Tavistock Institute is one of the “must read” books of all time…not too far behind the incredible truths found in the Bible.

In 2017 I read it and it made me aware of a much bigger picture than would have otherwise been possible. Thank you for sharing this with your audience. So needed.

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Interesting that suddenly on other good sub stacks Hoffman is being denigrated in the comments. What a coincidence. He's quite a writer. They want the older, wiser, brilliance of this nation and the world gone but we're documenting and keeping it all.

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Thank you for these two days of screen shots. I’m going to read these books as well. Your willingness to travel these darker roads is a testament to your awesomeness!

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The late Frank Sinatra later revealed who really murdered the iconic Marilyn:


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For those who don't speak French, can you tell. us what Sinatra said?

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The untimely death of Marilyn saddened him; he believed she was murdered. He also thought it had something to do with the Kennedy brothers. He had private investigators on the case, and he found out that the Mafia had indeed murdered Marilyn. The assassins used a dose of barbiturate suppository to silence her. She was murdered so they could prevent her from talking to the Press about her flings with the Kennedy brothers, JFK, and RFK. Sinatra concluded that Jimmy Hoffa, Sam Gincana, and the Kennedys, the L.A. police, committed this crime. The police sabotaged the autopsy results.

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Hmm, French? I would prefer English narration...

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You can get English subtitles by hitting the closed captions symbol (cc in a square), then hit the settings wheel, then hit auto-translate, then choose English.

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It might be found with a YouTube search, I guess!

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We should meet. We need each other.

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At http://www.youtube.com/lowwisezahstudios , The Productoin Company That Produced The FIRST NARRATIVE FILM Exploiting The COVID Pandemic, We Are Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment - We See Through The Oppressive and Combative Globalist "Woke" Agenda and We Are Creating Purposeful Entertainment To Exploit The Corruption Within Politics And Of Course The Big Corporations That Pull The Strings Of Their Puppetted Politicians.

Everything We Do ISN'T Political But What It Is For Is The Freedom Of All Individuals Within The United States And All Around The World.

We are not LEFT nor are we RIGHT - We Cannot Be Labeled Because We Stand For All Sides.

We are for Peace, Love, and Kindness.

If this is synonymous with your ways of being, Please Subscribe and Reach Out! Let’s Awaken Together.


Peace and Love to you,

Michael Angel Loayza Jr.

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Well that’s us .

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The author apparently STILL believes Oswald killed JFK, despite real investigations and testimony, and that Marilyn Monroe killed herself ( Oh yeah, like Epstein?) I can't take such a writer very seriously.

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First of all...there is nothing new under the sun...this evil has been going on since the dawning of time. Second, the thing about evil is that it makes one stupid. While it may take a long time to happen...it eventually does. Simply stated evil gets "cocky" and starts to show itself for what it is...why? because it figures it can. The evil described in this piece has been latent for a very long time...but is coming to the fore. People by and large reject such evil because if nothing else it goes against their own self interest. Thus, I submit once exposed, people will begin to push back. Finally, from a religious perspective....though Satan does have dominion over earth - Our Lord has the final say... and guess what....we win! Pax

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In a sense, we win. But Satan is winning the numbers game. He will have brought down far more souls to destruction, than Christ has brought to Salvation, at least that is what the score-board reflects currently.

It's clear that every "win" is on a personal basis. No "group salvations." That is why we must individually develop our connection to God, to Jesus and always be open to receiving the Holy Spirit's directing influence. We must be active prayer warriors, daily, and with humility.

But conversely, to be in the camp of the lost, all we have to do is nothing. Turn a blind eye to all that is offensive and circumvent any inner annoyances. Live for self. Avoid humility. Indulge in pleasure seeking.

Moving on.....

What few have learned is that before Satan is exterminated subsequent to the "SECOND resurrection" wherein the entire mass of lost humanity will be raised from the grave to their punishment and final extermination, he (Satan) will once again attempt to muster the throng and "violently overthrow the beloved city of God" which had come down from heaven. But of course God intervenes and destroys them in mass with holy fire. Burning the longest, are those whose sins are most grievous. Satan burns up lastly.

That of course all transpires AFTER the 1000 years in heaven wherein the saved are allowed access to the "books of record" to "investigate" God's Judgement, in order to confirm His supreme Justice. Does that sound unfair, or far-fetched?

As for the time we occupy now, we must focus on prophecy guiding our steps, and teaching us the near-future events, so as to prepare for the world's greatest deception. Satan has planned to impersonate our Lord and Savior. He is not permitted to "appear" in the manner which Christ will (so very dramatically) but since few are well-prepared with Scriptural Armor, they will be easily misled having their senses overwhelmed.

