Darn! I was thinking about writing a post titled something like, "Trump is using a sledgehammer against globalism, and I don't think globalism will survive."
But Aleksandr Dugin beat me to it. Please give Trump time. He is trying to save your children's lives.
Here’s what I want to shout out: Fellow human beings, what we have been facing is a very powerful attempt by elites to take over the world and turn us into slaves. Those who are still left. Require us to take injections. Possibly require us to submit to transhumanism: physical alterations of our bodies and brains. (See Lissa Johnson’s presentation on this here.)
The US Deep State aided and abetted this agenda. So did NATO, the CIA, FBI, NSA, the rest of the leadership of the executive agencies. The Biden-Harris administration. The European Union. And nations who are not in the EU: their leadership is also tethered to this agenda: Switzerland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Canada.
We don’t know if these leaders have been convinced that the threat of climate change is so dangerous that acceding to policies that will impoverish and starve your population is necessary, or if they have been bribed or blackmailed into doing so. There has been plenty of money made available for bribes. It is starting to look like at least a $ trillion dollars of graft was buried in the Biden budgets—and this was only the latest example of money being siphoned from the federal treasury.
The globalist agenda is why there has been an attack on food—the bug factories, the 153 million chickens culled in the US since early 2022, the purchase of farmland to lie fallow in order to collect carbon credits. This is the federal government paying Bill Gates to buy and shut down farms.
Since 1966, SAT scores in reading have dropped 40 points for both girls and boys. Math scores are unchanged, despite efforts begun during the JFK administration to improve math and science education. I was sent for free classes in astrophysics and differential equations at Columbia during 10th and 11th grades (1966-68) paid for by the NSF (the taxpayer).
All our institutions have been degraded over our lifetimes. I believe this was deliberate. This includes military readiness, law enforcement (police are trained to shoot much more readily than before), the judiciary (we can usually predict how judges will rule based on the party of the official who appointed them), education, healthcare and the quality of food we can buy.
Among peer countries, the U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth for both women and men [and we spend 2x as much or more pp than they do—Nass]
Currently fentanyl is involved in 75% of US overdose deaths.
According to the Farm Bureau, in the US:
So, gentle readers, we are fighting for our lives and our health. Maybe it took a President whom the Deep State fought with all its might and finally attempted to assassinate when law fare did not do the job—to be willing to risk it all to change things and turn us back to a path of freedom. Maybe it was necessary to ignore some niceties. A sledgehammer is the only thing the Deep State/ Global cabal understands.
There is much we do not know. Will we get an electronic control mechanism snapped into place under the guise of managing illegal immigrants aka undocumented individuals who were invited into the US to improve the prospects for Democrats in elections. And perhaps for other reasons.
Will the ethnic cleansing of Gaza be brushed under the rug? Simply to create a new French Riviera for fun and profit? Somehow, I don’t see that. Trump had no power to affect Gaza prior to January 20. He claimed to be 100% for Israel—but immediately forced a ceasefire. He says many things he does not mean, for strategic purposes or otherwise. He demanded Netanyahu come to DC shortly after Bibi’s prostate was removed, while still in recovery, to give Bibi a message. We don’t know what that message was. Can we wait to find out, while Trump is doing the job that not even RFK would have been able to do: ending the corruption and rot at the center of the American Empire—in which no nation was safe from a US-instigated regime change.
Please give him some time. Like RFK, Trump is risking his life to reconstruct our nation and hopefully we will get something in the end that more closely resembles what our forefathers created.
Here is 2 minutes of Dugin:
It’s certainly an interesting and exciting time to be alive!
I never thought we would see a president so forceful in dealing with the insanity of the Deep State.
Sometimes I wonder if it was God’s will that he was cheated out of election in 2020. He had 4 years to study up on everything that was wrong with our government and make plans for a new revolution. Go, Mr. President!
Reinvigorating the USA will be a great way to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the end of the war of independence.