Thirty years ago I coined the term ‘legal extortion’ when referring to the creation of the surveillance state.

The UN and the WHO are the epitome of said legal extortion.

And Dr Meryl Nass is the benchmark of alert citizen investigative journalism.

Thank you.

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Oh goody!

20 billion dollars for the U.N.'s new "early warning system" ... such as the state-of-the-art early warning system of Lahaina, conveniently turned off when most needed.

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It might have been "control fraud", huh? https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/lahaina-tree-burns-inside-out

"The best way to rob a bank", they say, "is to own it".

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Hi John.

Yeah. Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine" was only the tip of the iceberg. I remember reading your post about the sacking of Lahaina. I've been in touch off and on with YouTuber's Traci and Shane from "Brush Junkie" since then. Shane also has quite a detailed homepage regarding DEW technology and 15 minute cities. https://individualistanarchy.wordpress.com/. Wish I could get my sister weaned from television, but I think she's grown allergic to reading anything longer than an X tweet.

Heading to bed.

Oyasumi nasai!

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Sweet dreams.

That's a good Maui update, Steve.

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Something else they’ll bend over the taxpayer to fund. The UN no longer serves anyone but themselves and their NGO’s.

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"Executive Action with Extreme Prejudice"?


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Bunch of B S

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"The United Nations is a continuation of British influence under the pretense of global cooperation. Established as a successor to the League of Nations, the UN allowed British elites to exert control over international decision-making processes. Through this organization, Britain maintained a powerful role in shaping global policies, ensuring that its influence persisted in the post-colonial era and that international governance aligned with British interests."


Masters of Deception: The British Empire's Manipulation of Revolutions and the Jewish Scapegoat

Richard Poe and Courtenay Turner


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Who Is Shaking The Jar?

For one example:

"HNH (Hope Not Hate) partners with Global Dialogue, a UK-based international philanthropic organisation that funnels funds and 'expertise' from an array of global philanthropists and their tax-exempt trusts and foundations. For example, through Global Dialogue, HNH is supported by the Ariadne network.

Ariadne links financiers, who are seeking to 'work more strategically,' with organisations pushing for 'social change.' It creates both virtual and 'in person' networks enabling recipient organisations to access training and administrative tools, pool resources and work collaboratively to 'maximise impact.' Through Ariadne, 'philanthropic' oligarchs from the Omidyars (Luminate) to the Rockefellers (the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) to the Soros family (Open Society Foundations) assist HNH research projects and intelligence operations.


Despite tipping its hat to the importance of 'debate and disagreement,' HNH has proved by its actions that it doesn’t believe its own words. In fact, it appears HNH is vehemently opposed to debate and disagreement. If we consider freedom of speech a basic and fundamental ideal of a democratic society, then HNH—and the network of interests it represents—could be said to hold representative democracy in contempt.

HNH assumes and, via the public-private network behind it, is provided the authority to limit 'debate and disagreement' on social media as it wishes."


Manufacturing the Far-Right: Who Is Shaking the Jar?

Following the outbreak of civil unrest in the United Kingdom, the entire UK establishment blamed alleged “far-right influencers” for peddling online “disinformation,” which, it was said, “caused” riots. In response, the UK prime minister announced the government would take measures to “keep our streets safe.” When we look more closely, however, the far-right threat in the UK appears to have been manufactured by a public-private partnership that has attempted to legitimise the policy response. The reported “influencers” are not who we are told. Who is shaking the jar and why?


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Meryl, don't you find it mind boggling that people fall for the UN propaganda when it is so obvious the opposite is the truth?

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It's obvious to us who frequent substack. It isn't at all obvious to those who take daily doses of the likes of NPR, which is ensuring that the message of protecting against dangerous misinformation-- such as that found on this substack-- is guarded against and countered by "trusted narratives."

Propaganda is the cognitive ocean many swim in but are unable to see it all around them.

The Ministry of Truth doesn't speak in dull monotones. It's animated, intellectual, apparently thoughtful, pensive, concerned, compassionate. But its mission is to stick to the script without significant questioning, and from what I can gather people are paid fairly well and gain prestige by doing so.

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Great one more idea to give the UN increased control through our dependency on the institution just give them the money

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The larger problem is the silence from the body politic left /right and corporate media, Fox included. Only Rob Schmitt, Greta Van Sustern, Wendy Bell ,Greg Kelly ,I’m drawing a blank on another host’s name and their frequent guests hammer the UN/WEF and their ignominious globalist satellite NGOs, Think Tanks, “ Global Foundations”, “ Philanthropies”, charities , various outposts, orgs and the players.

