If even RFK is being censored, blocked from debates, not provided a security detail, minimized, deflected, ignored or attacked at every corner - what chance does any other candidate ever have in the future to challenge the UniParty? If they can effectively shut RFK down, they can shut anyone down. That one reason alone is good enough to make sure he gets an equal shot or becomes President.

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They're not allowing him to debate because they want to "save democracy." 🤡

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What they do not seem to get is we are a Republic so you cannot save something we're not

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I have so many reasons for wanting, actually needing, Bobby to win this election I would not have thought it possible to find additional reasons, but you did! :) You are right, if this man who feels this is his Calling and who has the knowledge, experience, guts and commitment to get us out of this mess is not seen as the clear choice by most Americans, we will never have another chance to save this country. This is Bobby’s time. This is our time.

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It would be UNAmerican if RFK is not allowed to debate. But they do not care. This whole episode in our history is planned: The New World Order. We have to refute everything "they" promote. We have to reveal everything the establishment wants to keep hidden. We have open their Pandora's box and reveal it all.

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Like him or not. He seems to be a viable candidate. This uni-party crap has got to stop…

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Yes, RFK, Jr should be in the CNN debate - definitely.

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CNN and the two candidates are afraid of real debates - that's obvious.

Why would they be afraid?

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I am not sure that Trump would be afraid to debate Bobby with his ultra Liberal agenda, with a few exceptions. If people aren't sick of Liberalism now, they are probably unreachable.

Perhaps Bobby's two biggest selling points are the Medical Mafia is incompetent and corrupt, while the Deep State has been politicized to go after opponents using Police State powers (including Assasinations). Points that Trump can appropriate.

I do agree that Trump would prefer not to have Bobby on the stage as he is already debating Booby Biden. The last thing the Democrat Mafia want is exposure of President Poopy Pants. The more you see, the less you like. So from Trump's perspective, giving more time to Biden is a net plus.

When I say it's the last thing the Dems want is Biden on stage, that assumes he is going to be the nominee. I never thought that was in the cards. The whole plan was to drag the walking Corpse through the Election season without discussing any real issues, and then switch to an alternative Candidate that won't really be vetted. Of course, they don't have to be vetted as their only campaign strategy is their Candidate isn't Trump. Put in a POC and the Dem base will come home. Steal another election and that's the end of America.

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RFK Jr. an ultra liberal?? This is propaganda, nothing more.

Joe Biden accepted 5.9 million from pharmaceutical companies for inauguration and Trump accepted 1.5 million for his. Both are beholden to do Big Pharma's agendas.

Anyone unclear about RFK Jr.'s vision and goals for America can learn more about him at his website: https://www.kennedy24.com/

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Junior is no conservative, even on vaccine issues. Here’s what he actually has said: “I’m pro-vaccine.” Then, “I don’t think we oughta be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans unless we know precisely that that vaccine is gonna end up helping people rather than hurting them.” https://rumble.com/v2samua-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-summarizes-his-views-on-childhood-vaccines-in-3-minut.html

“UNLESS”?? Exactly who gets to analyze the risk-benefit? Furthermore, his running mate is the aeronautical equivalent of a drag chute and will pull him down more effectively than a debate exclusion.

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I believe you may not be aware of the fact that the “unless” part can never happen...ever. Recall that the reason Pharma cannot be held accountable for any damage the vaccines cause is due to the law passed by President Reagan when he asked the CEO of Pfizer why they couldn’t just make the vaccines safe; The Pfizer CEO stated, “because vaccines are inherently unsafe.” This is why there are no double blind placebo controlled trials on the vaccines. Big Pharma knows the outcomes would be disastrous and the end to their billions. So, they will never perform a trial to determine if the vaccine would “end up helping people rather than hurting them.” Mr Kennedy knows this.

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Right on!

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What do you think they just did with the covid transfections? There can be no conditions at all. If Junior knew it couldn’t happen then why make the mandate conditional? Why the “unless?” Pandering to Big Harma?

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Gaye - I am following JFK Jr. since 2012. He knows that vaccines are poisonous. It is a strategy to reach those who still believe that vaccines are good for the kids and them.

It is impossible to have an interview with the corrupted CIA media if right away you claim that all vaccines are bad. You will be block and call a conspiracy theorist. They will attack you without stopping.

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I didn't say he was an Ultra Liberal. I said many of his policies are. Some of his policy would be considered anti - Ultra Liberal.

