, and they made sure to place a red line in the carpet and keep members on the two side, maintaining at least two sword lengths apart.
Below Christine brought down the house after Philipp and I spoke.
All in all a good day. Off to Ireland at 4:20 am and I can’t sleep.
My new slide:
You have come a long way. And you've gotten to your rightful place where your voice is being heard. As I've said for a long time now, you are a global treasure who I greatly admire.
With great respect!
Len Saputo, MD
Thankyou for visiting us, a true hero on our shores. I wish I had known you were coming, I would have put the kettle on.