Or the Globalists want Americans thinking that’s the case….more division, more turmoil….more instability. Waiting so they can throw a match and burn things down OR so they can redirect the narrative to the need for unity and hopium….either case….all roads lead to pre-fab solution of the globalists….”the only ‘effective’ way to ‘save’ democracy is technology via digital ID/CBDC and blockchain (masquerading as possible decentralization while ignoring there will be owners of the tech…Do you trust them? ) leading us into a “safe and secure” existence for all, just no privacy relative to one’s choices and curtailment of one’s rights relative to making those choices.
I cannot imagine the turmoil this country would be in now if the assassination had been successful. Summer of 2020 level turmoil but worse. And not surprised there would be dramatic events preceding the election, intentionally disrupting and dividing the country ever further.
Whoever was behind this thought Americans should see Trump's head exploding live on TV, traumatizing viewers for the rest of their days, and of course those who attended the event and especially those on the platform will already be traumatised. Utterly evil and despicable. It may have been a lone wolf but that really doesn't add up. Anyway, what the these psychopaths got must be their worst nightmare, including that by now iconic photo.
According to an article in ET, a few people noted to the security and or police about someone on top of the building but yet nothing was done until the shots were fired.
That’s an interesting comment Andrea. Others have observed Trump’s facial expression and body language as a reflection of a man who has realized that he very nearly met his Maker, and had done some reflection and some business with his Maker their on the ground.
I think your comment is more a reflection on you than on him, and perhaps that you are just sorry that the would be assassin missed.
Also from a brief scan of your comments here, you seem to be a very angry and unhappy person.
Make no mistake about it, this was an assassination attempt gone wrong and only got as far as it did because of the collusion of significant members of the administration & the administrative state, including some members of the SS, who swore an oath to protect him. If you aren’t upset by that, it can only mean that you are unaware of what it took for him to be in the position he was, or that you are fully in support of the assassin’s goal, which is frightening (if there is another option, please explain).
Most people would have panicked at the sight of their own blood. I found his response to tell the crowd after he was just shot to fight to be inspiring. The government trying to kill him before the convention was designed to inspire violence. And there are issues I disagree with him on.
Registered as a Republican does not mean a Republican voter. You should know by now that your communist party colleagues love to cheat and register their own as Republicans to create another layer of hate. Crooks made his one known political donation to a far left organization and was in a left wing Black Rock ad, which Black Rock is claiming they are pulling from the Internet (It was still there a little while ago.) Didn't you know that McCarthy was right about communist infiltration? He just didn't have the confirming evidence that Venona revealed. One thing I agree with.... you should leave the country because it is leftists like you who are destroying it.
Are you nuts? He wasn't inciting anything and he didn't incite anything previously. If you get your head out of your ass and stop listening to mainstream media you might hear the truth.
Blaming victims is so typically leftist BS. The murderer was the one who incited violence, not Trump. The murderer killed a man protecting his wife and children. He wounded others. But stupid people like yourself can only see what they want to see. I suspect if you were shot as Trump was you would still be hiding on the ground screaming help me, it's Trump's fault like a babbling idiot. .
Traitor. Kinda thin skinned aren’t you missy? You bitches and bastards have been attacking him and his supporters since he came down the escalator in 2015, mostly out of bounds. You fuckers are just upset that he fights fire with (rhetorical & lampooning )fire —& you pussies, both male & female are so easy to lampoon!
So sniffer Joe wasn’t inciting violence in his targeting comment—we have a longer memory than dementia Joe.
I totally agree & understand DJTs fury and fight you bastards tried to kill him. Maybe no documented posts, but you have betrayed your hateful heart, and be sure that MAGA Republicans and Independents and Democrats/former Democrats will hound you to repentance, silence, or the nursing home.
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. So don't get too excited!
“You are fare better off leaving your thought inside your dim cranium so people question your intelligence, than expressing yourself to the world and removing all doubt”.
