We have a love affair with emergency vaccines. You get all the risk and our buds get ungodly profits. 20 human US cases, not even 1 hospitalized. So go get your vax.
I have a question about the flu shot. I work in a hospital and they are giving free. If you get a flu shot and have a little tag on our badge that says so we don’t have to wear a mask however, if we don’t, we have to wear a mask all the way through to me. Not sure I can tolerate a mask again due to wearing them all through Covid but my biggest question is are they made with MRNA
Because if it is so, and I am not putting that in my body
The flu shot does not work, just like all the rest. Years ago, there was a drop in flu shots, so the CDC and Fauci devised a plan to raise the uptake of shots. How did they do that, by scaring people saying that 80,000 die every year from the flu, which was a lie. They still continue to push this total BS.
When the PREP ACT of 2006 and The Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 are repealed, and clinical trials use an inert saline placebo, and test the product for safety for 10 years, I will look into the trial data. :) maybe.
Sneak over to the fox's den and find out everything you need to know about their presence within the henhouse. They claim it is for the "protection" of the hens!
This year's flu shot (based on data from Australia) is expected to work less well than usual. Maybe 1/3 efficacy. Can they force you to wear a mask when the shot will not work in most cases? I will provide data on flu shot effectiveness using CDC and WHO data in my next post so everyone can make up their own mind.
You "want" (if anything) a flu shot grown in eggs, that warns about anaphylaxis for the egg-allergic, and you "want" one without mercury-preservative, so a single-dose vial or syringe.
Since I got fired for COVID "vaccine" refusal on the principle of standing with the "untermenschen", I am relieved of such quandaries, but I used to get an individual flu shot every year to meet requirements.
Sounds like the hospital is coercing you to get the shot or you’ll be “punished” by having to wear a mask. All medical injectables contain graphene oxide and hydrogel nanotechnology, according to research done by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. I’ve also read different studies where graphene oxide has been found in face masks. Neither alternative is safe.
When I was a nurse, me, and several other nurses, flat out refused to get the shot or wear the mask and the boss said it’s mandatory so we said fine will all quit. That was about 30 nurses that decided they were going to quit. She nearly crapped her self and said OK you don’t have to wear it and then we sat her down and told her our observations because the people who got the shot they always phoned in sick and we had a mask policy. I thought that you were using that mask with certain patient and then you dispose of the mask when you’re leaving the room, you do not wear that mask all over the unit so we had her basically by the short and curlies and we never had to wear a mask or get the shot during flu season and none of us ever got sick. Sometimes you just have to stomp on these people. Our boss ended up with Gillian barre syndrome after the flu shot and it ended her career.
What is the meaning of "free", referring to flu shots? Is it in fact "free to the recipient", but not to the government agency paying for it? Is it really "free" if taxpayers are paying for it? Is there a pharmaceutical company donating these "free" flu shots for the public good, or are they being paid (handsomely) for them? Genuine questions ...
I was going injured by one shot of Pfizer, six minutes mths later in April 2022 I was convinced to have a flu shot ( age) l. I developed life threatening hypertension- never been a problem. Still nice then and very sound out that they not only contain an aluminium adjustable vent, but they added graphene in 2019. Neither belong on n your body !
Make sure they are not combining the flu shot with the mRNA shot. The flu vaccine doesn't have mRNA, it is deactivated influenza virus, adjuvants and some other ingredients. They have to guess which flu variant will circulate so they have the vaccines ready, the shots sometimes don't match and do nothing. What will the mask do?
Crazy controls top down designed to intimidate and corral us all /I love what the people are doing in the UK to protest against having to register every chicken and pet bird .. overwhelming the system by registering every frozen chicken in your fridge - the government is going g crazy and deserve to be hammered - protest however you can do it and gum up the system
I believe I've asked you this question previously; but, I'll ask it again:
Are all of these "cases" being determined by alleged PCR "tests"? If yes, why isn't the use of the fraudulent, alleged PCR "test" being questioned in court?
I have not seen any studies claiming that Kary Mullis was wrong when he stated that, "PCR is NOT a "test" and it certainly does NOT identify active infection."
- Thank you.
Kary Mullis stating this fact during the following video:
PCR is NOT a "test" and it certainly does NOT identify active infection.
Mullis at time=1:32: "...PCR is separate from that. It's just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something... It doesn't tell you that you're sick; and, it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with, really, was going to hurt you or anything like (that)."
Exactly. If Kary Mullis's death JUST THEN was a coincidence, I'm a purple whale shark. These globalist psychopaths have so much to answer for it's ... the mere word "evil" doesn't even begin to describe it.
Mullis also would have been powerless to stop it, just like all the FLCCC MDs. The CDC has plans to roll out more vaxes, still insisting covid is "evolving". The latest booster already out. I never got any of them.
Have you viewed the following documentary yet, which became available for viewing online last week? Please do; because the "pandemic" fraud is becoming more and more understood by the public. There eventually will be a reckoning.
There's plenty of evidence...where have you been? Did you watch PlandemicI Indoctornation? That would be a good place for you to start. If you can't find it, let me know.
I'm not an authority on Kary Mullis; but, the timing of his August 7, 2019, death, just prior to the October 18, 2019, "Event 201", seems rather convenient.
Yes, considering the murderous intent behind covid, the vaxxines, the use of Remdesivir, the wholesale murder of people...nothing surprises me anymore.
Each study is conducted differently, but in the material I am about to post, all the data are collected by CDC and PAHO/WHO networks. In other words, the data are likely to be cherrypicked to support the desired outcome.
Edmond, if you want to know which studies used pcr tests, look it up on pubmed.
You aren't the only one thinking that these last couple of years. What a coincidence he died right before the covid plandemic. Oh so many coincidences though.