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It seems that Trump would prefer to not deal with facts, history and the specific details of his policies and Mr. Kennedy’s focus is on the specific historical details of 1. What is wrong with our country. 2. What needs to be done about it. 3. Why it will work. His knowledge of United States’ history (actually world history) of the events and the people involved and his experience fighting corrupt corporations are second to none. No hyperbole, no name calling , no insults- just the facts. I expect Mr. Trump would not be comfortable with this.

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Trump was comfortable enough to meet privately with Bobby for three hours and support Bobby's vaccine safety efforts, albeit sadly not long enough. After three hours with Bobby, besides knowing exactly how scummy Fauci is, since we are both making wild ass speculations, I would think Trump would know if he could handle Bobby in a bogus CNN debate.

Since the MSM is in the bag for senile Sam, they will have a tough time trashing Trump's disgusting Covid vaccine performance because they can't speak ill of vaccines.

Also, it isn't like Bobby doesn't have vulnerabilities. Besides decades of disgusting behavior, Bobby has other areas of attack. An easy question for Trump to ask Bobby, why did you use Covid driven donations to dramatically increase the salaries of Children's Health Defense officials, yourself included? Wasn't the money supposed to go to the defense of children's health? It makes you look like just another covid Grifter. I would like to know the answer to that question. Wouldn't you. and that's a fact.

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Could you please show us this ¨fact.¨

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The CHD Documents are all filed at their website. Why don’t you go look?. As I remember it salaries were about doubled.

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Kennedy does better in very-long interviews, which he gives all the time. (Contrast to Trump and Biden).

He needs to work on giving short answers to complex questions ... like he would have to give in one of these silly presidential debates.

Ron Paul was also brilliant, but he never really mastered the "short sound bite" that is so important in our politics.

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Biden is not nor has ever been a liberal. Look at the policies he has supported. He is a centrist or a capitalist like most of congress. Both parties serve the same donors….oligarchs.

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read his new Title 9 rules and explain to me how high school boys showering with HS girls is conservative? Peeking in the shower used to be considered perverse. It still is, except in the Biden shower.

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Where did I say Biden is a conservative? Sheesh. The crime bill and patriot act are not liberal bills.

Try reading my comment again and don’t put words in my mouth.

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You need to work on your reading skills. No where exactly did I say you called Biden a conservative? I asked if one of Biden's major policies was conservative when it is obviously radically liberal, negating your point that Biden isn't a Liberal. If you don't think the Federal Government ordering supposedly free Americans to not only allow but laud men's genitalia in girl's bathroom is not the penultimate liberal policy, what exactly is? It certainly isn't "centrist or capitalist" and it sure as hell isn't "conservative". Liberal is as Liberal does. Please show me exactly I said you said" Biden is a conservative?" Put up our shut up.

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I had to answer the democratic Mafia thing I am being amusing here as Larry Storch once said the Mafia stands for the Mother and Father's Italian association and Biden ain't no italian

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Trump welcomes RFK jr on that stage. Trump and RFK would both be walking into the lion’s den, unarmed except for their solid spines to stand up to the left leaning, Biden propping debate arena. Trump isn’t afraid of RFK and everyone, regardless of their political ideology, should welcome him on that stage. CNN sees RFK as a loser so why have him on that stage to defer from their prime target? They want to attack Trump and RFK would be a deviation from their plan. The script they’ve written can’t be changed because they just don’t care.

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I think CNN sees RFK, Jr. as a person too dangerous to their agenda to give a voice to. A person to be shut up and shut down AT ALL COSTS. Can you imagine: a person more dangerous to the elite media and globalist masters than Trump.

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I don't think DJT is afraid of a debate. Chiden of course is and CNN too.

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I think DJT IS afraid of being asked a lot of hard questions about the federal government's response to Covid and the shots. He okayed both the lockdowns and the warp-speed mRNA vaccines.

Of course, CNN nor Biden will ask him any of these type questions ... but Kennedy would have.

I think Kennedy would have picked up millions of new voters if he was allowed to participate in a REAL debate.

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I don't believe the format allows the Debaters to ask questions. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Even if they did I still think Trump could use it in a positive way. Look how evil they are! I am the only one that can protect you against the Deep State. Imagine what they would do if I'm not there?

That said, this is just reality TV not a real debate. To expect that from CNN is a bridge too far.

