Financially motivated Hospital bribery to kill patients and register their deaths as "COVID RELATED" were premeditated Mass Murder. They probably kept ventilators running way past the demise of each patient in order to qualify for the Big Bucks!

Big Pharma used these deliberate hospital deaths to further scare the population into accepting more of their DEADLY, but USELESS, mRNA injections - which caused further DEATHS and were also referred to as "COVID RELATED".

I'm fast concluding that Covid & the DEADLY INJECTION called a vaccine, were dreamed up by evil manipulative criminals who wish to take over the world and dominate most of the serving community. Could Covid really be a derivative of influenza, but just modified for financial gain?

Furthermore, I believe Big Pharma was complicit in organising the false consequences of the man-modified disease/s in order to create a market for a 'CURE' which never existed and, in its place, a depopulation poison was injected into the majority of the planet's population,

Clues for reaching these conclusions are the bizarre evolution of Fauci's Empire which, over the decades, became his vehicle to amass fortune and to impress humanity with his influence. Instead, it's come to light that Fauci was the engineer of his own downfall and disgrace. Fauci fooled 5 US Presidents (including Trump - who we hope has now opened his eyes.

Another clue was learning that big Pharma created a massive market for unproven and potentially dangerous (DEADLY) medicines and injections - the most lethal are mRNA vax! I learned that these deadly drugs, mads and injections came with ZERO LIABILITY.

Another Clue was learning that the WEF's New World Order intend to reduce the world's population and enslave those who survived the great Cull by injection.

Another Clue was learning, early on in the Covid and 'Vax' Scams, that Bill Gates has used his wealth to control media, narratives, markets, the WHO and many institutions to promote these topics which he believes are useful for further increasing his wealth and influence on the planet!

No wonder the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, the Media, the medical profession, Governments, etc, are now distrusted more now, than ever before!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding the corrupt entities mentioned above!

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Oh yes do the exact opposite of what governments are advising you to do.....eat more meat and dairy...get more exercise....turn the recommended Food Pyramid upside down and eat less grains and carbohydrates. Get more sun on your skin and supplement with high dose Viramib D3. Don't be taken in by the non existent Climate Crisis. There may be some flux and change in the climate but it is not a crisis. Go to climatediscussionnexus.com



For climate info and no fear porn. Resist, resist, resist and be happy.

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.......and Gates has bought some of the Amazon Rain Forest to remove the trees because he is so insane, he thinks that will arrest Global Warming! What will the world's greatest nut case think of next? Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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We have an ecological crisis, not a CO2 crisis! Destruction of vital rainforests, desertification, micro-plastics in our bodies, geo-engineering of skies leading to contamination of water and soil, industrial soot (not CO2), etc. The web of life itself is being sabotaged by corporate greed, unchecked until we win!

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you are correct. All if the the devastation you mention is not being addressed. One more thing.....what is being pumped into our atmosphere by high altitude jets making the sky overhead look like a tic tac toe game? Facts from cows not allowed but that chemical concoction is fine!

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Yes, that is exactly the geoengineering to which I referred. We see it regularly, usually a day or two before anticipated precipitation. Fewer insects, fewer birds, fewer animals, some dead trees. Madness!

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.......and Gates has bought some of the Amazon Rain Forest to remove the trees because he is so insane, he thinks that will arrest Global Warming! What will the world's greatest nut case think of next? Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Time to sequester the S.O.B in a metal cage.

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With feeding time = just once a day! Mick.

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If you eat meat make sure it is real meat, produced on a real farm, not intensively and full of all manner of toxins, including hormones.

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Bingo! You've got it.

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Mick, your clues reached a truthful conclusion. Thank you for speaking this so clearly.

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"Maybe this time something will come of these lawsuits"

Wherever the perpetrators hide. However long it takes. Justice will be done.

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Unfortunately the basic issues is that the treatment protocol was dictated by a medical bureaucrat that never paid attention to how the liver functions as well as the immune system. The combination of ventilators, remdesivir, midazolam and acetaminophen was a deadly combination. All 3 drugs negatively impact 3A4 enzyme system in liver! A deadly combination especially if the patient is already dealing with a dysfunctional liver. The ventilator pressure caused patients to suffocate in their own body fluids. The medical criminality is beyond belief and it was dictated out of NIH!

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They needed deaths from "covid" to justify the "vaccines" and they paid a lot of money for the "covid" deaths.

It was dictated out of the DoD, and above that, out of the transnational deep state and the G3P, the global public private partnership, i.e. the BIS, CFR, WEF, etc.

"Health care" has been weaponized for their purposes.

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We can only hope…should not have taken this long!

