It’s certainly an interesting and exciting time to be alive!

I never thought we would see a president so forceful in dealing with the insanity of the Deep State.

Sometimes I wonder if it was God’s will that he was cheated out of election in 2020. He had 4 years to study up on everything that was wrong with our government and make plans for a new revolution. Go, Mr. President!

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Oh I think it was the best that the steal took the 2020 election! Now the rot can be cut out. They will use Fractal to get to the bottom of where all the money goes and how the elections are stolen. It is exciting to see where all this leads not just the US but the entire world.

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Yeah the Dems performance reminds me of a motor head expression. Drive it like you stole it! People who drive the hell out of a vehicle will laugh and say that.

Irresponsible, reckless maniacs. Just like the US, most stolen cars wind up wrecked in a ditch. Or stripped burning on the side of a road.

I would contend the globalists are hell bent to start WW3 and from where I sit, they think they can win it using biological weapons! Or some even more underhanded dirty tricks. Smart phones that brainwash for instance.

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Agree 100% - God's Will & Divine Timing. In God we Trust - God bless America ...

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After lowly Democrat LBJ, Then the Gipper Ronald Republican Reagan won I felt happy like you! He tore down one wall in Germany but then built a wall here around our First Amendment, walling off lawsuits against bad toxic, and forced jabs! Granting title of nobility to our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma, delivering much death and harm to citizens, with no opt-out freedoms advised! Now with jab-induced childhood disorders going from a once 1in30000 to our now 1in30, I can only put my full trust in Jesus! Fool me once I hope Donald Trump is the real deal!! (But with hope, you can hope on one hand, and poop in the other and see which one fills up first! God bless America, again!

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Here’s an essay I wrote a while back:

Are we being sent messages?

1976 - Jimmy Carter, a seemingly sincere but utterly incompetent president sparked a backlash against democrats and led to the rise of Ronald Reagan.

1992 - Bill Clinton aka Slick Willie, a president who primarily cared only about himself even above his party, sparked the backlash that led to a republican takeover of congress.

2008 - Barack Obama aka the Kenyan, a smooth talking president who was all in for the left, sparked a backlash that strengthened the republicans.

2020 - Joe Biden aka the squatter, a demented old man who stole the office of president, sparked the largest backlash ever which will lead to a massive rise of republicans.

What do these increasing levels of evil and depravity of the democrats tell us?

Each dark time was an opportunity for republicans to rise and lead the country in the way our founders intended. Each time they failed. Will it be different this time? We can hope, get active, and above all pray that we heed God’s message. This reminds me of the plagues of Egypt. Will we need 10 of these dark times as the Egyptians did? I sincerely hope not!

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As the freed slave Jews soon got tired of mana and wanted meat, but only got Freedom, then forgetting God, they made their own god! and got 40 years wandering in the desert for it, as here in America God granted his grace on us, then we rejected it for neo-Sodom Gomorrah mass baby-killing fun and freedoms! But all of that has nothing to do with your personal salvation, God Jesus died for You to buy your salvation if!

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I like what I see, but I'm going to continue to keep my antennae up.

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A wise choice!

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Reinvigorating the USA will be a great way to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the end of the war of independence.

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I ran for mayor of SF killafornia in 2007 against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom.

Ms ScKamala Harris put me in jail. She gave me solitary isolation and shut down my Grasshopper taxi business forevermore.

Luckily I ain't no dammm doctator....

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you and I are good examples that the enemy was not fooling around.

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Camel Hair will have her day, count on it.

The DemonRats have totally abandoned her.

Retribution has a long memory.

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Meryl - I hope you're right. But I believe what I see:

-The first foreign leader Trump called was Muhammad bin Salman, leader of one of the most repressive dictatorial regimes in the world and, of course, the richest. MBS said he would "invest" close to a trillion dollars in the US. In other words, US resources which are already mostly owned by global oligarchs and conglomerates will be further sold off to the highest bidder.

Here's some terrifying footage for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0j5Kz0wF9g

-Trump declared two states of emergency: for energy and for immigration. Here's the one for energy: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/declaring-a-national-energy-emergency/

A state of emergency is when Constitutional and civil rights are suspended. I won't go into immigration because some people might actually think we have an immigration situation that requires suspension of rights (I disagree but don't feel like arguing that point). I think we can all agree that we do not need an emergency declaration for energy. Why make one? Trump told us at the WEF: because the technocratic totalitarian oligarchs who are now running the US government need energy for their massive AI datafarms and we can't wait for pesky regulations to slow down construction of a nuclear power plant for every AI center: "We’re going to give very rapid approvals in the United States, like with the AI plants, talking to — many people want to build them. That’s going to be a very big thing."


