Leave no one behind,just like they did in Afghanistan. Keep your poison and give it too the W.H.O, WEF and UN

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I thought dehydration could be treated with a few drinks of water, but perhaps intravenous is needed in severe cases. Monkeypox itself is treatable and rarely fatal as the stats show so there is no need at all for the vaccine.

Measles is preventable and treatable. quote "Vitamin A deficiency is a recognised risk factor for severe measles. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends administration of an oral dose of 200,000 IU (or 100,000 IU in infants) of vitamin A per day for two days to children with measles in areas where vitamin A deficiency may be present."

While there are studies showing some childhood live vaccines may reduce all cause mortality https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30007489/ , i wonder if those results would be the same without any vaccines if parents got better education and free supplements or foods when needed, plus of course safer cleaner living conditions.

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I have scutinized over 10K studies. They are garbage for over educated compliance junkies. More and more about less and less, with the predictable conclusion...

More studies are necessary. A rational dog chasing its irrational tail.

None are safe, none are effective. Suggesting otherwise is for the ________ junkies...

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that makes sense. pathogens that enter by mucosal surface shouldnt be defended by needle because that addresses the wrong part of the immune system. better to find people's weaknesses and correct with diet and exercise.

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it is definitely a tour down the more and more about less and less donkey trail

Humoral immunity is the term trotted out. That is the antibody rap sheet.

Not that it is without some merit and evidence, but is most definitley incomplete at best. "Infected" often have full immune "titers" and immune do not.

Go figure. More and more about less and less.

Medical cartelites have no explanation, but worse, do not ever question the obvious discrepancies...

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Indeed krishna, nutrition and sanitation the way forward, now as before.

Electrolytes are key with dehydration, even copious sweating as in infra red sauna.

Easy to accomplish. Wonder not, Vaxs and Quaxs are Big P and the entire "virus" hui raising

its ugly head for the xxx time. Medical Cartelites fully compliant. Thus the depop infertile

"crisis" None are safe / None are effective All are harmful, now lethal...

Monkey P??? Latent side effect of the Quax?? mRNA jab???

Smoking gun is out there...

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If you're vomiting and have diarrhea you can't keep water down and lose liquids faster than they can be replaced. In addition plain water doesn't cut it, they need electrolytes too.

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Setting us up to be played….or mass sterilizations

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well that goal has already been largely accomplished, but there is more "work" to be done

The Medical Cartel is fully on board. Their "patients" who still "trust" them ...

Trying to see the lower level of stupidity. Everytime it appears to be certain more contestants enter the arena

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I don't believe a word of it. The vaccines are live and will cause the disease. Shame on all the people who hide behind "pretending to care", especially Bill Gates.

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VA used mind control techniques to coerce veterans to get the covid DeathVax.

This is how our government operates.


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And you still use the VA for care? My husband receives excellent care at the VA. He and other veterans I know were never coerced or brain washed by the VA. And remain unvaccinated.

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Maybe it depends on the people running a particular branch office of VA.

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Depends on which VA hospital, the one my sister worked at was very good, because of people like her that actually cared. But some of them are terrible.

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Yes that's seems to be what is going on. But there are always other VA clinics to use. You may have to travel a bit further but care is important.

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Unless you live in Montana, North or South Dakota, Idaho. People are poor these days, unless they are illegals.


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Ok whatever that means

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The map explains the first part, and illegals that are swarming in get aid and assistance while vets starve and die on the street.

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I’m sure they had to be masked or refused admittance!

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Like other places were

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DRC gonna vaxx the child miners first so they can dig faster. /s

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I almost rolled my eyes right out of my head. To my understanding, in most cases, "monkeypox" is an avoidable disease. These monsters have been throwing darts for a couple of years now just hoping that one of their fancy diseases will stick and get people scared into compliance like they so skillfully did in 2020. NO FEAR. We must NEVER let 2020 happen again. Ever. It should have never happened the first time (and I didn't fall for any of it). Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. NO FEAR. Stay informed. Stay healthy. Drink clean water and stay away from soda, large amounts of booze and other unhealthy things. Stay away from fast food. Buy the best raw products you can afford and cook at home. There's so many simple things that bolster our immune systems and help us fight off things. NO FEAR.

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Lets summarize. The M Pox is a latent side effect seen in the Quaxed.

The M Pox "virus"of the day is designed to corral the clueless into the latest Quaxcine scam.

Anyone at this late date who offers their arm... _________ their fate

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All numbers are misleading as they are shaped to support this agenda or that agenda.

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Off topic, but Karen Lorre on X says

""And currently, in the new farm bill, Bayer has been given permission to write an article in the bill to indemnify pesticide companies, like the one they own. They want Pesticide makers (them) to have the same kind of legal indemnity that vaccine makers get. "

H.R.8467 - Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024


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Hmm, whatever. But why does finance also have to be sustainable now too? Is it so that it keeps coming ad infinitum ? Is that the reason?

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looks like today's secret word is "sustainable"

[generational reference]


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I wonder how rosy dr. Jean’s finances are…. No one $eems immune to $ome gentle coaxing…

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So, umm, will we actually get to see Trudeau publicly vaxxed for Moneypox, and everything else his buddy Bill Gates is cooking up in a lab somewhere in Kalamazoo?

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