The Defending Democracy Conference mostly looks great.... so many issues that need to be explored. But I vehemently take exception to one issue included in this Conference which is, sorry to say, utterly false and misleading, namely this speaker:

1:30 pm – Democrats War Against the Jews

The vilest antisemitism since the 1930s in Germany has erupted all over the United States under the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. Tolerance to such Jew hatred is likely a function of antisemites in the executive branch (not to mention in some quarters in Congress) and the need for Democrats to monopolize the “Death to America / Death to Israel” vote. Imagine how a Republican president would have been characterized if such far-reaching antisemitism occurred during his term.

In addition to making America’s campuses and streets unsafe for Jews, the Biden-Harris administration has strong-armed Israel from responding to the October 7 attack, have curtailed weapons shipments to the Jewish state and have negotiated Israel’s future behind its back. The administration has also imposed unprecedented sanctions on Jews living in Israel who disagree with the administration’s policies.


Michael S. Goldstein, Esq., State of Arizona Director and General Counsel, Proclaiming the Justice to The Nations

As an anti-Zionist Jew, I am appalled at the outright genocide being waged against the Palestinian people by Israel, with the encouragement and support of the US government. This is happening now under the Biden/Harris administration as it has also happened under the Trump administration. Both Democrat and Republican administrations are complicit in the genocide and are therefore criminals.

Israel plays a pivotal role in the globalist corporate technocracy (the Davos elite). They are supported by both parties in the duopoly precisely because they occupy a key strategic place in the geopolitical arena. Israel technology is central to furthering the agenda of the WEF, central to creating a state of permanent war and to ruthlessly destroying the basic rights and dignity of humankind. So to have a pro-Israel Zionist as a speaker belies the stated mission of this Conference. Zionism is a racist ideology and does not have any interests of the Jewish people as its mission. It is a purely colonial-settler enterprise designed to further the technological control of humankind by the global Empire. Israel, in all its actions and its goals is the most anti-semitic entity on the planet right now. To pretend otherwise is simply ignorant.

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A very heavy in-depth study of Zionism is the book "The Empty Wagon" by Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro. It is ~1400 pages of documented information. It may also upset a lot of people's belief systems.

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I am an anti-Zionist Jew, there are tons of us, and you are FOS

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Regarding your statement, "There is no such thing as an "anti-Zionist" Jew, just Jews" well, yes, before the Zionist agenda became a "thing" back in the late 19th, early 20th centuries, there were only Jews. But I have to qualify it now precisely because of all those different Jews and Jewish groups you mentioned in all the military/security/information/investment etc. sectors that have become centerpieces in the military, technocratic, globalist elite agenda that seeks to dominate and rule the world. These are the Zionist Jews. That's their agenda and it's why the Western (non-)"democracies" are supporting them wholeheartedly with open pocketbooks. I am Jewish but definitely, with all my being, not Zionist. Zionism as a racist, religious/ethnic supremacist ideology runs counter to everything that genuine Judaism is about. I grew up in the 1950s repeating "Never again" to any holocaust, and now in our time it's the Israelis who are perpetrating a holocaust against a people they have long oppressed and subjugated. It's part of the whole Davos WEF agenda and this Mr. Goldstein, Esq. is part of it. Don't know why he is part of this Conference. I guess he weaseled himself in there to stir up the polar partisan hatred that keeps us locked into our separate camps instead of coming together to resist the would-be global rulers.

PS Thanks to Sandy K for the book recommendation and yes, TA, Ilan Pappe is my go to as well.

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“The War Against the Jews” ???!!! So far it’s the Pakestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, the Lebanese and their leadership ate all perishing under 800 ton bombs, in fire, bombing, starvation… What War are they taking about

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? dunno let's see what Iran does next

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Sorry for all the typos. Whatever comes ‘next’ the massacre in Gaza, terror acts in Lebanon (exploding devices in who knows whose hands) and assassinations of cease fire negotiators, Leaders, aids workers and journalists … We all know what is going down — how can we talk of Wars on Jews? Israel does not stand for Jews it stand for War, Expansion, Apartheid and ethnic cleansing in the interest of the Empire (US) and expansionist messianic delusions — nothing to do with the interest and aspirations of most Jewish people (I would hope) If war comes to the Jews Israel should be the first to be blame.

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when experts, activists and entire conferences almost always confuse our Republic with a democracy there is a major problem. No wonder we remain mentally, spiritually and physically disabled. In case anyone is interested this is an explanation of the two words quoted from the pamphlet linked below:

