Grass fed meat, or what is natural for the species. The BS that rSBT is not a GMO is just that in dairy. The statement it is not harmful is BS, the dairy cow develops mastitis more often. it is a GMO given to the dairy cow. I cured my GERD drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with Mothers with my water intake. Goodbye 20 yrs of 40 mg Nexium. Took 3 months. The Corrupt History Of The Food Pyramid - Chief Nutrition
At 90 I am in better health than most people half my age. Every day I fast walk for an hour covering several miles at least. For over fifty years,, I lived on fruits and veggies...and the only problem was the excess fat in what I put on my salads. Today, I eat as much fruit as possible and have eliminated salads. I rarely ate animal protein from 1973 - 2023., but my daughter wanted to raise chickens.
She feeds them very carefully and even gives them organic produce; so now I'm eating eggs .. I have no physical problems. Excess protein is a killer! The standards for protein, fat, carbs, sodium, etc. were set by the food industry to sell more products. Before the protein promotion started, people were not obese like they are today.
You also recall that chickens were not eaten as a mainstay. Only when they stopped laying were they harvested. Otherwise we are only the eggs.
My grandmother kept over 300 chickens for the egg money. I remember her candling them. She had cases of 50 dozen eggs stacked five high ready for selling.
Congratulations on your long and healthy life! I have a grandfather who lived to be 101. In his case, he grew up on a farm that produced its own poultry and beef. Later he created his own home with my grandma where again they raised chickens and a large vegetable garden. So for his entire century of life, they consumed no food with chemical additives of any kind. This is far more likely the cause of his longevity than how much protein he consumed. Humans have been eating meat for thousands of years and in fact it remains, with eggs, the most complete and easily absorbed form of protein. Grandad used to credit his longevity to drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily, but he was a joker so who knows if this was really his secret. He used to also say his secret was, "Stay away from doctors and don't take their drugs!"
Heard of folks thriving on many different diets. Like many things there is no one size fits all. Except perhaps around issues of loneliness and love.
The hypocrisy around saving the world is fully revealed by the PTB's inability to end war. Oh get us to eat bugs, why not! But stop killing those who stand in the way of our tyranny? How dare you!
Excellent point. Elites telling the techno peasants to eat bugs to "save the planet" while murdering hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Ukrainians.
The issue is beef is fed with GMO grains and they're all vaccinated. Grass fed Grass finished un vaxd beef,lamb and chicken is waaaay better for you. But at ur age I wouldn't worry. You made it! God Bless
SS: How much protein do healthy women need? Approx. 30 grams or less. Sick women may need more. It is very difficult to keep one's protein under this amount. Excess protein creates problems, like the growth of tumors. It happened to me! Protein is for growth and repair...not for energy. Natural carbs are for energy. I have done 4 marathons. and received Finisher's medals from 3 LA Marathons..and only ate fruit right before.
Oh, speak for yourself. Many, many of us out here are absolutely getting sick eating carbs as a mainstay source of food. Healthy FAT, actually, is a mainstay source of very healthy energy, and satiety (meaning "quells hunger..."). Most of us should NOT be eating fruit like it's some kind of daily panacea. Fruit is a high-sugar content food that animals gorge on at the end of summer in order to fatten themselves up to get through winter, when there's just not anything much to eat. If I ate fruit several times a day I would not be able to get out of the smallest room in my house. Chinese medicine professionals advise against this American "love affair" with "fruit, Fruit, FRUIT" all the time, for good reason.
Read Healthy at 100...about the Hunzas who lived 120 healthy years.
They did not eat processed carbs; neither do I. Fruit is the natural food of mankindl Our bodies were designed to eat food that could be plucked right off a tree or bush without being cooked.. I have studied healthy people...and raw fruit and some vegetables were their primary foods. We are all human beings with the same intestinal tract and organs. Our bodies function the same way. I feel great at 90, because I am following what people did who have lived long healthy lives.
