Believe the con of “flu” if you like. If you let them stick you, you might want to start your education with this…

Vaccinations are a criminal procedure that’s been a fraud from its inception.



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Thank you for the link. I was injected (small pox) at age 7, now 77. I spent 40 years to try and get well from this poison.

I never had another one ever.

This selfserving greedy non humans ruined my life.

Only 3 years ago i made the connection for the cause of my nonexistant health to this experimental smallpox injection, when i read a list of possible side effects. A dozen of them happened to me after the assault.

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This happened to me with a flu "vaccine" I was coerced into getting at a job in the 1990s. Didn't discover the reason why I suddenly had issues I'd never had before until years later when I was doing some research. People have been duped into thinking that many of their strange maladies are just "normal" when in fact it was caused by the poison that was shot into their body.

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Exactly! For me, trust to the sickness industry, other authorities has been broken and I simply don't believe them anymore.

I have gone the path of the natural.

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I have the mark of the beast on my shoulder but I haven't gotten anything since then.

Not for any logical reason, I just couldn't be bothered.

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So sorry you read of this. You've suffered so much. As Canadian naturopath Anandha Vollmer (find her on Bitchute.com) said, "No vaccine has cured anything at any time in all of history. They are designed to kill, maim and provide Big Pharma with a steady stream of customers." Online, you find her at Yummy.Doctor. Maybe she can help you.

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That's a good article by Brendan, cheers MusicMan. I've seen his name but never (as far as I can remember) read anything of his, I wonder how many of Nass' loyal followers will (like I've just done) take a little time & with an open mind peruse his stack?


From which I quote; "......As detailed previously, if you bother to look, you’ll see that trying to transmit supposed “viral infections” from one person to another is not easy. In fact, no one has ever really succeeded in scientifically demonstrating isolated cellular debris (or misidentified exosomes) called a “virus” does ANYTHING harmful in the body. Actually, some disgusting experiments on “transmission” were done many years ago—things that would probably be considered "unethical” by today’s standards. They Tried and Failed!...."

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

Here is what the FDA has a pretty low threshold for: what passes for intelligence when hiring people like Peter Marks!

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Start jailing the creators of these horrible vaccines and this horrible criminal nonsense of the WHO's plans for decades of pandemics will stop.

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"1959 H5N1 first isolated" Can you kindly point to papers that show how it was isolated - the procedure and the data. Thanks.

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How did they isolate those pesky virus...they are kind of small.....

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This is my question also. Isolated?????

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Take a look at this 50 page power point presentation; "Debunking Virology's non-science" it is far superior to any done by Ms Nass.


Be aware though, it could lead to a severe case of the "waking up flu"


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You come here to insult me while dining off my 40,000 subscribers.

What do you call someone who does that? An amoral opportunist. Or I have a few other words.

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Meryl, I first became aware of you two years ago; https://www.technocracy.news/dr-meryl-nass-debunks-sars-cov-2-virus-isnt-real-never-been-isolated-myths/

And this where you simply repeat sound bites; https://merylnass.substack.com/p/is-the-virus-real?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

I found those articles childish, two years later I find your articles still lack critical thought, I've asked you several times now to explain to your many followers, that you understand the basics of what you write, you seem unable to, so I can only presume ignorance, I could assume ill intent, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

As you're a "physician of internal medicine who has isolated viruses, CHD adviser & pandemic researcher, a physician who claims to be "the 1st to prove an epidemic was due to biological warfare", your constant misinformation on the "engineered virus" cannot go unchallenged, it is a concept to fool the health freedom/anti vax movement, it is something for the freedomers to get excited about, as they exclaim; "look people WE'VE found the guilty party, red handed!" But it keeps the virus story going & the public are still scared of viral disease. This is a game of chess....most health freedomers think the game is draughts, if they think it's a game it all. TPTSNB are grand masters and the "freedom" community is been played on the worlds stage where fiction is the perceived reality.

It's a shame that so many of the ‘freedom’ community who do not believe any MSM claims, believe the claim that a deadly virus is on the loose...They would never have seen it, if they hadn’t believed it.

I shall finish with this excellent Aug 25, 2022 comment from the second link its by Christine Massey;

"Once again Meryl pretends that the onus is on someone other than the people who insist that a virus exists. Wrong! Nothing is required of us, and we've already pointed out over and over and over again the blatantly anti-scientific nature of the methods used in "virus isolation" publications.

We've also pointed out that contagion of a disease has never been scientifically demonstrated (and all past attempts to do so have failed). Nevertheless Meryl demands that we explain the cause of an allegedly contagious disease, without demonstrating the alleged contagion lol... or the alleged "incubation period" (incubation of what exactly??)

Meryl demands an explanation of symptoms, then immediately makes all sorts of unproven claims that she expects to be incorporated into any offered explanation of symptoms.