You might be prone to investigate this for yourself. There are many good Youtube vids with truthful pastors leading out on the subject. Walter Veith, Stephen Bohr, Doug Bachelor, Steve Wohlberg, Danny Shelton, John Lomacang and other SDA teachers and pastors. These men are commissioned to relay the "end times message" to all who will listen. All these men are bible based and reliable teachers, who will not lead us sheep astray. Not all pastors are reliable, but these, in my view, will be true to their directive and make known the Truth regarding many misconceptions which the vast majority of "Protestant" denominations have been failing to address.

Pretty sad.

I hope this will inspire some individuals to dig deeper.

In the battle of battles for the souls of men,


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First of all it isn't a numbers game with God...it is free will. People choose Hell (as crazy as that seems). Second, if you want an authoritative source of what is going on and what will happen...I suggest you watch Fr. Chad Ripperger on YouTube. He's the real deal and far superior to most. Pax

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Michael Hoffman's 'Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare' is one of the most important books of the 20th century. Thanks for reminding me about it! I read it in 2005 and just ran over to buy his follow-up to it, that came out in 2021, 'Twilight Language'.

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Look up Dr Lee Merritt (The Medical Rebel)...she has gone deep, deep, deep into this stuff. I knew a lot from many years of research, but she's opened doorways I never knew about. Look up www.danhappel.com on Brighteon TV (sorry, I lost that link) and this one with Dr Bryan Ardis. https://www.birchute.com/video/5GLDQKDFsaCF. Very very good...both about 2 hours. Worth the time!

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Thank You, Meryl:

"Please allow me to introduce myself..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwtyn-L-2gQ


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If one believes the Bible and understands that there was an earth age BEFORE this earth age, one in which Lucifer, a most decorated Cherubim, desired to sit on the mercy seat. He was denied this and therefore he led a rebellion against God. Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 this happened. He was cast out of heaven and to the earth which became void. (Because of war, God does not create anything void). The first earth age was full of people, cities, and spectacular innovations, but due to satanic influences God had to destroy it and start again. Archaeological discoveries are constantly uncovering ancient ruins of civilization now 10k old and having to rewrite history how huge megaliths were created. But came this earth age, God’s plan to retake Lucifer renamed Satan’s legal dominion over earth. Some will say this is all myth, but I believe it is a war against evil this whole existence. The grace of God is that he gave us writings and prophecies that we can know what will happen. Despite evildoers’s abilities to advance and manipulate their cause, they are doomed. Hell hath enlarged herself.

The invisible college was an ancient think tank recently revived with scientists seeking to understand the UFO phenomena. Easy for common folk who believe in the Bible that UFO and UAP phenomena are real but are satanic effort to dupe people into thinking we have friends elsewhere. Someday this evil which is getting more bold and more obvious will come to a head and God will execute his plan to usher in the 3rd Earth age as foretold in his word. We are living in the second earth age and it has been a “seed war”, the whole time. (See Genesis 3:15). This is why I believe the satanic cults produced the mRNA vaccines and are trying to alter the DNA of the world.

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Wow! I repeat: Wow!

Not a single 'like or reply' to your work! 'Makes me wonder about how effective truthful words such as yours are upon the minds and hearts of the readers. But we must not give up, as the enemy would have us do.

There is a common thread among the readers and writers herein. So many are pointing out the injustices of the "dark" forces behind the scene. But few have identified it, nor have they understood fully what the motivation for all the chaos is all about. They do not understand or espouse the reality of a spiritual realm in which a WAR of extreme cruelty and deception is underway; a war that will culminate with a "One World Religion."

We are finite souls, yes, made in the image of God, yet not immortal as He is. Our time here is both short and long; long enough to discern between good and evil, and subsequently make a choice for one of the two. There are Bibles everywhere, so excuses are few. However, bibles themselves have been infiltrated and "revised" to dethrone the Creator's Divinity.

The Jesuit Order has no boundaries or moral limitations, and have infiltrated EVERY organization both of civil and governmental origin. They have infiltrated the churches of Protestantism, and resolutely commandeered the media and school systems from the lower levels to the Ivy leagues. They are the culprits of "revising" the Good Book, and changing critical truths subtly with their skills in semantics. They are VERY well organized and learned and devoted to the "mother church" which is based in Rome. When one investigates their history, he/she soon is overwhelmed with the realization that THIS IS THE ORGANIZATION which is referred to, but never fully identified. These are the "special ops" soldiers in a coalition of other combatants in Satan's well organized militia.

While still above ground, and given divine protection, I hope to persuade a scant few of this terrible, but good-to-be-aware-of Secret Society.

Your Brother in Christ,


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When was this written???

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The original edition was 1991.

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