Silly lib. boy, I'm not a Founding Father, but John Adams was the primary author of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780, which served as a model for the United States Constitution, written in 1787 and ratified in 1789. Adams's essay Thoughts on Government, written in 1776, also influenced the framers of the United States Constitution. BUT I'm sure you think you know more than him, Right? You went to Dumb Down education school, as educator John Taylor Gatto best explained in his book, The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Institutionalised Schooling." I.e. "To make cogs."
Well one things for sure. The dems have made mess of every institution they’ve put unqualified people in. So far all they’ve accomplished is raising the cost of everything by 30% or more. Putting more people on the street and starving those that can’t keep up with the cost of living any more. They have also caused more deaths in this world because of their blatant ignorance and disregard of rules that were in place for our safety.
Willie, your right what a fubar, the demos, they appointed that cross dresser who was stealing luggage and mukyorkas in charge of border did the opposite, took down wall and opened wide. Finally that jerk to run justice depth who raided churches to arrest anti-abortionists.
We all know they believe in child killing. They have no morals or scruples anymore. They don’t value life the way Americans did 20 years ago. We used to fight to save lives now every doctor in America is a Kavorkian cultist. Playing god rather than following their hypocratic oath. They believe the lies that are told to them and name call or use the race card to divert from the troubles they caused. Thankless, backstabbing libtards. They have no redeeming value to us any more. I’d trade them for all the illegals aliens that aren’t criminals. They at least have family values
Forbes deleted an article Sunday titled, "Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters?"
The article, written by Forbes contributor and "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) expert" Shaun Harper, was published a few hours after a shooter attempted to assassinate former President Trump during a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.
In the article, Harper floated the idea that Trump may use surviving the shooting as a new way to connect to Black voters.
You really can't make this shit up. These headlines would be what one expects on Babylon Bee - Bee must be having a hard time competing with reality. https://babylonbee.com/
And if they were desperate before and they were, they are really desperate now. Blinkin will do whatever is in his power to accelerate WW III, never mind they may try again to make Trump wet.
But these are not the brightest bulbs so, their plans often and do fail. Right now our main counter weapon is to expose all their plans, expose them.
Whatever happened to the report Putin gave to the UN spelling out who was responsible for COVID... asking for a friend.
Thanks, great to know. Sadly the article did not link to the Russian report. Seems people would want to read it, as i for one question if covid was a BW attack.
I had a woketard buddy text me a screenshot comparing a nasty Trump tweet when Paul Pelosi was attacked and what Pelosi posted after the assassination attempt. Lost on him is that Trump and every right wing media outlet wasn’t screaming for 8 years that Paul Pelosi is literally Hitler. “There’s a difference” he said. As if Pelosi and the rest wouldn’t have been high fiving (in private at least) if Trump had been killed. This idiot friend of mine equates public statements with the actual character of these people. He babbles on about Fascism as he is not allowed to pick a candidate and his friends are dropping from turbo cancer. I can’t really stomach hanging out with him anymore. He wants to show me his corvette and I keep making excuses.
Drain what? The swamp? While in office trump did nothing but nominate swamp creatures, all you need to do is look at the long list of criminal indictments and prosecutions of these people. I challenge anyone to point out any concrete steps trump took to reduce corruption.
As far as Cannon's ruling, it will go where her other rulings go to die...