Congratulations on how well you're doing Barbara. Do you know what your blood type is? I would bet that it's type A, which, according to Dr D'Adamo is a natural vegetarian. I suspect that's why you had such a dramatic improvement when you switched to mostly fruit and vegetables. According to Dr D'Adamo if a person with a type A blood eats meat and dairy their health will deteriorate. (However, type is can have fermented dairy products). My blood is type 0 and I tried to become a vegetarian twice. Each time I lost a lot of muscle mass, energy, bleeding gums and even bone loss, and that is not merely the body detoxing. Type O blood is set up primarily for red meat, some vegetables and very little fruit. However, it's not a one size fits all. I also exercise quite a bit and when I don't get enough animal protein my body becomes weak, and I quickly lose muscle mass. Toxic metals, such as mercury, which as you know is found in dental amalgams is enormously destructive to a body's health. I'm guessing you had little-to-no dental amalgams? In any case, congratulations on finding out what works best for you and I wish you the best, and many more years of good health.
Yep. Most of us are N.O.T. going to do well eating nothing but celery, carrots, apples, peaches and grapes all day long. Duh. And yes, OLDER women, in fact, older PEOPLE, need MORE protein, not less. For a lot of us eating a carnivore diet for a while does much to kickstart our metabolism and gets us burning fat and out of insulin resistance. That won't happen as long as you're gobbling fruit all day every day.
Meat protein is not the problem regarding obesity, although excess animal protein will cause other problems such as the overburdening of the digestive system, thickening of blood from too much urea causing the heart to have to work harder, and other liabilities as well. However, the operative word here is OVEREATING. The average person with decent digestion doesn't need more than 8 oz of animal protein per day, and only 4 oz at a time. Most people overeat ALL food, let alone animal protein (except perhaps vegetables). Obesity is primarily from overeating grain, sugar and alcohol, not animal protein.
I might also add that there are further health liabilities from eating beef that has been vaccinated and raised primarily on grain, and particularly GMO grain. Ruminants should be raised on grass and not grain.
All my life I was careful about not eating grains, because even a slice of bread made me gain weight. When I got into nutrition studies in 1961, In order to feed my family right, i eliminated white flour, white sugar. and read labels; eliminating all items that I could not pronounce that weren't food. What was I eating?...meat, dairy and potatoes. Little fiber. I had unnatural cells at every check-up! I had no energy, because I was not eating much fruit; or even vegetables. I really knew very little about nutrition...and there was a lot of misinformation in the books I read. I thought the information about getting a lot of protein was valid.
How much protein do human beings need daily? Don't go by the Food Industry research. Its research is designed to sell more food products. Many of its nutrient standards are too high. American health declined since the 1960s with its protein promotion. Adele Davis was the who promoted it. She died of cancer at 70. I was one of the people who followed her information....and wound up fat and lethargic. Today, my protein limit is 26 grams daily...Men don't need more than 35 grams. Protein is for growth and repair. How much growth do people need.? Energy is created by the natural carbs that are in unprocessed fruit, which contains enzymes. Heat processing wipes out enzymes. . 4 oz of eggs contain 12 g of protein...and every food one eats has some protein.. It all adds up. I keep a daily food jouirnal and break down everything I eat. At 90 I have no ohysical health problems. I weigh 114 pounds. I fast walk 3 miles daily...and can go up and down the stairs with no effort. I will have been into this research for almost 64 years in 2025.
Human beings are supposed to live 120 healthy years, then just go to sleep and not die in a hospital. The Hunzacuts were the healthiest group of people in the world; they lived up to 120 healthy years.
Barbara, I'm not going by"food industry research," as you apparently assume. I respectfully disagree that you were "fat and lethargic" soley because of your consumption of animal protein at that time. If you are 114 lb now, how much did you weigh when you say you were fat and lethargic? How much grain, particularly anything with bleached flour in it, where you consuming at that time? How many vaccinations have you had in your lifetime? I'm guessing probably very few, if any?
Before I got on Adele Davis's recommended high protein diet in 1961, I weighed 122 pounds. Then, I primarily started eating meat, potatoes and dairy, I went up to 150 pounds...At 5 ft 3 inches...this is far too much. I had little energy. When we went places, I slept in the car, while my husband took the children to the zoo, Marine Land, etc. The first 20 years of my life, I ate little meat. I was born during the Great Depression and we had very little food for my first 8 years. After WW11 started both parents worked, but with 5 children there was not enough money for much food; plus my mother had no nutritional knowledge. It was macaroni and cheese right out of the package and fried potatoes and cabbage. It was a struggle to keep my weight down. on these foods. .I slimmed down, when I lived in a college dormitory for 2 years. I ate a lot of spinach!