-Trump wants to create a "sovereign wealth fund" that he says can do things like, among others, buy TikTok. https://www.reuters.com/markets/wealth/trump-signs-executive-order-create-sovereign-wealth-fund-2025-02-03/ This has bipartisan support which should raise major alarm bells. This is the quintessential manifestation of public-private partnerships that are

running the world right now.

-I disagree that Trump says a lot of things he doesn't mean. He actually says whatever he hears the advisors and oligarchs and tech bros around him saying. So if he talks about taking over Greenland, Canada and Mexico - that's because there's talk of doing that, as part of the global consolidation of centrlized governable geographical entities. Same goes for Gaza/greater Israel which MBS and all the richest countries in the Middle East are interested in.

-I also disagree that Trump is risking his life. He is doing exactly what the globalist technocratic totalitarians are telling him to do.

And so on.


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I am not going to argue much. I think if you put your money where Trump's mouth is, you will soon be a pauper.

If he was doing what they told him to do he would have thrown money at Ukraine, and continued to pay off the media so they would say nice things about him.

Economically the country was in a huge hole and going down, which was the globalists' plan, with almost all nations over-indebted: an excuse to wipe out debt and own nothing. Build the world's new financial architecture. UBS for those with no job...which becomes less and less as inflation skyrockets till the unemployed beg for a medically assisted suicide.

Trump knew we were at the end of negative trade balances; that no one wanted our debt anymore; and that a world without tariffs, which economists love because it seems to be most prosperous, it does not work for working people: over time, Americans sink to the same income level as Bangladeshis. We can't be just a service economy--those jobs can be done by computers.

We have to start making things again. Unsurprisingly, Trump has championed the big game (today that is): AI.

Reagan created free trade zones and the USG (USAID had a hand in it if I recall correctly) PAID to send our jobs overseas, which made a lot of money for the wealthy investors.

Trump needs to bring the jobs back. That will also fight the New World One Government Order--nationalism.

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Artificial General Intelligence is impossible.

Jobst Landgrebe: Skynet Will Not Become Self-Aware, AGI Is Impossible!


But nevertheless AI must be put down like a bad robot dog. Why?

I think *technology* can be used for good or ill.

Technocracy is nothing but ill.

At best Technocracy is "modulated democracy" as described by Julie Cohen, in other words no democracy.

"Modulation and modulated democracy are emerging as networked surveillance technologies take root within democratic societies characterized by advanced systems of informational capitalism. Citizens within modulated democracies — citizens who are subject to pervasively distributed surveillance and modulation by powerful commercial and political interests — increasingly will lack the ability to form and pursue meaningful agendas for human flourishing."

-- https://harvardlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/vol126_cohen.pdf

At worst Technocracy is fascism on steroids.

Just trying to be useful...

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The real debate should be about AI governance, not AI existence. The real danger isn't AI itself but who controls it and how it's used. AI can be a liberating force or a tool of oppression, depending on its governance.

Blindly opposing AI without addressing governance plays into the hands of the same technocratic cabal who want to monopolize it. The focus should be on decentralization, transparency, and ethical AI development, not just fear-driven rejection.

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You're describing text-book controlled opposition.

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I wish I had that textbook

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Controlled opposition is a tactic used by ruling powers to infiltrate, guide, and ultimately neutralize real resistance. It involves placing a seemingly rebellious figure in a position of influence to absorb dissent while covertly working within the system they claim to fight against. The opposition leader gives the people an outlet for their frustrations, keeping them pacified and distracted from genuine revolutionary action. In Trump’s case, his role has been to appear as the great disruptor while subtly advancing the globalist cabal’s agenda in ways that his followers fail to recognize.

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AI is the opposite of job creation

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Debbie you are 100%!

Trump and company aren’t hiding anything. It’s all there for everyone to SEE!

Many people don’t want to see, and I think many do have cognitive dissonance regarding Trump (and I voted for him in 2016, 2020). My support of Trump went down from there!

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He didn't say anything about nuclear power plants, WTF are you talking about? He talked a bit about nuclear weapons. Everything you said is typical disinformation, you take a couple words, maybe one line Trump said, out of context, and then jump to conclusions by massaging those words to somehow fit into a narrative you want to champion.

You're like Fauci, "let's fit the data to support the theory".

