Why is Gates of Hell still walking freely in any society? Why are they ( Gates of Hell, Fraudci, and all the other murderers) not in chains somewhere?

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Suzanne, that is what I want to know too. Why is it that in a society with so many laws that "if you show me the person I can show you the law" that these criminals cannot be charged with any crime OR at least no one is willing to charge them.

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It is all about the MONEY! I taught ( am retired) in a public high school and one learned quickly that MONEY was the goal: federal, state, you name it! The needs and education of the students was secondary to administrators. Their goal was to please the lawyers who populated the state and federal government in order to keep the MONEY rolling in.

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It is part of the rule "If you can't figure it out ... follow the money trail."

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Indeed, it is.

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Sounds more like a global coalition to outsmart the public.

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Oh look! They are going to "challenge dogmas." They should start at home. Are we in a strange Huxley novel at the moment? Pinch me please!

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The ´dogmas’ they plan to challenge are our rights to:

bodily autonomy; medical freedom; informed consent.

They aim to discard these RIGHTS & fill people’s’ heads with the idea that responsible citizens rush to take more & more ´vaccines’ every year.

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Exactly. Except by definition, dogmas are not rights, and their efforts to strip our rights are dogma. What is good is called evil and what is evil is called good. It is an immoral, spiritual battle of evil out to destroy all that is good. More people are opening their eyes -- becoming spiritually "woke."

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Yes, we see medics, politicians & bureaucrats trying to convince us it’s good to mutilate children - it’s a form of « care »....

We see them saying medical murder is good - it’s merely « assisted dying ».....

On & on with their insane twisting of decent values.

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Someone had written of "The Great Awakening." 'Not sure of its origin, but it seems likely to be connected (though somewhat deceptively) to the beginning of these times you refer to. Daniel the prophet's writings (chapter 12:4). "Deceptively" in that there is to be a false revival in advance of the outpouring of the H.S. ("The Latter Rain") which will be in direct conflict with God's written Word. Satan will provide the stage- setting for that to occur seamlessly. But the wise will recognize the falsehood of his cleverly set trap and stand and reject it. Many faithful will again be martyred and persecuted for their obedience and trust in God's Standard, the Bible. Rome will be exposed for her false, iniquitous, dogmatic doctrines, much like the medical "profession" has been of late "exposed" of its dirty propaganda campaign.

Hosea 4:6 reveals God's desire for his people to turn their eyes to accept Truth in order to "get" spiritual knowledge. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

The "Law" is NEVER to be abrogated! It is the revealed character of God. The Commandments are permanently etched in stone and the originals stored away in a sacred, golden ark (of the COVENANT) somewhere and guarded by angels from on high. What many people confuse regarding the "law" is the "shadow" or "type" which Moses wrote and placed in the "SIDE" of the Ark, and was "nailed to the cross" at the time of Christ's Great Sacrifice. Consequently, the curtain separating the two compartments of the ancient sanctuary was "torn from top to bottom" signifying it was done so by the Hand of God, and not man. Christ was from then on to be our intercessor by way of the actual ACT of dying for the sins of all humanity. That "WAY" had effectually been opened. No more was the blood of animals to be used as a symbol of Christ's Great Sacrifice.

This core concept of history (previous to it, pointing forward, and afterward, pointing BACK to it) highlighted in the Book of Hebrews, gives us confidence of the efficacy and perpetuity of God's Commandments. And this is the "knowledge" which shall "increase" in the end times. Many will come to the truth and be saved.

I hope this has helped to clarify this one main point.


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Efficacy is so outdated, sheeple! Don't ask questions just line up already! It's "free"! And here, have a doughnut.

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It’s all so chilling & tyrannical.

That bit about « leveraging electronic records of the unvaccinated in many ways to increase uptake ».....

Many of us - maybe a few billion of us - just demand that these billionaires & bureaucrats LEAVE US ALONE.

But of course they won’t now because they MONETIZED our bodies in 2021 - as they’ve been doing with children for years via the ever-expanding childhood schedule.

Now they can get cash & power by forcing Pharma products into us, they’ll only stop if we MAKE THEM stop.


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Do you get the impression that humans are being treated as dumbed down, non consenting beings who will passively accept into their bodies whatever is deemed necessary by the "elites" who have enough money to influence and own our stupid corrupt governments. No wonder they are trying to bring us together under the one banner with all the other animals in the world so that we can all benefit from their special "world health" treatment.

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I'm not prophesying; only reiterating what God's prophets have written for our admonition. The "squeeze" we have been subjected to is as unlawful as it is un-Godly and is yet but a precursor to the "spiritual squeeze" which is about to be levied upon the world. It has been served us as a "test" and a conditioner preparing the way for a deception concocted in the mind of the head of demons.