I must confess to being a bit exasperated by all the nonsense spouted about PCR tests by those who have never used them and who don't practice in any of the medical professions. (Mine is veterinary medicine.) PCR tests are widely used in clinical diagnostics, and they have been for many years, all without major issue, and generally with great clinical utility. They have been a major leap forward in our ability to identify pathogens and diagnose infectious illnesses in our patients.
For example, if I have a patient who is presenting with signs of respiratory disease that may very well be infectious (e.g., lethargy, inappetance, nasal discharge, fever), then I may want to know what exactly is causing it -- because that'll help me treat this patient and determine what, if anything, I need to do to protect the healthy others. To that end, I may run a PCR for a particular suspect or a group of most likely culprits (e.g., a "respiratory panel"), because it is much faster and more specific than conventional identification methods (e.g., cytology, culture).
The two main problems with the use of PCR in C19 were that (a) PCR tests were being run on people who were not ill, and (b) the tests were run to absurdly high cycle numbers (excessively amplified).
I think of a validated PCR test -- for any pathogen, whether bacteria, fungus, virus -- as a fingerprint or a key phrase. For example, if you were to distill the theme of a 30,000 word book into a single, unique sentence that distinguishes it from all other books, that's like a validated PCR test.
As for that 'validated' qualifier, the PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 that were granted FDA approval (many were submitted for consideration; only a handful were approved) were all validated by testing them against samples of closely related coronaviruses (if I recall correctly, they included the SARS-CoV-1 and MERS viruses) and on other types of respiratory viruses (including influenza, if I recall correctly, and I think I do). Only the PCR tests that correctly differentiated between SARS-CoV-2 and all other tested viruses were granted FDA approval.
All this I know from having looked into it at the time (2020/21). If I'm fuzzy on some of the details, I'm sure I have the substance of it correct.
So, a positive C19 PCR test did indeed identify key fragments of SARS-CoV-2, and ONLY SARS-CoV-2.
The trouble is that identifying a certain key gene sequence in a nasal swab DOES NOT MEAN that ANY live and infectious (transmissible) virus particles (virions) were present. As the immune system, and even just the physicochemical effects of nasal secretions, degrade the virus, its genetic material may remain (for days or weeks, depending on the pathogen and the patient), but its infective ability does not.
On the other hand, positively identifying the suspected pathogen using PCR in a sick patient with suggestive clinical signs helps to confirm my clinical suspicion and thus enables me to better treat my patient and, if needed, protect the healthy others in the group.
It's a bit late in the evening (or early in the morning) for me to start to reply to you; but, I do have an initial question for you and then a bit of elementary truth that you apparently are not aware of:
1) The question: I'll assume you do know who Kary Mullis was...the inventor who developed the RT PCR technique/procedure. - So, I take it that you disagree with Kary Mullis' statement that, "PCR...doesn't tell you that you're sick; and, it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with, really, was going to hurt you or anything like (that)."? - So, do you disagree with Mullis' statement and, if so, on what basis? ...the fact that some manufacturer has stated that their PCR "test" works?
2) The bit of elementary truth: You state, "So, a positive C19 PCR test did indeed identify key fragments of SARS-CoV-2, and ONLY SARS-CoV-2." - You are dead wrong. When Drosten designed the first PCR test, he did not have an isolated SARS-Cov-2 sequence. In fact, to this day, there is still no SARS-COV-2 sequence from a virus isolated according to Koch's postulates. Therefore, Drosten designed the first PCR "test" using known sequences from various alleged coronavirus virus and other 'viruses, such as influenza'. The CDC finally had to admit that the various PCR "tests" could not differentiate between the various coronaviruses, nor even influenza. Many researchers believe this is why the flu practically disappeared when the alleged Covid-19 came on the scene.
Anyway, I'll await your response to these two points before continuing with my response.
May I please see the references for your assertion that the C19 PCR tests did not differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses. That is not my understanding of the situation at all.
Scientific references, please; not more internet opinions.
As to your first point, Kary Mullis was not a physician; not any sort of clinician, in fact. He had a PhD in biochemistry.
Yes. It will be a few days before I get you references. It's a good day today to work outside and I must make use of it.
This information was on the CDC website, back when the CDC was revealing their cognizance of it; but, I believe they have since deleted it or removed it. But, I will find you the info. However, it's not likely to be in the form of a scientific paper. There's no grant money in proving pharmaceutical products to be faulty. You'll have to take what I give you and deal with that.
You do realize that Kary Mullis received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his RT-PCR procedure? I'm curious why you would think that a physician or any sort of clinician would understand the procedure better than Mullis?
We PhD researchers have a measured respect for physicians and clinicians but we don't place them on a pedestal as is done in the U.S. by the mainstream media. In fact, most of us who have worked in medical departments and hospitals, and have personally and professionally interacted with them, can likely tell you of lots of egregious errors made by physicians and clinicians with regard to both humans and animals.
Borger P, Malhotra RK, Yeadon M et al. External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4298004
Thank you. I'll take a look at the first one. The second one is not news to me, and is not relevant to my point about the specificity of the C19 PCR tests.
In my view, they are sensitive; just grossly misused.
And I should have added that the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 was available in early 2020. The origins of this 'novel' virus were widely discussed among virologists the world over at the time, based on the fact that some of its sequences were so peculiar that it was most unlikely to have evolved naturally. This was all known at the start or shortly thereafter, so the sequence was most assuredly available for PCR development very early on.
You should also read the Eurosurveillance paper, "Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR" which is referenced in the video. A link to it is: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045 - You will learn that, since no SARS-CoV-2 isolate was available, a proxy PCR "test" was devised using an alleged SARS-CoV-1 genome from 2003.