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Lets hear a few quotes from Trump himself:

"First, we will begin to revive and expand our nuclear energy sector—which I'm so happy about—which produces clean, renewable, and emissions-free energy. A complete review of U.S. nuclear energy policy will help us find new ways to revitalize this crucial energy resource." — Donald J Trump, June 29, 2017

"I've known Jeff [Epstein] for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side” ~Donald J Trump, New York Magazine

“But I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be going getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." —Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” —Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there,everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, and you’ve probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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Don't be afraid to be happy in the victories we're getting. Even if you're right about some of this, there is no reason to expend negative energy on it. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof... and whatever is pure, lovely,..... think on these things. :) There is nothing we can do about any of what you fear anyway so -- eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. ;)

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Thank you for this Meryl.

American Civil War II is on, and Trump has unleashed an incredible assault on the Obama-Clinton-Biden-Harris "woke" terrorist regime.

But there is much more to be done. The other side is working night and day for their big insurrection to come. Please see this: https://montanarcc.substack.com/p/the-plan-to-destroy-the-us-is-in

We must all stay strong and confident. "These are the times that try men's souls."

On Trump and Gaza, Trump's plan for Gaza caught Netanyahu flat-footed and was in fact a stroke of genius. No way Netanyahu can now resume the war. All he can do is "wait and see" what Trump will do next while his own political position erodes. The U.S. will not take over Gaza and the two-state solution has to come. Plus Trump has bought peace with Iran which will not be afraid to halt any nuclear weapons development. Iran is backed by Russia and Pakistan, while Turkey has stepped forward to become the Islamic world's bulwark against the Zionists. Fear not.

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Astute Accurate Assessment

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"153 million chickens culled in the US since early 2022"--I was watching those unexplained conflagrations: poultry barns going up in flames (what happened to the sprinkler system, I wondered), and thousands of head of cattle dropping dead in the pasture, heard Biden prophesy food shortages. With a sense of foolishness. but wanting to be prepared just-in-case, that September-October 2022 I canned 100# of pork, beef and chicken--even canning the chicken fat.

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I'm increasingly shocked that so many on the Left clamor like proles for their self-enslavement, and don't see that Trump et al. are trying to fight a globalist evil that wants to sicken, kill or enslave all of humanity. The irony is that the far-left "antifascists" and those calling Trump a Nazi are in fact the fascists and Nazis. If they want to crow about a repeat of how Germans embraced Nazism and killed Jews, they should look in the mirror at how they have stifled free speech, attacked the US Constitution, and labeled anyone who dares differ with their uni-party "domestic terrorists."

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A skirmish won includes DJT's response to Pallisades, a bastion for social justice warriors.

DJT showed up and took on the absentee mayor and reduced her to rubble.

Far lefties were thus brought into the fold, and were allowed access to their incinerated lots for cleanup.

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Trump and his administration is a Trojan horse, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I could not vote for Trump a third time because of Operation Warp Speed (he funded), and his stance on Gaza, and Israel (he also funds).

I voted for no one…except God/Creator, and the discernment I ask for. May His Will be done.

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💯 percent correct.

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Meryl, are you at all concerned that Elon is letting the globalists in through a side door? Stargate/link, Digital ID, 5G, IoT… full steam ahead. Not sure Trump is the savior he’s being made out to be. We’ll see what happens if this transparency effort actually happens. Deeply grateful for your work.

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I think Stargate is a fantasy. The data centers are not. They already exist and collect everything. Everything. Including your crypto transactions.

Clearly whoever controls that controls the planet.

The cabal did until now. Now we have to wait and see what Trump has in mind.

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Stargate is a fantasy me thinks too.

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Definitely. It just came out and already the bubble has burst.

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Just because Musk is a tech billionaire doesn't make him responsible for all the tech you mentioned. I don't know where people get these dumb ideas from.

Musk is #1 - SpaceX, #2 Tesla, the other stuff he is a small player in. Musk makes ZERO difference in those fields going forward. If anything he is one of the few who has warned of the dangers and has advocated for controls.

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Oh, how naive. Trump is like a brightly colored flag that flaps in whatever direction the wind is blowing, and otherwise hangs limp on the pole, having no impetus of its own.

As for Elon Musk, I refer you to the latest edition of Financial Rebellion, in which Catherine Austin Fitts, Carolyn Betts, and Naomi Wolf discuss the Musketeers' plundering of all your most sensitive data:


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Don't you realize the blob already had ALL your sensitive and insensitive data? Photographs of every letter you mailed, transcript of every phone call, all your medical records, all your purchases, what foods you like to buy...

We need to make privacy great again.

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We sure do!

I don't believe there's any top tech leader that is actually into that though. Probably that is gone from this earth forever. Rather they no doubt salivate at the thought of DNA data bases. I hear Bibi sold the entire Israeli citizen data base to tech. I hardly know what that means, much less if it's true.

