Sigh. RFK Jr will not get rid of "vaccines". If people want them there will be plenty of them. It amazes me that people who wouldn't eat a mystery soup if I placed it in front of them without knowing what's in it, willingly roll up their sleeve to get a soup injected right into their body without knowing what's in it. The only "threat" to so-called "public health" that RFK Jr poses is the threat to many people's long held religious belief that injecting a man made, and sometimes synthetic, substance into their bodies somehow can save them from illness. RFK Jr wants the *truth* to be revealed and wants people to at a minimum have the opportunity to give *informed* consent. It still amazes me that people still don't realize that there were generations of people who NEVER got "vaccines" and lived long healthy lives. I count myself among those. 4 generations of my family refuse(d) all shots and pills and somehow our immune systems have designed.
I ask a question, "Would people consent to these injections, if they knew aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal cells, animal viruses and now graphene oxide, nanoparticles and more are in them? I had no idea back in the 1950s what items were in the shots my children got...I trusted the doctor. However, I was aware of Mad hatter's Disease caused by mercury used in the hat industry; I also knew that aluminum caused brain damage as my father sent me an article about this; and I threw a brand new set of aluminum cookware into the trash in 1957. I also knew that formaldehyde was embalming fluid...and would never have permitted my children's doctor to give them shots. In about 2010 I read Vaccination is NOT Immunization by Dr Tim O'Shea...His book listed all the ingredients in these toxic injections. It was a major sin and tragedy that our Congress permitted these injections to be given without liability for injuries or deaths in The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The children of America had to get these injections in order for them to go to school. They should not be called is the wrong word. It lowered them mentally and physically. America used to be the highest scholastically and now college graduates can't read or write.
Every item mentioned destroys the Immune System and all the organs in the body; the brain, too. The only thing that belongs in the bloodstream...nutrients from nourishing food.
Guess they needed another place to market it..and it went into vaxes for the children of America. America used to be at the top it is at the bottom. Mercury is known for creating mental problems and brain damage.
I think RFK Jr will go after the unproven mRNA vaccines including the deadly poisonous Jonestown Jabs. If he can accomplish this, then it will shed light on all traditional vaccines and the evidence against their use.
They've been talking up the mRNA shots on KQED, the San Francisco, CA NPR radio station. Heard it yesterday from Peter Chin-Hong, a doc at U.C.S F. med school, about how all the new mRNA shots can handle all the variants that come along, too--WOWEEE!!! (NOT-- ughh!!)
All by God's design. They ignore the central role the immune system plays to ward off all pathogens. No money to be made if they recognize this basic concept!
You were lucky to have parents and other family who refused shots and pills. I wasn't that lucky and they are still taking Covid shots this year. I just shake my head.
In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.
As the self appointed black sheep of family I had no choice but to decline the bio weapon injection. All the PHD's and rich folks in my family looked down on the high school dropout. Well at least they don't invite me to the funerals.
Though I have a couple of MS degrees, not unlike most of the family, I read and research, when they don't, like Judy Mikovits's Plague. They are still listening to MSM news (in all forms). I have to make myself not to continuously mention that most of these conditions they are having are coming from the shots. One cousin, a former employee of Merck, refused to come to his mother's home if she and his dad and other guests weren't reinoculated. His wife, a PR consultant, worked with Pfizer to help them increase market share. I say let's put all pharma out of business FOREVER! So I get what you are saying and I'm with you!
My half brother calibrated PCR machines during the height of things. We have these conversations where he sorta, kinda, maybe is not on board with things as much as it may seem.
Not sure if where the PTB took us is my biggest concern. The fact that so many around the world can be persuaded to suspend all common sense is downright terrifying.
The t shirt would say, "We are sheep, here us roar!" Oh great, hordes of brain- washed people, just as Hollywood has been preparing us to expect.
Just a guess. As a scientific instrument that measures things it would be nice if you were certain it was accurate. Actually he calibrates electronic mass spectrometers. So probably a separate machine that analyzes the product from the PCR.
I like your emotional sensibility about this, but even more, that you have taken the most powerful way of getting people to at least CONSIDER sense: by referring to the simplest things ie FIRST PRINCIPLES. That simple question: What's in it? is very fundamental. So is the idea of what is NATURAL for all living things, our bodies included.
We seem so enthralled by technology - really mostly self-importance, as if being human made one special because some other fellow had invented a thing - that first principles are ignored. Its like building a bridge across a river and then digging out the earth beneath the bases on both banks. Another one might ask (either directly or implicitly): what is the definition of science? And then: why do we value it? We can readily find the most common ground by going back far enough, back to the fundamentals.