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Thank God that this information has finally come to the surface. There is no telling how many families & individuals lost loved ones needlessly to Remdezivir and ventilators, and died a horrific death! Everyone who accepted the government’s bribes to keep quiet should be hung on the town square!!

This was mass murder and crimes against humanity!! These people did not die from Covid…they were murdered by hospitals while seeking treatment from those they believed they could trust!!

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allthewhile remember, friends and family could not visit and supervise their loved one. Hospital staff could do whatever whenever they wanted. Easy murders, no "witness"...

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It’s just incomprehensible that they were allowed to commit these crimes and get 3 times their normal salary, as not be held accountable!!! I hope this changes soon with Rand Paul & Robert Kennedy leading the charge!!

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There are ZERO excuses for all of this suffering and death, when all the while they knew that hydroxichloriquine & ivermectin would heal Covid patients within a few days, but forbid the use of these two very inexpensive drugs. This would have shut the entire operation down, and the deep state would have lost trillions of dollars not being able to roll out their death jab program!!

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Maybe change the incentive $ per patient healed? I dream.

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Sadly there were med professionals reporting about this back in 2020. Will 45/47 be held accountable for any of this?

Not holding my breath.

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Harm and death to Americans by a majority of U.S. Congressmen and women working to financially incentivize certain medical treatments. How long has this been going on? How many of our "Standard of Care" medical treatments in the U.S. are simply the highest profit treatments without prioritizing whether they heal, harm or do nothing for the patient?

100 U.S. Senators


435 U.S. Representatives


H.R.748 - CARES Act

116th Congress (2019-2020)

Sponsor: Rep. Courtney, Joe [D-CT-2] (Introduced 01/24/2019)

Committees: House - Ways and Means

Committee Meetings: 07/23/20 10:00AM

Latest Action (modified): 03/27/2020 Became Public Law No: 116-136. (All Actions)

Roll Call Votes: There have been 5 roll call votes

Why was this Bill introduced in January 2019 ? when covid began in the Fall of 2019 ?

The [at least] 150-200 members of Congress (out of 535) whose families and staff used ivermectin for covid [ per Dr. Pierre Kory's Oct 2021 tweet] are most certainly aware of the issue of Congress financially incentivizing medical treatments that do not work in the U.S.

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Absolutely! Ken Paxton is preparing charges soon (hopefully), for Texans.

There is also crimes against humanity in International Courts.

God Bless, Pray it Forward, 🙏🙏🙏

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Patients always die on ventilators, frequently from MRSA and hospital-spread bronchitis. I always council younger people to pay attention to how older friends and relatives die because most people do not wise up until it is too late for their parents or themselves.

One year, I had seven friends die from hospital MRSA and bronchitis -- a few after "successful" cancer treatments, one after a "minor" stent surgery...

Keep in mind that artificial substances implanted into a body always get infected. I saw a science article the other day about baby stents!

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We must ban direct to consumer marketing. It’s not to sell drugs; it’s to control the narrative.

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Dr Anthony Fauci made a mint during the last years prescribing deadly methods for handling this PLANdemic.. The media promoted him as an authority. CV-19 was a wake-up call for many, when people saw the end results of the entire fiasco. It would never have occurred, if medical doctors had asked the question years ago..what ingredients are in these shots??? Our government back in 1986, along with manufacturer's of so called vaccines colluded to hide the fact that they were defective and dangerous. In my opinion, a medical degree is worthless. The information being studied in med schools is not designed to cure...it is designed to keep people coming back for treatments. The most important subject being studied in the med school curriculum appears to be accounting. Dr Anthony Fauci was very well versed in this subject.

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Medical students must get numerous visits from all kinds of Big Fat Fn Pharma showing

them how great their medicines are!

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Congress members who were invested in pharma likely made a tidy sum. How much did the 2020 potus admin make off this? The original protocala were established in trump’s CARES act.

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Congress members made millions! Biden said years ago in a video that people should not expect their representatives to vote the way they wanted...there were many temptations! He was totally into raking in big bucks! Trump is a builder not into medicine. He unfortunately listened to the Head Honcho Doctor...Anthony Fauci supported by Big Pharma .

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Please give an excuse for djt’s EO.

Trump’s executive order paving the way for years skipped trials and specifically includes the mRNA shots aka recombinant vaccines. Signed one day after Fauci participated in a Global Pandemic Monitoring Board event.

19 Sep 2019

Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in US to Promote Nat Security & Pub Health


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I read that we would have been locked down for ten years, while Big Pharma looked for a perfect vaccine, if Operation Warp Speed didn't occur. In the meantime mandates would have forced more and more people to get the 'vax.' during this time. Many people did not get the vax....and I am grateful that I wasn't forced to get it either.

