IMHO, the best protection against viral illness is not medical intervention. It rather is natural human health, arrived at through nutrition, sanitation, a healthy lifestyle, and overall mental and spiritual well-being. Such a state can be cultivated and safe-guarded through therapeutic practices like exercise, outdoor recreation, exposure to natural sunlight, etc. Instead of creating a healthy lifestyle, we ruin our health by violating nature's laws, then rush to the doctor when the inevitable breakdown occurs. Institutionalized medicine and Big Pharma take advantage of these breakdowns by bringing forth vaccines and treatments of symptoms that do more harm than good. We need to have a new image of what human health really consists of, then model our actions to correspond to that image. Our fundamental orientation should be to experience the joy of living. This is what we need to re-learn. We can then share our discoveries with others. A good doctor can help us realign in this direction.

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Dr. Joseph Mercola has been doing precisely this for decades - "Helping You Take Control of Your Health", as he frequently states.

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Mercola censors comment and kicks people off his site for not agreeing with him. Also flip flops so much it makes your head spin. Just another professional salesman.

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Check out the Substack called The Forgotten Side of Medicine by a A Midwestern Doctor. Lots of valuable information on exactly that! Go through old articles and read the comments…that’s another area to find some read gold nuggets by AMD!!❤️‍🩹

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Keep your vitamin-D level up so your immune system isn't impaired.

5000 IU/day gets most people into the normal range after 3 months, but it is worth checking, because some people need 10,000 IU/day, especially if they have had their gallbladders out, or have a high percentage of body fat.

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Conundrum: If antibodies exist and vaccines are supposed to make them work to cure injected illnesses including Cancer which is popular at the moment, why does Pfizer's vaccine (but probably Moderna's vaccine too), which is Patented Synthetic ModRNA (made in a laboratory) leave the arm and go through all of the body's organs in 12 hours, leaving spike proteins everywhere (results unknown) and also change the bodies Natural DNA, to a ModRNA Synthetic Laboratory Made Patented DNA instead, after 6 hours, to specifically target the Lymph Nodes and it stays active in your body for up to 6 months, or at least to your next "vaccine shot" and what has that got to do with antibodies or a head cold - conclusion antibodies don't exist and are just another lie, to deflect us from the truth, of what is actually happening and the vaccines, which are actually Genetic Therapy Injections, as revealed by Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin also known as BionTech (in 2015) and what their true purpose is - control of the body from the Lymph Nodes, which explains the billions of Carbon Particles in each Genetic Therapy Shot.

Would you have gone and got ModRNA injected if you knew that: ARR 1.3% efficient for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, ARR 1.2% for the Moderna–NIH, ARR 1.2% for the J&J, ARR 0.93% for the Gamaleya, and ARR 0.84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.

Dr. Piero Olliaro of Oxford University led the team that produced the new Lancet report: . https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext#%20

ARR vs RRR - ARR = Actual RRR= Theoretical.

For: Moderna's Covid-19 virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG Patented 2013.

Pfizer/BionTech ARR 0.84% Effective.

Moderna's Covid-19 virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG ARR 99.16% Effective and injected into you as a vaccine which travels all round your body where it would be taken up by all types of cells, including spleen, liver and ovary cells - Confidential Pfizer document shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system and Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events "including the Cancer prevalent now" – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer!


But if the body was capable of making antibodies then this can't happen can it: The mRNA shot’s efficacy against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5 “went negative after 150 days,” while against BA.1.12.1, “became negative after 91 days.” (No natural immunity)


PfizerGate: Government reports prove COVID Vaccination decimates the Immune System

By The Exposé on October 23, 2022


Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine alters Human DNA By The Exposé on October 22, 2022

A Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA.


Virginie Joron, a French MP, tweeted a picture from a presentation she was attending. The speaker was Özlem Türeci, co-founder of BioNTech and her slide was called ‘The Bodyhack - Bringing mRNA to the right cells at the right places’.

The image clearly shows that the cells BioNTech were targeting were dendritic cells in the lymph nodes. Robert Kogon reported that “A passage from The Vaccine, the book that Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, wrote with journalist Joe Miller, explains why BioNTech’s platform specifically targets the lymph nodes:

What Ugur learnt was that the location to which a vaccine delivers its ‘wanted poster’ really mattered. The reason for this, the couple’s team in Mainz later realised, was that not all dendritic cells … were created equal. The ones that resided in lymph nodes – of which the spleen is the largest – were particularly adept at capturing mRNA and making sure the instructions it carried were acted upon. These kidney-bean shaped organs, found under our armpits, in our groins, and at several other outposts in the body, are the information hubs of the immune system. (p. 98)

Indeed, Sahin and Türeci were so determined to get their mRNA into the lymph nodes that they had an earlier mRNA construct injected directly into the patient’s lymph nodes in the groin (p. 104).