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I'm sure the "rules" don't allow a debater to ask his debating opponent a "question." This doesn't matter, though. You can use your two minutes to say whatever you want to say. You can ask whatever questions you want.

It's like when a lawyer says something in court and the opposing lawyer objects and the judge rules that the question should not have been allowed. The judge then tells the jury, "Ignore that comment/question. Put it out or your mind and forget if forever."

I don't think the jury does this. The same with a presidential debate.

What are they going to do to Trump if he asks unauthorized questions? Cancel/stop the debate? That would go over well with the public.

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if CNN gave a shit about the public they would not put on the crap they do. the Billionaire class learned long ago buying the Press is the cheapest way to steal billions while keeping the peasants with pitchforks fighting each other. Screw the Public.

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It occurs to me that Trump might not want to bait Biden in an effort to get him flustered and better reveal Biden's dementia. Trump's calculation might be that the voters already know the guy has ever-worsening dementia. Trump would rather face a candidate who everyone knows has dementia than some replacement candidate who can actually speak coherently.

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Yes, this sounds like someone afraid to debate. You left off the second part of Trump's statement about debating Kennedy. He said he wouldn't mind debating him IF Kennedy met CNN's debating criteria. Trump obviously knows those criteria are rigged and Kennedy would NOT meet those criteria. If he wasn't afraid of Kennedy, he would have said he wants Kennedy on the stage and able to participate.

Also, regarding the libertarian convention, RFK, Jr. publicly challenged Trump to a debate at that event .... since they were both going to speak at the same event. Trump could have easily accepted, but didn't.

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Trump only has scads of rigged court cases to contend with and very limited time. For someone who is willing to risk jail or worse on fake charges, your presumption that Trump is afraid to debate is ridiculous.

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yes! push that envelope !

-but don't forget the 'forever stamp' of the boot on the face...

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I love Kennedy on vaxx and food policy. Not sure on everything else. He is in favor of climate agenda, gun confiscation, unlimited support for Israel. He is very smart...I have heard him debate on these topics and does seem open to learning new perspectives. My concern is the potential vote split. Even if it is not a deciding factor...it could be used to obscure actual vote counts. On the other hand...he would undoubtedly blow the vaxx narrative out of the water.

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He is not in favor of ordinary "gun confiscation" (the kinds I have--or I would not support him) though maybe of AK47s and such? I don't know that. On climate, that too is nuanced and he is against the craziness being done in the name of climate change.

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Dr. Meryl, with all due respect, no guns should be confiscated. If they start with any of them it will never end! It’s not the law abiding gun owners, but criminals that are the problem. Our government wants us to be defenseless once they unleash all the violent illegals and arm them! There is no reason they are bringing in all these military age men!

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Do we really need machine guns etc. to protect ourselves? Aren't my 9 mm and my shotgun sufficient? I don't plan to be Rambo.

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Dr. Meryl, they are not machine guns. The left tries to make it as if they are to fit their narrative. Do you really think your 9mm and shotgun will protect you with multiple assailants? No. That’s our right to have them. Like I said in the first comment, criminals will never give any gun up, law or no law! None of us law abiding citizens plan to be Rambo, but I want the most efficient guns possible when our lawless government wages war against us and they are these violent illegals!

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No, they are not. With all due respect, I agree with Joni! What if you have a large family to protect?

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The drug cartels, for example, do not have a 2nd amendment, but they have automatic weapons. Our government penalizes law abiding citizens, but not our enemies, whether they be cartels or foreign nations. And now that our government has become the immediate enemy of the people, allowing in cartel members, MS-13 and who knows what other gang members, CCP infiltrators, not to mention the traitors in the government itself, the possibilities of needing as much protection as possible become more apparent daily.

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We're already out-gunned. I hope the 2nd Amendment gives us an extra layer of protection from government over-reach, but have you seen the military hardware just about every police force, sheriff department and the FBI now have in their arsenals?

They've now added cameras everywhere and an Air Force of drones. The IRS has a greater arsenal than many militaries.

We'd have to get the National Guard and their armories to come down on our side. It would be nice if the Police sided with citizens and not the people paying their salaries, but that remains to be seen.

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No one is saying that we need illegal fully automatic "machine guns" to protect ourselves. A fully automatic AK-47 ("machine gun") fires 600 rounds a minute. Most ordinary people would run out of ammo very quickly. These fully automatic rifles/"machine guns" are already illegal for ordinary citizens.