They live in an area devoid of air pollution, are not subjected to loads of Tee Vee and mainstream media Bee Ess, and eat a lot of dairy. They don't spray their crops with nasty toxic chemicals and nothing is GMO.
The leaders of these "poor" countries should concentrate on making their own wealth instead of relying on other countries that have done the hard work. Handouts only lead to dependency and continued poverty. It is not our job to finance other countries especially when most of the time they put our money in their pockets and do nothing to make their people more prosperous and to improve living conditions. We have been pouring money into the UN for 75 years and the people in Africa still live in mud huts with no clean running water or electricity. We should get a refund.
If you accept that industrial expansion creates both wealth and more atmospheric carbon and global warming, then the developing countries have a large hammer to drive a bargain. The deal on the table is for developing countries to forego the wealth creating industrial expansion in return for a share of the West's wealth. Otherwise the west reducing carbon emmissions is a pointless task as the devloping world will just make up for any reductions.
Do not know how you do it Dr. Nass! So hard for many of us to keep up with all the shenanigans. Wish I had half the brain cells that you have.
So one has to conclude that the “cricket powder” will go to feed poultry… since avian species like that anyway. Better than GMO corn? God works in strange ways… one would hope.
Can not recall the substance in cricket shells that is highly toxic to human’s and quardrapeds. People need to check their domestic pet foods for this. I did see a specific “pet treat” that was made out of cricket powder.
Thanks Dr. Nass. Not sure that this is required to be on a “label” of food ingredients as of yet. Was helping a sight impaired neighbor fill their pantry for their pet and was just reading the labels. Very concerning. Thank you! The label did say “cricket” powder// and not Chitin… perhaps people might be inquisitive to what that “ingredient” is.
There are no countries with excess funds. They are all in debt and getting further behind. World wide debt continues to grow at a breakneck pace. With the folly of global warming sucking up more dollars, the end is inching closer.
Yep. That's the only way I will eat ze bugs, after they've been through my amazing bug processors. Their names are Hazel, Floppy, and Alta. Bugs go in, delicious protein results, already pre-packaged in handy oval containers. And a side benefit, I get a crew willing to work my garden for free, digging, scratching, and tilling. ;0)
I apologise. I misunderstood, I thought you were buying the feed, thats what I wouldn't trust. But, yes free range and picking bugs, grass, and scraps from your kitchen and worms in ur yard or farm? Absolutly the best!
“That could mean more loans that accrue debt for developing countries.”
That’s the entire point. Then the countries pledge their assets — farmlands, minerals etc — as collateral for loans they will never be able to repay. Once the country “defaults”, the lender swoops in and seizes all the country’s wealth for pennies on the dollar. This is an age-old play. That, and money-laundering, is what is behind much, if not most, “foreign aid”. It’s a massive, immoral racket disguised as either “saving the planet” or “compassion”.
COPS needs to die as does the whole UN IPCC initiative it’s become politics and not science.
We need a formal review to decide if NetZero is unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable, financially irresponsible, and extremely foolish. And especially as the “rest” of the global economies continue to do nothing anyway. It may mean only focused adaption for “high risk areas” and will allow us to get on with prosperity using the power of Fossil fuels.
I think Soros al Pastor would make a fabulous presentation at a WEF dinner. Add an appetizer of Gates Pozole with grated Biden and you’ve got a meal to remember.
My blood type is O. However, I am not the typical junk food ,soy-eating vegetarian. I did nor just avoid meat. I avoided many foods that people think are healthy foods. I read Carleton Frederick's book long ago and avoided Night Shades and cruciferous vegetables. I also avoided processed foods. I didn't eat dates...too much sugar. I wrote a book in 1995...and it would have sold better, if I had called it Dates are for Camels! I gave it a rather innocuous title, because I had no desire to have a best seller. I simply wanted to share information with people who were searching for answers.
funny how my former bff (we haven't spoken since August) insisted to me that these bug farms simply didn't exist and that where ever I was reading that clearly was conspiracy theory stuff. then she said: well we unwittingly eat bugs that infest the food supply all the time, what's the big deal? when I showed her a picture of a food label with cricket flour in the ingredients, she said it was a faked photo. I suppose she won't believe it until they take away her precious organic bison, in favor of cricket protein.