Me: Ah, I get it, your brain is not in your head, it is in your Lymph Nodes - gotcha - so much for antibodies and the usual Bullshit, for us weak minded fools.

So after vaccination our natural DNA becomes vaccinated ModRNA DNA in 6 hours (patented and created in a Laboratory) - so what happens after we die and our Soul wants to go to Heaven, when we don't have Natural DNA, but synthetic laboratory made ModRNA DNA and it sends the wrong signal to be let into the Alternative Reality which also comprises where your God and your Heaven is? - it can't go there, so where does it go - is Space Travel possible, you just have to be dead first, to go there - an Alternative Reality, where all Souls have been genetically modified by patented laboratory made ModRNA DNA and forever, your Soul can't ever come back to this Alternative Reality or to this World - and you can't escape your fate by committing suicide, can you? Sounds like another form of Hell to me.

It was published (you might have read the article) that a young boy could remember his last life as a snake. He bit this man on his shoulder and the man killed him, this snake and he was reborn as this boy. The researchers found the man, who confirmed a snake bit him on his shoulder and he killed it. Neither knew the existence of the other.

This won't apply to you of course, if you have been vaccinated - how can it?

Could it be that the "Social Experiment" from the 1950's failed miserably and was a complete disaster, with wars, sexual deviances and movement away from religion at an all time high (and loss of overall control of us) and by exterminating the elements of that, but we the "Human Rubbish", the whole pradigam can be reset and the whole issue started again with a heavily reduced population and a different approach to the old "Social Experiment", after all, when something does not work, it gets thrown away - and what better way to throw us "Human Rubbish" away, than to feed us multiple lies, to deflect us away from the truth and those in control, by placing themselves in the positions of Gods over all who remain afterwards - the "Great Reset" as they like to call it, which is on target, according to Deagle's, to have occurred by 2025/26. Is that what is actually happening now - seems so to me?

For head colds, simply put: . Cure: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Cup a hand and sniff or snort the mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore you have a virus, so wait 2-3 minutes until soreness goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, then continue 3 times daily, or more often, but Morning, Noon, Night, until soreness goes away and it feels like you are flushing with water - me many years never ill, just by doing this, including with Covid - probably good for Long Covid too, as it flushes the nasal passages of the head, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem -

Unlike a vaccine shot in your arm, of all places - you don't get a viral infection in your arm do you, or treat it in your lymph nodes?

Pour some of your salt solution on a flat surface and allow to dry. That is what coats the inner membrane of your sinus passages, behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem, and kills off all viruses which touch it, or have started to seed and take root. 100% effective - but of course it has not been approved by those who control the vaccines, hardly surprising, I would have thought?

Julian Rose explores the psychological motivations behind the fascination with AI and the potential for a counter-reaction against its dominance.

He connects this AI agenda to the Great Reset and its aim to create a controllable and predictable society, noting that the manipulation of human DNA, implanting computer chips, and using EMF radiation frequencies are ways to control and eliminate any form of resistance.

He argues that the Green New Deal is a deceptive plan to alter DNA, redesign humans, and depopulate the planet under the facade of environmentalism...........with the help of Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin.

BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 so who is the idiot now?

Me: Human Rights are not really very well understood, since its been a long time since the end of Slavery and The American Civil War (1861-1865) so when people are expected to volunteer to have an Experimental Test Vaccine by their Governments and nudge units, etc, they don't understand fully what happens to their Human rights, after vaccination: This is what you volunteered to become when you volunteered to have their vaccines, all legal and above board. Once you volunteer, you become their "Crash Test Dummy"

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).

Viral vectors do the same thing.

