Thank you ■ it was a luxury to have your live blog today; enjoyed your honest observation and discernment in the details during [t]heir meeting. Meryl you are an example and I deeply appreciate your bravery in the storm of tyranny.

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"80 young Canadian doctors 'died suddenly' in past 2 years while fully COVID-19 vaccinated"!


Violates Nuremberg Accords ✅

Violates Constitution ✅

Violates Bill of Rights ✅

Violates Hippocratic Oath ✅

Violates Religious Freedom ✅

Violates Informed Consent!

Watch: Moderna CEO Admits COVID Is Like Seasonal Flu, Only Vulnerable Need Jabs!


"63k people had died within 7 weeks of receiving a Booster COVID Vaccine Dose in England between January & March 2022"


"Government reports prove COVID Vaccination is killing Hundreds of Thousands every week & Confidential Pfizer Docs. confirm your Government knew it would happen."


"One in Every 500 Small Children Who Receive the Pfizer Vaccine are Hospitalised By It, Study Finds"


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Meryl Nass, we appreciate you.

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I would never believe or trust anything the CDC says. They will add it on Thursday...it's a mortal lock. Or I should say an immoral lock.

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The CDC is merely prepping the altar for the human sacrifice to follow.

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"Believe" Sinful Big Pharma's have payed out over 5 BILLION in fraud fines, [frauds that cost many DEATHS] Godless dumb down sheeple need to put More trust & belief in Big Pharma!!! Cuz they say Jabs are "Safe & effective." Because, "Death is the wages of sin.!

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Everyone should watch the new Anthony Fauci movie. It is a movie version of Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci". It is free if you watch it in the next eight days. Here is the link:


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I wonder if the possibly switched vote was due to the issue being prominently featured on Tucker Carlson last night. He has over three million prime time viewers. All hell might break loose if the shots were put on the schedule. The new way is much sneakier.

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Thank you so much Dr Nass for being there today (Wednesday). Your sane view of the insanity reassures a lot of us we're not nuts - it's them.

Not looking forward to tomorrow but if you're there I don't have to scream alone, lol.

Your pearls of wisdom are much appreciated - and your sharp bits!

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They really thought that they had dispensed with Dr. Meryl Nass.

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I sent them a message that if they vote for this it is iatrogenocide and they should be prosecuted as such.


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That was a good read!

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Thank You, Sister Meryl.

I keep posting and praying.

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To even consider this is disgraceful and un necessary

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Don't forget, Un-Scientific! Now it's back to ancient, "What has been, will be again/ nothing new under the sun."/ faith based "medicine" ! How "Progressive" is that???

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Meryl, You repeatedly demonstrate that it's possible to be more intelligent, more courageous, and have more character than everyone else in the room put together. No wonder cowards and sociopaths hate you and good people love you!

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I looked up the Chickamongpongaganya vaccine. Definitely something we all need. I found that in 2013 there were 28 cases of it in the U.S and all came from persons who traveled to Africa and back. Barely 6 months ago billions of GMO mosquitos were set loose in Florida and California. A connection? Only your hairdresser knows.

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Meryl, as always, thanks for paying close attention and bringing clarity to the issue.

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Thank you Dr. Nass for being the only real referee / medcaster to report on the grotesquely shameful pantomime of the meeting of the ACIP. Very curious that they voted on adding mRNA boosters for kids to the VFC program - a meaningless gesture given the EUA status of these products. Our health agencies are staffed and lead by slithering cowards who can not withstand direct challenge. This should give us all impetus to challenge and defy the cowardly recommendations they may soon proffer.

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They didn't want the public to hear all that was said. They had already decided to vote "For" before things even began. They'll vote "For" tomorrow too.

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I think so too. The Lord will show his" wrath of hot wax" for what the CDC are doing to our children!

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I have no doubt that there is a special place in hell for those that would do this to the children.

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That would be our hope; as it appears that is all we have at this point.

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The committees are there to rubber stamp whatever the government corporations want. Increasingly over the years, they have offered a barely coherent & superficial semblance of rationality on the subject of vaccination.

How to unwind it all is the real question. One way may come in the form of removing patents for biologicals & taking it back into the public realm instead of leaving it at the mercy of the for profit realm.

Having said that, & despite the valiant efforts of doctors, parents, lawyers, activists & others, it does seem like a runaway train speeding along a track that will soon end abruptly.

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Gov Gruesome in CA and Pedo-Joe will be ending the state of EMergency at the end of January, just in time for the bioweapon to be transitioned onto the mandated schedule so there will be no drop in liability protection, cause that ends with the end of the EUA, and only a fully approved bioweapon will be allowed to be sold, and without being on the CDC schedule that can't happen.

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