Meryl, your posts and research around all things Covid and pandemics and WHO have been so valuable but I think you veer off course when you write posts like this. I mean, have you forgotten that the Deep State DOES NOT CARE which side of the national elections wins because they have both sides covered? As James Corbett calls them in his July 14 '24 Report (James Corbett Breaks the Spell of the Global Conspiracy), these are (s)elections, not elections. The Deep State is run by the DOD and the big banks and Blackrock and other hidden owners of everything including Bill Gates. They don't care who's in office, they simply adjust accordingly. Are you forgetting Donald Trump's meeting with the big guns at Wall Street where he told them, don't worry, if you support me I'll take care of you? You think he's any better around the Covid scam? He's not. At first he was lucky enough to have Dr Scott Atlas in the White House and he listened to him until he "suddenly changed his mind." Same holds true about inviting Bobby Kennedy down to lead a committee investigating Covid but telling him to go home after he got a phone call. He's as corrupt as Joe Biden, just different styles. Trump is a narcissistic thug while Biden has been a bought and sold politician for 40 years. When the chips are down, Trump's earthier appeal and pandering to the white supremacists achieve nothing. I would be praying that an actual miracle occurs and Bobby Kennedy gets into the White House. Otherwise, the same clown show will go on and on
Thank you for a sane and rational summary. People need to recognize who the puppet masters are and the goal is divide and conquer. The presidents are mere puppets and this is all theatre to mess with our minds. Listen to your hearts people, find peace. We are greater together and challenging ALL puppet leaders on policy. Thank you again Michael <3 Peace. Love. Conquers all.....
Thank you, Delica. Unfortunately, many people understand "divide and conquer" until they get lost in the heat of emotions about some conspiracy. James Corbett also has another great phrase in his Report -- "as we conspiracy realists know..." That's what we need to be -- conspiracy realists, not conspiracy theorists
There are no words for the behavior of the left. I am an RFK girl but the left is showing their colors with this but their followings are still blindly following.
It's breathtaking how many conspiracy theorists are out there who are going around saying that the shooting was "faked," that Trump had a package of fake blood behind his ear, there was no shooter (when we have video of a guy up on the roof of the big white building with NO SS snipers there), when Trump's White House physician writes that his son was grazed by a bullet (also faked, I suppose) and then there's the former fire fighter who lost his life protecting his wife and daughter. I suppose that was "faked," too, all designed to whip up sympathy for Trump... how, exactly, does that help his cause?
They are freaking out even more because he responded courageously after being shot. Government's attempted assassination of Trump totally backfired.
Or the Globalists want Americans thinking that’s the case….more division, more turmoil….more instability. Waiting so they can throw a match and burn things down OR so they can redirect the narrative to the need for unity and hopium….either case….all roads lead to pre-fab solution of the globalists….”the only ‘effective’ way to ‘save’ democracy is technology via digital ID/CBDC and blockchain (masquerading as possible decentralization while ignoring there will be owners of the tech…Do you trust them? ) leading us into a “safe and secure” existence for all, just no privacy relative to one’s choices and curtailment of one’s rights relative to making those choices.
If he died there would be a lot of division but since he lived the election is already over IMO.
I cannot imagine the turmoil this country would be in now if the assassination had been successful. Summer of 2020 level turmoil but worse. And not surprised there would be dramatic events preceding the election, intentionally disrupting and dividing the country ever further.
They will stop at nothing
Whoever was behind this thought Americans should see Trump's head exploding live on TV, traumatizing viewers for the rest of their days, and of course those who attended the event and especially those on the platform will already be traumatised. Utterly evil and despicable. It may have been a lone wolf but that really doesn't add up. Anyway, what the these psychopaths got must be their worst nightmare, including that by now iconic photo.
It wasn’t a lone wolf
Still a few months to go….lots can happen.
I think it is over which is why they will likely make another attempt. But who knows...
What do you think of the VP pick?
I would have rather seen Tim Scott
I don't know.
The wolves being omnipresent …
and in TOTAL charge of the Sheeples…nah won’t work for most of us.
I understand, but we are a distinct minority at this stage of the game. When somebody tells fire in a crowded theatre….we are stampeded.
Yet, deep inside Most is a want for the common denominator desired for a trusting functioning society.
Focus Unite Our Mighty Might! ;-)
Not the Dim leaders.
Yep, Dim Treasonous Criminals don't make good leaders.
Yes agree, and by the way the only building nearby wasn’t cleared? Yah… right!
