As a half Slav mutt I find this guy's handle insulting. He hates one of my favorite sources.
Very disappointed to see him listed as a must read. Have not done a very deep dive on this squat, but find his stuff reminds me of the no such thing as a virus crowd. All they got is a hammer.
At times condescending, definitely holier than thou. Interesting he is allowed to stay in Russia. But says just enough right to sorta feel like he is 'with' us. Talks out of both sides of his mouth as we used to say.
'These guys' got one foot in both worlds. The number of institutions the globalists have infiltrated is long and complete. My gal just joined Rotary. They had me on the hook, but I spit the bit, found out Gates gave them 100 million to promote his Polio vaccine. I'll hang as the locals are good, just don't put any paperwork in front of me.
I could tell more than a few pro-Russian stories. I'll try to keep it simple. It's like Tulsi and many others. The globe loved them and now they hate them. They loved Putin too.
It is a very real caution. Psychopaths are impeccable liars. In the back of my head, my skepticism of everyone remains. We have to be pragmatic. Good people can be bought, bad people can be redeemed.
In the end if I read someone's stuff and they obfuscate, they lose me, squat lost me months ago.
There's a saying "you know a civilization by the way it treats prisoners". I was arrested in the Netherlands on suspicion of being a Soviet spy, thrown in the slammer and tortured (pentothal to the limit). Several years later in Soviet Bulgaria I was arrested on suspicion of being a US spy. My "weird" radio was confiscated, I was interrogated and told that the radio would be investigated at Sofia university, and got "city arrest". Researchers were baffled, requested explanation (lecture) which I was happy to give. The Varna police chief even apologized for the 10 min max time to speak to foreigners. And Bulgaria was more "Soviet" than Russia. To me the the difference between "West" and "Soviet" was a revelation, never to forget.
To me an important distinction is the number of overseas bases of all the militaries in the world. US approx. 750, Russia somewhere around 5. US has more than everyone else combined.
Russian Covid 19 'vaccination' was not mRNA based.
ISIS in Syria only got reduced after the Russians went in.
Putin will hold a glass to toast. Otherwise does not imbibe.
The US blew up the Nordstream pipelines as Biden promised.
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 if not earlier, but only after the US had absolutely stampeded over every single Russian redline.
The peace deal Ukraine initialed in talks with Russia in march 2022 was way better than what Ukraine is pondering now. Boris Johnson famously brought Zelenskyy the bad news. No peace! NATO's slogan.
Fully agree. The acts of terror paid for by the US-based KM (Khazarian Mafia) are so horrible they're omitted from "John & Jane Doe" type of history text books. More than 10 years ago, before Fb AI censorship, there were quite a few trolls on the Sputnik site. Several of them admitted to be US veterans or patriots. After presenting them with links like those below, several were converted, the rest kept silent, knowing this was just the tip of the iceberg.
Hence if the US and or vassal states don't abandon the Titanic, it's "game over".
Well, there is fearsome debate on that subject. In fact there was an online debate between Tom Luongo, Mathew Ehret, Edward Slavsquat & Ian Davis on that very subject. Quite a spirited debate:
DEBATE: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?” by OffGuardian
"...OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”
Is the war in Ukraine an “extension of Covid by other means”? Is Putin’s Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?
Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists:
Iain Davis is an independent investigative journalist, blogger and author from Portsmouth, UK. He is a contributor to UK Column and Unlimited Hangout. His work is often featured by OffGuardian, the Corbett Report and Zero Hedge, among others, and he also has his own website, In This Together where you can download his books for free. [Twitter]
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, a contributor to the media outlet Strategic Culture and a Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is a contributor to Unlimited Hangout and also the author of the books, The Untold History of Canada and Clash of the Two Americas. You can read his writings at or through his substack [Twitter]
Tom Luongo is a political commentator and analyst who hosts the Gold, Goats and Guns blog and podcast, which is frequently republished by sites like ZeroHedge. He previously contributed to Russia Insider and Strategic Culture. His website can be found at [Twitter]
Riley Waggaman is an American journalist based in Moscow who has previously worked for RT, PressTV, and Russia Insider. He currently writes about Russia, with a special focus on COVID-related issues, at his Substack, Edward Slavsquat. [Twitter] ..."