But nothing surprises me re control and privacy. I started taking notice when the feds required us to get SS numbers for our young children. Not provide a county record, but obtain SS cards in order to take them as a dependent on our tax return. We held out for years.

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But he wants mrna cancer vaxx shots

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Peter Gabriel

You'd better call the sledgehammer

Put your mind at rest

I'm going to be the sledgehammer

This can be my testimony

Wow! I'm your sledgehammer

Let there be no doubt about it


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This video was huge, I never saw it till now, but had the album and listened to it a lot traveling to see the gal I married and mum of our kids. Thanks Dude for bringing back great memories!


Interesting one line from the song, "All you do is call me

I'll be anything you need" Sounds like Trump!

Hey it's friday if this ain't cool what is


When the levee breaks, better than original! Crank it up! Spot the equipment failure, hint drums

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I wish. Yes, Trump is getting rid of, or attempting to get rid of, the old brand of globalism. Once we trust him for those efforts, he is bringing in the "new brand" of globalism and has already announced a good part of this plan, as others here outline in their comments. It's kind of bait and switch--promises to get rid of the bad old vaccines and switches to nice shiny NEW vaccines (more deadly than the old ones) etc. Depressing but that's the truth.

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Maybe. Let's see. You are guessing.

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He's paying Larry Ellison for developing individualized mrna cancer vaxxes, that's announced already, not a guess.

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Thank you. I didn't think I would need to state the obvious, but here we are. In addition Elon now has the run of the innermost workings of govt. If anyone saw his MOST RECENT interview with Tucker Carlson, it's obvious what his view is. He STATED he is okay with human extinction, if it means he lives to see AI convergence/singularity occur. Mad men at the helm. Business as usual.

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It seems to me that Trump is TOTALLY the kind of fellow who is susceptible to falling for "The New Shiny" if it is marketed to him correctly.

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You saying it's the truth means zip because you just pulled all of that out of your butt.

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Feb 7Edited

No, sorry, it came from Trump's mouth. You can put your fingers in your ears and sing lala all you want. The truth is AI/mRNA vaccines is Trump's foremost agenda and gutting the US and Canada and Greenland's resources to power the energy needed for the vast remaking of our region is the plan. If you do not understand what that means, you can't be helped. Are supporters of Trump going to be as poor at connecting the known dots as the far left is?

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You have ZERO evidence of that wacky theory. A far, far more believable scenario is you are just one of the many tens of thousands of paid sockpuppets trying to vilify Trump.

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IF anyone sounds like a sock puppet, ALL up and down this thread its you.

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That makes even less sense than your Trump fable. There is a thing called logic you know.

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I know you get paid for commenting and for replies, so this is my last to you. You proved my point

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You know zip, you just make shit up and declare it to be true.

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Darn and oh my gosh. DJT is a pompous, inarticulate and gleeful accomplice to mass murder and genocide. It is appalling to me that anyone can countenance his obviously servile posture before global imperial agendas.The WHO and USAID will be rebranded not disbanded. He is a billionaire tool and he will facilitate the collapse of the economies of the west and then purport to save our children by enslaving us to a public-private tech oligarchy. Give him time indeed.

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You won't get a like for that comment from the Doc, because you're 💯 percent correct. If the Trumpster demanded that Bibi get his arse over there, he should have arrested the grub to show he is fairdinkum, which, of course, he isn't.

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Yes, Donnie and BiBi are two of a kind and as fairdinkum as pro wrestling and as courageous as military planted explosives in pagers.

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Actions speak louder then words. It looks like Mr. T is in bed with the Technocrats to bring in the all digital system aka the slavery system. We will own nothing and be happy.

Please consider interviewing Catherine Austin Fitts. She has a different perspective.

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They ain't Technocrats they're Globalitarian Malthusian MisAnthropists. I can't believe these people who decide anybody who wants to use basic digital tech for some political project is automatically a technocrat. So if you wanted to create a Visa payment system "you must be a technocrat". Technocracy is a political system.

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Her article is exactly to a T what the Democrats have slowly been doing to the United States. Look at what’s going on now, they got caught with the USAID using our taxpayer dollars for all kinds of BS. They are a very corrupt organization. I will go with Trump and Musk any day over the Democrats. Trump had four years and made the country better. He in no way attempted to make us a one world government. He is getting out of all the world organizations.

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Blitzkrieg to the DemonRats and the Mockingbird Media

We have done a 180 turn, the country has been recovered.

Alot of trash to take out.

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