Dr. David E. Martin has reported that SARS-Cov-1 or SARS-1 is a man made construct, made in the U.S. and patented in 2003. Shortly thereafter, SARS-1 surfaced in China, killing a number of Chinese people. This SARS-1 was developed via funding by Fauci's NIAID, starting as early as 1999. By 2005, DARPA entered into the funding, when it realized the biowarfare possibilities of this research. There's a lot more to this that Martin has reported, since he deals with everything that crosses the line or comes close to crossing the line into biochemical warfare. Martin had downloaded all documents regarding coronavirus patent applications and awards, as well as all coronavirus research grant funding applications and grants. This is 4000+ documents; and, he has reported on much of what he has read. To understand this, you should view Plandemic Indoctornation at https://freedomplatform.tv/plandemic-indoctornation-world-premiere/ and then Brian Rose's interview of Martin at https://www.bitchute.com/video/NRm7AN6UK1oK where you will learn that Moderna had already begun developing an alleged Covid-19 'vaccine' by March 28, 2019, well before a pandemic was declared.
I'll look for the CDC info sometime later this week or next. This will give you time to digest the above, if you so choose.
You are in the dark ages with regard to your knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 and I"m not sure whether I want to spend the time to educate you. SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated. It only exists on computers as a man made construct. There is no complete genome which does not have hypothesized sequences inserted in it. And, there is no one or entity who has a physical sample of it.
To begin, I suggest you take a look at the following articles on global research, especially the two on the right side of the page.
It may also be worth noting that ivermectin can inhibit H5N1 in vitro:
Götz V, Magar L, Dornfeld D, et al. Influenza A viruses escape from MxA restriction at the expense of efficient nuclear vRNP import. Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 18;6:23138. doi: 10.1038/srep23138. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2016 May 09;6:25428. PMID: 26988202; PMCID: PMC4796820.
To establish a new lineage in the human population, avian influenza A viruses (AIV) must overcome the intracellular restriction factor MxA.
Partial escape from MxA restriction can be achieved when the viral nucleoprotein (NP) acquires the critical human-adaptive amino acid residues 100I/V, 283P, and 313Y. Here, we show that introduction of these three residues into the NP of an avian H5N1 virus renders it genetically unstable, resulting in viruses harboring additional single mutations, including G16D. These substitutions restored genetic stability yet again yielded viruses with varying degrees of attenuation in mammalian and avian cells.
Additionally, most of the mutant viruses lost the capacity to escape MxA restriction, with the exception of the G16D virus. We show that MxA escape is linked to attenuation by demonstrating that the three substitutions promoting MxA escape disturbed intracellular trafficking of incoming viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (vRNPs), thereby resulting in impaired nuclear import, and that the additional acquired mutations only partially compensate for this import block.
We conclude that for adaptation to the human host, AIV must not only overcome MxA restriction but also an associated block in nuclear vRNP import. This inherent difficulty may partially explain the frequent failure of AIV to become pandemic.
In the paper itself:
"Treatment with ivermectin completely abrogated nuclear import of all different vRNPs resulting in no detectable reporter activity (Fig. 6A)...."
Some quotable quotes from the abstract, worth repeating:
"To establish a new lineage in the human population, avian influenza A viruses (AIV) must overcome the intracellular restriction factor MxA."
"[M]ost of the mutant viruses lost the capacity to escape MxA restriction ... thereby resulting in impaired nuclear import..."
"This inherent difficulty may partially explain the frequent failure of AIV to become pandemic."
I would also note that highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) generally is highly pathogenic only in stressed and otherwise immunocompromised birds.
Do yourself a favour and never, ever go into a conventionally run commercial poultry shed! They're AWFUL!!
Do yourself another favour and avoid conventionally raised poultry (meat and eggs). These are not healthy birds, and they do not -- in fact, they *cannot* -- produce healthy food (meat or eggs).
It's no wonder to me that avian influenza is (well, *can be*) highly pathogenic in conventional poultry production facilities -- and that's what they are: production facilities, not farms or animal habitats. The bird is a commodity, a widget; worth a certain number of cents per unit, and that's all. And sometimes the subsidies and payouts mean that the bird is worth more dead than alive -- even before it goes for "processing" (a polite euphemism for slaughter).
So, don't buy into the hype that HPAI is highly pathogenic to everyone. It is not; not even in poultry. And it is survivable (although not so much if you're starting off as a very stressed and otherwise vulnerable young bird in overcrowded conditions). There is absolutely no reason to be snuffing out entire populations of birds, other than for $$.
The racketeering gang won't stop even on the way to that place where huge coal fires don't cause global warming.
Here in Panama, "pink eye" is common and people buy OTC drops for it which do their job. As DIY fan I apply a ~0.02% solution of ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) which tackles a variety of eye infections.
So amazing how they can connect an illness that a specific person got to a specific animal but can't seem to connect the dots to toxic injections, toxic air, toxic water, etc, and the illnesses they're spreading. It seems like they could use the same deductive reasoning to verify that these toxins are making people sick. Heaven forbid they place the blame on the vaccine manufacturers that are also paying them. Let's all blame it on the innocent birds instead.
Some people in high places want a lot of us dead, don't they?? For the good of the planet, right? Riiiiiight! Father Chad Ripperger noted not too long ago that there is more demonic activity nowadays as Satan knows his time is running out. Got to drag a lot of souls down to Hell with him I guess. Amazing how vile and evil we human beings can be when God is not considered a necessary part of our lives!
You are right: there is lots to worry about here. OMG, bird flu, the disease that kills . . . around the world. And we are so lucky to have the PCR test to diagnose it! (You know - the "test" that is not diagnostic.)
"Oh no! I have what might be pink eye!" Quick, Honey, get the keys and lets' jam to the clinic while it's still open for an arm-jab. But just in case we miss it, grab the Colt auto from the drawer. That'll solve it.