No they are much more than that. But definitely they are not opposites to the Western "Rules Based Order". Similarities and differences. Collusion and opposition.
OMG, so BRICS is just another ARM of the globalist cabal??? And I just listened to Trump rambling on for three hours on Joe Rogan and the word "globalism" was never even MENTIONED -- and the covid-scam depopulation thing (which oh yes, is still going strong -- I keep meeting new people who are dying of cancer) was never discussed .... and it looks as though the election is gonna be stolen again anyway .... What on earth can we DO about this?
I can't believe that I have finally found someone besides myself who noticed (or even cares?) that Trump has neither said "boo" about his dreadful handling of Project Warp Speed, nor has he mentioned any sort of plan to get the covid vaxx monkey off our backs if he becomes president! The near-complete handing over of our human rights as patients, productive citizens, and caregivers to big med was unprecedented, not to mention our NOT being the adult-in -the-room-example for other nations, and the impending loss of our sovereignty in this current madness. Cancer uptick can be added to general behavioral issues and a nationwide marked disconnect from cause-and effect awareness, in the growing list of covid-related maladies. We currently have no real choice in this election, and the odds are that our government was a, if not the, major player in the gain-of-function shell game which got us to this sorry state of affairs. In answer to your question, I'm looking to God, and nobody else for guidance, because if we had conducted ourselves in accordance with scripture, the nation would not be in this mess nor any other without hope and a plan.
I personally, have NOT given up my God-given rights to the UN, either personally or as a US citizen. Neither the UN or the WHO, or any other organization speaks for me. I do NOT comply, and I do not give up my rights. And neither should anyone else.
Well. not entirely without hope and a plan, John. Yes, Trump is not the whole answer. The situation is so complex that's a bit much to ask of any one man. But (1) if Trump's actions in his first presidency are any guide (which according to the dogma-for-a-reason "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior" they are) at least he WILL stop the forever war. Which is perhaps the most important thing for the survival of the human race. And on the rest of it, (2`) this time Trump has an alliance with Bobby Kennedy Jr, who has spent his entire life fighting the corruption of Big Pharma, Big Telco and Big Food and whom I trust to weed the worst of the evil out of the CDC, NIAID etc etc. Which is another HUGE thing. Added to which (3) Trump himself DID last time try to exit the UN/WHO, which is another huge thing. Congress blocked him last time, but he's smarter about such tactics this time. Plus (4) unlike last time, Trump knows a lot more about the Washington swamp this time and has sorted out before the election a cabinet capable of draining it. For example, putting Tulsi Gabbard in charge of the military would be a GREAT advance! That woman is no DEI hire! Last time Trump basically had no clue what he was doing and took advice from some very Bad People. So I don't think we need God to save us, John. Well. unless you believe that HE already did, by turning Trump's head just the right amount at just the right instant to prevent his assassination. So Kia kaha, as my Kiwi countrymen say. Stay strong. And get out and VOTE for your Lord's Chosen One.
The morality of 2000 year old cultures can't be rigidly adhered to in modern times. We have evolved. Life was cheap, short and brutal. Their morality was more primitive, just stone your kid at the city gate if he or she acts up, and your wife too if you suspect cheating.
Susan, I've had the same question about the absence of the te globalism in the campaigning. However, Trump started the process to remove us from the WHO and used to speak out against the the UN. Maybe these are soft ways of doing this without shocking the sleeping public into accusations of so-called conspiracy theory by mentioning the monster behind these organizations. And, almost no one from either side, except Kennedy and a few other politicians, mention the geoengineering under globalist control.
Also, do you know something current that I may have missed about your assertion concerning election fraud?
Sorry but I didn't keep a note of all the videos I saw showing people complaining that the machine at the polling place spat out a voting paper which showed their vote as being for the opposite party than the one they actually voted for, Larry. So I just asked Google for "Reports of election trampering US 2024". And even Google, biased an' all as it usually is, immediately came up with this: And various other results.
Google still prioritises articles that accuse Trump of all sorts of lies and cheating, of course. But the whole issue of ensuring that the election is fair and honest finally seems to be "trending", as they say. Which can only be good.