What is in the shots is paramount to not taking them. Even pharmacists were unaware of what was in the mRNA shots for C19. That was my first consideration to not taking it. I remember Fface and Gates were big on AIDS and eugenics, so I figured that would be a part of the shot and so would a lot of other killers. Myself, I just took daily high dose vitamin C and will continue to do that.
The healthcare community has a right to be concerned about RFK since the vast majority of healthcare institutions and medical providers participated in crimes against humanity during the COVID crisis. The healthcare community has also colluded with the pharmaceutical industry to lie to the global population about medication’s effectiveness. In doing that they have involved themselves in untold suffering and even in manslaughter. I would say, be very concerned!
Evil bastards are big mad. Let's make them madder. You know, like how when someone is big mad at you and you just smirk back at them? They get big madder, is fun watching their heads blow up. Just like that. Go right at those murderous tyrannical pieces of shite. Wearing big smirks. What #Winning looks like.
Like it or not, RFK, Jr., like Trump has been right about most things. Vaccines DO cause autism and there is plenty of proof if you look for it. His book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" shed light on both the AIDS epidemic and Covid. We have been sold a pack of lies by the profit driven pharmaceutical industries. Most pediatrician's think they are doing right by their patients. But the vaccine schedule is INSANE! And lastly, you cannot vaccinate your way to health. Quite the opposite.
It would be fantastic to have a comparison MADE PUBLIC ;) between the health of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. I can't imagine this isn't on RFK jr's radar when he talks about reimplemnting the scientific gold standard in research on vaccines.
Kelly—I 100% agree with you. The proof is in the pudding. I wonder how many souls “out there” are healthy with excellent immunity, take no prescription drugs, and have had very very very few “vaccines” in their lifetime, and no — none—flu shots—ever!
I am one. At 77 cutting up and hand splitting huge trees downed by wind in Seattle area much faster than a splitter then at home splitting more and stacking it. I am very seldom sick but take the Epoch Time News which is full of good health info and I guard my immune system like my life depends on it. (:-) My wife who is 74 loaded the truck and trailer while I cut and split it all--3 hours total. We are not as healthy as we could be if we would have been more careful in younger years and could do better now but we avoid as much pharma Rx as possible. Not to say that Drs. don't have a place-they have helped us with things over the years and are amazing. We now have a bureaucratic health system which is the problem. Doctors have traded good health care for consistent salary from huge institutions. Pediatricians too.
Other than taking a blood thinner following recent heart angioplasty, this 74 year old soul is healthy taking immune boosting supplements along with pure unprocessed food, fresh air, sunshine, sufficient rest and most importantly low stress. I got just 3 shots in my youth and a rarely if ever sick.
That is what all the sanctions against the Amish are about. Gotta find some way to kill em off. The statistics are absolutely damning. They literally don't get autism.
Be interesting what the judge would do if you hit one of their horse and buggees with a vehicle.
Grew up with Amish in Eastern Ohio. We would take apples and empty jugs to them and come home with Apple cider for 7 cents a gallon. Stoic, Hard working, honest.
Shitting in their cornflakes reminds me of how Canada treated her truckers. Depraved, senseless, psychopaths should be stripped of power.
Thank you, MeryI! Your energy is amazing and You are truly appreciated..!
I bet Trump is gonna get it right this time.. yeah high confidence. The WHO is a dead agency walking... RFK Junior will perform major surgery on the rest of the [Health Regulators].. We need to continue to rally round and Support his appointment.. we have to call, email every senator who's on the fence...
Hopefully Nuremberg will soon be a by product of this process... we're gonna get this nation back on its feet and out of ICU.. yet.. but plenty of work still ahead... Dig in and let's do it!
I’m reminded of a recent article by Dr Nass in which she highlighted the difference between medicine and public health. Public health cares little for medicine or health or patients.
Kennedy will topple the apple cart. The profiteers and their cronies are not going to go quietly into the night. There will also be new opportunities created in the area of better health care, more visits to nutritionists etc....I am still floored that so many don't realize they were duped. Several psychologists I watch on YouTube categorized those who refused shots and masks as exhibiting narcissistic traits or had a shadow that was in denial of mortality. They are well educated in psychology, but don't have the basics of biology sadly. These popular personas seem decent but definitely have not done research outside of google propaganda. I wish they would simply watch Dr. Peter McCullough on courageous discourse to perhaps have their own shadows pierced with truth. The narrative will change, it has to, because it is faulty. But, I wonder will these professionals eat their words, admit they were wrong, or sweep their past ignorance under the rug and hope nobody notices.