According to an article in ET, a few people noted to the security and or police about someone on top of the building but yet nothing was done until the shots were fired.
and Clarence Thomas I believe has already said words to the effect that Slimy Smith's appointment was unconstitutional, which it was.
That’s an interesting comment Andrea. Others have observed Trump’s facial expression and body language as a reflection of a man who has realized that he very nearly met his Maker, and had done some reflection and some business with his Maker their on the ground.
I think your comment is more a reflection on you than on him, and perhaps that you are just sorry that the would be assassin missed.
Also from a brief scan of your comments here, you seem to be a very angry and unhappy person.
Make no mistake about it, this was an assassination attempt gone wrong and only got as far as it did because of the collusion of significant members of the administration & the administrative state, including some members of the SS, who swore an oath to protect him. If you aren’t upset by that, it can only mean that you are unaware of what it took for him to be in the position he was, or that you are fully in support of the assassin’s goal, which is frightening (if there is another option, please explain).
Yes, like all those conspiracy theories about a lab leak….
Most people would have panicked at the sight of their own blood. I found his response to tell the crowd after he was just shot to fight to be inspiring. The government trying to kill him before the convention was designed to inspire violence. And there are issues I disagree with him on.
You should ABSOLUTELY leave this country. Try Palestine.
Yes Andrea limitless choices you can go to Russia, China, N.Korea, Iran. Then if you prefer warmer climes Cuba. lol
Stop your lies his family were Democrat/libertarians
That is just silly. I will not continue this dialogue with you.
Don’t feed the trolls!
Registered as a Republican does not mean a Republican voter. You should know by now that your communist party colleagues love to cheat and register their own as Republicans to create another layer of hate. Crooks made his one known political donation to a far left organization and was in a left wing Black Rock ad, which Black Rock is claiming they are pulling from the Internet (It was still there a little while ago.) Didn't you know that McCarthy was right about communist infiltration? He just didn't have the confirming evidence that Venona revealed. One thing I agree with.... you should leave the country because it is leftists like you who are destroying it.
Please vacate, quickly squib. Take Cher and Madonna and j. Fellatio.
Are you nuts? He wasn't inciting anything and he didn't incite anything previously. If you get your head out of your ass and stop listening to mainstream media you might hear the truth.
Spoken like the piece loving pelosi, Schumer, waters, Biden bunch.
Kill a SC judge, Christians and more in your interest of equity?
You fool!
Blaming victims is so typically leftist BS. The murderer was the one who incited violence, not Trump. The murderer killed a man protecting his wife and children. He wounded others. But stupid people like yourself can only see what they want to see. I suspect if you were shot as Trump was you would still be hiding on the ground screaming help me, it's Trump's fault like a babbling idiot. .
Traitor. Kinda thin skinned aren’t you missy? You bitches and bastards have been attacking him and his supporters since he came down the escalator in 2015, mostly out of bounds. You fuckers are just upset that he fights fire with (rhetorical & lampooning )fire —& you pussies, both male & female are so easy to lampoon!
So sniffer Joe wasn’t inciting violence in his targeting comment—we have a longer memory than dementia Joe.
I totally agree & understand DJTs fury and fight you bastards tried to kill him. Maybe no documented posts, but you have betrayed your hateful heart, and be sure that MAGA Republicans and Independents and Democrats/former Democrats will hound you to repentance, silence, or the nursing home.
The MSM is wholly, embarrassingly, mental!
Steadfastly supporting and sympathizing with America’s very
worst enemies, without exception;
the ‘useful idiots’ long to see our Country as a
smoldering heap of rubble.
Well look at the media monopoly, then look at who owns most of the media.
You can thank Bill Clinton for this, it was primarily his 1996 telecommunications act made this possible.
John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. So don't get too excited!
Nasty anti semite bitch.
Correction, just a female dog.
Sorry, I misread your bigotry, I forgot about your anti Christian misandrist bigoted post .