The author should have looked up the meaning of "multilateral" first:
multilateral (mùl´tî-làt´er-el) adjective
1. Having many sides.
2. Involving more than two nations or parties: multilateral trade agreements.
- mul´tilat´erally adverb
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.
A common goal of many nations is to ensure the well-being of citizens and to maintain a stable, healthy environment. This doesn't make the heads of such nations "globalists".
Without a proper definition / description of multilateralism from a grammarian perspective, discussion is worthless.
In the same class, "diplomacy". The application by some countries requires addition of the noun "gunboat", without which the word "diplomacy" is mere trash.
“For when language is corrupted and thought twisted in sinister ways, all efforts to resist the colonizers of the mind are self-defeating. Double-binds are not reserved for personal relationships but pertain equally to politics and culture. There is a reason why public discourse about politics (and most everything) in the U.S.A. is so circular in nature, so self-defeating, always ending in a dead-end as the system of oligarchic rule rolls along and even strengthens.’
- By Edward Curtin, Caged in Oligarchic Contradictions
And everyone should note that "private-public partnership" is just another euphemism for fascism and always has been. And note further that the Marxist version of "communism" was just another variety of fascism as well, i.e., the bigshots controlled virtually everything while the masses suffered under their bootheels.
Yes, I read George Orwell too. They taught him in to me in public high school. Now ask yourself why the people who run public high schools wanted you to believe him.
I think this provides a better explanation, also why so many globalist organizations were based in such a little country. Dismantling the KM w/o the mushroom clouds requires diplomacy w/o gunboats.
It's weird because the world is run through the central banks, but four of the five biggest banks are in China.
Usury has consolidated everything, so the rulers need technocracy to maintain control. That much is clear. They've known and planned that for decades, maybe generations.
The Technocrats planned to adapt human nature to their rule, but that won't work, as they are discovering from patriots everywhere.
Chinese patriots are there, but they live in a country that is leading the way for the suppression of freedom. They are getting it "in the teeth" with surveillance and thought control and a leader who is playing God. Jennifer Zeng of "Inconvenient Truths" (with a history of being tortured in a Chinese labor camp) is showing us as much as she can find of what the people in China are going through.
Dude, the UN refused to recognize Red China for nearly 20 years after it won its civil war. It's the target of the globalists. Sutton was basically a crypto-neocon who supported the Vietnam War, and promoted a sanitized version of the Protocols of Zion.
I think people like to keep things simple, an either-or, black or white state. Whereas the truth is more complicated.
Russia has been infiltrated by the Global Bankster Cartel, that is for sure. And just as they have done in the West they do that infiltration at all levels, municipal, state, federal, corporate, education and media. So in most every country that infiltration is never complete, there are always varied degrees of opposition.
You can indeed have most of the country under the thumb of Geneva but the President may be in opposition to their plans, as was Trump. No matter what fools claim, Trump killed the TPP, TISA & TTIP trade deals which were the #1 goal of the Globalitarian Misanthropist cult at the time.
This helps explain how Russia can be rushing for CBDC. And, most people don't know what Trump did for America when he killed the TPP. PS: I am busy admiring your writing!
I am not so sure about this... BRICS is NOT dictatorship... some countries aligned with BRICS might indeed lean globalist, but this doesn't mean that everyone will play the same tune... It is not like a hegemon dictating to the all nations what to do...
Also, not having an unique currency but a currency basket goes quite a bit against any world governance goals...
So, while some leaders are still parroting the globalist garbage, this does NOT mean that everyone agrees with them.
This tactic has been known ever since satanism infected our weakest criminal leaders, as by "divide & conquer" - even the weakest CRIMINALS may succeed in inciting much stronger others into fighting & thus weakening each other - while the criminal instigator being the untouched SURVIVOR.
The war of Ukraine versus Russia is such an example - instigated by America under Obama & Victoria Nuland - Ukraine & Russia kill & destroy each other, while America is the winner, selling it's extremely dirty LNG-Gas for a double price to crumbling Germany.
Is it at all pertinent that the Russian vaccine is not mRNA but traditional. It was also not considered acceptable by the same crowd that banned Ivermectin?