When will Meryl catch onto the fact that "CORONAVIRUS DISEASE - 19" is just a meaningless label based on useless, fraudulent tests that only distract from real health problems and real causes, and that no further explanation is remotely required?? There is no unique "covid-19" disease, there is just a relabeling of other conditions and perfectly healthy people. This isn't rocket science.

And I'm sorry but pretending that labelling a drug "antiviral" is somehow evidence of a virus... really?

Pretending that it's necessary to isolate and grow something in order to make up meaningless in silico "virus genomes" on computers?? Just read the damn Methods, Meryl! They extract all the RNA from a clinical sample or a cell culture, detect and/or make up zillions of sequences (using PCR with too many cycles), and have a computer patch them together into a "genome" that has nothing to do with reality. It's the result of illogic/needing a paycheck/corruption... all sorts of factors... the same way all sorts of other harmful and dumb things go largely unchallenged in this world.

But hey, thank you Meryl for citing the Australia "isolation" study and thereby making your latest attempt to defend virology so very easy to debunk.

"Following several failures to recover virions with the characteristic fringe of surface spike proteins, it was found that adding trypsin to the cell culture medium immediately improved virion morphology." LOL.

This study was dissected long ago, it's the typical monkey cell nonsense and shame on you for pretending this is science. I have a webpage devoted to this ridiculous study, with commentary also from Dr. Tom Cowan and Canada's Saeed Qureshi, former Senior Scientist with 35 years experience at Health Canada:


The Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory performed the usual “monkey business” of mixing a patient's clinical sample with kidney cells from an African green monkey and fetal bovine serum (both are sources of genetic contamination), and antibiotics, etc, malnourishing and poisoning the cells, irrationally blaming “the virus” for cell breakdown. No "virus" was found in the clinical sample, as always. No scientific method was applied. No alleged virus was used as the independent variable in a controlled experiment. Just wild, idiotic, irresponsible, anti-scientific assumptions.

The Doherty Institute, home of VIDRL where “the virus” was alleged to have been isolated, admitted in response to an FOI request that they have no record of the fake “SARS-COV-2” being found in any diseased human on the planet and isolated/purified (as have literally hundreds of institutions around the world):


I challenged Meryl just a couple of weeks ago to cite science that demonstrates the existence of "monkeypox virus" or SARS-COV-2. Here is our email exchange:

https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Meryl-Nass-Aug-2022-PACKAGE-redacted.pdf "

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Anyone who accuses me of repeating sound bites means they never heard me talk.

You love hurling the insults. Is that the best way of spending your time? Or are you a paid deep state goon who gets a bonus if they make me mad? Keep trying. One more and you're banned.

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Thankyou for the reply Meryl, tardy but thanks anyway.

When you ban me understand this about me; I am by nature an iconoclast and a libertine, so wouldn't have been here much longer any way, but reflect on what might have been eh? Even the fights could have been fun...

0n to the matter in hand; Think about the following Meryl, non of your 40,000 subscribers have leaped to your defense in any meaningful manner during my sojourn at your stack and non at all in this thread! How does that make you feel Meryl?

How do you think your CHD cronies have viewed our dialogues, when they can see that little old me, an academic nobody, a "bonehead", a "Bob the Builder" from The Black Country (of England) eloquently and with a little humour points out anomilies in your rhetoric. How does that make you feel Merryl?

As I said previously, I don't ascribe ill intent, but consider you gullible and unable to step outside the box built for you by your big pharma indoctrination.


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Very well stated by you and Massey.

As for insults — I read your comments as playing the ball, not the woman. You criticize the level of argument in Meryl’s posts (as I have done elsewhere) and provide your reasoning. Fair comment, as one might put it in England! Such comments can advance us toward deeper understanding and knowledge.

Meryl’s responses, on the other hand, play the man, not the ball. They are just playground-level thought stoppers (“deep state goon”, etc.). The disparity in argument level might lead readers to conclude, as similar exchanges did for me several years ago, that one side is short on valid arguments but long on bare assertion. Said readers may then commit the thought crime of doing their own research, e.g. reading the original virology papers for any alleged virus much in the need, and finding that there’s no there there.

Thus, if anyone has a citation or pubmed ID for the original “isolation” (in virology Newspeak) of H5N1, I would be grateful. I have found so far only later summary papers that cite personal communications.

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Thanks for the eloquent support Sanjoy, much appreciated.

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Nope, never isolated!

All an illusion!


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

The Virology pseudoscience has been exposed.

There is no virus!

There is no test!

There is no contagion!



We are awake to all of the false narratives!

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Hear, hear! I have proved it.

No poisonous injections since age 7, now 77.

No pharma sorcery of any kind for 40 years! I haven’t had the flu or a cold for 30 years.