thanks, Dr Nass. I will definitely share it on my FB. unfortunately, she pretty much toasted a 45+ yr friendship by calling me an idiot because I 'fell for obvious propaganda pitched by pseudo-intellectuals', who must have an agenda. (no clue what she thinks that agenda might be!) her ignorance and arrogance are not an attractive combo. common case of 'if I don't already know it, it must be bullshit, by definition'. :(
What really irritates me is that there is never any mention of allergies to the exoskeleton of these crickets. There is a deadly allergy to shrimp and seafood in our family and the cricket shells are one in the same to a shrimp. But what am I talking about.....they don't care ! Least of all Trudeau with his sky high weekly grocery bills for only the best that goes on his table!
As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, a COVID-19 vaccination study is back in the news.
On November 17, 2024, Science, Public Health Policy and The Law journal published a peer-reviewed study titled, “A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination.“
This study was publicly available, but publications such as The Lancet made repeated attempts to censor it. After far too long, it has finally been published.
Coincidentally, as the Trump administration and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. work on a transition plan, these types of stories have entered back into the zeitgeist.
IMHO we need more regenerative meat farms starting not bug factories.
Grass fed meat, or what is natural for the species. The BS that rSBT is not a GMO is just that in dairy. The statement it is not harmful is BS, the dairy cow develops mastitis more often. it is a GMO given to the dairy cow. I cured my GERD drinking Apple Cider Vinegar with Mothers with my water intake. Goodbye 20 yrs of 40 mg Nexium. Took 3 months. The Corrupt History Of The Food Pyramid - Chief Nutrition
Damn the seed oils too. Going to watch this at 7PM CT/8PM ET on
At 90 I am in better health than most people half my age. Every day I fast walk for an hour covering several miles at least. For over fifty years,, I lived on fruits and veggies...and the only problem was the excess fat in what I put on my salads. Today, I eat as much fruit as possible and have eliminated salads. I rarely ate animal protein from 1973 - 2023., but my daughter wanted to raise chickens.
She feeds them very carefully and even gives them organic produce; so now I'm eating eggs .. I have no physical problems. Excess protein is a killer! The standards for protein, fat, carbs, sodium, etc. were set by the food industry to sell more products. Before the protein promotion started, people were not obese like they are today.
You also recall that chickens were not eaten as a mainstay. Only when they stopped laying were they harvested. Otherwise we are only the eggs.
My grandmother kept over 300 chickens for the egg money. I remember her candling them. She had cases of 50 dozen eggs stacked five high ready for selling.
Congratulations on your long and healthy life! I have a grandfather who lived to be 101. In his case, he grew up on a farm that produced its own poultry and beef. Later he created his own home with my grandma where again they raised chickens and a large vegetable garden. So for his entire century of life, they consumed no food with chemical additives of any kind. This is far more likely the cause of his longevity than how much protein he consumed. Humans have been eating meat for thousands of years and in fact it remains, with eggs, the most complete and easily absorbed form of protein. Grandad used to credit his longevity to drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily, but he was a joker so who knows if this was really his secret. He used to also say his secret was, "Stay away from doctors and don't take their drugs!"
Heard of folks thriving on many different diets. Like many things there is no one size fits all. Except perhaps around issues of loneliness and love.
The hypocrisy around saving the world is fully revealed by the PTB's inability to end war. Oh get us to eat bugs, why not! But stop killing those who stand in the way of our tyranny? How dare you!
'A deranged fanatic"
Excellent point. Elites telling the techno peasants to eat bugs to "save the planet" while murdering hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Ukrainians.
Not to mention the environmental impacts of the military. The hypocrisy is fully manifested. Victoria Nuland is their go to diplomat.
The easiest quickest cheapest way to reduce fuel and energy consumption. Quit fighting to steal your neighbor's stuff.