A just published article might change opinion re the push to organizations where the US & vassals are absent. Remember the unconditional support of "the West" for the Ukraine? For those not subbed to Armstrong Economics (and the famous "Socrates"), excerpts below the link (Warning: keep your kids away from it PLEASE).
The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII, and the sheer outright cruelty has NEVER been addressed. They, above all, should have been hunted down more so than the Germans. The torture Ukrainians inflicted even on Polish and Hungarians, along with Russians and Jews, included:
Running children through with stakes
Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole
Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw
Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen.
Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass
Nailing a small child to a door.
There are numerous foreign soldiers who volunteered for Ukraine and then have returned shocked at the extent of the war crimes carried out by Ukrainians. You have no idea of the seething hatred of all Russian-speaking people in the Donbas or in Russia. A significant number of Ukrainians have no problem killing and torturing Russians. If you did your research, the extent of the cruelty of the Ukrainian Nazis even shocked the German Nazis. They would cut out a baby of a pregnant woman and so in a live cat. They killed countless people from Poland and the Russians as well as Jews.
Any Western leader who gives anything to Ukraine is an absolute traitor to his people. This will end in World War III, the West WILL LOSE, and the world’s financial capital will move to Beijing. Anyone who supports Zelensky should be dragged out of office ASAP.
Fearing that the Red Army would liberate all of Western Europe, the KM decided to prevent that, and thusly the German occupation was replaced by a US one. The Germans lost, Nazism and fascism won and could continue with support (Operation Paperclip), and a structure was built (NATO) to continue the resource war where Hitler was stopped.
Crimes at this level started long ago and invariably pass conscience thresholds, an early one was:
Good stuff! Thank you! Yes indeed it's important to listen and read carefully what any leader says and more importantly what their actions are.. The Bricks are just are a more advanced division of Big Brother.. the WEF/WHO/UN want the entire G20 operating like Russia/China/N. Korea.. Every global citizen remaining after the Global Iatrocide just a Fearful Compliant Cyborg.. Let's ruin the entire Big Brother Game Plan.. Work at it Today... Free of Violence.. BB is desperately hoping, scheming, that We fall for that Violent Reactionary Trap.. where they can spring Martial Law.. and shut down the Constitution.. the election..
We must remember Gandhi's complete defeat of the English empire without firing a single shot...
That's very disappointing. Chosing to stay in the belly of the beast when they had an opportunity to undertake a path to self governance and freedom for their peoples
Bronwyn P, HI. lol, ohh okay, lol, just wondered. Thanks for letting me know, lol. Well just in the off chance that it might actually be a scene you're interested in, feel free to check out the links. It's run by Christopher Knowles (author of the books "Our Gods Wear Spandex", "Endless American Midnight", and "The Spandex Files")
Well this sucks--and here I thought that these guys were *different*
As a half Slav mutt I find this guy's handle insulting. He hates one of my favorite sources.
Very disappointed to see him listed as a must read. Have not done a very deep dive on this squat, but find his stuff reminds me of the no such thing as a virus crowd. All they got is a hammer.
At times condescending, definitely holier than thou. Interesting he is allowed to stay in Russia. But says just enough right to sorta feel like he is 'with' us. Talks out of both sides of his mouth as we used to say.
'These guys' got one foot in both worlds. The number of institutions the globalists have infiltrated is long and complete. My gal just joined Rotary. They had me on the hook, but I spit the bit, found out Gates gave them 100 million to promote his Polio vaccine. I'll hang as the locals are good, just don't put any paperwork in front of me.
I could tell more than a few pro-Russian stories. I'll try to keep it simple. It's like Tulsi and many others. The globe loved them and now they hate them. They loved Putin too.
It is a very real caution. Psychopaths are impeccable liars. In the back of my head, my skepticism of everyone remains. We have to be pragmatic. Good people can be bought, bad people can be redeemed.
In the end if I read someone's stuff and they obfuscate, they lose me, squat lost me months ago.
