Raw milk and dairy products have *always* been cleaner/safer. Small operations can't afford to have people getting sick from their product so they go through great lengths to insure sanitation, good treatment of the animals, etc. (I grew up on a small farm/ranch and we had milk cows so I know what goes on behind the scenes). People don't even realize that mass produced milk is allowed to have certain amounts of pus and all kinds of other garbage in it because it is "pasteurized" and sometimes "homogenized" that supposedly kills the bad stuff in the pus and other garbage. There was a time in our history where pasteurization was very necessary (filthy conditions, cattle being brought right into the city, etc). Just like with diseases that supposedly needed a "vaccine" to "cure", once we cleaned things up, got running water, plumbing, sewage, etc, we no longer needed unnatural ways to fix things. This whole "raw milk" issue is completely political and part of the greater agenda of shutting down mean, poultry and dairy so we can all eat bugs and own nothing and "be happy".

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Dear LORD it's good to hear basic common sense. The globalist must be stopped, arrested & imprisoned for their attack on humanity!

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Executed. They are a cancer that cannot be reasoned with, so they must be destroyed.

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Does ANYONE believe/trust that a PCR can test for ANY specific pathogen/disease?!

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The guy who developed the PCR test says it's non-diagnostic.

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Yeah. That's why he died unexpectedly, under suspicious circumstances.

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His name was Dr. Kary B. Mullis. RIP.

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Thanks, Jayne. August 7th, eh? I didn't know he was gone. I guess he outlived his usefulness to the deep state

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To give a tidbit of the trustworthylessness of news media, his obit says he died at age 74 and was born in 1944. Uh, check the math?

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sadly, I know people who are STILL using them to test for covid, with every 'cold/flu-like symptom. its insane

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Sadly true.

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Well, I didn't think you could catch bird flu from dairy nor beef products either, if cooked right. Now that they have spent tax payers money for this, will it end or will they come back and say they were wrong, to give more ammunition for their fake jab?

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I would say that it is not the rawness that makes it safe, but that it comes from small herds isolated from each other as opposed to large herds from practically clone stock, chronically vaccinated and periodically mass-slaughtered because of the inevitable production of highly virulent super-strains caused by "quasi-species mutant swarm" variation.

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All PCR testing is 110% fake. There is no basis or standardization with which to compare measurements by. It's all a lie.

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Thank you Dr. Nass. The FBI raided a raw milk farm here, then went on to raid a clinic providing IV vitamin C to first responders during the early months of the pandemic (now they are back to human trafficking no doubt). Everyone should read Jenna McCarthy on Pfizer making the microbial rennet used in cheeses. Pfizer---it is in the sky over China and in your cheese. I found microbial rennet in my Irish grass-fed Aldi's cheese. It is as if they want to poison every single molecule on earth.

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Buy raw dairy from a grass fed meat purveyor who sells dairy or a farm near your home selling on realmilk.com. You can also check with a chapter leader near your home on WestonAPrice.org. The tab is local chapters on the Price.org site.

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Why are they finding Bird Flu ONLY in chickens, cows and people? Not in parrots, swallows, geese, ducks, eagles, etc. Why do few of us recognize this hoax?

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Give them a break, they are working overtime manufacturing evidence as it is!

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But those cows are infested with the nanotech and lipid nano particles from the air via the chemtrails, and "vaccines" if they've been "vacci-poisoned", which they likely have been; so, no animal products are safe anymore. Actually, they long haven't been even if you don't count the chemtrails, because of GMO feed(s), whatever fertilizers, if any, have been put on the grass they feed on, vaccines (and "vaccines"), other drug medications, radioactive fallout that is still continuing from Fukushima in 2011 (three reactors still in meltdown, one of which is a plutonium reactor, making the radiation from it far worse than the uranium reactors, antibiotics (some of which are cancer causing), and on and on, ad nauseum. We're now living a sci-fi and horror story in real life, and the second holocaust on steroids.

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)..."! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]


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God will destroy those who destroy the earth. (Rev 11:18)

Restore the soil as best you can,eat as natural as you can.These are actions supporting life, not anti-life.

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Really…CANNOT trust this government in any way..why do we continue to fund it? Thank you for this intel…we must cut the head off of the snake.

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Being on keto for the past 10 years and Paleo for 10 years before that, I have only been buying heavy cream, whether low temperature pasteurized or raw and only organic. When we moved to Florida in 2020, the price wasn't bad but then Biden came in, and the price went sky-high. I did find a dairy that sends heavy cream to an organic store I shop at, as the major grocery stores only sell ultra-pasteurized heavy cream. I was never worried about bird flu, just about the shot they are planning that can jump from person to person.

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LOVE the real stuff (heavy cream) but the store-bought stuff is a lighter cream spiked with seaweed ("carrageenan") to make it look and feel "heavy" and to keep it from separating, as if we're not capable of shaking the container before pouring. Margarine still sells, too, despite being spiked with hydrogen to form trans-fats that are more solid and infinitely more dangerous to the cardiovascular system. Time to de-fund the FDA, since its obvious that it serves only corporate interests and continues to fail in it's stated consumer protection mission.

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Not all heavy cream sold in stores is lighter though, you are correct, a lot is. Read what I just wrote to Cynthia Ford. I say the same to you.

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Yep, my CSA farmer has "pet milk" and byproducts. As for stores, Marburg brand buttermilk is just buttermilk & salt. Of course, it costs more per quart than than many of the others' half-gallons.

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No such thing as a "virus" so that shot must contain massive amounts of toxins/poisons. Personally, I doubt that such a shot can created.

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As you say, I cannot find any low-temp pasteurized products in the regular grocery stores any longer either. It is all the high temp ultra-pasteurized that has the proteins altered, and a very long shelf life. I have read that even animals won't eat it.

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It tastes like crap, too.

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Yea, I know and I would tell you the same thing I said to Cynthia Ford, above. The ultra-p muck is in every store around the country. Also some farm markets might have raw dairy that comes to the market once a month or so.

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I thought we all had agreed to ignore any PCR results since they were some 90% false positives--not suitable to produce valid results for any virus!

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No but this was the previous pandemic, this one is super-real, y'all!

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I appreciate this stack. Here in central Maine, I feel very fortunate to have a small dairy farm that supplies me with raw milk and cream. Delicious with no stomach upset. I do have to make my own butter with their cream since no one can provide raw butter and have it be cost effective.

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I appreciate your updates

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Don't raw milk products contain intact immune factors? More important for baby cows, but probably for us too, given the long history of cohabitation with the animals. In some areas, homes in early-mid 19th C still had the animals inside for heat and protection from predators. It is found uniformly in ancient dwellings right up to industrial times.

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Raw milk even has vitamin C in it, that is burned out buy the p and ultra-p.

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.....not to mention the ultrafractionization of fat globules into shards that irritate arterial luminae.

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I'm a WestonAPrice,org member and we believe in raw milk and getting to know your farmers. We should IMHO stop making pasteurized dairy.

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Did not know that, but it makes sense, because they eat the greens for us ;)

The way the Eskimos prepare fish, by sun drying or low temp open smoking, preserves the Vit C in the fish too.

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Absolutely not. Stop taking them immediately and forget all history. Your bug allowance is right over there.

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Evolution, epigenetics, and natural immunity find a way. Jeff Goldbloom, 🌺 Jurassic park, lol.

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