I’m disgusted with the largely silent Republicans . Most notably, the Fraudem Caucus and the fundamentalist Right. Where are Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Rand Paul, Jim Jordan, Kim Reynolds, Marsha Blackburn, Greg Abbott, Chip Roy, Steve Scalise, Mike Lee… the rest of the whiners and “ anti-abortion “ religious freedom “. ( if you want to call it that) zealots? The only Republicans who’ve dared uttered a peep have been Ron Johnson, Paul Gosar, Good, Massie ( somewhat), MTG who was expelled from the Freedom Caucus… regardless, nary a one has dared call out the WEF Young Global Leaders or the parallels globally. Milei, Wilders, Bukele, Orban, Bolsinaro , Polivievre, Malvini, Braverman, Elon Musk, Vivek , Tulsi and RFK Jr have. Polivievre has made it a large part of his campaign against Trudeau.

Complaining about “ wokeness” and all this other shit without naming the source or the endgame means nothing.

The real heroes are the SubStackers and other alternative media sources… and the heroes span the political, racial, religious, economic and ideological spectrum. Bless them all! Meryl Nass especially.

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I can do a better job at 1c only per living person, every year... I expect the check in mail.

You are welcome :P!

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I haven't read the whole article yet, will have to later, but I read their "flyer." What cracks me up is how they always want to make money off of us while they're in the process of killing us.

In this case it's really hilarious. They're the ones doing all the "weather modification/Geoengineering which is killing us (and the planet, every animal, plant, insect, etc), and it's what they're calling "climate change." Then, in addition, they think we'll cough up billions for their "early warning" which they will already KNOW is coming because THEY created, steered, increased the severity, etc. of every single weather disaster (or fire).

They really are quite amazing in their audacity.

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One wonders what they'll use the money for, once the planet is poisoned and barren and air is no longer being produced and there is nothing to buy, with the top few perps killing them and each other for the remains of the resources that have yet to become outdated...

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You said it!!

Really stupid

"criminally insane parasite predator class at the wheel." Best description I've heard yet, courtesy of Dane Wiggins of Geoengineering.com

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P.S. Dane’s correct last name is spelled “Wigginton”.

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And he's awesome!

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Oh I get it an early warning to the investors so they can capitalize on the latest scam, um, er, "natural" disaster.

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Or just to enjoy the panic and suffering they've created?

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Here is archival footage of a history untold, buried deep along with the 100s of millions who were starved and slaughtered using the same techniques that the cabal is reviving today. Destroying the food supply to intentionally create famine is especially relevant. Once you understand our TRUE history, the present isn't nearly as confusing. This is a long, disturbing video series that you should only watch one part at a time. Take a break in between parts or you will feel sick and turn away in disgust. The sources for all of the documentary materials are listed at the end of episode 10. Unfortunately, this is a true story. https://us.europathelastbattle.net/watchnow-beta-test.html

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They’re manufacturing consent for worldwide famine by starting with the Palestinians in Gaza. Gallant told the world that Israel would not allow any food, water or gas into Gaza and many people yawned because something ‘happened' on October 7, while they ignored Israel’s siege of Gaza for 17 years. And their occasional mowing the lawn.

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Yes it's part of their standard play book and they are well on the way to the destruction of the food supply. Killing millions of chickens, cows, pigs "possibly" infected with lab-produced "viruses" (bioweapons), burning down food processing and storage facilities, poisoning the soil, air and water with toxic chemicals so powerful they even kill the insects and the seizure, hoarding and repurposing of prime farmland accelerate the devastation.

We have to circumvent the unions and reach the sheriffs, police, military soldiers with the message that "just following orders" will affect the health and survival of their own families. The ones with the guns must turn to roundup the international criminals who are behind this takeover.

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Oh, just watched the first one. The actions of those people, was not that long ago. I am absolutely appalled by the lengths the power hungry people will go, to accomplish their agenda.

And for the people who have a remnant of freedom , hang on tight! Know your Truth, get right with your Maker, and Pray .

Thank you.

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Thank you for ruining my day! I was in a state of OK'edness, before watching to the end that Europa vid. What a work! It has painted in the uncolored portions which I had no doubt existed but I had not come to their details with names and faces attached along with dates, etc.

We as a people, are simply too forgetful of history. We just want to be left to live a simple life and raise children. But Satanic forces, led by the "father of lies" has other plans, and he does not sleep or give up the drive. In my learning, it has been made clear by divine prophetic insight, not my own, but by the end times prophet, that the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church aka the Jesuit Order(s) (there is a Black and a White Pope. The one dressed in white is more of the social figurehead, while the one in black is the true power behind the movements that are hatched in the system of religion called Catholicism.) The "order" was created to answer the movements of the Reformation back in the 16th century when Luther disturbed the peace and nailed the 95 to the Cathedral door.

