We recently had a mini-flock of robins roosting in our Vermont apple and plum trees, chowing on the dried fruits. Perhaps they are culprits who will infect our cows, and I should shoot them to protect my herd? :) The Blue Jays and Chickadees have been threatening us lately as well -- soon the red-winged blackbirds (my favorite harbingers of spring) will be jumping from tree to tree.

The Orwellian fearmongers weaponize everything against us. Active shooter drills terrify children as much as actual shootings, studies have shown -- still they persist. Nazis are everywhere, apparently -- I just haven't seen any. Transgender people are being killed everywhere: not. And let's not forget that the climate is our destroyer and the world is going to end because the )warmed) sky is falling -- every winter storm, drought, or wildfire is blamed on "climate change" to seed more fear-porn.

It is so tiresome and dull, especially when Monkeypox and bird flu are stirred up. COVID-19 was gain-of-function using OUR money. It's time for the fear to shift from the fake to the real: from us to them. The guillotines are being sharpened, figuratively speaking. The truth about Fauci and gain-of-function terrifies the evildoers who acted with impunity. Let's track down who is stirring up this laughable bird flu scare, and give them something to worry about: truth.

Your rock, truth-teller Meryl! You tols them the truth about hydroxychloroquine, you told them the truth about the World Pandemic Treaty, and now you are telling them the truth about Chicken Littles' bird flu. You are terrifying! :) I wouldn't want to be them!

The truth will set us free. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth! I'm not shooting the robins, herons, or pileated woodpeckers either....

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We gotta make fun of them. Thanks for keeping us amused. That is how the TDS people will open their ears. HUMOR. And save the robins!

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Oh yes, as i have said before Satirists of the World Unite! You have Nothing to lose but your Cheneys! (paraphrase of a famous Marx quote)

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They're having a hard time getting traction with this durned bird-flu, but they're keeping at it.


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The evil doers have invested billions in billions into the goal of injecting RNA into all living things to get their ROI. Good Not concerned about the great harm that has been caused and will be caused with the great risk of destroying humanity and all living things on this earth Time to shut down!

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Hey you forgot to burn down the apple trees, Oh this soon will be the excuse for everything. "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

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I'm with you. It's time for the psychopaths to be beheaded and or thrown feet first into a wood chipper. We need to get these motherfuckers off the planet now.

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Absolutely remove from any power, but let us not become the monsters they are. Let them roost with the chickens and eat chicken food.

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That's not good enough. I guarantee you that the same people involved with this whole bird flu scam are the very ones who scammed us about the covid virus which was created for the poison jabs which were already in stock. I want the threat removed permanently. That's not becoming a monster, my dear. That's getting rid of the monsters. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal. These people are a threat to every person on the planet. They are not right in the head. They don't deserve to breathe.

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The simple answer is to have all chickens return to sunlight and eat bugs. They can feed them the crickets they are raising on cricket farms as a new source of protein. They would not have to give the chickens cracked corn loaded with antibiotics and a form of Vitamin D so they don't break their legs. Their immune systems would be healthier because they will no longer be stressed out for having no personal space and are just confined to a small space where all they do is eat and poop! Yep! all living things including humans have a immune system designed to ward off all pathogens. It works well when the deranged medicine man doesn't interfere in it's functionality. Running around yelling the sky is falling is what is transpiring to scare humans into being injected for fun and profit.

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Not so sure crickets raised for human consumption will be healthy for any creatures consumption. Of course if they are FDA approved that increases the chance of contamination.

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Fear mongering all over again.......

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I wonder if the hidden agenda is to get rid of the real food on earth?

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… Yet people were dying of the Covid vaccine and they did nothing. Seems like an overreaction to bird flu if a few deaths didn’t bother them before.

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Let me eat chicken, beef, and every other creature God provided-I will take my chances! God gave me my immune system for a reason. It is still going strong despite all the evil plans to destroy it.

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Time to cull (i.e. fire from job) those who are ordering this monstrous prgram, ASAP

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I don't want to downplay those who are sick (it's not fun), but maybe we shouldn't panic? People go to the hospital every year with severe flu symptoms, probably because it has turned into Pneumonia. I went to the hospital in the Fall of 2019 and came home sicker than when I went in. We have been conditioned to think that healthy immune systems don't work and that you should never be sick... 'emergency, emergency'.

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The real scam is, not one Single virus from HIV to polio to the chickenpox to COVID-19 has ever been proven scientifically to exist. That’s the real scam, virology is a hoax, a farce, a fear, mongering farce

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Tell it to the wart on my thumb!