Part One

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Part Two: So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

The US DOD and DARP and your Government are all working towards the same formula, AI and Human control of Robotic Units in Defense and Offense and both industries want lots of Humans to work with in whatever capacity and Genetic modifications necessary to achieve that final result: A.I. Joe: The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence and the Military. Download the full report 4.1 MB: https://www.citizen.org/article/ai-joe-report/

In a new hour-long presentation – watch it here: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=15980 – Latypova lays out the copious evidence she has compiled – including “receipts” – to show that covid injections are nothing more than a bioweapon that was unleashed on the world by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) via the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Obviously, only Units suitable for modification can be used and Units which do not meet the technical criteria, are of no use to anyone and will be deleted - the deaths by all ways, after vaccines, which is what is occurring everywhere now, but Cancer seems to be the most popular.

But it gets better than just that:

A study accepted into the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology on Jan. 24 (pdf) investigated placenta samples from two pregnant women who had received Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Researchers concluded that “vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood.”

Commenting on the study, cardiologist Peter McCullough said that the observations “have confirmed one of our worst fears, that is, poorly advised vaccination during pregnancy allows circulating mRNA and local production of Spike protein in the placenta potentially threatening the gestation and delivery.”

“But worse, mRNA is passed on to the baby with unknown effects on organogenesis, tissue damage, blood clotting, and a host of other adverse processes within the newborn’s body.”

My guess, "they" don't want babies when their parents are dead after vaccines, do they, or have their kids breed, when they get old enough - what's that called - Murder Ad Hoc?

A peer-reviewed article from last month which analyzed reports from the initial phase 3 trials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines concluded that the shots killed more people than they saved.

So much for antibodies - nowhere to be seen anywhere, so they only exist in the minds of the foolish then and who peddles "antibodies" why Virologists and Big Pharma and your Doctor - so much for the Hippocratic Oath they swore - getting on the money train, more like.

Well, we know what TransHumans are, that is the new name automatically given to those who volunteer for a vaccine shot - I'd call them "Crash Test Dummies" and who tells CTD's about anything?

Open my blue links by clicking on them, from this page and follow the instructions to read the published articles: Do you want to open this link? YES

In Summary:

The jabs don’t prevent the spread or transmission of Covid-19.

The more jabs you get, the worse off you are and more likely you are to die.

They’re gene therapy products with the potential to cause delayed adverse events (i.e. cancer) months or years after injection.

Some vials were contaminated with SV40 that can integrate into the host genome.

These products can shed onto to those who did not consent.

Oncologists are reporting never before seen ‘turbo cancers’ in otherwise young, healthy people.

Tom Renz’s Newsletter


Covered Up: mRNA Shedding, Transmissibility and Cancer. (substack.com)


Tom Renz on X: "https://t.co/YitRXBprn7" / X (twitter.com)

Bell's palsy or an aggressive infiltrating basaloid carcinoma post-mRNA vaccination for COVID-19? A case report and review of the literature - PubMed (nih.gov)


Nuclear Targeting of Plasmids and Protein-DNA Complexes - Research Projects - Dean Lab - University of Rochester Medical Center




TCW's Top Twenty: Cancer specialists agree with me about vaccine harm, but the authorities still won’t listen - The Conservative Woman


The Explosive Link Between COVID Vaccines and Increased Cancer Rates in Children & Young Adults – The Expose (expose-news.com)



New Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show. – The Expose (expose-news.com)

Tom Renz’s Newsletter.

Why not print this out and send a copy to your Doctor, local Politician and your local Newspaper by snail mail - you don't have to put your return address on it, or who you are, do you - and if you wear disposable gloves, no fingerprints either and don't seal the flap with your spit, so no DNA left either?

We need to be proactive - looking at my posts and liking them, is not going to cut it long term, is it?

After all, if the facts speak for themselves, in your opinion, then what else is there to conclude instead?

There are thousands of us, let's try and make a difference.

If you had a God, now what?

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What about the Level 4 lab in Manhattan, Kansas??? Same situation??

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We can only imagine how many of these Frankenstein labs are all over the world, much less in our own back yard in, "secure (obscure) undisclosed locations...."

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Supposedly there’s at least one in almost every state. Frightening indeed.

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Steve Kirsch, Kat Lindley and James Roguski on the WHO treaty tonight

W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty Looms: Countdown to Global Tyranny

Thursday, March 14th: 7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific


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Would it be possible to do GoF research that would lead to a pathogen that would attack only the scientists involved in GoF research?

Now that’s some GoF research that I could support!