Everything you talk about here is Global. Some of us are tired of the US being responsible for global welfare. Sorry, but we’d like to see American citizens being taken care of before we go around spending hundreds of billions of dollars on global well being.
This article was not written by Dr Nass, it was a Substack documenting someone else's article and opinion on maintaining the status quo. Trump is advocating America first so it would seem that would work its way into the HHS and NIH, yes?
They are ginning up another plandemic giving them another tool to discredit RFK to reestablish Globalist control. Will be interesting to see how badly their credibility has been damaged by their COVID scam
its so telling that all the things that this author bemoans are exactly the things we DON'T want, like involvement in globalist schemes. I personally give not two shits for the United States to be 'leaders in global healthcare'. all that crap is just one more excuse to be sticking our noses where they don't belong, in relation to other countries. unless it involves clean sources of water, air and nutrition, you know, unambiguous resources important to the people of the planet (as opposed to the interests of global oligarchs), we need not be involved. period and tough shit if they don't like it.
The fact that "Jenny Lei Ravelo", don't forget that name, took the time to write such a hit piece filled with obvious lies tells us that there is an audience that still believes these lies. The battle is far from over, the election was a significant battle won but the war rages on. If covid did not wake Ravelo's audience, I wonder what will. The data, studies and evidence is clear but Ravelo cannot see it, none of it shakes her beliefs.
This article is an attempt to gaslight the American public from extremely corrupt individuals who just orchestrated the unprecedented crimes against humanity, and mass homicide. RFKs
Sigh. RFK Jr will not get rid of "vaccines". If people want them there will be plenty of them. It amazes me that people who wouldn't eat a mystery soup if I placed it in front of them without knowing what's in it, willingly roll up their sleeve to get a soup injected right into their body without knowing what's in it. The only "threat" to so-called "public health" that RFK Jr poses is the threat to many people's long held religious belief that injecting a man made, and sometimes synthetic, substance into their bodies somehow can save them from illness. RFK Jr wants the *truth* to be revealed and wants people to at a minimum have the opportunity to give *informed* consent. It still amazes me that people still don't realize that there were generations of people who NEVER got "vaccines" and lived long healthy lives. I count myself among those. 4 generations of my family refuse(d) all shots and pills and somehow our immune systems have designed.
I ask a question, "Would people consent to these injections, if they knew aluminum, mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal cells, animal viruses and now graphene oxide, nanoparticles and more are in them? I had no idea back in the 1950s what items were in the shots my children got...I trusted the doctor. However, I was aware of Mad hatter's Disease caused by mercury used in the hat industry; I also knew that aluminum caused brain damage as my father sent me an article about this; and I threw a brand new set of aluminum cookware into the trash in 1957. I also knew that formaldehyde was embalming fluid...and would never have permitted my children's doctor to give them shots. In about 2010 I read Vaccination is NOT Immunization by Dr Tim O'Shea...His book listed all the ingredients in these toxic injections. It was a major sin and tragedy that our Congress permitted these injections to be given without liability for injuries or deaths in The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The children of America had to get these injections in order for them to go to school. They should not be called is the wrong word. It lowered them mentally and physically. America used to be the highest scholastically and now college graduates can't read or write.
You forgot to include the snake venom in those vaccines which is known to cause cancer
Every item mentioned destroys the Immune System and all the organs in the body; the brain, too. The only thing that belongs in the bloodstream...nutrients from nourishing food.
Snake venom will kill you long before it causes cancer.
Nope, not snake venom. You're thinking of SV40, the cancer-causing VIRUS from African Green monkeys. This is common knowledge.
Hatters stopped using mercury in 1941.
Guess they needed another place to market it..and it went into vaxes for the children of America. America used to be at the top it is at the bottom. Mercury is known for creating mental problems and brain damage.
I think RFK Jr will go after the unproven mRNA vaccines including the deadly poisonous Jonestown Jabs. If he can accomplish this, then it will shed light on all traditional vaccines and the evidence against their use.
They've been talking up the mRNA shots on KQED, the San Francisco, CA NPR radio station. Heard it yesterday from Peter Chin-Hong, a doc at U.C.S F. med school, about how all the new mRNA shots can handle all the variants that come along, too--WOWEEE!!! (NOT-- ughh!!)
All by God's design. They ignore the central role the immune system plays to ward off all pathogens. No money to be made if they recognize this basic concept!
You were lucky to have parents and other family who refused shots and pills. I wasn't that lucky and they are still taking Covid shots this year. I just shake my head.