Very soon, the "climate" illusion will be pushed forward so that it will coincide with a socio-political/spiritual mindset (spear-headed and directed by the powers in Rome and below) in order to bring about a "Sun-day rest period." This coercive measure will be the long sought-after effect by one of Satan's most devious plans to corral the society of mankind and cause the unwary to sin against His Fourth Commandment. Satan's spokesperson can then point to all the

tragedies and misfortunes the world will then be experiencing, and appropriate them to God's wrath for NOT keeping Sun-day (the FALSE Sabbath) as a holy "rest day." It's a masterfully constructed plan! But God's prophet has clearly laid its intent bare, so we need not be caught unawares.

It's for our benefit to know the enemy's plan of action WAY before it gets implemented!


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I hope Bill Gates is up to date on all of his covid boosters.

Shouldn't he be on shot number 9 or 10 by now? He can join all those who already took the path forward beyond efficacy.

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From your lips tomGod’s ears! Unfortunately, Gates of Hell and all the rest will never put this poison in their bodies!

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Thank God, it's just an April Fool's joke .....I saw the date and then realized, it's a prank...oh, wait, it's not fake...oh, they are serious about this....they are trying to kill us in real time....😨💉☠😩

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Why is it we didn't need to "outsmart" illnesses until a billionaire found out they could make a whole hell of a lot of money by trying to do so? I'm so sick of these monsters.

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Just can not figure out how Billy Gates is still a free person. He should be awaiting execution for premeditated mass-murder.

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The conspiracy realist in me has a different theory on Bill and Melinda Gate's breakup. Most women don't want to be married to a criminal. Given Bill Gates has been accused of genocide in Africa and now worldwide and the proximity of his divorce to the rollout of the vaccines I have to ask if she knew he was intent on depopulation and didn't want any part in it. Similarly Justin Trudeau, genocidal prime minister of Canada and his wife split up at the same time.

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Yes, Mr. Jewett!

Not only do I concur, but have had those very same thoughts about the Gates' breakup. Never know about the Canadian you mentioned, though. It certainly has the "ring" of truth to it, though. And yes, both wives undoubtedly were privy to the inner-thinking of their husbands. Even if not OPENLY through conversation, I would imagine that actions would manifest their true intentions. It is not all that difficult to determine the mind-set, the paradigm, the world-view of one's spose. Far less than, for instance, to maintain a false image of ones character for so many years straight.

It's been a few times contemplated by yours truly, to question what would be the outcome if the reverse of things would have been instituted, rather than what has always existed: i.e. That man had been assigned to dominate (lovingly) and provide for the family's well-being and its protection , and women, to dominate maternally within the circle. We all know these things, but to elucidate without stepping in anything is difficult.

But now, what if women held the same scepter of authority which males wield(ed) and men were assigned the roles that women have? My question is would women be able to make the difficult choices in horrendous situations which require rigid adherence to logic in the face of massive bloodshed, for example? Another associated question is asked: Would there EVEN BE "massive bloodshed" situations to contend with, in such a reversed society? Would maternal instincts prevent that from happening, or would there arise truly wicked women to advantage themselves or for the cause of Satan, and create chaos and destruction, bloodshed and war?

All this is but a wonder, and may never become known, but I believe likely relates to Linda divorcing Bill.

'Just a little wandering here from reality to but curious to contemplate.

Yours in Christ,


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She also seemed to show (somewhat late) concern about his palsiness with the infamous Jeffrey.

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The scuttlebutt about Epstein Island is that it was a blackmail operation. It was probably used for blackmailing executives for Covid Scamdemic/Covid 19 Vaccine rollout as well.

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Bill Gates is invested in mRNA technology through Danaher (DHR) which owns Aldevron a biotechnology company that makes and distributes mRNA. It is time to investigate Bill Gates…

Investigate the mRNA biotechnology companies...Start with Aldevron...owned by Danaher (DHR). Bill Gates has investments in DHR which bought Aldevron for $9.6 Billion in 2021. Gates invested in DHR in 2022. The three locations of Aldevron are Fargo, ND, Madison, Wisconsin and Lincoln, Nebraska and have a presence at North Dakota State University, University of Wisconsin and University of Nebraska. Investigate Aldevron and the mRNA research at each of these universities. Investigate why Bill Gates has bought farmland in Nebraska, Wisconsin and North Dakota. Is all of this just a coincidence? Cofounder of Moderna is on the board of directors at Aldevron.
