Iris, A beautiful name! Both in terms of botany and biology.
Well, I can't say that I do remember "RONA" testing but it's probably a good thing to NOT remember! If one would be saddled (all at one time) with all the injustices that took place during those years, and probably continuing to the present, they'd blow a gasket.
Some souls writing comments in the past, have expressed unforgiving animosity toward those who were "on the other side." It was surely tempting to join in, but it is wrong from a Christ-minded viewpoint. We're supposed to "love our enemies." That's a tough row to hoe! 'Even supposed to love and show kindness to "those who spitefully use you." And there are those who say, "Christianity is only a crutch!" Let them sign up and try it out for a while and see for themselves it's no walk in the park to align oneself with His Will and to keep His Commandments. But by keeping ones "Irises" on the prize. it makes the road much easier to navigate. Thank you for your response!
Studies are showing that people who havent had any vaxxes in their entire lives are the healthiest people of all. Thats enough proof for me that they are all hogwash. The "outbreaks" of whatever disease they are crying about at any given time always seem to be where people have been highly vaccinated. Tell me these things arent whats causing these outbreaks. My guess is there hasnt been a single life saved from one vaccine ever....
These rare diseases are part of Big Pharma's business Plan. Fear Porn motivates the weak minded to cower behind DEALY INJECTIONS that have little efficacy and can KILL or INJURE recipients. Why else would Big Pharma hide behind ZERO LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS, VAX injuries - and soon to be admitted 'Vax induced REDUCED LIFE EXPECTANCY'. The more you jab - the sooner you'll die!
Then there's the unpoliced 'DNA contamination' aspect of the highly dangerous mRNA injections called 'VACCINES'. Because there's no LIABILITY, nobody contests the DNA contamination fund in may countries Covid vax batches. The FDA should, but they receive vast sums from Pfizer, Moderna, etc, to keep the 'vax Gravy Train' on the tracks!
Unchecked contaminated Vax DNA causes humans all sorts of vulnerability to many illnesses and diseases.
These days kids in the USA are encouraged to accept up to 72 different injections by the age of 18. Vaccines have varying degrees of effectiveness and inherent danger. The FDA have no qualms about the allowing (profitable) continuance of DEADLY injections called vaccines. In spite of thousands, if not millions of Adverse Reactions and Deaths that are associated with this new unproven but highly profitable injection technology. Big Pharma are FDA's Paymasters = join the dots!
Because Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for injuries and deaths their injected poisons cause, there is no consequence for these casualties. because the is NO LIABILITTY, there is no discipline in quality of vaccines. The FDA turns a blind eye to these mRNA injections being contaminated with DNA, which is widely reported around the world!
Vax Contamination is rife - but, according to the errant makers, irrelevant. "So, what, if a few hundred die as a consequence of our non-existent Quality Control, nobody's watching or interested in a few vax related deaths!"
Finally, before the USA moved their Bio-weapon research overseas to many locations like Ukraine, Wuhan, etc, US Universities were the laboratories for this 'research'.
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Without diligent, inquisitive, questioning medical support we're safer to avoid taking the increased chance of a 'cure related injury' or death, or maybe just a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY?
SOS!! MERYL, I need your help and advice. I just received my Oregon Voter Pamphlet for Oregon General Election and didn't see Donald Trump listed as a Presidential Candidate . I expect Fowl play.
Please look into this matter as it's very time sensitive. Thank You.
I have a question about the flu shot. I work in a hospital and they are giving free. If you get a flu shot and have a little tag on our badge that says so we don’t have to wear a mask however, if we don’t, we have to wear a mask all the way through to me. Not sure I can tolerate a mask again due to wearing them all through Covid but my biggest question is are they made with MRNA
Because if it is so, and I am not putting that in my body
The flu shot does not work, just like all the rest. Years ago, there was a drop in flu shots, so the CDC and Fauci devised a plan to raise the uptake of shots. How did they do that, by scaring people saying that 80,000 die every year from the flu, which was a lie. They still continue to push this total BS.
What's flu??
Whats influenza?
Read the thread. I answered a question about "What's flu?"
In the UK they have put the Flu shot on the mRNA platform, be careful, try getting informed consent - good luck!
Take nothing .
When the PREP ACT of 2006 and The Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 are repealed, and clinical trials use an inert saline placebo, and test the product for safety for 10 years, I will look into the trial data. :) maybe.
Sneak over to the fox's den and find out everything you need to know about their presence within the henhouse. They claim it is for the "protection" of the hens!
This year's flu shot (based on data from Australia) is expected to work less well than usual. Maybe 1/3 efficacy. Can they force you to wear a mask when the shot will not work in most cases? I will provide data on flu shot effectiveness using CDC and WHO data in my next post so everyone can make up their own mind.
ALL vaccines are toxic ...
Generally due to their adjuvants.
Pfizer has an mRNA flu shot. Avoid it. https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/what_does_mrna_mean_for_the_flu_vaccine
You "want" (if anything) a flu shot grown in eggs, that warns about anaphylaxis for the egg-allergic, and you "want" one without mercury-preservative, so a single-dose vial or syringe.
Since I got fired for COVID "vaccine" refusal on the principle of standing with the "untermenschen", I am relieved of such quandaries, but I used to get an individual flu shot every year to meet requirements.
Sounds like the hospital is coercing you to get the shot or you’ll be “punished” by having to wear a mask. All medical injectables contain graphene oxide and hydrogel nanotechnology, according to research done by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. I’ve also read different studies where graphene oxide has been found in face masks. Neither alternative is safe.