There's a saying "you know a civilization by the way it treats prisoners". I was arrested in the Netherlands on suspicion of being a Soviet spy, thrown in the slammer and tortured (pentothal to the limit). Several years later in Soviet Bulgaria I was arrested on suspicion of being a US spy. My "weird" radio was confiscated, I was interrogated and told that the radio would be investigated at Sofia university, and got "city arrest". Researchers were baffled, requested explanation (lecture) which I was happy to give. The Varna police chief even apologized for the 10 min max time to speak to foreigners. And Bulgaria was more "Soviet" than Russia. To me the the difference between "West" and "Soviet" was a revelation, never to forget.
To me an important distinction is the number of overseas bases of all the militaries in the world. US approx. 750, Russia somewhere around 5. US has more than everyone else combined.
Russian Covid 19 'vaccination' was not mRNA based.
ISIS in Syria only got reduced after the Russians went in.
Putin will hold a glass to toast. Otherwise does not imbibe.
The US blew up the Nordstream pipelines as Biden promised.
The war in Ukraine started in 2014 if not earlier, but only after the US had absolutely stampeded over every single Russian redline.
The peace deal Ukraine initialed in talks with Russia in march 2022 was way better than what Ukraine is pondering now. Boris Johnson famously brought Zelenskyy the bad news. No peace! NATO's slogan.
Fully agree. The acts of terror paid for by the US-based KM (Khazarian Mafia) are so horrible they're omitted from "John & Jane Doe" type of history text books. More than 10 years ago, before Fb AI censorship, there were quite a few trolls on the Sputnik site. Several of them admitted to be US veterans or patriots. After presenting them with links like those below, several were converted, the rest kept silent, knowing this was just the tip of the iceberg.
Hence if the US and or vassal states don't abandon the Titanic, it's "game over".
Oh lots to check out. Like Global Research. Nice to get thanks.
You're welcome, and there's more that should have been a red flag for US citizens:
Global Research is where it's at. A website so cancelled, nobody knows that it's cancelled.
Well, there is fearsome debate on that subject. In fact there was an online debate between Tom Luongo, Mathew Ehret, Edward Slavsquat & Ian Davis on that very subject. Quite a spirited debate:
DEBATE: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?” by OffGuardian
"...OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”
Is the war in Ukraine an “extension of Covid by other means”? Is Putin’s Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?
Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists:
Iain Davis is an independent investigative journalist, blogger and author from Portsmouth, UK. He is a contributor to UK Column and Unlimited Hangout. His work is often featured by OffGuardian, the Corbett Report and Zero Hedge, among others, and he also has his own website, In This Together where you can download his books for free. [Twitter]
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, a contributor to the media outlet Strategic Culture and a Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is a contributor to Unlimited Hangout and also the author of the books, The Untold History of Canada and Clash of the Two Americas. You can read his writings at or through his substack [Twitter]
Tom Luongo is a political commentator and analyst who hosts the Gold, Goats and Guns blog and podcast, which is frequently republished by sites like ZeroHedge. He previously contributed to Russia Insider and Strategic Culture. His website can be found at [Twitter]
Riley Waggaman is an American journalist based in Moscow who has previously worked for RT, PressTV, and Russia Insider. He currently writes about Russia, with a special focus on COVID-related issues, at his Substack, Edward Slavsquat. [Twitter] ..."
This is great, but the video won't play for me!
I found a link -
"Carbon markets means “money for nothing and chicks for free.”
Love this!
We really are in Dire Straits.
You can ban usury but chicks will always be expensive.
Oonga boonga!
So, BRICS is just controlled opposition?
Not even opposition by the look of that article -- just controlled. Sheesh ....
No they are much more than that. But definitely they are not opposites to the Western "Rules Based Order". Similarities and differences. Collusion and opposition.
OMG, so BRICS is just another ARM of the globalist cabal??? And I just listened to Trump rambling on for three hours on Joe Rogan and the word "globalism" was never even MENTIONED -- and the covid-scam depopulation thing (which oh yes, is still going strong -- I keep meeting new people who are dying of cancer) was never discussed .... and it looks as though the election is gonna be stolen again anyway .... What on earth can we DO about this?