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All Baric did was put specific nucleotide sequences into cell cultures, not individual "viruses," then he found those sequences in the final cell culture as you would expect. He then put in some bacteria and used words like transfection and cloning, but what he was really doing was adding extra DNA sequences to the whole cell culture, then claimed those sequences wete incorporated into the final "virus" product and that he gained the function of a "virus" that doesn't exist. LOL !! 😀😀😀🙋

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This is a continuation of the virus lie 😀🙋

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These criminals that are stocking diseases in labs, like ebola, anthrax, smallpox, measles, etc. , are insane! They are not really dedicated scientists looking to help humanity. They are paid shills from corporations that are out for the buck. American taxpayer money is most likely supporting these labs. . Perhaps, the time is coming, when fed-up taxpayers will withhold paying taxes, until they are sure taxes are used correctly ...to benefit America per our Constitution.

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Question: are there any letter writing campains going on by the public to Baric's lab and others expressing concern about the research they're doing?

I recently found out someone I dated in college, now a college professor/researcher, was involved in the psuedourodine aspect of the modRNA shots. This was devastating to me and I've spent some time processing through all the emotions surrounding this part of the continuing fiasco.Yes, I do plan to craft a short letter to this person about research having consequences and adding a suggestion to turn some attention to prion research and other. I don't care if I get a response back - for me to not express myself to this person violates everything I value and self censoring is not an option at this point.

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There will be a bill coming out to regulate GOF, while the biowarfare industry has tried to broaden the definition to muddy the water

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Why not Montana? It’s the most unpopulated and is entirely wilderness, with the exception of Alaska. Perfect for clandestine operations.

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Except all the cities that have Universities: Bozeman, Missoula, Billings, Great Falls, Helena, Dillon, Havre, etc.

I recently read an article about MSU getting funding to perform research on bats!!

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Good point. And if there is a lab leak, there will few people nearby to get infected.

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Is it not "MOnster" lab?

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No - it i not.

MO = Missouri

MT = Montana

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Hi Meryl! Great to see you embrace Vincent Munster as prime suspect. The brilliant lab leak researcher the Munster theory stems from, is not "Will Jones" - he just presents this theory in his Daily Sceptic article - but "Jim Haslam". Honour to whom honour is due.

In my eyes, Haslam writes the best Substack on everything Lab Leak - no one really dived deeper than this guy: https://jimhaslam.substack.com

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I can’t remember when or where I read it, but I remember an article recently about MSU (Montana State University) receiving money to do research on bats and viruses!!😬

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Wull the Munsters were always messin' with bats, wolfsbane, an' I think Lily always added some eye-of-newt inta the soup! The bullcrap story from Vincent (horror movie) Munster mad scientist lab wuz press-ty-tooted in a March 5th, 2020 Pentagon Meetin'--- which got exposed (belatedly) by DemocracyManifest here:


It was such a hoot n' holler (owls an' pig callin' fer sure) that I wrote about it here'bouts:


5 blind mice.... as it were... if most AmeriCons (who got conned inta takin' the countermeasures) had heard the flimsy defense (by the Dept. of it!) in that press conference they'd a run in the other direction--talk about a situation comedy (turned, of course, tragedy)

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Thank You Dr. Nass, figures this guy is all over doing GoF with wild explanations of his "theories" to gain more federal funds, (grants), and continue to create disease for the investors, and the Gates clan. We should have a National petition to shut down Gain of Function and make it illegal in The United States. My understanding a few years ago was that many patents were about to end their dates on various drugs, right before the "pandemic", and that the Repo market was about to crash as well, right before their launch of "the lockdowns", at the time I also read how over 200 US Companies CEO's sold their own stock knowing that the lockdown was coming before most citizens, today we now know that this pandemic was in pre-planning and funding well before 2019. This greed machine doesn't seem to be stopping. Right now the only silver lining is the so-called Deep State that masterminded this evil on the planet are exposed, and their overreach and corruption is now seen across the planet. I believe GofF is their only real "gravy train" today which is why the industry investors work to fund the CDC and these labs to get any new "vaccine" on the Childhood schedule for public schools. I personally wouldnt have my kids in any US Public School right now. There are some 700 schools with clinics in them now and Melinda Gates just invested her 1.5 Billion to "help" get access to more clinics in the schools which are nothing but patient recruitment for psych drugging, birth control, and new patients for big pharma. Witness the story out Maine a few weeks back: an 11 year old girl sent home with a baggie with zololoft pills in it, unmarked handed to her by the school clinic, no parental consent needed. The push for these clinics will then include vaccines, no doubt.

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