I'm old, I've had measles, mumps and who knows what else. The food was very good, my mother was a great cook and there was a huge variety of food, all of the highest quality. I'm still alive. I appeal to common sense. For minor diseases that, ultimately, train children's immune systems, is it worth making all this noise

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There are some studies that suggest that those who had childhood disease had fewer diseases as adults. Here's one (sorry, unvetted): "The number of febrile illnesses in children decreased the later risk of cancer, in particular for non-breast cancers." “Febrile infectious childhood diseases in the history of cancer patients and matched controls” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9824838/

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OTOH, two healthy classmates of mine in a very small school died of measles encephalitis and pneumonia after intentional exposure, commonly done at the time.

We also know that the c shots had an adverse effect on our immunity.

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Think, if that [non-pharma-approved] measles party protocol killed a few kids, would it have been continued? See PubMed's "Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers." @ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25355584/

Don't worry, {you're not getting out of this world alive.}

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Measles parties should be notified. Mine took us unawares. (Spoiled summer vacation.) The parents should be prepared to give vitamin A (probably also C) and keep the children in the dark for the duration. Do not give antipyretics (most NSAIDs).

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not only are you alive, you were not a victim of vaccine caused auto immune disease, malignancy, learning disorder, bizarre blood dyscrasia etc etc etc

At that early date one had only intuition. Your mother was very wise.

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As a side note… I am one of the few people that acquired a vaccine- induced disease from the MMR shot.

SUNY Albany required I take the MMR as a booster before I entered grad school. I willingly rolled up my sleeve. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with ITP, which is idiopathic thrombocytopenia. This has been acknowledged in over 10 published papers showing the association as causal and not just correlated.


The hematologist I see in Boston (Dr. Kuter) is one of the world’s top ITP specialists. He has helped create two medications which increase platelet numbers and recently told me he’s very close to curing the condition. Yay.

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Shouldn't you have said, "I am one of the many people that acquired a vaccine-induced disease from the MMR." How can one account for the rise in childhood disorders correlating with the rise in forced MMR toxicins?

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I’m not aware that there are many people who acquired ITP. Given the numbers, I chose to use the word few. I certainly could be mistaken. Thank you.

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@Mrs. Shanon; Check into Dr. Judy Mecovits's recommendation for Dr. Robert Kendolls DMG treatment, to matablize induced crap like the clot and vax shots! It can't hurt you!

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Indeed you did willingly roll up your sleeve. That is on you, not the alleged requirement.

You simply drank the kool aid. This is a public forum, and those with advanced education are in the position of teaching. My own degree is north of yours for whatever its is not worth. The idea you have that thrombocytopenia is the greatest issue you face or will face is pure conjecture. That is most unfortunate.

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If people’s immune systems are repressed by the covid jabs, wouldn’t the vaccine induced *outbreaks* be used to make it appear that there was a bad case of measles running rampant in the country??

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Bingo!! VaxAids

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Exactly!! Live that term.

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It is unlikely the deceased, MMR-unvaxxed child had any covid shots.

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Not disputing this, but can you specify why you think it unlikely? It seems that individuals as yong as 6 months (officially) got the kill shot. But I'm asking do you have specific facts or reasons for stating "unlikely"?

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I misunderstood what you were saying... apologies.

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pic the syndrome

What you say is true, so once again we must ask better questions...

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VAIDS for short.

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over the target with crystal clear deductive reasoning skills

Yes peeps it is that bad... and worse

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Yes, along the same lines as the PCR test increasing C-19 numbers

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qPCR. I hear NICUs use "PCR tests" for rhinovirus (colds) with no clue to cycle counts. they claim that be the lab's job. Strikes me as rather irresponsible.

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Why take it? Don’t! Measles virus has been used to treat cancer. Childhood diseases may well be protective against something worse later

“Not having a chickenpox infection increasing your risk of brain cancer later in life (e.g., links in original article).


•Not having a mumps infection increasing your risk of ovarian cancer, one of the most deadly cancers for women (see original article).

Note: this preventative effect was also found for measles, rubella and chickenpox infections.

•Previous infections of influenza, measles, mumps or chickenpox were found to decrease one’s risk of malignant melanoma.

Note: another study found similar results”

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Thank you, and let’s not forget that The so-called "viral genome" isn't directly found in nature — it's pieced together using computer algorithms. Virologists extract tiny, fragmented RNA sequences from samples taken from sick individuals, then input them into sequencing software, which aligns and assembles these fragments based on a pre-existing, assumed viral model. Since no complete viral genome is isolated directly from a host, the software essentially "fills in the blanks" using predetermined parameters.

