And listen to Judy Mikovits about cows with bird flu. They had bird flu antigens in their previous vaccines. Duh. So then they detected what they had put in there themselves...🙈🤷‍♂️

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LOCK’m UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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✔️ AND dd a few zeros and make it a million. That is still cheap in comparison to the damage a lie like this can set off.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death BY taxes. Remember to stop sponsoring your killers and enslavers by “meeting at the town hall” to reach a consensus about boycotting tax payments.

Hurry, time is short. Oops, too late! You procrastinated too long, all money is now digital. There goes the power of your potential leverage.

Have a nice day shopping at Amazon and so forth!

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Same covid and all the other jabs in history

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We must go with our gut on this madness. We must ask the questions some people didn't ask in 2020 and fell for it all. A couple of questions I would ask is, "If the same people who have publicly stated they want to limit consuming meat and dairy "for the earth" are pushing fear on us, should we trust what they have to say?" "Are people really dropping dead all around me?" is another good one. And the number one question I ask is, "Do we really want to live in a world where we are no longer allowed to eat meat and dairy, travel, commune with our friends, shop where we want, live where we want, take the medicine we choose, and live as somewhat free people?" How can anyone look at 2020 - 2022 and actually want that kind of life for the rest of their lives? I would rather risk death than live like a slave. There *are* things worse than death!

Are there better ways to feed the people on the planet? Of course there are. But it's not with a centralized top-down industrial system. It's by regenerative farming and ranching. Something that used to be done until these monsters started gobbling up all of the old good ways of doing things and made it impossible for producers who were doing things the right way to make any money. Do we really want to no longer be able to grow vegetables or get eggs from our neighbor? Do we really want all of this hell they are trying to shove down our throats? People *must* decide that no virus is worth giving up their freedom for, or giving up their bodily autonomy for. No war, no *anything* nullifies our liberty. Unless we let it. I pray, pray, pray, that more people will say no this time. Like I always say, if we don't stand up this time, we deserve what we get.

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Thank you Rob D. --those are my thoughts exactly. Reminds of the beautiful old spiritual--OH FREEDOM --"before I be a slave---I'll be buried in my grave....and go home to my Lord and be free.---OH FREEDOM--OH FREEDOM --oh freedom over me!"

Yup....I'll take a simple meal of bread and water in freedom...rather than a feast in a prison.

It's the deepest human longing there is, in my opinion.

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Agree Kathleen Freedom is, like religion, an intangible that many will die for. The difference is that dying for a religion is due to an ideology that is sometimes corrupted by a desire to limit other's freedoms (Christianity in history, Islam today). Freedom is the most basic human need and surrendering it to the globalists is the bedrock of tyranny. Freedom can only thrive in truth.

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Liking this 35 TRILLION times equaling to the US debt.

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Jun 7Liked by Meryl Nass

Not enough about 10k… make it hurt. Or a sliding scale if you’re a billionaire than one billion put towards protecting the constitution.

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LOCK’m UP!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS the $10k

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Jun 7Liked by Meryl Nass

One does not make a pandemic. If our country spends the amount of funding for these detrimental jabbs on helping/teaching cultures around the world with clean water systems---peoples immunity would improve and many, many illnesses could be detered. Let's get this on the table as a trade-off!

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I'm sure they're working around the clock doing gain-of-function work to make this a reality. 🤡

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Contracted out to our elite universities by NIH , DOD grants. By their employers - taxpayers. The same hard working stiffs that pony them up.

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Thank goodness this has been exposed. Otherwise, there would be a "pandemic" of one person dying, thus requiring the W.H.O. to shut the entire world down and vaccinate 8 billion people (excepting themselves and their friends in high places).

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Bird Flu is proving to be a tough sell. But, there’s hundreds of millions of mRNA bird flu doses, in storage and paid for by us (taxpayers), so they will keep trying. Perhaps they can sell a Climate Change Pandemic. Use the same vaccine, just change the label.

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Who remembers when... "They" finally found one death documented to be caused by "horse paste" in Arizona. Led to a propaganda platform launched by Biden against the dreaded IVM. Spoiler: doctors jumped in line.

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What was creepy four years ago is absolutely vaudevillian now!

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Love it. Sideshow after sideshow as they lose their grip over the masses and their minds.

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Not surprised. I like the cartoon showing a microscopic view of bird flu as an image of money bundles.

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What disgusting EVIL people they are! 👿👿👿

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There actually is a law in these here lawless USA called the Data Quality Act (Information Quality Act). This law states that the government, its agencies or anyone speaking on behalf of same can only present best evidence - in other words you can't gaslight or BS the public. It is one of the few ways the public can sue the government. The steps are three: 1) you send a full DQA complaint to the agency and/or persons involved the violation of the DQA. There is a limited time for them to respond to correct their error, but if they don't or just provide some BS response, the DQA allows 2) bump up your complaint to the DOJ and ask them to enforce the DQA. Of course the DOJ will do no such thing so 3) now a private USA citizen/public can take that DQA complaint and file a lawsuit in Federal Court because the DQA law permits it. So, there is a way to hold the BS'ers accountable but no one uses the DQA the way it was intended.

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Interesting. Sadly the data will have to be reviewed by the same "experts" that used peer- reviewed studies like the Lancet/NEJM article to trash HCQ to block this. Still a little transparency always helps.

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Interesting! Will look it up! And start implementation.

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Making note of this.