What did i do in desperation to heal from a pois vax smallpox at age 7. I tried every natural method until i found the raw living food lifestyle which i practiced for almost 25 years.

That brought me wellbeing. The remaining mercury in my body took more attention after that. Check out rawfamilydotorg and Segei Boutenko on youtube. He was healed from juvenile diabetes. I know the family personally.

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Jul 29Liked by Meryl Nass

Great presentation if just because the message is so clear: Only with "biowarfare lab support" could bird flu become a danger to humans.

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And every bit of it is a big fat lie.

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Dr Nass, You are one of the great warriors in our fight for survival against the pharma cartel (& our corrupt & captured 3 letter agencies), and I'm worried that if our most courageous fighters all fight alone (mostly) we can't win. I know you have other doctors in your corner but there is one pair of ladies that if you have not connected with I encourage you to do so (Sasha Latypova and Kathrine Watts), and to work together. Sincerely, Tom Martin an admirer.

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I am quite sure Dr. Nass knows of them, as I do, and others who advocate defiance, not compliance. They are quite well known among those of us paying attention.

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purified & isolated samples????

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We can assume Big Pharma will have their 'scientists' working on making Bird Flu more deadly and they've probably already got a useless depopulating poisonous injection (aka vaccine?) ready to be discovered 'At the speed of Science?

This is the WEF's 'New World Order' next stage in destroying life as we know it so their elites can have a planet that is not cluttered with us 'USELESS EATERS'.

Apparently, this destruction of our population will run concurrently with Adolf Schwab's 'Project Starvation'. He expects us to forego meat and accept plasticised meat which Gates is heavily invested in (See Picnic.NL)

Gates now owns much of the US farmland and is not only experimenting with weather modification, but wants to own WATER. Then we're really in deep doo-doo.

No LIABILITY fo hurriedly thrown together 'vaccines' should have been the warning bell that the EXPERIMENT was not about saving people from Covid - but is, in reality, a Depopulation Progra.

"Zey vill eat ze bugs, own nussink, be cold and hungry - but zey vill be happy" what a nut case.

Fauci's modified (GoF) Coronavirus experiments and the deadly shots are part of the depopulation Plan?

To reiterate; Not only will the poorly and hurriedly designed (unsafe and ineffective) injections that they pass off as 'vaccines' useless, but they actually diminish long term human health, natural resistance and promote reduced LIFE EXPECATANCY!

My unqualified prediction is that for every Pfizer ((et al) injection, every recipient will not only become more susceptible to illnesses and diseases, but will have their LIFE EXPECTANCY reduced by between 3 and 5 years (cumulatively) for every injection they receive.

The FDA have financial incentives to keep this Pfizer (et al) gravy train rolling and do nothing to check for quality, safety, contamination of these 'thrown together' poisons. Why should they? There's a revolving door between the CDC/FDA/NIH and Big Pharma. Job security is guaranteed if they promote the poisonous injections and the massive unfettered fortunes continue to flow into Pfizer's coffers.

Pfizer, et al, enjoy NO LIABILITY for injuries and DEATHS caused by their crap injections and this nonsense is encouraged by the money making process.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical interference!

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Useless eaters? With this bird flu scam they want us to become FORMER eaters.

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It's the poisonous injections (called 'vaccines') that finish the job!


Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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I stand against ALL evil.

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Make it more deadly how? It's a fiction.

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Its bizarre. They believe the same people about these so called cases that lied to us about Covid.

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Cool down.

Keep your head.

If any of the listed calamity and if they force the issue, you will see the 2nd Amendment first hand and a world revolution commence.

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Thank you, it is exhausting to mentally consider the ramifications for these madmen choices we seem to continue to be faced with. It is alarming to have your child bearing-aged children asking questions to prepare for a new life to come into the world, that is asked to obtain 3 shots before it even leaves the hospital!!! I do not understand how we got to this point and why parents are not up in arms, yelling stop the madness!!! I do imagine bird flu vaccines will be coming our way in the US. They would have to hold me down and half kill me to accept one but I also know many people who practically brag about their Covid shots. They seem to be the same people who are willing to let leaders make decisions for this country that causes chaos, havoc and insecurity at a minimum. So, thank you for keeping me informed but the big picture does not seem to be changing much. Sad state of affairs!

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Pure fantasy, No virus. No contagion. No transmission. What are you playing at?

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FDA confesses: zero scientific evidence of "avian influenza virus" or contagion... not even a "genome" found by anyone... anywhere

Computer models & pseudoscience underpin "expert" advice


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You are the best. Thanks for doing all of this great work.

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Thanks for the frequent updates on Avian influenza and the dystopian shenanigans of the Globalists useless class. Their boldness in pushing their destructive agenda despite sound scientific evidence and comon sense to the contrary is amazing.

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