The issue is beef is fed with GMO grains and they're all vaccinated. Grass fed Grass finished un vaxd beef,lamb and chicken is waaaay better for you. But at ur age I wouldn't worry. You made it! God Bless
SS: How much protein do healthy women need? Approx. 30 grams or less. Sick women may need more. It is very difficult to keep one's protein under this amount. Excess protein creates problems, like the growth of tumors. It happened to me! Protein is for growth and repair...not for energy. Natural carbs are for energy. I have done 4 marathons. and received Finisher's medals from 3 LA Marathons..and only ate fruit right before.
Oh, speak for yourself. Many, many of us out here are absolutely getting sick eating carbs as a mainstay source of food. Healthy FAT, actually, is a mainstay source of very healthy energy, and satiety (meaning "quells hunger..."). Most of us should NOT be eating fruit like it's some kind of daily panacea. Fruit is a high-sugar content food that animals gorge on at the end of summer in order to fatten themselves up to get through winter, when there's just not anything much to eat. If I ate fruit several times a day I would not be able to get out of the smallest room in my house. Chinese medicine professionals advise against this American "love affair" with "fruit, Fruit, FRUIT" all the time, for good reason.
Read Healthy at 100...about the Hunzas who lived 120 healthy years.
They did not eat processed carbs; neither do I. Fruit is the natural food of mankindl Our bodies were designed to eat food that could be plucked right off a tree or bush without being cooked.. I have studied healthy people...and raw fruit and some vegetables were their primary foods. We are all human beings with the same intestinal tract and organs. Our bodies function the same way. I feel great at 90, because I am following what people did who have lived long healthy lives.
Congratulations on how well you're doing Barbara. Do you know what your blood type is? I would bet that it's type A, which, according to Dr D'Adamo is a natural vegetarian. I suspect that's why you had such a dramatic improvement when you switched to mostly fruit and vegetables. According to Dr D'Adamo if a person with a type A blood eats meat and dairy their health will deteriorate. (However, type is can have fermented dairy products). My blood is type 0 and I tried to become a vegetarian twice. Each time I lost a lot of muscle mass, energy, bleeding gums and even bone loss, and that is not merely the body detoxing. Type O blood is set up primarily for red meat, some vegetables and very little fruit. However, it's not a one size fits all. I also exercise quite a bit and when I don't get enough animal protein my body becomes weak, and I quickly lose muscle mass. Toxic metals, such as mercury, which as you know is found in dental amalgams is enormously destructive to a body's health. I'm guessing you had little-to-no dental amalgams? In any case, congratulations on finding out what works best for you and I wish you the best, and many more years of good health.
Yep. Most of us are N.O.T. going to do well eating nothing but celery, carrots, apples, peaches and grapes all day long. Duh. And yes, OLDER women, in fact, older PEOPLE, need MORE protein, not less. For a lot of us eating a carnivore diet for a while does much to kickstart our metabolism and gets us burning fat and out of insulin resistance. That won't happen as long as you're gobbling fruit all day every day.
Meat protein is not the problem regarding obesity, although excess animal protein will cause other problems such as the overburdening of the digestive system, thickening of blood from too much urea causing the heart to have to work harder, and other liabilities as well. However, the operative word here is OVEREATING. The average person with decent digestion doesn't need more than 8 oz of animal protein per day, and only 4 oz at a time. Most people overeat ALL food, let alone animal protein (except perhaps vegetables). Obesity is primarily from overeating grain, sugar and alcohol, not animal protein.
I might also add that there are further health liabilities from eating beef that has been vaccinated and raised primarily on grain, and particularly GMO grain. Ruminants should be raised on grass and not grain.
All my life I was careful about not eating grains, because even a slice of bread made me gain weight. When I got into nutrition studies in 1961, In order to feed my family right, i eliminated white flour, white sugar. and read labels; eliminating all items that I could not pronounce that weren't food. What was I eating?...meat, dairy and potatoes. Little fiber. I had unnatural cells at every check-up! I had no energy, because I was not eating much fruit; or even vegetables. I really knew very little about nutrition...and there was a lot of misinformation in the books I read. I thought the information about getting a lot of protein was valid.
