No machines, paper ballots counted on site publicly, not transported before counting. How it always should have been

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With scrutineers from both parties.

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MAHA , MAGA people united ! go go go

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They can't use dead people names - Jim Jones style during the Harvey Milk election

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The entire country of France hand counts all ballots and they have their results counted by the end of the night. GA just needs to break down into smaller precincts like we had before they started installing machines. They are just trying to make this more difficult than it is so they can get back to stealing votes.

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Agreed! Does this mean that the machines won't be used at all in Georgia (where I live)? Or just that the printed-out sheets will be counted? If it's the latter, I don't think it'll help a lot. The machines CAN be & ARE hacked, changing votes.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm afraid that is no longer the case. Electronic machines and mail-in votes are the only way Macron ever "won" elections .

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The county that is banning ballot (stuffing) boxes is in Pennsylvania - an important swing state. Great news. The stated reason ( by the Luzerne County manager ) is that they feel these boxes require 24/7 supervision (think '2000 Mules') by a living breathing person....and they state that video surveillance is not considered sufficient.

You don't say .....

Let's hope to see more of this.

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Praise The Lord must be a lot of pissed off Georgians 🙏🙏🙏

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No. Just the ones at the top.

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I hope so...& I'm one of them!!!

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why? Genuinely curious.

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Because the 2020 Presidential election in Georgia was stolen in favor of Democrats. And they had planned to do it again but this law prevents them.

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Oh! I just reread your comment...yeah, for sure!

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: )

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Why would any honest sane person not want paper ballots and voter ID?

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LOL--other countries manage to count the paper ballots for a whole country in a few hours, yet Georgia is panicked it won't be able to do it in a timely fashion.

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When I hear the argument for "electronic" voting machines in America, I can't help but think, "we celebrate 3rd world countries where millions of people vote using paper ballots but, for some reason, America can't do it?" If we are going to keep claiming "democracy" is our form of government (which, of course, it isn't... we are supposed to be a Republic with a bit of democracy thrown in the mix) we *must* insure, to the greatest degree possible, that votes are fair and *real*. Georgia is a step in the right direction.

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Depends on whose hands are doing the counting. The fascist dems have plenty of other states to pick on.

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I participated in the hand counting of paper ballots in NZ about a decade ago. Scrutineers were solicited from the public and checked for criminal convictions well before election day. For my local part of my electorate, about a dozen of us scrutineers were locked in a hall, sitting round a huge table. The ballots from our polling places were tipped into a huge pile in the middle of the table and distributed as a couple of handfuls in front of each us. Our job was to sort the papers in front of us into one of (however many parties had solicted votes plus one pile for independents and write-in votes). When that was done, the sorted piles from each scrutineer were amalgamated into larger piles in the middle of the table. At this point, anyone in the room could check any voting paper in any pile, to make sure everything was accurately sorted. The number of papers in each of the big piles was then counted, again in front of everyone in the hall and we all had to agree that the result was accurate. Then the result was phoned in to the central counting place. This happened in halls all over the country and was so easy and quick that the whole count was finished and the result sent to the media by 11 pm on polling day. And I, at least, was happy that the result was genuine. Over the next few days the papers were recounted for any electorate where the result was close. And that was it. SURELY the USA can manage that ?? (And just by the way, this DIDN'T happen in the 2020 NZ General election when Jacinda Ardern was elected in a landslide. Just sayin').

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Thanks - I was wondering how she could ever have won

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It has seemed - at least to me - that every major election since maybe Blair has smelled fishy. No president or PM since then, in any of the "five eyes", has felt real. When they shuffle off we never hear from them again. Cameron? May? Lettuce? Sunak? These people were Prime Ministers of England? Really? Does it feel to you that Trump was ever really President of the USA? The recent UK election felt like theater that had been previously decided and the only significant things were bringing Farage in - maybe to later join the conservatives and become PM - and getting rid of Galloway and Bridgen. I no longer believe our elected representatives have any true power at all. So yes, paper all the way, no transportation, public count, voter I.D., no mail in, no computers or electronics of any kind whatsoever. But I don't suppose it will do a blind bit of good even if that were to happen. It is off to digital tyranny for us.

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No, actually. At least, not entirely. When Trump was elected in 2016 I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. I had been bracing myself for hot nuclear war if Killary was elected, as everyone expected she would be. But no, Trump made nice with Putin and Xi, actually went to visit Kim Jong Un (who had actually been lobbing nukes towards the US in a dyspeptic sort of way) and made him feel like One of the Big Men -- which turned out to be all he wanted. Whew! AND Trump withdrew from the Climate Crisis scam. He exited the TPPA, against which I had been literally demonstrating in the streets of Auckland. He even tried to exit the UN (which nobody else even realised was "conceived in initquity and birthed in sin" as James Corbett so sweetly puts it). They scotched that, by getting Congress to tell him he had to wait a year, after which they released the whole covid scam and swamped him with fake "expertise' and election riggin so that he lost power before the year was over. But internationally, he was definitely a real POTUS -- and NOT one of the globalist gaggle. But nationally, not so much. The problem was that being elected was just as much a surprise to him as it was to everyone in the Deep State and he soon found that he didn't know HOW to Drain The Swamp as promised. So people like Fauci et al and the Military Cabal surrounded him and swamped all his good instincts with their propaganda and superior "expertise". And the Gaggle have done their damnedest to neutralise him ever since. Impeachment. Twice. Lawfare ad nauseam. Nothing worked. So lately they've tried to kill him, not once but twice. So far. BUT, by now he knows much more about "how this town works" than he did last time -- and consequently has surrounded himself with (a few people I think will turn out to be shills, sadly -- but also) several good folk who DO know the politics business and will be excellent allies. ALL of whom -- including Trump himself -- were once members of the now disastrous Democratic Party. So if Trump, Bobby, Tulsi and Bret do manage to take the White House, I am hopeful that the psycopathic Globalists of the New World Order will be squashed like "ze bugs" they are and the world will not have to keep pretending that carbon dioxide is lethal and continue putting up with BlackRock's machinations -- but may even enter a new golden age. How's that for congential optimism?!

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I do not disagree - nice Corbett quote

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Thank God! Could we please have a fair election? Is this really asking too much? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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But also remember....hand counting votes DOES NOT mean that every ballot they count (especially mail in ballots) are legal ballots. That is where one of the biggest issues lays especially with millions of illegals voting and their registration used to fill out an illegal mail in ballot

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This is where you need to have (1) ONLY ON-the-DAY voting (2) enough polling places so that every voter can be checked for citizenship and identity and ticked off on a list to make sure they don't vote more than once -- which means that (3) you need to ACTUALLY HAVE A LIST OF CITIZENS ! So really A LOT of preliminary work needs to have been done, which in turn means that this whole election thing has to be taken seriously. It is presently very apparent that IT ISN'T taken seriously in America. Which I must admit is seriously shocking to those of us who live out here in the rest of the world ....

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If there will still be machine ballots, then what good is this?? It has been shown has easy it is to hack the machines & change votes. This won't do anything to ensure an accurate count, & I have pretty much no confidence in our state leadership in Georgia.

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Let’s see if they can conduct a fair election!

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Yeah but WHO is doing the recounts?!

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I believe you meant "county" and not "country" above. From Coffee & Covid: "the Pennsylvania Times Leader ran a story yesterday headlined, “Luzerne County won’t have mail ballot drop boxes in Nov. 5 general election."

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Depends on whose hands are doing the counting. The fascist dems have plenty of other states to pick on.

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Depends on whose hands are doing the counting. The fascist dems have plenty of other states to pick on.

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