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The so-called covid-19 pandemic started the same way… No deaths associated with “novel” coronavirus were to be found so, the covid-19 test got extra cranks to 40 cycles and covid-19 associated deaths appeared overnight but all influenzas”vanished” for “unknown” reasons including about 15% of old coronavirus infections… lol

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Yes....it all came with the misuse of the PCR test invented by Kary Mullis--he saw this coming and warned about how this tool could be misused to foment fear of a fake 'pandemic' by the power hunger and greedy-- wanting to profit producing more "vaccines' to cure the fake pandemic. Simple human greed basically.

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In this case, the main driver could have been the lack of investment return in Big Pharma since about 2017 and the desire of investors and inventors of failed mRNA technology to keep it on a respirator…

I don’t think anyone of them expected the media will blow this scam up leading to 5 billion people being vaccinated…

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Are you saying that Pharma is innocent of "wrong doing"?

Do you think that these companies should not be made to pay some sort of reparation for their toxic and lethal injections? Do we want them to literally get away with murder?

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I think some people still picture Big Pharma is a bunch of companies scattered around the world with huge labs full of scientists doing experiments, clinical trials etc. Most companies, like Pfizer, got rid of that.. they hire contractors…

So, what’s left of them is a bunch businessmen and few consultants

So, no that doesn’t relieve them of wrongdoing but if you look closely at the maze of corporate and governmental corruption involved in this scam, it is unlikely anybody is going to be able to do anything about it…

However, I don’t think even the superpowers will be able to cover up and pretend millions of people didn’t t die and will continue to die while other tens of millions got injured

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Well--I suppose if we are "conspiracy theorists" and crack pots we would say it was "all planned well ahead". THEY (whoever that is) made sure no one could track and find the "real perps"....while their criminally acquired riches continues to pour in as the public demands more drugs to counter "vaccine damage".

I don't mean to sound so smug. I saw what was unfolding from the beginning when Dolores Cahill, Heiko Schoning and others tried to form the World Doctors Alliance....haven't heard a word about it since then.

I try to do what I can. Admittedly that's very little. But together we can stop this. It is already happening. Too many people see it when their friends and family become sick.

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Every crime usually fits these 3 main aspects:

means, opportunity and motive..

Does the scandemic crime fit all 3 aspects?

Because this particular crime turned out to be one of the greatest schemes in human history, a lot of planning must have been involved for most world governments to cooperate to such a degree..

We mustn’t forget that China doesn’t just cooperate and takes the heat for the supposed origins of the pandemic unless they get something out of it…right?

Planning? Sure. Just think about the storyline behind the supposed origins of the novel virus SARS COV2.

The story behind the origins of a novel virus had to have an exotic flavor with a scientific twist to it, so that it would be believable.

1. the novel virus had to have zoonotic origins, because nobody is afraid of viruses of human origins, like flus or colds, even from exotic countries, like Africa, Amazonia or Indonesia.

2. the novel virus origins required scientific explanation and support. So, all evolutionary biologists and virologists were required to be on the board and the skeptics to be censored. Bret Weinstein, Vincent Rochaniello and other attention seekers were the first ones to jump on board to explain how evolution builds new and better things, and in case of viruses more deadly and more transmissible ones…

3. You must have a backup origins story just in case the first one gets exposed to be false. Because if you don’t, some may begin to suspect there is something wrong with the pandemic and they may begin to dig into facts and that is dangerous.

So, the lab leak theory had to be introduced and spread as an alternative origins theory, with some supposed evidence and funding behind it so it would be taken seriously. It worked very well because it not only created the much needed confusion and distraction, it also added more scientific attention to the scandemic, keeping it as far away from the truth as possible.

Now most evolutionary experts jumped on the newly emerging scientific evidence because sticking to the old one would make them look foolish. Bret Weinstein, Vincent Rachaniello and many others now proclaimed the gain of function theory as if it were the new 10 commandments and the media blindly followed. Books, documentaries, films, interviews have been all over and as far away from the truth as the people who orchestrated it wanted…

4. The effects of this mass madness were so strong that people who spent many years treating upper respiratory infections stopped trusting their own clinical judgment. They bought the novel pathogen propaganda without critical thinking. Some who had doubts, had to keep their mouths shut or they would be the next victims of public smears and threats of becoming tinfoil hat wackos… It worked, because it was well planned and executed…

However, some things later turned out to be disappointing or even disastrous…

Plan C had to be kicked in. Disease X with 20 times higher mortality rate than previous fictitious virus of yet unknown origins was introduced by the world health authority- WHO.

Sounds like a plan?

Sure, you don’t know what the new disease is going to be but you already know the fatality rate is going to be 20 times higher than the previous fictional disease.

The media bought it and most of the public but not as many as expected….

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With the UN power grab coming this September 2024. They want everything too line up. First the adopted ammendments and than pandemic enslavement treaty than UN power grab. All equals One World Government

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count me out. I will resist the "ONE WORLD DIGITAL PRISON" with everything I've got

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Exactly how will you fight it?

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Only $1000? C'mon! It needs to be an amount that's painful!

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$1,000 for everyone that hears it

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$25,000 for each count.

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No amount of money would be enough to punish these fear mongers. It’s unconscionable and deplorable. It’s all about power grab, greed and control.

I thank Meryl everyday for her steadfast efforts and tireless work.

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WHO rectifies: Mexican did not die from avian influenza, but from multifactorial causes

Mexico questioned the WHO for affirming that the case was the first infection registered in humans and also the first death, when the man died of other causes

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oops, the bullshit is slippery and does not stick.....

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