The entire viral genome is theoretical, constructed rather than discovered. It is not sequenced as an intact strand from an isolated "virus" — it's stitched together computationally, relying on assumption-driven processes rather than direct empirical evidence of a whole viral entity.

I know you in all people would know (even if you can’t publicly admit it) there is no such thing as an “isolated virus” taken from the fluids of a sick person using the scientific method. What they are injecting people with is not live viruses but bio hazardous material, if not rotten and dead foreign material, to cause dysbiotic infections internally.

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It's cryptography. Nature isn't a sequencing and reporting laboratory.

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the more and more about less and less is absolute obfuscation

Then and now

As you mention there is no "virus" as an agent of any infectious disease

It is the greatest fraud every perpetuated by Big P and the Medical Cartel henchmen.

The fake new echo chamber did their part, but now due to Covidiocy, people ain't having it no more... Hence the attack on birds

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This goes in my measles cluster for today's blog post.

Measles outbreaks are complicated, and people who may or may not actually have vaccine-immunity, and don't know how bad measles can really be, are taking doctrinaire positions.


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I have been meaning to write about exactly that.

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Dr Nass. Thank you for the stat! I use all your info every day in many conversations! I wouldn't have half the deep dive knowledge without you. I have a all consuming day job and wldnt be half as informed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. P.S. you helped me along with CHD dissuade my daughter from a newborn hep b and all the other nonsense. She agreed to wait a year and reassess. So you know how much will come out in a year? Score! ❤️ 💙 💜

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I choose homeopathy. It's loosening the bonds of suppression and coming back into public awareness. I've read about many miraculous healings and suggest everyone look into it. The medical/pharmaceutical/insurance industry (what I call the 'unholy trinity') has been very successful at suppressing it over the decades. Why? Because it works and is a huge threat to the industry, as is herbal medicine. Suppressing natural methods that heal is what they do, as the deep state suppresses anything and everything that does not serve them. Allopathics are good for some things, yes, but will heal (not just treat) many diseases, even cancer. I'm looking for a Homeopath for both me and my pets.

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Interesting that you mention this. Suffered from sSEVERE feline protein allergy for over 4 decades. Alleviated by 10x homeopathic. Cured by..... getting a cat. There are details.

VERY LIKELY VACCINE INJURY as asthmatic episodes a common side effect.

All vaccine and quaxcines are neurotoxins and it is very very deliberate.

The fact that even at this late date the Medical Cartel isn't screaming about the fraud is prima facia evidence of not only complacency, but complicit behaviour.

The profession has failed miserably, excepting a fraction of 1%...

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I love homeopathy. Thank you for sharing!

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Jon Fleetwood reported that the MMR vaccine is a Gain of Function live virus created & knowing that shedding takes place and knowing that there was a free MMR vaccine push to vaccinate in this area puts together a picture much different that anyone including RFK Jr are pushing. It is so difficult to keep up with the whole story. Where is Paul Harvey? What is your take Dr Nass?

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I found Fleetwood's comment ignorant or a deliberate misrepresentation. Since Louis Pasteur and until recently, most vaccines were made by passaging bacteria or viruses through animals. This is not biowarfare research.

I am troubled because the people who DO perform biowarfare research are actively trying to expand the definition of gain of function to things like genuine vaccine research that has no biowarfare flavor, in order to stop GOF from being banned. His statement plays into their hands. I don't know if this was deliberate.

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We may have to part ways. I decided to look into the gold standard for vaccines-Polio (originally polio myelitis). My research concluded very easily that polio myelitis was caused by Mercury, arsenic, lead arsenic, then mostly DDT sprayed by the ton in children’s faces & on food people eat because it was safe and effective (as an insecticide). Beginning then all vaccines are a sham-mostly because they may confer a tiny short term benefit but a “side effect is always(?) too many having weaker immune systems & / or getting the disease, a horrible vaccine injury & many dying from the vaccine itself. This sounds crazy for the same reason a tower was purposely demolished sounds crazy. Want another world view paradigm shift? Read the Moth & the Iron Lung. FOR ALL DISEASES OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WILL TAKE CARE OF with a little help from Vit D & C, Ivermectin, Quersitin, Fenbednazol, zinc, & other inexpensive & VERY SAFE treatments-including Cancer info via Sasha Latypova, Dr Makis, Michael Yeadon, & others. Vaccines are only around to give profit & notoriety to Drs that Are more concerned with their legacy than curing patients. Strengthening our immune system (not tricking it) together with cleanliness & good sanitation & pesticide healthy food would end 100 times more disease than all vaccines combined.