Either way you are just a nasty bigot. Or probably more accurately a JAP.
BTW, nothing in his post suggested antisemitism, you are in the same situation as the race baiters, you have to manufacture it, it is so rare.
We don’t hate you because you are Jewish, we don’t even hate you, we just hate your ideas and bigotry and dislike you because of that.
I thought you were leaving
As Samuel Langhorne Clemons wrote so sagely,
“You are fare better off leaving your thought inside your dim cranium so people question your intelligence, than expressing yourself to the world and removing all doubt”.
Kinda like you, eh?
Silly lib. boy, I'm not a Founding Father, but John Adams was the primary author of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780, which served as a model for the United States Constitution, written in 1787 and ratified in 1789. Adams's essay Thoughts on Government, written in 1776, also influenced the framers of the United States Constitution. BUT I'm sure you think you know more than him, Right? You went to Dumb Down education school, as educator John Taylor Gatto best explained in his book, The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Institutionalised Schooling." I.e. "To make cogs."
For Got? Hmm, intellect on display.
Sound the phrase out slowly, very slowly for you. You do sound a wee bit deranged.
Oh & racist is old soggy and stale, kinda like you.
Ooooh you got me there, well actually, not you were the one to go sexist first.
Well one things for sure. The dems have made mess of every institution they’ve put unqualified people in. So far all they’ve accomplished is raising the cost of everything by 30% or more. Putting more people on the street and starving those that can’t keep up with the cost of living any more. They have also caused more deaths in this world because of their blatant ignorance and disregard of rules that were in place for our safety.
Willie, your right what a fubar, the demos, they appointed that cross dresser who was stealing luggage and mukyorkas in charge of border did the opposite, took down wall and opened wide. Finally that jerk to run justice depth who raided churches to arrest anti-abortionists.
We all know they believe in child killing. They have no morals or scruples anymore. They don’t value life the way Americans did 20 years ago. We used to fight to save lives now every doctor in America is a Kavorkian cultist. Playing god rather than following their hypocratic oath. They believe the lies that are told to them and name call or use the race card to divert from the troubles they caused. Thankless, backstabbing libtards. They have no redeeming value to us any more. I’d trade them for all the illegals aliens that aren’t criminals. They at least have family values
Forbes deleted an article Sunday titled, "Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters?"
The article, written by Forbes contributor and "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) expert" Shaun Harper, was published a few hours after a shooter attempted to assassinate former President Trump during a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.
In the article, Harper floated the idea that Trump may use surviving the shooting as a new way to connect to Black voters.
You really can't make this shit up. These headlines would be what one expects on Babylon Bee - Bee must be having a hard time competing with reality. https://babylonbee.com/
And if they were desperate before and they were, they are really desperate now. Blinkin will do whatever is in his power to accelerate WW III, never mind they may try again to make Trump wet.
But these are not the brightest bulbs so, their plans often and do fail. Right now our main counter weapon is to expose all their plans, expose them.
Whatever happened to the report Putin gave to the UN spelling out who was responsible for COVID... asking for a friend.
I missed the Putin report--when did that happen?
This report seems to have been scrubbed from Western Search Engines, but if you go to Yandex.com (a Russian Search Engine) you will find many links, such as https://www.planet-today.com/2023/08/russia-release-damning-2000-page-report.html
Thanks, great to know. Sadly the article did not link to the Russian report. Seems people would want to read it, as i for one question if covid was a BW attack.
His name is traitor
I had a woketard buddy text me a screenshot comparing a nasty Trump tweet when Paul Pelosi was attacked and what Pelosi posted after the assassination attempt. Lost on him is that Trump and every right wing media outlet wasn’t screaming for 8 years that Paul Pelosi is literally Hitler. “There’s a difference” he said. As if Pelosi and the rest wouldn’t have been high fiving (in private at least) if Trump had been killed. This idiot friend of mine equates public statements with the actual character of these people. He babbles on about Fascism as he is not allowed to pick a candidate and his friends are dropping from turbo cancer. I can’t really stomach hanging out with him anymore. He wants to show me his corvette and I keep making excuses.