How much protein do human beings need daily? Don't go by the Food Industry research. Its research is designed to sell more food products. Many of its nutrient standards are too high. American health declined since the 1960s with its protein promotion. Adele Davis was the who promoted it. She died of cancer at 70. I was one of the people who followed her information....and wound up fat and lethargic. Today, my protein limit is 26 grams daily...Men don't need more than 35 grams. Protein is for growth and repair. How much growth do people need.? Energy is created by the natural carbs that are in unprocessed fruit, which contains enzymes. Heat processing wipes out enzymes. . 4 oz of eggs contain 12 g of protein...and every food one eats has some protein.. It all adds up. I keep a daily food jouirnal and break down everything I eat. At 90 I have no ohysical health problems. I weigh 114 pounds. I fast walk 3 miles daily...and can go up and down the stairs with no effort. I will have been into this research for almost 64 years in 2025.
Human beings are supposed to live 120 healthy years, then just go to sleep and not die in a hospital. The Hunzacuts were the healthiest group of people in the world; they lived up to 120 healthy years.
Barbara, I'm not going by"food industry research," as you apparently assume. I respectfully disagree that you were "fat and lethargic" soley because of your consumption of animal protein at that time. If you are 114 lb now, how much did you weigh when you say you were fat and lethargic? How much grain, particularly anything with bleached flour in it, where you consuming at that time? How many vaccinations have you had in your lifetime? I'm guessing probably very few, if any?
Before I got on Adele Davis's recommended high protein diet in 1961, I weighed 122 pounds. Then, I primarily started eating meat, potatoes and dairy, I went up to 150 pounds...At 5 ft 3 inches...this is far too much. I had little energy. When we went places, I slept in the car, while my husband took the children to the zoo, Marine Land, etc. The first 20 years of my life, I ate little meat. I was born during the Great Depression and we had very little food for my first 8 years. After WW11 started both parents worked, but with 5 children there was not enough money for much food; plus my mother had no nutritional knowledge. It was macaroni and cheese right out of the package and fried potatoes and cabbage. It was a struggle to keep my weight down. on these foods. .I slimmed down, when I lived in a college dormitory for 2 years. I ate a lot of spinach!
They live in an area devoid of air pollution, are not subjected to loads of Tee Vee and mainstream media Bee Ess, and eat a lot of dairy. They don't spray their crops with nasty toxic chemicals and nothing is GMO.
The leaders of these "poor" countries should concentrate on making their own wealth instead of relying on other countries that have done the hard work. Handouts only lead to dependency and continued poverty. It is not our job to finance other countries especially when most of the time they put our money in their pockets and do nothing to make their people more prosperous and to improve living conditions. We have been pouring money into the UN for 75 years and the people in Africa still live in mud huts with no clean running water or electricity. We should get a refund.
That money never made it to the Africans, did it?
If you accept that industrial expansion creates both wealth and more atmospheric carbon and global warming, then the developing countries have a large hammer to drive a bargain. The deal on the table is for developing countries to forego the wealth creating industrial expansion in return for a share of the West's wealth. Otherwise the west reducing carbon emmissions is a pointless task as the devloping world will just make up for any reductions.
With interest
The leaders need to get real:
Excellent post, Karen.
The folks that run our world are fucking MORONS! We should put them in prison TODAY! We don't need or want them!
I'm with you!
Bingo! Let's organize for that reality.
Do not know how you do it Dr. Nass! So hard for many of us to keep up with all the shenanigans. Wish I had half the brain cells that you have.
So one has to conclude that the “cricket powder” will go to feed poultry… since avian species like that anyway. Better than GMO corn? God works in strange ways… one would hope.
Can not recall the substance in cricket shells that is highly toxic to human’s and quardrapeds. People need to check their domestic pet foods for this. I did see a specific “pet treat” that was made out of cricket powder.
Thanks for all that you do
Chitin--may are allergic to it or will be if it appears in our foodstuffs.
Thanks Dr. Nass. Not sure that this is required to be on a “label” of food ingredients as of yet. Was helping a sight impaired neighbor fill their pantry for their pet and was just reading the labels. Very concerning. Thank you! The label did say “cricket” powder// and not Chitin… perhaps people might be inquisitive to what that “ingredient” is.
There is another name for cricket powder that omits the terms crickets and chitin.
Yes it is “Acheta Domesticus”!
There are no countries with excess funds. They are all in debt and getting further behind. World wide debt continues to grow at a breakneck pace. With the folly of global warming sucking up more dollars, the end is inching closer.
My chickens are all for eating crickets!