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NOW we have a correlation -- bureaucrats/politicians have been vaccinated with the Pinocchio vax

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I allowed my preteen and teen sons to get the MMR when they were older, all at once. What a mistake. One of them got 24 symptoms of ill health, with ongoing problems today, and he's on disability. One got anxiety when he had none before, the other seemed to weather his jab. All it takes is one jab to injure or k*ll.

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All my baby grandson got post MMR jab was days of crying in pain, 104 temperature, then going from a normal alert baby to a withdrawn ASD baby! With the free dignoses of it wasen't caused by the MMR jab! Would 50 billion in fraud fines medicine lie to you?

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crickets from you on RFK jr signing mmr vaccine. what say you ???

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I was very well aware of this. The story came out for one day and then they buried it. Having had the wild measles as a child. I’m not afraid of any of those diseases.

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Fun facts! FEAR Big Pharma medicine!!!! It kills 2,191 people each day or 800,000 annually or 40 million in the last 50 years (If you can believe Dr. Null's book Death By Medicine!) The Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study has it at only 684 deaths a day or 250,000 annually or only 12.5 million in the last 50 years!

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Very well aware of that, Steve.

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Measles, shmeasles. When was a kid everyone got the measles. Aren't there something like 14 different varieties of measles? I'm not looking at statistics but I don't recall anyone dying of measles. Let nature take its course and let natural immunity build.

Sorry to sound so abrasive but I'm so sick and tired of very little normal natural childhood illness that all children used to get and get over being treated as if its some dreaded monster killer disease.

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Take vitamin A and stay in the dark until measles run it's course.

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Interesting. Why such a smaller percentage of vaccine induced measles in Germany though?

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They probably use a different vaccine

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The MMR combo came out in the 70s (when ASD's were 1 in 20,000- now claiming they didn't know how to count ASD's back then!) to are now 1 in 36 ASD rate, remembering our 50 billion in fraud fines prayer, "Correlation is not Causation."

My prayer is, God save us from Big Pharma medicine!

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Correlation is a demand to examine causation. Calling it the end of the story prevaricates.

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Are you saying I'm guilty of prevarication for citing documented facts? "Would you say big pharma medicine "prevaricates" when their story ends in mass death, murder, harm and 50 billion if Fraud fines? I think the end story is, [sadly] most people will soon die and go to Hell."

[If you can believe Gods bible?] Thanks for the reply! Steve

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If you claim "correlation is not causation" be the whole, be all, end all story, I do!

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All of those are probably deliberate, fallacious "logic".

If by "Hell" you mean Sheol, perhaps the more naïve followers after a multitude to do evil will. I would think the perps deserve Tartarus or worse.

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NOooo, I'm talking about the now 1 in 36 post jab ASD rate, as it applies to our 50 billion in fraud fines, (paid for) "science" spouts "Correlation is not Causation." It's the global warming harming the kids, not us! The science is settled. The vast majority of scientists agree with whomever is funding them. – Anon

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Indeed. Before emigrating to Panama I was advised to take malaria shots and asked the German doc if the shots had any of the known side effects, the US shots were notorious for. He started laughing and assured me that was not the case.

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there is no effective malaria vaccne, btw--just fake ones bill gates keeps pushing in Africa

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Depending on what your definition of "effective" is, is! As in effective for making big money for evil, corrupt pharma's money machine!

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Good to know. But despite the many mosquito bites, didn't have any mosquito bite related disease, yet.

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A lot of laughing physicins, I.e. 4,511 died from coved after their "Safe & Effictiev" coved jabs! The book Dead Doctors Don't Lie best demonstrates that point!

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16 years ago, European MDs still were honest and more so if you (as patient / client) were familiar with (bio)chemistry / pharmacology.

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That seems plausible.

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At the time I used to hike ~4 hours / day in the mountainous region of Tenerife (Spain) even at air temperature over 30C so would have noticed effects on physical condition the day after a jab.

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Many such accounts. The fake news echo chamber ignores the obvious, even now with 17 million dead... The net effect is still dismal.

That is how bad this is...

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It's all to teach us that, "Death is the wages of sin vs. the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our lord." [Romans 6:23]

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The old audio cassette tape with the same name was great too!

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I liked how the book pointed out that veterinary medicine was to save animals' lives so as to make money vs. our fear based pharma pimping scams, that kill & harm people, and doctors who fall for it!

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Yes, that and I have also heard if more people went to Vets, there'd be a lot less sickness. I think the same goes for functional medicine, NDs, orthomolecular docs (who doctor with supplements)!

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But did they eat their Wonder Bread? It builds strong bodies 12 ways!

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