Gates Foundation bets big on Moderna’s mRNA technology | Drug Discovery News

In the News: AAVCOVID Partner Mass Eye and Ear Releases Preclinical Data on Single-Dose, Room Temperature-Stable COVID-19 Vaccine, and Announces Grant Award.


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Sometimes I picture a great big world map with lines of "connection" drawn between criminals and their counterparts, their associates, and facilities. And I then picture such a web that the entire map becomes obscured by the black lines of association, with the exception of the poles.

It's the plague of wickedness that goes unseen by mortals, yet certainly felt in many ways, with all its deeds and intentions recorded in the Books of Heaven with perfect accuracy and faithfulness by recording angels so as to be acknowledged by any inspection as to the Justice of God's Judgement upon the perpetrators, when "That Day" comes.

Something to encourage those who fret about the association between corrupt conspirators. It might seem they are in the lead, but Scripture guarantees that they will lose their gift of life eternal. You have God's Word in support of that thought.


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I failed to comprehend how efficacy does not include to stop transmission. Without stopping transmission everyone gets sick. To say "keeps you from severe disease, death or out of the hospital" sounds like something they made up. No one could possibly know that.

I wouldn't take a "vaccine" if I thought the reason did not include to NOT CATCH THE DISEASE. That's the reason you take it!

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They have no evidence to support the vaccines makes you less ill when you catch covid

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Anecdotal evidence (a barge load of it!) DEMANDS that the opposite is true! "Black is said to be white, and white black." Keep in repetition, it eventually becomes "science."

In Christ,


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Like everyone else, I have neighbours, relatives etc who got multiple injections & multiple bouts of an illness they believe was covid.

Not one of them has concluded the shots are useless. Some who’ve developed odd diseases, rashes etc will still NOT question the risks of the shots.

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the smarter they are, the better they rationalize

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Pinocchio doesn’t know where his nose is

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It almost seems that a vaccine is not a drug? It doesn't need to follow normal rules for drugs?

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legally vaccines ARE drugs but they have special liability provisions and so do designated "countermeasures"

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Unfortunately that’s correct.

Once they call something a vaccine, it becomes magically safe & effective.

A Pharma boss, ´health’ bureaucrat or politician calling a product a « vaccine » is like a priest giving a blessing. Society has been corrupted to the point where just applying that word grants « safe & effective » status regardless of the REALITY.

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Those were the old rules, Tracy. The new rules state that everything is within bounds as long as the outcome is mass-murder.

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Legally that is correct!

There are 2 classes of medications, therapeutic and vaccines.:

A therapeutic drug is one that is given to treat a disease. As a result, legally it can only be prescribed to someone who has the disease. Example: Insulin is a therapy for diabetes. It can only be given to someone who has first been diagnosed with diabetes. You cannot give insulin to a healthy person to prevent diabetes. FDA therefore has a set of laws that govern THERAPEUTIC AGENTS, such as insulin, cancer chemo, etc.

A vaccine however is given to a healthy person to prevent them from getting a disease. Because vaccines are (or in the past were) only given to the healthy a totally different standard of rules apply when assessing safety. The criterion must be higher than for a therapeutic BECAUSE WITH A THERAPEUTIC YOU KNOW THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE UNTREATED DISEASE BUT WITH A VACCINE YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF THE PERSON WAS GOING TO GET THE DISEASE OR DIE FROM IT. IT IS ALL CONJECTURE!

Legally, vaccines are exempt from personal injury litigation. The CV19 "vaccine" technology came about in 1990 and was always classified as GENETIC THERAPY. But FDA then reclassified it as a VACCINE in order to avoid lawsuits for personal injury from the drug. They then moved so that instead of preventing a disease it morphed into well you can still get it but it won't be as bad and then to if you get it and die you go to heaven. WHEN YOU TOOK MMR, HEPATITIS, DIPTHERIA, TETANUS OR ANY OTHER "VACCINE" WERE YOU TOLD THAT YOU COULD STILL GET IT BUT IT WON'T BE AS BAD?

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Yes and they changed the DEFINITION of vaccine to ram the gene therapy into the ‘vaccine’ category.

Totally dishonest & corrupt & they should all be in jail - everyone involved in making & pushing the garbage.

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And according to the current definition HEROIN is a vaccine because it stimulates the immune system. Ragweed pollen also stimulates the immune system to cause hay fever and on and on and on.

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Yes, or a bit of dirt getting in a cut!

They talk about « the science » as they dismantle it to suit their agenda.

Classic totalitarianism - where the State or Party changes language however it wants, for any reason that suits.

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Looks like that business promoting firm is certain the WHO will succeed in enabling "racketeering without borders" for big pharma. So I looked up some past activity:


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