Hey, Meryl, I have a great idea! How about telling your readers (whom I assume are many) that there is a pending piece of legislation before the US Congress, which is now in session, to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. It is called the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428) and must be passed before the end of the 118th Congress with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office Veto.

I know you know about this act since I have posted about it numerous times in your comment section, if by no other route. Yet you do not urge your readers to take definitive action to solve the problem, at least in the US. Why is that?

Your readers can visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to prevail upon Congress to pass this legislation with a supermajority so they can override the veto or you can set up your own Action item to help them make sure this vital bill is passed.

We know that the Death Machine Anne is cartooning about and you and others are talking about is set to enslave those of us it does not kill.

The logical move is to use the escape route this bill provides. Please take the short time and shrinking opportunity that we still have to help solve the problem, not just talk about it.

PreventGenocide2030.org is rich in information in addition to the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. For example, Canadians can take action against the final adoption of the disastrous C-293, which operationalizes total UN control over every aspect of Canadian life.

But if you want your own turf, that's fine. Just get the information about the real exit pathway that the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 offers and help your readers to take it.

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I don't disagree with trying to get this bill into law, but how would you propose to get the Democrats, sorry, Communists, in the Senate on board? The only ones that might sign on would do so because they are vulnerable and don't want to lose their seats. Do you really think that it can pass in the Senate where the globalist Harris casts the tie-breaker? Even if it passes both Houses by some miracle, that proverbial snowball in hell has a better chance of survival than a bill beneficial to Americans has of getting Biden to reject it, and he has already said he will sign on to the "treaty", as he is a traitor and has sold out the country on just about anything of importance.

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They are there to keep control of the control. When they believe that they are about to lose the control of the control, they do what we demand, regardless of party, regardless of personal belief, assuming there are any left among them at this point.

It works every time: massive uproar demanding something, and Congress will do a 180 degree turn. I have had the experience of helping to make this happen and it really is our only hope at this point.

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Previous post got chopped off at the end. I'll try again.

I hope you are right, but I have my doubts, unless the left wing media has some unlikely rebels who will print the truth, but they don't believe in truth any more. Otherwise they will be told it is some kind of right wing scare tactic to get Trump elected (which it is as well).

I've been warning people for over a year about what is coming with documentation and can't get people to respond - not even to call me names and do the other usual leftist things and only recently have those on the right started to speak up, but the numbers seem small.

The Canadians seem to be winning some small battles in the courts, but I am not seeing signs that any significant part of their population understands the real threat.

I am not so sure that they are afraid of losing control of anything. The few of them aware of what is happening think that they do not have to fear for their freedom and/or their lives and I see no signs that they need to worry about that. I'd say that most of their useful idiots do not know what is happening. They still have a number of options that could prevent an election. I don't know what you did before to influence actions by Congress, but are the circumstances anywhere close to being the same?

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Sep 26
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If you think that stocking survival food will stop what is happening, you are mistaken. Anything and everything that is made with traceable and trackable components can and will be tracked, traced and confiscated and those attempting to evade the control of the globalists will be severely punished. Anything that is not approved by the global controllers will be denied and that includes gold, silver and the like - we cannot eat precious metals but the things we exchange them for can be accounted for. Do you not recall that at one time the trading of gold was banned? Technology today, like barcodes and billions of surveillance devices have made transactions almost impossible to hide from raw materials to finished products. . The globalists must be destroyed, or, at a minimum, instilled with such fear that they no longer dare continuing their plans for total world domination and the high likelihood that their goal is depopulation of mankind from the planet.

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I think the BRICS countries may pull out of the UN. In addition to the dollar. Another example of forcible hegemony ruining everything.

Also, I think the UN pretty much does exactly what the US tells it to do. Good luck to that bill; the UN is a useful tool for the US.

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Hi Rima. Be nice, please, not catty.


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Considering the background, which I am not sharing, I am being super-duper nice, John.

It involves slander and an ignored Cease and Desist letter.

I assure you I am being both civil and nice.

My interest is in solving the problem, not having fights, especially not in public.

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Thank You, Rima. I do not know the background.

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Hey, Meryl, I have a great idea! How about telling your readers (whom I assume are many) that there is a pending piece of legislation before the US Congress, which is now in session, to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. It is called the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428) and must be passed before the end of the 118th Congress with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office Veto.

I know you know about this act since I have posted about it numerous times in your comment section, if by no other route. Yet you do not urge your readers to take definitive action to solve the problem, at least in the US. Why is that?

Your readers can visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to prevail upon Congress to pass this legislation with a supermajority so they can override the veto or you can set up your own Action item to help them make sure this vital bill is passed.

We know that the Death Machine Anne is cartooning about and you and others are talking about is set to enslave those of us it does not kill.

The logical move is to use the escape route this bill provides. Please take the short time and shrinking opportunity that we still have to help solve the problem, not just talk about it.

PreventGenocide2030.org is rich in information in addition to the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. For example, Canadians can take action against the final adoption of the disastrous C-293, which operationalizes total UN control over every aspect of Canadian life.

But if you want your own turf, that's fine. Just get the information about the real exit pathway that the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 offers and help your readers to take it.

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All the perks of slavery and medical tyranny, nicely summarized on a post card!

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Priceless-- and true.

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Anne sure gets it!!!

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The us gov soon to be under the thumb of globalist governance is known to be the biggest criminal organization ever, the global serfdom will cease to be private or self anything, we will be under total control or we will not exist, that is the future, like it or not. It's a damn shame, maybe a asteroid of the correct size and trajectory can change this f'd up utopian nightmare...

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I would love to know if the current daily recommended amount of sodium is as big a lie as cholesterol.

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Nice cartoonies and I always love Corbett's rants -- particularly his collective noun for globalists (who apparently come in gaggles). AND, see Meryl, I toldya being struck off would work out for the best ! What a splendidly entertaining life you now have :-) What you're doing NOW is not only seriously important for the future of the planet, but also so much more FUN than helping an unending stream of individuals deal with their medical problems. (Not that the latter is not a noble profession of course -- IFF pursued with more common-or-garden honor than most GPs have shown over the last few years ).

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And by now every owner of the next "satanic sect approved and improved" mobile digital device can know that the digital gulag includes ad hoc punishment (for bystanders as well) when disobeying an order.

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Priceless-- and true.

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I can't stand it either! lol. Anne is great. :)

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Love it!!

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