Yep. That's the only way I will eat ze bugs, after they've been through my amazing bug processors. Their names are Hazel, Floppy, and Alta. Bugs go in, delicious protein results, already pre-packaged in handy oval containers. And a side benefit, I get a crew willing to work my garden for free, digging, scratching, and tilling. ;0)
I apologise. I misunderstood, I thought you were buying the feed, thats what I wouldn't trust. But, yes free range and picking bugs, grass, and scraps from your kitchen and worms in ur yard or farm? Absolutly the best!
No problem at all. Sometimes my jokes don't hit the mark very well. ;0)
Even then I would not trust any of it
I was jokingly referring to my flock of hens. They eat bugs and then produce eggs for me.
“That could mean more loans that accrue debt for developing countries.”
That’s the entire point. Then the countries pledge their assets — farmlands, minerals etc — as collateral for loans they will never be able to repay. Once the country “defaults”, the lender swoops in and seizes all the country’s wealth for pennies on the dollar. This is an age-old play. That, and money-laundering, is what is behind much, if not most, “foreign aid”. It’s a massive, immoral racket disguised as either “saving the planet” or “compassion”.
COPS needs to die as does the whole UN IPCC initiative it’s become politics and not science.
We need a formal review to decide if NetZero is unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable, financially irresponsible, and extremely foolish. And especially as the “rest” of the global economies continue to do nothing anyway. It may mean only focused adaption for “high risk areas” and will allow us to get on with prosperity using the power of Fossil fuels.
More at ….
I think Soros al Pastor would make a fabulous presentation at a WEF dinner. Add an appetizer of Gates Pozole with grated Biden and you’ve got a meal to remember.
My blood type is O. However, I am not the typical junk food ,soy-eating vegetarian. I did nor just avoid meat. I avoided many foods that people think are healthy foods. I read Carleton Frederick's book long ago and avoided Night Shades and cruciferous vegetables. I also avoided processed foods. I didn't eat dates...too much sugar. I wrote a book in 1995...and it would have sold better, if I had called it Dates are for Camels! I gave it a rather innocuous title, because I had no desire to have a best seller. I simply wanted to share information with people who were searching for answers.
Elon and Vivek need to establish a platform to channel federal employees who wish to speak up as Whistleblowers.
And to do that now.
Elon and Vivek may wish to inform the Whistleblowers that they have a generous number of positions available to those who come forward now:
Those who are committed to making America great again, to making America healthy again, and to making the federal government transparent again.
Let’s hope it gets up the ladder.
funny how my former bff (we haven't spoken since August) insisted to me that these bug farms simply didn't exist and that where ever I was reading that clearly was conspiracy theory stuff. then she said: well we unwittingly eat bugs that infest the food supply all the time, what's the big deal? when I showed her a picture of a food label with cricket flour in the ingredients, she said it was a faked photo. I suppose she won't believe it until they take away her precious organic bison, in favor of cricket protein.
Show her the academic article, from which I obtained that map,
thanks, Dr Nass. I will definitely share it on my FB. unfortunately, she pretty much toasted a 45+ yr friendship by calling me an idiot because I 'fell for obvious propaganda pitched by pseudo-intellectuals', who must have an agenda. (no clue what she thinks that agenda might be!) her ignorance and arrogance are not an attractive combo. common case of 'if I don't already know it, it must be bullshit, by definition'. :(
What really irritates me is that there is never any mention of allergies to the exoskeleton of these crickets. There is a deadly allergy to shrimp and seafood in our family and the cricket shells are one in the same to a shrimp. But what am I talking about.....they don't care ! Least of all Trudeau with his sky high weekly grocery bills for only the best that goes on his table!
I’d love to try the dried mealworms, but I’ve got a freezer full of beef in the basement I’ve got to get through first!
Bombshell Study Censored by The Lancet Finally Released: Confirms 'High Likelihood of Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death'
As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, a COVID-19 vaccination study is back in the news.
On November 17, 2024, Science, Public Health Policy and The Law journal published a peer-reviewed study titled, “A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination.“
This study was publicly available, but publications such as The Lancet made repeated attempts to censor it. After far too long, it has finally been published.
Coincidentally, as the Trump administration and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. work on a transition plan, these types of stories have entered back into the zeitgeist.