When I was a nurse, me, and several other nurses, flat out refused to get the shot or wear the mask and the boss said it’s mandatory so we said fine will all quit. That was about 30 nurses that decided they were going to quit. She nearly crapped her self and said OK you don’t have to wear it and then we sat her down and told her our observations because the people who got the shot they always phoned in sick and we had a mask policy. I thought that you were using that mask with certain patient and then you dispose of the mask when you’re leaving the room, you do not wear that mask all over the unit so we had her basically by the short and curlies and we never had to wear a mask or get the shot during flu season and none of us ever got sick. Sometimes you just have to stomp on these people. Our boss ended up with Gillian barre syndrome after the flu shot and it ended her career.
What is the meaning of "free", referring to flu shots? Is it in fact "free to the recipient", but not to the government agency paying for it? Is it really "free" if taxpayers are paying for it? Is there a pharmaceutical company donating these "free" flu shots for the public good, or are they being paid (handsomely) for them? Genuine questions ...
I was going injured by one shot of Pfizer, six minutes mths later in April 2022 I was convinced to have a flu shot ( age) l. I developed life threatening hypertension- never been a problem. Still nice then and very sound out that they not only contain an aluminium adjustable vent, but they added graphene in 2019. Neither belong on n your body !
Mask don't work against viruses and all these shots have some degree of toxins in them. Can you find a different job?
Do you trust your bosses to tell you the truth about this?
Make sure they are not combining the flu shot with the mRNA shot. The flu vaccine doesn't have mRNA, it is deactivated influenza virus, adjuvants and some other ingredients. They have to guess which flu variant will circulate so they have the vaccines ready, the shots sometimes don't match and do nothing. What will the mask do?
Why would anyone wear a mask to protect against a virus that doesn't exist?? Hhhmmm...
Crazy controls top down designed to intimidate and corral us all /I love what the people are doing in the UK to protest against having to register every chicken and pet bird .. overwhelming the system by registering every frozen chicken in your fridge - the government is going g crazy and deserve to be hammered - protest however you can do it and gum up the system
I believe I've asked you this question previously; but, I'll ask it again:
Are all of these "cases" being determined by alleged PCR "tests"? If yes, why isn't the use of the fraudulent, alleged PCR "test" being questioned in court?
I have not seen any studies claiming that Kary Mullis was wrong when he stated that, "PCR is NOT a "test" and it certainly does NOT identify active infection."
- Thank you.
Kary Mullis stating this fact during the following video:
PCR is NOT a "test" and it certainly does NOT identify active infection.
https://www.brighteon.com/6b8b11b8-e119-4c5f-929d-38d09024b967 - added later)
Mullis at time=1:32: "...PCR is separate from that. It's just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something... It doesn't tell you that you're sick; and, it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with, really, was going to hurt you or anything like (that)."
Was it a coincidence that he died in August 2019? After all, it was the over-cycled PCR test that fueled the plandemic.
Exactly. If Kary Mullis's death JUST THEN was a coincidence, I'm a purple whale shark. These globalist psychopaths have so much to answer for it's ... the mere word "evil" doesn't even begin to describe it.
'A jab a day helps you work , rest and play!'
Nothing alas stops these snake-oil salesmen.
For now.
Are you implying Mullis was murdered? Public info says he died of pneumonia
Yes, that is what I am implying.
The plandemic would have not taken off without the fake over-cycled PCR test.
He would have been very vocal about the insanity.
Mullis also would have been powerless to stop it, just like all the FLCCC MDs. The CDC has plans to roll out more vaxes, still insisting covid is "evolving". The latest booster already out. I never got any of them.
Maybe he couldn't have stopped it...but his voice would have been heard by many who actually can think independently.
Have you viewed the following documentary yet, which became available for viewing online last week? Please do; because the "pandemic" fraud is becoming more and more understood by the public. There eventually will be a reckoning.
I believe you meant "The plandemic would have not taken off **without** the fake over-cycled PCR test.
Fixed it...thanks.
There are many possbile causes of pneumonia, Su.
As in iatrogenic "medicine," that's documented to kill 684 to 2196 each & every day!
Don't you know that when you mess a fraudulent death industry, you are stepping on a lot of toes?
I do not find it useful when bloggers suggest something with no evidence. I'm not stupid
There is nothing wrong with suggesting a different opinion.
There's plenty of evidence...where have you been? Did you watch PlandemicI Indoctornation? That would be a good place for you to start. If you can't find it, let me know.
What's your real name?
Why hide behind a stupid avatar?
Have some courage to post your opinions and take ownership of them...not criticize some "blogger."
I'm not an authority on Kary Mullis; but, the timing of his August 7, 2019, death, just prior to the October 18, 2019, "Event 201", seems rather convenient.
Surely seems so!
I read where he died of pneumonia. It would be interesting to know how he actually died. I wouldn’t be surprised if his death was planned.
Yes, considering the murderous intent behind covid, the vaxxines, the use of Remdesivir, the wholesale murder of people...nothing surprises me anymore.
Each study is conducted differently, but in the material I am about to post, all the data are collected by CDC and PAHO/WHO networks. In other words, the data are likely to be cherrypicked to support the desired outcome.
Edmond, if you want to know which studies used pcr tests, look it up on pubmed.
Thank you.
You aren't the only one thinking that these last couple of years. What a coincidence he died right before the covid plandemic. Oh so many coincidences though.
I must confess to being a bit exasperated by all the nonsense spouted about PCR tests by those who have never used them and who don't practice in any of the medical professions. (Mine is veterinary medicine.) PCR tests are widely used in clinical diagnostics, and they have been for many years, all without major issue, and generally with great clinical utility. They have been a major leap forward in our ability to identify pathogens and diagnose infectious illnesses in our patients.