"What Is A Democracy? The origin of the word democracy comes from the Greek demos, meaning people, and kratos, meaning government. Literally, democracy means government by or of the people. In a democracy, the majority rules either directly, or through elected representatives or appointed officials, without the restraint embodied in a fixed body of law. The law is whatever an official organ of government determines it is. (“The law is in their mouth,” as was said of absolute monarchs.) It is rule by whim rather than law, by emotion rather than reason. Individuals have no inherent rights, but are considered the products of history (slavery, the Renaissance, dark ages, etc.), culture (western, oriental, etc.), class (nobility, merchant, artisan, peasant, etc.), gender (male or female), race (Caucasian, Negroid, etc.), religion (Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Moslem, Jewish, etc.), etc. and are classified and categorized accordingly. Rights emanate from the mass will or power. The purpose of government is to satisfy needs (food, clothing, shelter, education, healthcare, etc.). It is government by conflicting biases with the result that members of politically powerful constituencies receive privileges, at the expense of everyone else, because of their classification within certain categories instead of on merit. The racial and other quotas under Affirmative Action are an example. The laws are political or man-made and reflect not truth and justice, but power. They are a mass of ad hoc decisions produced through lobbying, geared to expediency, concerned more with immediate consequences and less with consistency or continuity. Gun control and drug laws are prime examples. They are based on the emotional reaction to societal problems for which the misuse of guns and drugs are merely the symptom. Despite overwhelming evidence that such laws not only don’t work, but actually encourage lawlessness, those who support them demand more draconian measures in the face of their repeated failures. As a consequence, our prisons fill with peaceful people who merely want to defend themselves or relax with a drug which is, at most, harmful only to themselves while murderers, rapists and robbers are set free to make room for these political prisoners. Political law creates advantage. Therefore, political factions compete to control the law-making process. Government power is a prize to be won for the benefit of the winners at the expense of the losers. The law becomes an instrument used by the winners against their opponents. Officers of the law are appropriately called law enforcement officers or policemen (from the LaROSA-Democracy or Republic.doc Page 3 of 7 Greek, Latin and French to regulate, control or cleanup). Their primary role is to enforce the corporate will and protect the power of the state. The military is an instrument of foreign and, at times, domestic policy. Taxes are imposed without the individual’s consent and are used to reward and punish as well as pay for legitimate government functions. People vote for what they want, not what is right. The public looks to the political class for moral leadership. Public and private morality are considered the same which justifies making private morality public policy. Thus what one does in the privacy of his own home with consenting adults (gambling, for example) must meet the same standard as for public behavior. As a result, vices become crimes and the exercise of certain freedoms becomes a criminal activity. What is lawful today may not be tomorrow and an individual considered law-abiding one day may be a criminal the next, though his behavior has not change. Restraint is upon the individual. Rights are relative and take the form of privileges granted through government licenses and permits or simply permissions revocable at the whim of those in power. The will of one segment of society—the majority—is imposed on everyone. Government acts like a hammer punishing violations of majority standards as enacted by legislation. Consent of the governed is meaningless, for such governments exercise their powers over anyone they choose. Democracy concentrates power into the hands of the few organized and clever enough to manipulate the masses. It is characterized by a communistic attitude toward property and monopolistic enterprises. Government thus becomes an instrument for the redistribution of wealth as well as the security of the state. It is the rule of men, the dictatorship of the majority without regard to the consequences upon individuals or society. What Is A Republic? The word republic is from the Latin res which means thing, affair or interest and publica which means of everybody. It literally means everybody’s thing or interest. The Declaration of Independence contains the principles of republican government; that all men are created with equal, unalienable rights, that governments are formed by men to secure these rights and that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. Upon these principles, our forefathers established a body of law called the Constitution of the United States to which they added a Bill of Rights as the first ten amendments to further restrict majority rule. The essence of a republic is the rule of law, by which is meant the common or scientific law, which is certain and unchangeable. This law is discovered, not made, in that the tendency is to find the freedoms and restrains imposed by natural law and base decisions upon them. “Man cannot make principles, he can only discover them.” ~ Thomas Paine Since human nature doesn’t change, what was right yesterday should be so today and tomorrow. Courts seek out and enforce a higher law as opposed to political or man-made law. As a result, the law seeks truth, transcends politics, is reasonable, consistent, predictable and reflects or LaROSA-Democracy or Republic.doc Page 4 of 7 approximates natural justice. Government acts like a shield punishing the abuses of freedoms— assaults against the life, liberty and property of innocent people—not the freedoms themselves. For example, the misuse of a firearm which results in injury to an innocent party would be punished rather than the mere possession of such a weapon. Officers of the law are appropriately called peace officers, for they do not enforce political law but protect everyone equally from force and fraud. The military is used as a last resort to protect the nation. Moral authority rests outside the political class who are held to a high moral standard through public pressure. Government’s purpose is to protect rights and defend freedom. Taxes are voluntary assessments used to fund legitimate government functions serving the common good in obedience to John Adams’ dictum that “No man may be taxed against his will…” Under this form of government, individual freedom and responsibility are maximized. The individual is sovereign and his rights are sacrosanct. Individuals are free to act without permission but must never impose without consent. Everyone has an equal right to compete in the marketplace, succeed or fail on their own and pursue their own happiness restrained only by the rights of others to do the same. Republics reject as a danger to liberty the public interest doctrine espoused in democracies because, as John Adams articulated: You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe. In a republic, the government has just enough power to carry out its proper functions but is otherwise limited, inhibited and restricted."


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2007,I ran for mayor of SF killafornia.

ScKamala put me in jail and shut down my Grasshopper taxicab business forevermore.

I ran against the child killer Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom. ScKamala put me in jail.


We ain't got no democracy, we got a clown show and creeping fascism, solitary isolation.

Regards from SF killafornia

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Great agenda, safe travels, be safe. Where do you get your energy! You are amazing!

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Constitutional Republic! SAY IT! Kill their democracy! Every American should be a threat to their democracy!

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“The War Against the Jews” ???!!! So far it’s the Pakestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, the Lebanese and their leadership ate all perishing under 800 ton bombs, in fire, bombing, starvation… What War are they taking about #11 the topics that our Defending Democracy conference will cover are:

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are all these psychopaths going to be in one place? if so, there should FINALLY BE A HUGE PROTEST~ I MEAN HUGE!

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