Semi-automatic AK-47s and AR-15s are legally available on the market. Functionally, they are no different than your 9 mm., which is also a semi-automatic firearm. For each round you wish to fire, you have to pull the trigger and then release it before pulling it again to fire the next round.

Most people do not realize that semi-automatic weapons are much more efficient at conserving ammo than are fully automatic weapons. I've seen people fire semi-automatic rifles as fast as 15 rounds in 3 seconds. That's pulling the trigger 3 times per second. In the military, soldiers are taught to normally put their rifle on semi-automatic and use single shots.

Semi-automatic rifles and shotguns have been available to American citizens for decades. These semi-automatic weapons are what Americans do NOT want to be made illegal to own. If the U.S. is ever invaded (by China, for example) or attacked from within by the millions of military age illegals currently swarming across our borders, or by hostile UN soldiers brought into the country as was done in Canada recently), American citizens will need at least semi-automatic weapons to even begin to try to protect themselves and their families.

The U.S. military is being decimated by the current executive administration, as it was during the Obama regime. American citizens would be unwise to believe the U.S. military will be able to protect the entire country, or even be able to start to respond to an invasion or internal assault.

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If we will face some of the illegal immigrants, bet on them being equipped with automatic weapons. If they got 'em, I want 'em, too. Shotguns have limited numbers of shells inside and many have heavy recoils. Machine guns do offer protection and have bullet capacities that are reasonable. I don't have an automatic weapon but I would not spurn them by any means. If we are to fight for our lives, I want to fire hot lead and fast.

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Dr. Nass you've done more damage than Rambo ever did.

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RFK jr's statement on the 2nd Amendment https://youtube.com/shorts/u4Vlbutajew?feature=shared

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How can one know in advance what weapon an enemy (including the government) will use to attack you or how many rounds the enemy has at his or her disposal? Isn't self-protection about having enough resources to defeat an enemy? There are already a number of infringements on the right to keep and bear arms. The AK-47 for example comes in both automatic (pull and hold the trigger) and semi-automatic configurations (pull the trigger each time). The fully automatic version is illegal in the USA. Cartels do not care about legalities. And cartels and other enemies are invading the USA every day.

For many years junior has been on record as hating natural gas and oil. Any nuances and position changes are most likely a result of his decision to run for president. He was totally against nuclear power before he ran for office. Biden spoke like a moderate to get elected. So did Obama. They both lied about what they would do. Junior has a number of leftist positions. Why should we believe that he has really changed? If he turns out to be another Biden or Obama (and we cannot be sure that he will not), many people will die and the nation will be permanently destroyed. He is a strong willed man who does not like to be wrong. I say he is as dangerous as any other leftist promising to fix everything.

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If you really want to know that you are prepared for an invasion or internal assault, you will have to have access to RPGs, weaponized drones, and manpads. Good luck with that, unless you are in the National Guard. Go watch what the Russians are doing to Ukrainian infantry with weaponized drones. The ground troops in bunkers and trenches don't stand a chance against Russian drones.

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Yet, depending on the type of attack and the capabilities of the enemy, you might be prepared. I am not saying that anyone can be prepared for every attack, just pointing out that it is probably better to have more than less.

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Totally agree.

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Agree, RFK Jr is a leading light on the vaxx issue; in this I admire him greatly and support his CHD organization. Alas, I cannot support his candidacy for office since he supports abortion. Will not vote for him but he should be allowed on that debate stage! I signed the petition.

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He supports Full Term Abortion...!

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He does not. 12 weeks AND support for women who feel they can't afford to keep their children, who abort because of poverty. Watch some youtube videos. Humans infanticide babies over human history when resources are low, documentedly, in evolution, which seems as horrible as late term abortion.

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Oh, I was reading older posts and news - he just changed his position recently: https://www.ncregister.com/cna/robert-f-kennedy-jr-retracts-full-term-abortion-support-backs-viability-limit

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Thanks for the source. I do not like or trust Junior. That is not the only thing he has changed on. I suspect this part of the ncregister.com article had a lot to do with it : "After facing backlash from numerous pro-life organizations and eliciting confusion within his own campaign, Kennedy walked back that position."

Smells a bit like vote pandering, do you think?.