For example, if I have a patient who is presenting with signs of respiratory disease that may very well be infectious (e.g., lethargy, inappetance, nasal discharge, fever), then I may want to know what exactly is causing it -- because that'll help me treat this patient and determine what, if anything, I need to do to protect the healthy others. To that end, I may run a PCR for a particular suspect or a group of most likely culprits (e.g., a "respiratory panel"), because it is much faster and more specific than conventional identification methods (e.g., cytology, culture).
The two main problems with the use of PCR in C19 were that (a) PCR tests were being run on people who were not ill, and (b) the tests were run to absurdly high cycle numbers (excessively amplified).
I think of a validated PCR test -- for any pathogen, whether bacteria, fungus, virus -- as a fingerprint or a key phrase. For example, if you were to distill the theme of a 30,000 word book into a single, unique sentence that distinguishes it from all other books, that's like a validated PCR test.
As for that 'validated' qualifier, the PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 that were granted FDA approval (many were submitted for consideration; only a handful were approved) were all validated by testing them against samples of closely related coronaviruses (if I recall correctly, they included the SARS-CoV-1 and MERS viruses) and on other types of respiratory viruses (including influenza, if I recall correctly, and I think I do). Only the PCR tests that correctly differentiated between SARS-CoV-2 and all other tested viruses were granted FDA approval.
All this I know from having looked into it at the time (2020/21). If I'm fuzzy on some of the details, I'm sure I have the substance of it correct.
So, a positive C19 PCR test did indeed identify key fragments of SARS-CoV-2, and ONLY SARS-CoV-2.
The trouble is that identifying a certain key gene sequence in a nasal swab DOES NOT MEAN that ANY live and infectious (transmissible) virus particles (virions) were present. As the immune system, and even just the physicochemical effects of nasal secretions, degrade the virus, its genetic material may remain (for days or weeks, depending on the pathogen and the patient), but its infective ability does not.
On the other hand, positively identifying the suspected pathogen using PCR in a sick patient with suggestive clinical signs helps to confirm my clinical suspicion and thus enables me to better treat my patient and, if needed, protect the healthy others in the group.
I hope this clears things up for some of you.
It's a bit late in the evening (or early in the morning) for me to start to reply to you; but, I do have an initial question for you and then a bit of elementary truth that you apparently are not aware of:
1) The question: I'll assume you do know who Kary Mullis was...the inventor who developed the RT PCR technique/procedure. - So, I take it that you disagree with Kary Mullis' statement that, "PCR...doesn't tell you that you're sick; and, it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with, really, was going to hurt you or anything like (that)."? - So, do you disagree with Mullis' statement and, if so, on what basis? ...the fact that some manufacturer has stated that their PCR "test" works?
2) The bit of elementary truth: You state, "So, a positive C19 PCR test did indeed identify key fragments of SARS-CoV-2, and ONLY SARS-CoV-2." - You are dead wrong. When Drosten designed the first PCR test, he did not have an isolated SARS-Cov-2 sequence. In fact, to this day, there is still no SARS-COV-2 sequence from a virus isolated according to Koch's postulates. Therefore, Drosten designed the first PCR "test" using known sequences from various alleged coronavirus virus and other 'viruses, such as influenza'. The CDC finally had to admit that the various PCR "tests" could not differentiate between the various coronaviruses, nor even influenza. Many researchers believe this is why the flu practically disappeared when the alleged Covid-19 came on the scene.
Anyway, I'll await your response to these two points before continuing with my response.
May I please see the references for your assertion that the C19 PCR tests did not differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses. That is not my understanding of the situation at all.
Scientific references, please; not more internet opinions.
As to your first point, Kary Mullis was not a physician; not any sort of clinician, in fact. He had a PhD in biochemistry.
Yes. It will be a few days before I get you references. It's a good day today to work outside and I must make use of it.
This information was on the CDC website, back when the CDC was revealing their cognizance of it; but, I believe they have since deleted it or removed it. But, I will find you the info. However, it's not likely to be in the form of a scientific paper. There's no grant money in proving pharmaceutical products to be faulty. You'll have to take what I give you and deal with that.
You do realize that Kary Mullis received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his RT-PCR procedure? I'm curious why you would think that a physician or any sort of clinician would understand the procedure better than Mullis?
We PhD researchers have a measured respect for physicians and clinicians but we don't place them on a pedestal as is done in the U.S. by the mainstream media. In fact, most of us who have worked in medical departments and hospitals, and have personally and professionally interacted with them, can likely tell you of lots of egregious errors made by physicians and clinicians with regard to both humans and animals.
Borger P, Malhotra RK, Yeadon M et al. External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4298004
Sousa A. 40-cycle RT-PCR test for Covid 19: A weapon of mass destruction? Biomedical Jounral of Scientific and Technical Research (2021) 33(4) 25914- 25916 https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.005420.php
Thank you. I'll take a look at the first one. The second one is not news to me, and is not relevant to my point about the specificity of the C19 PCR tests.
In my view, they are sensitive; just grossly misused.
Over and out.
And I should have added that the genetic sequence for SARS-CoV-2 was available in early 2020. The origins of this 'novel' virus were widely discussed among virologists the world over at the time, based on the fact that some of its sequences were so peculiar that it was most unlikely to have evolved naturally. This was all known at the start or shortly thereafter, so the sequence was most assuredly available for PCR development very early on.
But the most unusual sequences (the artificially inserted furin cleavage sites) were not the sequences detected by the PCR tests.
Okay, Chris.
I think the best place for you to start (if you decide to) is the video I gave you the link to below, ( https://www.globalresearch.ca/does-the-virus-exist-has-sars-cov-2-been-isolated-interview-with-christine-massey/5753322 ) where Christine Massey is being interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky regarding her FOIA efforts to find an isolated SARS-CoV-2, I suggest you listen very closely to the entire video and not just skip through it.