I can't believe that I have finally found someone besides myself who noticed (or even cares?) that Trump has neither said "boo" about his dreadful handling of Project Warp Speed, nor has he mentioned any sort of plan to get the covid vaxx monkey off our backs if he becomes president! The near-complete handing over of our human rights as patients, productive citizens, and caregivers to big med was unprecedented, not to mention our NOT being the adult-in -the-room-example for other nations, and the impending loss of our sovereignty in this current madness. Cancer uptick can be added to general behavioral issues and a nationwide marked disconnect from cause-and effect awareness, in the growing list of covid-related maladies. We currently have no real choice in this election, and the odds are that our government was a, if not the, major player in the gain-of-function shell game which got us to this sorry state of affairs. In answer to your question, I'm looking to God, and nobody else for guidance, because if we had conducted ourselves in accordance with scripture, the nation would not be in this mess nor any other without hope and a plan.
I personally, have NOT given up my God-given rights to the UN, either personally or as a US citizen. Neither the UN or the WHO, or any other organization speaks for me. I do NOT comply, and I do not give up my rights. And neither should anyone else.
Well. not entirely without hope and a plan, John. Yes, Trump is not the whole answer. The situation is so complex that's a bit much to ask of any one man. But (1) if Trump's actions in his first presidency are any guide (which according to the dogma-for-a-reason "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior" they are) at least he WILL stop the forever war. Which is perhaps the most important thing for the survival of the human race. And on the rest of it, (2`) this time Trump has an alliance with Bobby Kennedy Jr, who has spent his entire life fighting the corruption of Big Pharma, Big Telco and Big Food and whom I trust to weed the worst of the evil out of the CDC, NIAID etc etc. Which is another HUGE thing. Added to which (3) Trump himself DID last time try to exit the UN/WHO, which is another huge thing. Congress blocked him last time, but he's smarter about such tactics this time. Plus (4) unlike last time, Trump knows a lot more about the Washington swamp this time and has sorted out before the election a cabinet capable of draining it. For example, putting Tulsi Gabbard in charge of the military would be a GREAT advance! That woman is no DEI hire! Last time Trump basically had no clue what he was doing and took advice from some very Bad People. So I don't think we need God to save us, John. Well. unless you believe that HE already did, by turning Trump's head just the right amount at just the right instant to prevent his assassination. So Kia kaha, as my Kiwi countrymen say. Stay strong. And get out and VOTE for your Lord's Chosen One.
You had me till 'in accordance with scripture'. How many wars have been fought over differing interpretations of that? The Golden rule is useful.
The morality of 2000 year old cultures can't be rigidly adhered to in modern times. We have evolved. Life was cheap, short and brutal. Their morality was more primitive, just stone your kid at the city gate if he or she acts up, and your wife too if you suspect cheating.
Susan, I've had the same question about the absence of the te globalism in the campaigning. However, Trump started the process to remove us from the WHO and used to speak out against the the UN. Maybe these are soft ways of doing this without shocking the sleeping public into accusations of so-called conspiracy theory by mentioning the monster behind these organizations. And, almost no one from either side, except Kennedy and a few other politicians, mention the geoengineering under globalist control.
Also, do you know something current that I may have missed about your assertion concerning election fraud?
Sorry but I didn't keep a note of all the videos I saw showing people complaining that the machine at the polling place spat out a voting paper which showed their vote as being for the opposite party than the one they actually voted for, Larry. So I just asked Google for "Reports of election trampering US 2024". And even Google, biased an' all as it usually is, immediately came up with this: And various other results.
PS: And the promise that swing states may try to delay certification of election results, as they did in 2020, is being taken seriously here :
Google still prioritises articles that accuse Trump of all sorts of lies and cheating, of course. But the whole issue of ensuring that the election is fair and honest finally seems to be "trending", as they say. Which can only be good.
The author should have looked up the meaning of "multilateral" first:
multilateral (mùl´tî-làt´er-el) adjective
1. Having many sides.
2. Involving more than two nations or parties: multilateral trade agreements.
- mul´tilat´erally adverb
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.
A common goal of many nations is to ensure the well-being of citizens and to maintain a stable, healthy environment. This doesn't make the heads of such nations "globalists".
Without a proper definition / description of multilateralism from a grammarian perspective, discussion is worthless.