I always love how the fascists say the non-fascists are fascist. 🙄
The total and utter lack of any intelligence whatsoever is stunning!
No, he is like like like hitler. Triple scoop of poop for your.
Maybe yes, maybe no. But the party that force poisoned everyone is. And I don’t forgive the orange guy for getting the ball rolling.
Please enjoy your boosters. Get as many as humanly possible please.
You are still alive, so I don’t think they have.
Drain what? The swamp? While in office trump did nothing but nominate swamp creatures, all you need to do is look at the long list of criminal indictments and prosecutions of these people. I challenge anyone to point out any concrete steps trump took to reduce corruption.
As far as Cannon's ruling, it will go where her other rulings go to die...
Meryl, your posts and research around all things Covid and pandemics and WHO have been so valuable but I think you veer off course when you write posts like this. I mean, have you forgotten that the Deep State DOES NOT CARE which side of the national elections wins because they have both sides covered? As James Corbett calls them in his July 14 '24 Report (James Corbett Breaks the Spell of the Global Conspiracy), these are (s)elections, not elections. The Deep State is run by the DOD and the big banks and Blackrock and other hidden owners of everything including Bill Gates. They don't care who's in office, they simply adjust accordingly. Are you forgetting Donald Trump's meeting with the big guns at Wall Street where he told them, don't worry, if you support me I'll take care of you? You think he's any better around the Covid scam? He's not. At first he was lucky enough to have Dr Scott Atlas in the White House and he listened to him until he "suddenly changed his mind." Same holds true about inviting Bobby Kennedy down to lead a committee investigating Covid but telling him to go home after he got a phone call. He's as corrupt as Joe Biden, just different styles. Trump is a narcissistic thug while Biden has been a bought and sold politician for 40 years. When the chips are down, Trump's earthier appeal and pandering to the white supremacists achieve nothing. I would be praying that an actual miracle occurs and Bobby Kennedy gets into the White House. Otherwise, the same clown show will go on and on
Corbett is a good man
Thank you for a sane and rational summary. People need to recognize who the puppet masters are and the goal is divide and conquer. The presidents are mere puppets and this is all theatre to mess with our minds. Listen to your hearts people, find peace. We are greater together and challenging ALL puppet leaders on policy. Thank you again Michael <3 Peace. Love. Conquers all.....
Thank you, Delica. Unfortunately, many people understand "divide and conquer" until they get lost in the heat of emotions about some conspiracy. James Corbett also has another great phrase in his Report -- "as we conspiracy realists know..." That's what we need to be -- conspiracy realists, not conspiracy theorists
Congrats, Dr. Nass, you've got some great bots in here today. 😐
#1 I didn't say anything about looks.
#2 At least you know you're a bot.
Look Who’s participating.
Is the deep state angry or just the public mouthpieces of the far left?
Deep state and far left are not the same thing? Related, yes….but NOT the same thing.
Trump is not going to drain the swamp. Two wings, same bird.
"Stunningly dismissed." Yep.
Ya, PappaVaxx, We Want Him Back! ;-)
There are no words for the behavior of the left. I am an RFK girl but the left is showing their colors with this but their followings are still blindly following.
Trump Owned by Bankers - video
Dr. Nass you nailed it as usual!
It's breathtaking how many conspiracy theorists are out there who are going around saying that the shooting was "faked," that Trump had a package of fake blood behind his ear, there was no shooter (when we have video of a guy up on the roof of the big white building with NO SS snipers there), when Trump's White House physician writes that his son was grazed by a bullet (also faked, I suppose) and then there's the former fire fighter who lost his life protecting his wife and daughter. I suppose that was "faked," too, all designed to whip up sympathy for Trump... how, exactly, does that help his cause?