You should also read the Eurosurveillance paper, "Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR" which is referenced in the video. A link to it is: https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045 - You will learn that, since no SARS-CoV-2 isolate was available, a proxy PCR "test" was devised using an alleged SARS-CoV-1 genome from 2003.
Dr. David E. Martin has reported that SARS-Cov-1 or SARS-1 is a man made construct, made in the U.S. and patented in 2003. Shortly thereafter, SARS-1 surfaced in China, killing a number of Chinese people. This SARS-1 was developed via funding by Fauci's NIAID, starting as early as 1999. By 2005, DARPA entered into the funding, when it realized the biowarfare possibilities of this research. There's a lot more to this that Martin has reported, since he deals with everything that crosses the line or comes close to crossing the line into biochemical warfare. Martin had downloaded all documents regarding coronavirus patent applications and awards, as well as all coronavirus research grant funding applications and grants. This is 4000+ documents; and, he has reported on much of what he has read. To understand this, you should view Plandemic Indoctornation at https://freedomplatform.tv/plandemic-indoctornation-world-premiere/ and then Brian Rose's interview of Martin at https://www.bitchute.com/video/NRm7AN6UK1oK where you will learn that Moderna had already begun developing an alleged Covid-19 'vaccine' by March 28, 2019, well before a pandemic was declared.
I'll look for the CDC info sometime later this week or next. This will give you time to digest the above, if you so choose.
You are in the dark ages with regard to your knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 and I"m not sure whether I want to spend the time to educate you. SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated. It only exists on computers as a man made construct. There is no complete genome which does not have hypothesized sequences inserted in it. And, there is no one or entity who has a physical sample of it.
To begin, I suggest you take a look at the following articles on global research, especially the two on the right side of the page.
This is all I have time for today.
It may also be worth noting that ivermectin can inhibit H5N1 in vitro:
Götz V, Magar L, Dornfeld D, et al. Influenza A viruses escape from MxA restriction at the expense of efficient nuclear vRNP import. Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 18;6:23138. doi: 10.1038/srep23138. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2016 May 09;6:25428. PMID: 26988202; PMCID: PMC4796820.
To establish a new lineage in the human population, avian influenza A viruses (AIV) must overcome the intracellular restriction factor MxA.
Partial escape from MxA restriction can be achieved when the viral nucleoprotein (NP) acquires the critical human-adaptive amino acid residues 100I/V, 283P, and 313Y. Here, we show that introduction of these three residues into the NP of an avian H5N1 virus renders it genetically unstable, resulting in viruses harboring additional single mutations, including G16D. These substitutions restored genetic stability yet again yielded viruses with varying degrees of attenuation in mammalian and avian cells.
Additionally, most of the mutant viruses lost the capacity to escape MxA restriction, with the exception of the G16D virus. We show that MxA escape is linked to attenuation by demonstrating that the three substitutions promoting MxA escape disturbed intracellular trafficking of incoming viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (vRNPs), thereby resulting in impaired nuclear import, and that the additional acquired mutations only partially compensate for this import block.
We conclude that for adaptation to the human host, AIV must not only overcome MxA restriction but also an associated block in nuclear vRNP import. This inherent difficulty may partially explain the frequent failure of AIV to become pandemic.
In the paper itself:
"Treatment with ivermectin completely abrogated nuclear import of all different vRNPs resulting in no detectable reporter activity (Fig. 6A)...."
Some quotable quotes from the abstract, worth repeating:
"To establish a new lineage in the human population, avian influenza A viruses (AIV) must overcome the intracellular restriction factor MxA."
"[M]ost of the mutant viruses lost the capacity to escape MxA restriction ... thereby resulting in impaired nuclear import..."
"This inherent difficulty may partially explain the frequent failure of AIV to become pandemic."
I would also note that highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) generally is highly pathogenic only in stressed and otherwise immunocompromised birds.
Do yourself a favour and never, ever go into a conventionally run commercial poultry shed! They're AWFUL!!
Do yourself another favour and avoid conventionally raised poultry (meat and eggs). These are not healthy birds, and they do not -- in fact, they *cannot* -- produce healthy food (meat or eggs).
It's no wonder to me that avian influenza is (well, *can be*) highly pathogenic in conventional poultry production facilities -- and that's what they are: production facilities, not farms or animal habitats. The bird is a commodity, a widget; worth a certain number of cents per unit, and that's all. And sometimes the subsidies and payouts mean that the bird is worth more dead than alive -- even before it goes for "processing" (a polite euphemism for slaughter).
So, don't buy into the hype that HPAI is highly pathogenic to everyone. It is not; not even in poultry. And it is survivable (although not so much if you're starting off as a very stressed and otherwise vulnerable young bird in overcrowded conditions). There is absolutely no reason to be snuffing out entire populations of birds, other than for $$.
As for my credentials? I'm a veterinarian.
Thank you for that insight.
I’m stopped all vaccines in 2004. Boost immune system naturally and stay away for coughers not matter what after booster madness.
I take 10 grams/vitamin C per day (5 AM and 5 PM) by my bowel tolerance.
The racketeering gang won't stop even on the way to that place where huge coal fires don't cause global warming.
Here in Panama, "pink eye" is common and people buy OTC drops for it which do their job. As DIY fan I apply a ~0.02% solution of ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) which tackles a variety of eye infections.
So amazing how they can connect an illness that a specific person got to a specific animal but can't seem to connect the dots to toxic injections, toxic air, toxic water, etc, and the illnesses they're spreading. It seems like they could use the same deductive reasoning to verify that these toxins are making people sick. Heaven forbid they place the blame on the vaccine manufacturers that are also paying them. Let's all blame it on the innocent birds instead.