In the same class, "diplomacy". The application by some countries requires addition of the noun "gunboat", without which the word "diplomacy" is mere trash.
“When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — “
-Alice in Wonderland
“Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.”
- John Adams, letter to J. H. Tiffany, Mar. 31, 1819.
“For when language is corrupted and thought twisted in sinister ways, all efforts to resist the colonizers of the mind are self-defeating. Double-binds are not reserved for personal relationships but pertain equally to politics and culture. There is a reason why public discourse about politics (and most everything) in the U.S.A. is so circular in nature, so self-defeating, always ending in a dead-end as the system of oligarchic rule rolls along and even strengthens.’
- By Edward Curtin, Caged in Oligarchic Contradictions
You may have missed this:
Good one!
And everyone should note that "private-public partnership" is just another euphemism for fascism and always has been. And note further that the Marxist version of "communism" was just another variety of fascism as well, i.e., the bigshots controlled virtually everything while the masses suffered under their bootheels.
Yes, I read George Orwell too. They taught him in to me in public high school. Now ask yourself why the people who run public high schools wanted you to believe him.
We are certainly looking at a global fascist power grab.
I think this provides a better explanation, also why so many globalist organizations were based in such a little country. Dismantling the KM w/o the mushroom clouds requires diplomacy w/o gunboats.
And in case it was missed, take the BRICS issue from someone with experience in analysis of global affairs.
2nd video at
In global-speak, Justice = "Just us".
Thanks for this revealing review. There are no antipodal alliances. There is only the insidious desire to rule the world.
It's weird because the world is run through the central banks, but four of the five biggest banks are in China.
Usury has consolidated everything, so the rulers need technocracy to maintain control. That much is clear. They've known and planned that for decades, maybe generations.
The Technocrats planned to adapt human nature to their rule, but that won't work, as they are discovering from patriots everywhere.
Where are the Chinese patriots?
Chinese patriots are there, but they live in a country that is leading the way for the suppression of freedom. They are getting it "in the teeth" with surveillance and thought control and a leader who is playing God. Jennifer Zeng of "Inconvenient Truths" (with a history of being tortured in a Chinese labor camp) is showing us as much as she can find of what the people in China are going through.
If you visit China, you cannot mention Tiananmen square. They do not have access to the internet the way the Western world does, they are leashed.
"Red" China was and is just another project of the global banking mafia.
Mao was a Yali.
“By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill.”
Antony C. Sutton, American Secret Establishment published 1984
Details here.:
the crowhouse link didnt work
but the second link is interesting, thanks
Dude, the UN refused to recognize Red China for nearly 20 years after it won its civil war. It's the target of the globalists. Sutton was basically a crypto-neocon who supported the Vietnam War, and promoted a sanitized version of the Protocols of Zion.
"the rulers need technocracy to maintain control"
I should have said the rulers need technocracy to maintain *their* control.
I think people like to keep things simple, an either-or, black or white state. Whereas the truth is more complicated.
Russia has been infiltrated by the Global Bankster Cartel, that is for sure. And just as they have done in the West they do that infiltration at all levels, municipal, state, federal, corporate, education and media. So in most every country that infiltration is never complete, there are always varied degrees of opposition.
You can indeed have most of the country under the thumb of Geneva but the President may be in opposition to their plans, as was Trump. No matter what fools claim, Trump killed the TPP, TISA & TTIP trade deals which were the #1 goal of the Globalitarian Misanthropist cult at the time.
This helps explain how Russia can be rushing for CBDC. And, most people don't know what Trump did for America when he killed the TPP. PS: I am busy admiring your writing!
I am not so sure about this... BRICS is NOT dictatorship... some countries aligned with BRICS might indeed lean globalist, but this doesn't mean that everyone will play the same tune... It is not like a hegemon dictating to the all nations what to do...
Also, not having an unique currency but a currency basket goes quite a bit against any world governance goals...
So, while some leaders are still parroting the globalist garbage, this does NOT mean that everyone agrees with them.
Does anyone believe that the Russian Federation would give Ukraine "back" to their "owners" - BlackCock? Or China Taiwan?
Really don't agree with this. I'll have a new article out on the US election in a couple of days to clarify.