In 1976, my RN mother talked me into getting a Swine flu shot with her. Later that day, I developed the most severe pain I'd ever felt in my lower left back, and she took me to the hospital. After spending the night in the hospital with a decreasing Valium drip following a diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome, the next morning I was waiting next to the nurse's station for my mother to finish a consult with the attending and releasing physician. The head nurse told me that I should consider myself lucky to be alive, because they'd had patients come in with less severe symptoms than mine that went to the morgue, and that I should never take another vaccine. I have followed that nurse's advice faithfully.
As the self appointed black sheep of family I had no choice but to decline the bio weapon injection. All the PHD's and rich folks in my family looked down on the high school dropout. Well at least they don't invite me to the funerals.
Though I have a couple of MS degrees, not unlike most of the family, I read and research, when they don't, like Judy Mikovits's Plague. They are still listening to MSM news (in all forms). I have to make myself not to continuously mention that most of these conditions they are having are coming from the shots. One cousin, a former employee of Merck, refused to come to his mother's home if she and his dad and other guests weren't reinoculated. His wife, a PR consultant, worked with Pfizer to help them increase market share. I say let's put all pharma out of business FOREVER! So I get what you are saying and I'm with you!
My half brother calibrated PCR machines during the height of things. We have these conversations where he sorta, kinda, maybe is not on board with things as much as it may seem.
Not sure if where the PTB took us is my biggest concern. The fact that so many around the world can be persuaded to suspend all common sense is downright terrifying.
The t shirt would say, "We are sheep, here us roar!" Oh great, hordes of brain- washed people, just as Hollywood has been preparing us to expect.
Why would a replication device need to be calibrated?
Just a guess. As a scientific instrument that measures things it would be nice if you were certain it was accurate. Actually he calibrates electronic mass spectrometers. So probably a separate machine that analyzes the product from the PCR.
Injecting soup into one's body isn't likely to be beneficial.
I like your emotional sensibility about this, but even more, that you have taken the most powerful way of getting people to at least CONSIDER sense: by referring to the simplest things ie FIRST PRINCIPLES. That simple question: What's in it? is very fundamental. So is the idea of what is NATURAL for all living things, our bodies included.
We seem so enthralled by technology - really mostly self-importance, as if being human made one special because some other fellow had invented a thing - that first principles are ignored. Its like building a bridge across a river and then digging out the earth beneath the bases on both banks. Another one might ask (either directly or implicitly): what is the definition of science? And then: why do we value it? We can readily find the most common ground by going back far enough, back to the fundamentals.
What is in the shots is paramount to not taking them. Even pharmacists were unaware of what was in the mRNA shots for C19. That was my first consideration to not taking it. I remember Fface and Gates were big on AIDS and eugenics, so I figured that would be a part of the shot and so would a lot of other killers. Myself, I just took daily high dose vitamin C and will continue to do that.
The healthcare community has a right to be concerned about RFK since the vast majority of healthcare institutions and medical providers participated in crimes against humanity during the COVID crisis. The healthcare community has also colluded with the pharmaceutical industry to lie to the global population about medication’s effectiveness. In doing that they have involved themselves in untold suffering and even in manslaughter. I would say, be very concerned!
I'm trying to "like" on your comment but looks like the interface is broken, so: ❤️!
Evil bastards are big mad. Let's make them madder. You know, like how when someone is big mad at you and you just smirk back at them? They get big madder, is fun watching their heads blow up. Just like that. Go right at those murderous tyrannical pieces of shite. Wearing big smirks. What #Winning looks like.
Like it or not, RFK, Jr., like Trump has been right about most things. Vaccines DO cause autism and there is plenty of proof if you look for it. His book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" shed light on both the AIDS epidemic and Covid. We have been sold a pack of lies by the profit driven pharmaceutical industries. Most pediatrician's think they are doing right by their patients. But the vaccine schedule is INSANE! And lastly, you cannot vaccinate your way to health. Quite the opposite.
It would be fantastic to have a comparison MADE PUBLIC ;) between the health of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. I can't imagine this isn't on RFK jr's radar when he talks about reimplemnting the scientific gold standard in research on vaccines.
Kelly—I 100% agree with you. The proof is in the pudding. I wonder how many souls “out there” are healthy with excellent immunity, take no prescription drugs, and have had very very very few “vaccines” in their lifetime, and no — none—flu shots—ever!
I am one. At 77 cutting up and hand splitting huge trees downed by wind in Seattle area much faster than a splitter then at home splitting more and stacking it. I am very seldom sick but take the Epoch Time News which is full of good health info and I guard my immune system like my life depends on it. (:-) My wife who is 74 loaded the truck and trailer while I cut and split it all--3 hours total. We are not as healthy as we could be if we would have been more careful in younger years and could do better now but we avoid as much pharma Rx as possible. Not to say that Drs. don't have a place-they have helped us with things over the years and are amazing. We now have a bureaucratic health system which is the problem. Doctors have traded good health care for consistent salary from huge institutions. Pediatricians too.