Anyway, this is all to say that if one is actually ever able to follow the scanty trail to its sources, it will be all too disquieting. This video series promises to do just that. I forwarded it to my brother's address, hoping it will kindle a spark of desire to obtain light, and know the Truth as it is promised to "set us free." He's no Christian, but truths like this can change the hardest of hearts. Thank you very much for the link, brother Don.


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Thanks for the comment... glad to hear you appreciated the link.

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I certainly did! I'll be watching all ten, one at a time as you suggest with a recess between them for "recovery time." There's nothing that I have found to compare to the exposure they provide.

Thanks so much!

In Christ,


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I skipped ahead to the last episode, which made striking assertions of Trump (and Alex Jones too!) being part of a massive Jewish plot, including playacting in opposition to the news media. It ended in glowing portraits of Hitler. Who the hell produced this? What exactly did you want viewers to get from this?

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I haven't got that far yet so I can't comment on episode 11. I've only watched the first hour so far... it was all that I could take in one sitting. I want people to watch and understand that the history we learned in school and from the "official" sources may not be the truth. Neither may this. Use your own judgement but don't ignore the possibilities just because they are offensive.

Comment update: I just finished watching part 2: World War 1 and there are definitely ideological statements made that I totally disagree with, nevertheless I am still thankful for the historical information that the film adds to my awareness. In my opinion, the spiel about equality in part 2 at timecode 47:52 is absolute garbage.

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Brother Don,

After watching the next two parts, it became somewhat evident that the presenter of the video is in support of Hitler's socialism ideal. It would not be difficult to join in, with such persuasive reporting. And I would not doubt that there is a great portion of the report that is quite true. But situations do change; minds and hearts can change sides amid the shattering of moralistic behavior. Satanic influence holds sway and step by step degrades into full-fledged wickedness. "War is hell."

What I've gathered in the past couple decades, is that most of what we are fed is propaganda. To support that accusation, it can be presented that the "big" three; Churchhill, FDR, and Stalin were all 33 degree Freemasons. What concern does that solicit? It is a fact that "high masons" KNOW that they worship Satan as their god.

As strange as this is, it has been a matter of historical reality that there is an ongoing "controversy" between Christ and His angels, and Satan and his angels. The use of "ideology" and delusive techniques of every type are widely utilized, and not without success. This is Satan's world; usurped from the Creator, but it is a temporary situation. Christ officiates currently in the Sanctuary above, interceding for repentant sinners. At some point in the near future, He will stand up and proclaim his change of vocation from intercessory to Leader of the Awesome Second Coming, and the First Resurrection and the consequent destruction of the wicked living.

Is that what we have been taught from the pulpits of Christendom? From honored men of the era of Protestantism? Why have the congregations been told a bold lie? Who or what organized such propaganda amidst the flood of bibles throughout the country of refuge? Surely, a vast, powerful and well-organized system of religion, one which is rabid for control and power over the minds of men stands guilty as charged. But who is it that charges "iniquity" to this group or system of religion? Is it not the "protestants" protesting the evil waged upon the society of believers in Truth, as it is written in the Scriptures?

Here, we come into the world of delusion and deception. God's directive for His faithful followers is clear. They are to "give the trumpet a certain sound," meaning to stress the urgency of the warning call. The sentinels must be on guard always, and must also engage in the training of recruits for the continuation of evangelizing unwary souls as to the dangers and delusions before us.

This is the final "war" to be waged, and although its outcome, prophesied beforehand, is one of victory, the vast majority of souls will perish due to Satan's tactics. We, therefore carry on and face the music slated for the occasion. It will get exceedingly rough as time moves forward, and this will solicit the thoughts of a large number of souls who otherwise would rest in leisure and comfort. Now is the time for investigation into the Truths stated in God's Word in preparation for such a time.

I wish that there were a brighter picture to portray. Recall that the era of Germany's abundance was very real indeed, as she basked in her self-proficiency being led out from under the "bankster's thumbs as the video expounds. The "Christian" ideology espoused by Hitler was not true Christianity, but a false one, determined upon world domination. This is not even brought out in the video, but is a truth that can be attained by study. A lying, murderous, plotting "church" which can order the bank-rolling of waring nations is difficult to engage with, and just as difficult to verify her subversive actions.

Her title: "Mother of Harlots" The RCC.

Our duty: divulge her as the "Anti-Christ"

Her daughter churches (supposedly "Protestant"): Babylon

This is our duty to proclaim to a sleepy world which rejects anything abrasive. And we'd better not expect much support from the Christian Coalition.

God help us all!


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That’s the solution to climate change all right. An expensive siren. Unbelievable.

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IMHO, cut off their money entirely and push them to fold.

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Criminal organization

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