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Propaganda works.

If I would have returned to work under djt not only would I have had a long list of mandates to abide by under djt I would have had to get his beautiful death shot. I will add your djt excuses to my list. Thank you for participating in the growing djt excuse list.

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Lol, like I have been saying waiting for all the new djt was “misled” excuses to pop up. Jow can add yours to the growing new djt excuse list. Bravo for participating. Sadly this will help with our demise.

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May I ask who do you think would be better than DJT? When he was in office, we had no war...he is a diplomat. The economy was doing fine, until riots were instigated by people like Soros (Obama's patron) who wanted to start trouble. Then, Fauci who had patented-vaccines gaining royalties for him...stepped in. He was the darling of the media who promoted him...and the media is controlled by Big Pharma. President Trump has been crucified by the press, the Democratic Party, Big Pharma, the 'Never Trumper' Rinos...who did not want a man in office who was not a career politician on the take. I ask for guidance in everything I do...and had not voted for a Democrat or Republican in almost 40 years. I was guided to change from an Independent, so I could vote for DJT. There is a Creator who knows far more than we do...and I ask for guidance.

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Lol, come to djt defense no matter how much damage djt did, shocking.

Daffy duck would be better than djt but the djt loyalists cannot see how they are being played to be obedient plebs.

When djt was in office there was war against the plebs, I get it ignore that. Ignore all the damage djt did in 2020 or ignore the suffering of j6ers who suffered for djt. Ignore all the drone attacks under djt or all djt shenanigans that profited his miga friends and family. Sad when blinfers cannot be removed. There is NO way I will defend an evil creature like djt, enjoy defending your idol

Maybe you appreciate djt EO to pave the way for his beloved dangerous shots.

Trump’s executive order paving the way for years skipped trials and specifically includes the mRNA shots aka recombinant vaccines. Signed one day after Fauci participated in a Global Pandemic Monitoring Board event.

19 Sep 2019

Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in US to Promote Nat Security & Pub Health


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I guess you enjoyed the last four years with all the lawlessness, crime, inflation and absolute insanity in America. You are a classical example of a knave, which Kipling wrote about in his classic poem IF. Twisting information around to suit your own purposes and beliefs. Millions of intelligent people voted for DJT...they know he loves America and he did the best he could while in office despite all the obstacles he faced. from deceitful Democrats, RINOs and others in the political swamp.

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As I keep saying a highly thought out procedure was created and adopted in most

U.N. countries to implement the DEPOPULATION AGENDA....THEY ARE ALL GUILTY


many times worse than the willful deaths perpetrated during both GREAT WARS,

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If I had three wishes they would ALL be to see the cockroach Fauci in a cage! A cage full of sand flees with his vocal cords cut!

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I suggest that all those who took part in this mass murder be strapped down to hospital beds, have a ventilator rammed down their throats, and be given Remdesivir for as long as it takes.

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Ouch. Don't forget they also gave a dual medication to brainfog the patient and shut off his breathing; This combination was never seen before because it left no chance to a patient with respiratory issues to survive.

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yes morphine and midazolam !

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Merci Jean-Pierre!

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This is an excellent report!

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Head-scratching, jaw dropping truths, Dr. Nass. Probably not “new” news to most of your readers — conclusion, let’s hope that justice is served without delay.

Thank you Dr. Nass for keeping us well informed with up-to-date information.

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An expected and ignorant response ignoring the damage the cult leader djt did to America. Maybe you appreciate the damage djt did to america. Jim Jones would likely be amazed at how effective a real cult leader looks like. Enjoy your djt koolaide, I will not drink one drop of it though.

From your miga cult leader. Who cares about Americans just drink the djt koolaide.

Trump was presented his award by his daughter Ivanka Trump, who converted to Judaism in 2009. He exclaimed, “I have a Jewish daughter! This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened.”

He (Donald Trump) concluded his remarks with strong comments in support of Israel saying, “We love Israel, we will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1000 percent, it will be there forever.”

05 Feb 2015

Algemeiner Honors Joan Rivers, Donald Trump, Yuli Edelstein at Second Annual ‘Jewish 100’ Gala - Algemeiner.com


02 Nov 2021

Trump Says Israel Used to “Rightfully” Control Congress


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America First (Project 2025) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0039koV43a8&t

Trump promises to make "Israel great again" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ueeHvQNldI&t

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Ty for links. Some other lnx there r worth the time. Ty

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Remember who funds the medical “industry” and most if not all of the so-called research it relies on (hint: starts with an R).

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