I believe the real question is, if Junior were elected, would he revert to his initial position(s) or the one that the groups mentioned above do not support? Many people believed the words of Obama and Biden whose actions belied their words. In addition we need to consider that Junior has long believed the hoax that climate change is an existential threat, and that the world should stop using "fossil" fuels, but doesn't that mean that electricity will become much more expensive and that many poor will die for lack of relatively inexpensive energy? Junior doesn't seem to care about them. In this debate ot seems that every time Junior gets an issue he doesn't want to talk about, he tries to change the subject to vaccines. Fossil Fuels vs Renewables for Climate Change | Alex Epstein Debates Robert F. Kennedy Jr (youtube.com) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjE6tt8PoZE

Here is a point not many make: Junior is/was an environmental lawyer for many years. I regard him as a fanatical regulator. That's how environmental lawyers make money. Regulations, while sometimes necessary, restrict freedom and are obstacles to prosperity. Too many of them kill people. I think we need to ask ourselves if Junior would want to regulate anything and everything he does not like, fossil fuels being prime examples.

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He just did a podcast on Offshore Wind Turbines. He’s against that because he has fought for the fishermen in the past, but he’s all for the land ones, which also has proved to be harmful to migrating birds and the low frequency humming that comes from them is harmful. So yes, he’s all over the place on that

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Plus when there is no wind they are run by fossil fuels.

EVs use fossil fuels to charge them.


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Please use the following search term in google (other browsers do not support advanced search in the same way)

guns site:kennedy24.com

You will see that he is not planning to confiscate guns.

he is however wanting serious investigation into the possible connection between SSRI medication and school shootings.

The propaganda about RFK Jr. is by definition going to be negative so anything that stems from mainstream media will misrepresent him in the worst possible way simply because they do not want him to be listened to.

I wish I could vote for him, he has the best policies on 90% of what he says of any presidential candidate in any country as far as I can see.

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Important thing to consider is that gun changes whatever your stance really need Congress and all the things we really need about health freedom, truly reforming the agencies, etc., RFK Jr, CAN change as President with or without Congress and that is his focus and passion. I don't see him focusing on 2A on the trail and don't expect him to push reeling it back as President. If we don't have health freedom, we really don't have any freedoms. This is a spiritual war and no indication he can be bought or silenced on what matters most.

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I’m not really sure we should even watch this debate on CNN. All I see is hyped up sensationalism like WWF. These debates are never conducted properly. It’s a show. Does anyone in this substack world even watch tv cable news anymore? I mean, we all had to go here to get truth that was taken away on YouTube , fartbook and Twit. Why do we even care to watch? It’s disgusting

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Yes…I can vouch only for myself. I have not turned my TV on in 7 years and as a matter of fact we stored it and plan to sell it.

They sure got the name correct TELL LIE VISION!

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I threw my television into a dumpster back in 2002. I view it as one of the best things that I've ever done for myself.

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I quit after writing a university paper around 1980. Smartphones are way more dangerous.

Cycled through so many ideas over the last few years. We had an advertisement for the HPV kill shot show up in the mail. Then it came back. Personal Liability.

If your doctor or the person administering any mandated product will not take personal liability for a substance they administer, than how can it be mandated? You sure as hell can't sue a major multinational corporation, the supplier. Not and win anyway.

Well in that original1986 legislation they, Pharma, threatened to stop producing vaccines, if they did not have total immunity from prosecution by a law Ronnie was happy to sign.

It's kinda like Ukraine, remember that peace deal you initialed with Russia in Turkey, way back in March 22'. That would be a sweetheart deal if you could get it now! Go ahead stop making poison! Please!

If every single doctors office, hospital, clinic and drugstore closed tomorrow. We would loose a lot of chronic disease folks initially, certainly, but give it a year or two and the excess mortality would subside.

But of course they'd probably just double down on the Glyphosate and turn up the 5G. Now they threaten us continually with the viruses, they invented, and hey that's ok. As long as we have power and money you need to shut up.

Sorry for the rant, probably a bit dehydrated.

If RFK continues to be cancelled, a sure sign he is the real deal, I wanna move to a 3'rd world country and be a slave for them, at least they deserve some help.

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I cut the chord on cable TV as an inflation work-around ... but I want to watch these "debates" - just because I'm so curious if Biden can make it through his 38 minutes of speaking without a couple of glaring dementia 'gaffes."

I'm going to my in-laws to watch. She can make the popcorn.