I'll have to find your article because I'm at the end of my rope.
This tactic has been known ever since satanism infected our weakest criminal leaders, as by "divide & conquer" - even the weakest CRIMINALS may succeed in inciting much stronger others into fighting & thus weakening each other - while the criminal instigator being the untouched SURVIVOR.
The war of Ukraine versus Russia is such an example - instigated by America under Obama & Victoria Nuland - Ukraine & Russia kill & destroy each other, while America is the winner, selling it's extremely dirty LNG-Gas for a double price to crumbling Germany.
Had read triple and even more.
Is it at all pertinent that the Russian vaccine is not mRNA but traditional. It was also not considered acceptable by the same crowd that banned Ivermectin?
A just published article might change opinion re the push to organizations where the US & vassals are absent. Remember the unconditional support of "the West" for the Ukraine? For those not subbed to Armstrong Economics (and the famous "Socrates"), excerpts below the link (Warning: keep your kids away from it PLEASE).
The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII, and the sheer outright cruelty has NEVER been addressed. They, above all, should have been hunted down more so than the Germans. The torture Ukrainians inflicted even on Polish and Hungarians, along with Russians and Jews, included:
Running children through with stakes
Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole
Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw
Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen.
Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass
Nailing a small child to a door.
There are numerous foreign soldiers who volunteered for Ukraine and then have returned shocked at the extent of the war crimes carried out by Ukrainians. You have no idea of the seething hatred of all Russian-speaking people in the Donbas or in Russia. A significant number of Ukrainians have no problem killing and torturing Russians. If you did your research, the extent of the cruelty of the Ukrainian Nazis even shocked the German Nazis. They would cut out a baby of a pregnant woman and so in a live cat. They killed countless people from Poland and the Russians as well as Jews.
Any Western leader who gives anything to Ukraine is an absolute traitor to his people. This will end in World War III, the West WILL LOSE, and the world’s financial capital will move to Beijing. Anyone who supports Zelensky should be dragged out of office ASAP.
Yeah read how the German SS were freaked out by how savagely the Banderites saved ammunition.
History will be rewritten, this fashion:
Fearing that the Red Army would liberate all of Western Europe, the KM decided to prevent that, and thusly the German occupation was replaced by a US one. The Germans lost, Nazism and fascism won and could continue with support (Operation Paperclip), and a structure was built (NATO) to continue the resource war where Hitler was stopped.
Crimes at this level started long ago and invariably pass conscience thresholds, an early one was:
When "the evil empire" no longer could win wars of attrition, they became economic, also passing conscience threshold, good example,
but probably a more proficient example is Michael Hudson:
Good stuff! Thank you! Yes indeed it's important to listen and read carefully what any leader says and more importantly what their actions are.. The Bricks are just are a more advanced division of Big Brother.. the WEF/WHO/UN want the entire G20 operating like Russia/China/N. Korea.. Every global citizen remaining after the Global Iatrocide just a Fearful Compliant Cyborg.. Let's ruin the entire Big Brother Game Plan.. Work at it Today... Free of Violence.. BB is desperately hoping, scheming, that We fall for that Violent Reactionary Trap.. where they can spring Martial Law.. and shut down the Constitution.. the election..
We must remember Gandhi's complete defeat of the English empire without firing a single shot...
Civil disobedience can do it!
If civil society knew what was going on, for the most part they don't.
That's very disappointing. Chosing to stay in the belly of the beast when they had an opportunity to undertake a path to self governance and freedom for their peoples
(Bronwyn, just wondered: Are you the Bronwyn from the Secret Sun gang? If so, just wanted to give you a shoutout, lol).
Hello Rabbitgurl formerly SL, No I'm not the Bronwyn from the Secret Sun gang, but sounds intriguing. Cheers
Bronwyn P, HI. lol, ohh okay, lol, just wondered. Thanks for letting me know, lol. Well just in the off chance that it might actually be a scene you're interested in, feel free to check out the links. It's run by Christopher Knowles (author of the books "Our Gods Wear Spandex", "Endless American Midnight", and "The Spandex Files")
Christopher Knowles Secret Sun blog:
Secret Sun Institute PATREON:
Best Regards, --Rabbitgurl