Ode to Birdy Flu and Pink Eye
In a world where, scientific falsehoods fly,
News doth soar, of dreaded pink eye.
A fake pathogen again, took wing one day,
Got blamed for conjunctivitis, all the way.
Bloggers squawked, "It's feathered fright,"
A "germ" from birds, that blurs your sight.
But Christine‘s FOIAs, and her eagle eyes,
Pecked through the fog, of these bald lies.
For in the coop, where facts should reign,
Viroliegists spread lies, like birdseed grain.
One hen "positive," with a fake PCR test,
Gave fools reason, to murder the rest.
Yet truth, like daylight, clears the nest,
Dispels the myths, puts minds to rest.
Let's guard our thoughts, keep reason bright,
There is no virus, that fuks with your sight.
So heed this tale, both near and far,
Of how fake science, leaves a scar.
For even small ills, like eyes red bloom,
Can have herds culled, and spell their doom.
Hold fast to truth, dont be misled,
By a "virus" that made, 20 guys‘ eyes red.
For in the end, clear eyes will see,
Through the BS, of viroLIEgy.
Some people in high places want a lot of us dead, don't they?? For the good of the planet, right? Riiiiiight! Father Chad Ripperger noted not too long ago that there is more demonic activity nowadays as Satan knows his time is running out. Got to drag a lot of souls down to Hell with him I guess. Amazing how vile and evil we human beings can be when God is not considered a necessary part of our lives!
20 human 'cases'( (so ill-defined that it beggars belief), time to pull out all the stops...!
You are right: there is lots to worry about here. OMG, bird flu, the disease that kills . . . around the world. And we are so lucky to have the PCR test to diagnose it! (You know - the "test" that is not diagnostic.)
"Oh no! I have what might be pink eye!" Quick, Honey, get the keys and lets' jam to the clinic while it's still open for an arm-jab. But just in case we miss it, grab the Colt auto from the drawer. That'll solve it.
See, I'm laughing too but remember those brainwashed eejiits in 2020 that brought their kids to 'Rona testing facilities in the trunk of their car?
Iris, A beautiful name! Both in terms of botany and biology.
Well, I can't say that I do remember "RONA" testing but it's probably a good thing to NOT remember! If one would be saddled (all at one time) with all the injustices that took place during those years, and probably continuing to the present, they'd blow a gasket.
Some souls writing comments in the past, have expressed unforgiving animosity toward those who were "on the other side." It was surely tempting to join in, but it is wrong from a Christ-minded viewpoint. We're supposed to "love our enemies." That's a tough row to hoe! 'Even supposed to love and show kindness to "those who spitefully use you." And there are those who say, "Christianity is only a crutch!" Let them sign up and try it out for a while and see for themselves it's no walk in the park to align oneself with His Will and to keep His Commandments. But by keeping ones "Irises" on the prize. it makes the road much easier to navigate. Thank you for your response!
God bless,
Christianity is not for the faint-hearted, you are right. And I should also remember about motes and beams.
Thank you for a *ray* or two on my name, it was very deftly done :)
Studies are showing that people who havent had any vaxxes in their entire lives are the healthiest people of all. Thats enough proof for me that they are all hogwash. The "outbreaks" of whatever disease they are crying about at any given time always seem to be where people have been highly vaccinated. Tell me these things arent whats causing these outbreaks. My guess is there hasnt been a single life saved from one vaccine ever....
That violates medicine's new credo of, "First Do Harm." (then treat for life!)
These rare diseases are part of Big Pharma's business Plan. Fear Porn motivates the weak minded to cower behind DEALY INJECTIONS that have little efficacy and can KILL or INJURE recipients. Why else would Big Pharma hide behind ZERO LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS, VAX injuries - and soon to be admitted 'Vax induced REDUCED LIFE EXPECTANCY'. The more you jab - the sooner you'll die!
Then there's the unpoliced 'DNA contamination' aspect of the highly dangerous mRNA injections called 'VACCINES'. Because there's no LIABILITY, nobody contests the DNA contamination fund in may countries Covid vax batches. The FDA should, but they receive vast sums from Pfizer, Moderna, etc, to keep the 'vax Gravy Train' on the tracks!
Unchecked contaminated Vax DNA causes humans all sorts of vulnerability to many illnesses and diseases.
These days kids in the USA are encouraged to accept up to 72 different injections by the age of 18. Vaccines have varying degrees of effectiveness and inherent danger. The FDA have no qualms about the allowing (profitable) continuance of DEADLY injections called vaccines. In spite of thousands, if not millions of Adverse Reactions and Deaths that are associated with this new unproven but highly profitable injection technology. Big Pharma are FDA's Paymasters = join the dots!
Because Big Pharma enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for injuries and deaths their injected poisons cause, there is no consequence for these casualties. because the is NO LIABILITTY, there is no discipline in quality of vaccines. The FDA turns a blind eye to these mRNA injections being contaminated with DNA, which is widely reported around the world!
Vax Contamination is rife - but, according to the errant makers, irrelevant. "So, what, if a few hundred die as a consequence of our non-existent Quality Control, nobody's watching or interested in a few vax related deaths!"
Finally, before the USA moved their Bio-weapon research overseas to many locations like Ukraine, Wuhan, etc, US Universities were the laboratories for this 'research'.
Unjabbed Mick (UK). Without diligent, inquisitive, questioning medical support we're safer to avoid taking the increased chance of a 'cure related injury' or death, or maybe just a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY?
Over and out, eh Chris. Yep, you run away. Hard to admit you were misled all these years, isn't it.
SOS!! MERYL, I need your help and advice. I just received my Oregon Voter Pamphlet for Oregon General Election and didn't see Donald Trump listed as a Presidential Candidate . I expect Fowl play.
Please look into this matter as it's very time sensitive. Thank You.