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Well that’s why you’re watching, for the ENTERTAINMENT. It’s not for the sake of our getting our country back to the way it was framed by the founding fathers where they served WE THE PEOPLE.

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It's not really entertainment - it's more "morbid curiosity."

I'm also trying to figure out why Biden's handlers even allowed him to get on stage and participate. Fascinating calculations are afoot.

.... The "most important thing" to Biden and Trump was keeping Kennedy out of the so-called debate.

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I won't be watching either. I'll hear enough of it from the other sources I listen to and none from Legacy Media.

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I wonder if Biden starts expounding on his late uncle perhaps being eaten by cannibals ... or suddenly starts speaking in tongues ... if the MSM would think this warrants a little critical commentary.

If nothing else, Trump needs to ask him if any doctor has ever administered him a dementia test. He might also ask, "Did your doctors give you some amphetamines before you came on stage tonight?"

I'm one of those "contrarians." I think "President of the United States has dementia - which is being covered up by every person in the White House" ... does/should qualify as a "story" ... or an "issue" that needs to be discussed.

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Not very contrarian, just stating what seems clinically obvious. My gut says staging this debate is a calculated pose by the dems so they can show their constituents how bad he really is. Thus allowing them to kick him off the ticket and replace him with Clinton without toooo much party uproar. We’ll see.

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Yep. We'll see soon enough. And if Biden's drugs work well enough to get him through his 38 minutes' of remarks on Thursday, we'll then have Debate 2 - on ABC ... So we'll have to see if he can "survive" another 90-minute "debate."

FWIW, his dementia is worsening so much, he'll be in a lot rougher shape in two months.

I agree. If they are going to replace him, they need to replace him now.

Many have speculated Hillary will come off the bench ... but she's no spring chicken herself and she had her own health issues that were covered up in 2016. I don't know how many weeks she could campaign without showing her own health issues.

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Agreed I disconnected from cable tv and stopped watching mainstream TV at the beginning of the Covid bs. I do still watch sports but that is becoming difficult as well due to there narrative pushing.

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I just watch college football, my favorite pastime all of my life. But that sport's now been ruined.

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I like him ... a lot. Anyone who is a major enemy of Big Pharma, the Science Industrial Complex, the Military Industrial Complex, the Censorship Industrial Complex, the 25 "intelligence" and surveillance agencies, the MSM and the crony oligarch companies... is deserving of our enthusiastic support.

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No matter who you vote for sign this position and let the man speak. It keeps all sides on their toes, it breaks up poitical system and deep state by having that voice at the debates. AND he was the lone voice to stop the jabs. It benefits us to hear another deserving, qualified voice.

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I would like him in the debate. However, like him or not, President Trump is the only one that can expose the uniparty swamp and all its dwellers. Unlike Kennedy, Trump has shown himself to be weak on his stance of the corrupted medical/pharma side along with the alphabet agencies within the federal health conglomerate but he has the goods on all of the players trying to destroy our Republic.

How about we just get rid of the Resident in the White House and let Kennedy and Trump go at it! Frankly, a Trump/Kennedy ticket might work!

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Yay, Tom! Not that I have any say in the matter, but that's what I've been saying all along. Since it's mighty difficult to shift people from their life-long dedication to one or the other arm of the Uniparty, from the outside I hope Trump gets elected and then puts Kennedy high up in his admin, charged with really Draining The Swamp this time. K knows much more about how to do that than T does, even now. And then K can stand for POTUS in 2028. Sue butting out now.

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Yes he should!

It’s only fair to the people of this country!

No person in their right mind wants that corrupt idiot that was SELECTED and is trying his best to get us locked into a global surveillance using the WHO!

Once that happens this is how he will get away with his crimes!

Let the American people see these three men in real time and ask the right questions like are you going to get us OUT of the WHO!

I fear you will not get the right questions because we are dealing with CNN🙄LIARS!

May the best man win!

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yes get us out of the WHO as soon as possible.

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The fact he’s SO bad on Israel/Palestine to me is a sign of deeper problems. As a matter of principle he shouldn’t be barred from the debates, but I won’t be voting for him.

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It's clear that millions of American citizens support his campaign or are at least interested in hearing more from him. The fact that 9 to 17 percent of the people in presidential polls say they would vote for him is actually very significant. This showing is all the more impressive given the extreme measures that have been used to black-out his campaign and keep him off the ballots.