Other than taking a blood thinner following recent heart angioplasty, this 74 year old soul is healthy taking immune boosting supplements along with pure unprocessed food, fresh air, sunshine, sufficient rest and most importantly low stress. I got just 3 shots in my youth and a rarely if ever sick.
That is what all the sanctions against the Amish are about. Gotta find some way to kill em off. The statistics are absolutely damning. They literally don't get autism.
They also don't die in automobile accidents.
Be interesting what the judge would do if you hit one of their horse and buggees with a vehicle.
Grew up with Amish in Eastern Ohio. We would take apples and empty jugs to them and come home with Apple cider for 7 cents a gallon. Stoic, Hard working, honest.
Shitting in their cornflakes reminds me of how Canada treated her truckers. Depraved, senseless, psychopaths should be stripped of power.
You can vaccinate your way to death, exactly what they want.
Also one of many reasons to join no shots and pro grass fed meat and raw dairy.
Maybe they have something other than health in mind...
Like depopulation?
Thank you, MeryI! Your energy is amazing and You are truly appreciated..!
I bet Trump is gonna get it right this time.. yeah high confidence. The WHO is a dead agency walking... RFK Junior will perform major surgery on the rest of the [Health Regulators].. We need to continue to rally round and Support his appointment.. we have to call, email every senator who's on the fence...
Hopefully Nuremberg will soon be a by product of this process... we're gonna get this nation back on its feet and out of ICU.. yet.. but plenty of work still ahead... Dig in and let's do it!
I’m reminded of a recent article by Dr Nass in which she highlighted the difference between medicine and public health. Public health cares little for medicine or health or patients.
Kennedy will topple the apple cart. The profiteers and their cronies are not going to go quietly into the night. There will also be new opportunities created in the area of better health care, more visits to nutritionists etc....I am still floored that so many don't realize they were duped. Several psychologists I watch on YouTube categorized those who refused shots and masks as exhibiting narcissistic traits or had a shadow that was in denial of mortality. They are well educated in psychology, but don't have the basics of biology sadly. These popular personas seem decent but definitely have not done research outside of google propaganda. I wish they would simply watch Dr. Peter McCullough on courageous discourse to perhaps have their own shadows pierced with truth. The narrative will change, it has to, because it is faulty. But, I wonder will these professionals eat their words, admit they were wrong, or sweep their past ignorance under the rug and hope nobody notices.
Everything you talk about here is Global. Some of us are tired of the US being responsible for global welfare. Sorry, but we’d like to see American citizens being taken care of before we go around spending hundreds of billions of dollars on global well being.
This article was not written by Dr Nass, it was a Substack documenting someone else's article and opinion on maintaining the status quo. Trump is advocating America first so it would seem that would work its way into the HHS and NIH, yes?
I hope RFKjr get extra protection, in light of what happened to UNH's CEO this morning. God Protect America!
Excellent, as usual, Meryl....
I read this book in 1988 and it shaped my view on WHO 'and viruses, etc,
AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century Paperback – January 1, 1988
by Jon Rappoport (Author)
They are ginning up another plandemic giving them another tool to discredit RFK to reestablish Globalist control. Will be interesting to see how badly their credibility has been damaged by their COVID scam
its so telling that all the things that this author bemoans are exactly the things we DON'T want, like involvement in globalist schemes. I personally give not two shits for the United States to be 'leaders in global healthcare'. all that crap is just one more excuse to be sticking our noses where they don't belong, in relation to other countries. unless it involves clean sources of water, air and nutrition, you know, unambiguous resources important to the people of the planet (as opposed to the interests of global oligarchs), we need not be involved. period and tough shit if they don't like it.
The fact that "Jenny Lei Ravelo", don't forget that name, took the time to write such a hit piece filled with obvious lies tells us that there is an audience that still believes these lies. The battle is far from over, the election was a significant battle won but the war rages on. If covid did not wake Ravelo's audience, I wonder what will. The data, studies and evidence is clear but Ravelo cannot see it, none of it shakes her beliefs.
My Favorite Parts Of Covid:
That I received $7 million from the NIH to study Natural Immunity.
That that I spent it all,
on Cigarettes And Red Bull.
I should also note, that it was peer reviewed
- by millions.
Time someone exposed the lies and intentional poisoning of our nation
This article is an attempt to gaslight the American public from extremely corrupt individuals who just orchestrated the unprecedented crimes against humanity, and mass homicide. RFKs