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Do you seriously endorse the viroLIEgists’ so-called gold standard for proving the existence of ’viruses’ - a method that amounts to nothing more than poisoning monkey kidney cell cultures with a toxic brew of antibiotics like gentamicin and amphotericin B, depriving them of nutrients, and drowning them in high-dose fetal bovine serum, only to then declare that the resulting cytopathic effects are ’proof’ of viral presence. LMFAO 😃😃

Please tell me it isn't so.

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Spot on!

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The spot on his thumb is a wart mate!! Do you seriously endorse the viroLIEgists’ so-called gold standard for proving the existence of ’viruses’ - a method that amounts to nothing more than poisoning monkey kidney cell cultures with a toxic brew of antibiotics like gentamicin and amphotericin B, depriving them of nutrients, and drowning them in high-dose fetal bovine serum, only to then declare that the resulting cytopathic effects are ’proof’ of viral presence. LMFAO 😃😃

Please tell me it isn't so.

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The green monkey virus is a hoax?

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I’m sure you have a word on your thumb, and I had chickenpox at 13 but I had nothing to do with viruses. The psychopathic effect that virologist cling onto so dearly is a complete fraud. They starve a monkey kidney cell and then they poison it with two types of renal toxic antibiotics, then when the cell dies, they say it’s a virus that killed it BS! If you starve something and then poison it what do you think it’s gonna happen?

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I guess what they see with an electron microscope is Swiss cheese.

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No, sir, with these clown saw, and the electron microscope is nothing less than cellular debris brought on by necrosis. You see when things die they tend to fall apart and go back into their constituent parts “from you came and dust you shall return. “ former virologist, Stefan Lanca repeated this experiment minus the so-called infectious tissue, using monkey, kidney cell starvation and two renal toxic antibiotics just like the other virologist do and he got the same result cellular debris, what the virologist claim is the virus. Pure pseudoscience, pure idiocy, pure fraud that has led the world into ruin through the lockdowns in the lethal injection also known as the mRNA injection.. The truth matters

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Meryl, I hope you will deal with this persistent psyop in your reply.

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Try to sensor the truth, bud. Idiots and cowards like you that allowed this crap to happen in the first place

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You are absolutely clueless about my 50 year history of opposing the imperial order. Vax opponent for years. Stop your insulting behavior now.

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Look here you don’t tell me what to do or say or think you’re the one that started with the insulting, psychological operation bullshit

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Bird Flu ‘Virus’ ‘Isolation’: A Scientific Wild Goose Chase?

Ah, the majestic art of ‘isolating’ bird flu ‘virus’ – where proving a virus exists is as simple as throwing a cocktail of snot, antibiotics, and monkey kidney cells into a dish and calling whatever happens next ‘science.’

First, take a sample from a sick bird. Skip the pesky step of finding an intact virus – who has time for that? Instead, blend the sample with a soup of foreign genetic material, inject it into fertilized eggs, and let nature take its twisted course. If the chick embryos shrivel up and die, congratulations! You’ve definitively proven the presence of a virus. It couldn’t possibly be the antibiotics, the toxic brews used in the process, or the sheer trauma of being injected with mystery sludge. Nope – must be the virus!

Controls? Never heard of them. No need to inject a separate batch with sterilized material to see if the same carnage occurs. That would be bad for business. And purification? Pfft! Why purify when you can just assume? Just claim that whatever cellular debris, genetic fragments, and cellular breakdown products appear in the dish must be ‘H5N1’ – even if you never actually see an intact virus, let alone isolate one.

And let’s not forget PCR – the modern oracle of ‘disease detection.’ Amplify tiny genetic fragments (not a whole virus, mind you) to absurd levels, and voilà! You have a ‘confirmed case.’ Never mind that PCR was never designed to diagnose ‘infection’ – details like that only get in the way of a good pandemic narrative.

So, there you have it – bird flu ‘virus’ ‘isolation’ in all its glory. No actual virus, no proper controls, no purification, but plenty of scary headlines and lucrative vaccines. If ‘virus’ ‘isolation’ were a magic show, this would be sawing the lady in half – except the lady was never there, the saw was imaginary, and the audience is still gasping in horror.

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It doesn’t matter what strain they say or believe is spreading. When they want shit to hit the fan with this, they will just release a gain of function version that is actually pathogenic to humans and say “I told you so.”

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there are no virus so what was the human sick with? something sprayed on them like chemtrails?

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Biden ? Nay he was a puppet. Find the puppeteer. Follow the money 💰

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How much longer will it be before armies of angry mobs storm the labs that are creating this insanity and burn them to the ground and then hunt down the funders of this demonic evil and speed their journey to meet satan in person ?

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Bulldozers are stronger than AI robots!

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How do the symptoms differ from a typical case of seasonal flu? How is a definitive diagnosis made?

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Funny how they never tell you that...

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Meryl,if you talk about viruses,folks here will pay attention.

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"Government scientists and global academic experts..." -- that's supposed to convince me of what?

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