I also think the people who keep making points about our "uni-party" political system have identified another excellent point. How are we going to break away from this corrupt system if serious third-party candidates cannot fully participate in a presidential election?

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Well said

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I definitely think that allowing RFK Jr to be a part of the debate only helps us learn more truth. I would love to see that.

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I love Children’s Health Defense. Thank you Meryl for all your hard work!

These Presidents have no power. In my opinion, swiss bank authority is in control.

The best way to stop this is thru non compliance and revealing the truth of what is really happening.

I canceled my cable service when covid started. I refuse to watch TV. To me it's just a show.

The swiss banking cartel wants us to "believe" in their system in order to control us. What message would be sent to them if no one voted ?

If our system was real, RFK Jr should be included in the debate.

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Kennedy is by far the best option.

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What are the most important issues? Is the fact that millions of people are almost-certainly being killed and harmed by dangerous experimental shots ... and unconstitutional lockdowns ... issues voters/citizens shouldn't care about?

Kennedy is trying to focus on the biggest, most-important issues - issues that could actually save large numbers of lives ... IF they were considered "important issues," which, apparently, they are not.

IMO we're all now living through a real-life episode of "The Twilight Zone."

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Excerpt from a recent "Random Observations" column at my Substack ...

"It looks like RFK, Jr. won’t be able to participate in the CNN presidential debate after all … which, according to CNN and other pundits, proves “democracy” still reigns in America.

"Per the all-important rules, the debate will be 90 minutes. It will also include two commercial breaks (4 minutes). The moderators’ comments and questions will take up at least 10 minutes. This leaves us 76 minutes for “debate proper.” 

"Also, per the rules, each candidate can only speak for two minutes and then his microphone will be cut off. This means each candidate will have to put sentences together for a grand total of 38 minutes.

"Question: Can “Joe Biden” string 38 minutes of spoken words together without the whole world knowing he has ever-worsening dementia?

"Let’s be honest. This is the only “issue” anyone really cares about. Still, morbid national curiosity ensures this debate will break all ratings records.

Also, nobody’s really sure if a cocktail of amphetamines can get President Biden through those perilous 38 minutes.

"When the nation learned Elvis’s doctors had been feeding the King a pharmacy of drugs for years, those doctors lost their medical licenses. When White House doctors do the same thing for The Big Guy, they get a Public Service medal from Pfizer ...."


P.S. I like the meme I used as "art "with this story.

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Yes but he needs to clearly declare that:

* The transnational deep state has a large measure if not complete control of the three branches of U.S. government.

* The "Great Reset" is nothing less than a bid by the transnational deep state for worldwide technocratic government.

* That "Covid" and "Climate Change" are scams to depopulate the planet and usher in a one world government.

* His intention to remove the U.S. from the WHO.

* His intention to withdraw sovereign immunity from international organizations such as the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, the IMF, the WHO, the UN, and others.

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After reading this article below, I now think Kennedy should also clearly declare his intention to withdraw the U.S. from the UN:

Summoning the (United Nations) “Pact for the Future”. A New Global Order with a Digital Control System Run by “Trustworthy” AI


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Well said, but if you believe that weather modification is a part of climate change, the biggest scam about it is that it is being caused by geoengineering.

Yes. It's being used for control, but we must not toss the baby down the drain with the bathwater by not acknowledging the problem

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Will Trump declare all that? We know Biden won’t …

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Trump has specifically addressed some of the points already, others are implicit in America First. Here is a list of Trump's achievements in his first 3.5 years Exclusive: Trump list shows 319 ‘results’ and promises kept in three and a half years - Washington Examiner


Trump also served notice to withdraw from WHO in July 2020. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-administration-world-health-organization-who-withdrawal-notice

He has blasted the deep state on numerous occasions. At the WEF meeting in Jan 2020, here is an excerpt from Trump's speech in which he blasts the globalists:

"But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune-tellers — and I have them and you have them, and we all have them, and they want to see us do badly, but we don’t let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the ’70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives."


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doubt it

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I like the guy. He’s 100% on the mark on many issues. But think about this. Will he support the second amendment?

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Search on google with the following search term

guns site:kennedy24.com

He is not wanting to confiscate guns. He wants to have investigation into the link between numerous SSRI prescriptions and school shootings.

I think he is the wisest of the lot BY FAR.

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Not without [more] infringements

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