Nothing those criminal regulators (FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, etc) do surprises any of us any more. Any parent who subjects their children to this poison... I just don't know what to say? Do they WANT their children damaged for life? Are parents so indoctrinated they trust these institutions that have betrayed them? So sad to see this.

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It's scary that they are so corrupted and in your face about it now. There is nothing they won't approve now matter how deadly it is. We are in for a future where there are no longer any vaccines, treatments or even foods that are safe.

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I think that future is already here...

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FDA also made it so food manufacturers no longer have list on their products if the food is GMO. One reason I grow my own food.

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In "today" runs the "Future" Amen that for You!!!!

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I see it all around me- people have the utmost faith in these corrupt organizations. They have no desire to do research or use their brain to ask questions

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It's an ill wind Indeed that blows no good at all !

So sad for those who were bullied and persuaded into " it"

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"Are parents so indoctrinated they trust these institutions that have betrayed them?"

YES and much of it is because they don't know that they have been betrayed. They don't know about the dangers of this so called vaccine.

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I think you are being too kind. People don’t deserve a hall pass on this one bc they don’t know the dangers. I was of the conventional medicine mindset a long time ago…I didn’t have the Internet to search for information far and wide…only my doctors…my journey started before I had a computer. I had to go into small health food stores ( thank god they existed) to start learning about vaccines. Now people can spend a just few minutes to access journal articles, listen to scientists and medical professionals- so as far as I’m concerned, there is zero excuse for not knowing the dangers.

People are lazy and would rather be told what to do as long as they can continue with their video games, social media, junk food, alcohol and every other addition that people consider enjoyment. As long as they can continue their lives with movies, concerts, sporting events they could care less about where the world is headed. If I sound found up, yes I am.

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You speak the truth my friend. I guess I should correct my statement to say that to the extent that people have not done their own research it is not their fault.

But one thing that I have noticed is that many people, my best friend, my brother and my own children, people who all their lives have asked for my opinion as a free second medical opinion, have all decided that on this one I don't know what I'm talking about. They all went and took the shots anyway. I guess all the constant harping from the media got to them. They don't talk to me about it anymore. From a personal standpoint it is very painful - and insulting.

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True, but many caved in to the "social stigma" mud throwing of the true believers - along with needing their employment (they felt). Very sad I find that.

But thousands of armed forces personnel showed themselves to be made of sterner stuff !

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JAILTIME!! Way past due

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I am more of a firing squad person myself...

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These are dark days for medicine and more importantly trust in medicine. The FDA is so irrevocably corrupted I don't see how the public can trust any vaccine, drug, treatment, food etc... they approve moving forward. The damage they are doing to public trust will never be undone unless the entire agency is disbanded. It is clear that everyone there has been $captured.

At this point I will never take any new vaccine, any drug or eat/drink any food this FDA says is safe. I'll stick to the tried and true drugs that have been on the market for many years but I fear that like ivermectin they will soon no longer be available. We already know that the future of vaccines will be that ALL vaccines are mRNA (per Robert Malone).

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That’s a guarantee given that MRNA vaccines can now be implemented without testing. Same as bivalent this platform has been given green light forever. Also wonder whether any future MRNA is also given permanent liability protections now that MRNA is listed on childhood schedule. Does this waiver cover all future MRNA vaccines? It’s the platform that has been permanently approved and now ‘plug and play’ is the new vaccine model that allows vaccines to deployed ideally within 100 days as stated in the Biden approved documents.

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I read that there is currently an "excess death rate" - above the previous 5 year average - of nearly 1 million/year in USA. Globalresearch or The Expose, I expect.

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My suspicion is that tried and true will become compromised.

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Dec 8, 2022
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How many million brave gun wielders are there ? Only harmless people ever are shot or killed. The Devil does indeed take care of his own.

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Remember the Ford Pinto? It was taken off the market after victims of their exploding gas tanks discovered that Ford had covered up the risks to sell the popular product.

Now imagine the US Government forcing us to drive Pintos and preventing the victims of exploded gas tanks from suing Ford for their defective product. As ridiculous as this sounds, that scenario IS today’s vaccine program.

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people who have their babies take these shots should be locked up and the children taken away from them

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Once they’ve given the clot shot, it’s too late. It’s probably punishment enough for them to be the parents of a damaged child.

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Sadly the only people doing that are those doing the Jabs !! They have even suggested the very opposite of your suggestion !

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I know. I have expected for a while, to have police knock on my door to come and forcefully either arrest me or jab me. There have been rumours like that ! And that poor baby in NZ has been taken away from his parents because they want 'clean' blood and even had their own donors !

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About what we would expect from a profession who signed onto the "First Do No Harm" agenda promoted by the United States Army. We should have probed deeper. We were mistaken. We have authorized a bunch of human beings to be our agents who don't understand the first rudimentary principles in taking a sacred oath. Traitors all.

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Anybody out there still think that if you could just show the FDA or the CDC a graph or a chart that they would stop this madness?

Anybody out there still think that "good family people" are just confused Dolts Botching Shit?

Do you see what is happening?

How this keeps going, no matter what?

Do you see how there is a Central Command?

We know the jabs are bad.

We know the FDA/CDC/NIH/WHO are operating under the control of some bokor, like zombies.

This is a sinister as you can get.

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The satanic Cult. Tho "DUMBS" network - Unbelievable !!! You could not imagine it could happen. Its a Sci-Fi horror story - but it's not fiction. "The Government " must survive ! we just need a way to seal them all in there.

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FDA even authorized the mouse shots to complete a primary series for babies and toddlers, regardless of the brand that began the series. You don't see that kind of fast-and-loose and Prevnar and Pneumovax23, for example. It's horse****.

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It may take 20 years before the World realizes the damage they have done to humanity by drinking the mRNA koolaid. We do know one thing….mRNA has only killed rats and never cured anything. It has bankrupted a number of drug companies trying to make gene therapy work. Not to worry though….they now have access to all the money and human lab rats that they want through our Government who is on their payroll. Our Government has given Big Pharma a license to kill. OUR MONEY. TO KILL US.

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Time to start a blood bank of, by and for the unvaxxed.

It will expose those in the vaxcom of hypocrisy when they apply for blood.

I will be the first donor . My wife second.

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Well guess what. That won't help in Victoria, Auz, because they just abdu ct your baby and used their "nice, vaxxed" blood - during an operation - Even if you have "straight" donors lined-up !!

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Sacrificing children to Moloch - again.

Why do the elites worship the god of child sacrifice?


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We all know by now that the FDA and CDC are purely criminal agencies far worse than any mafia ever was.

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I have been sick to my stomach all day as soon as I heard about this. I feel such despair and sorrow for humanity, I mean we are talking INNOCENT BABIES, what in the hell is happening to this world? Do they have they no shame?

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A perfect picture on that CNBC news article; a cold healthcare worker in a mask holding a terrified crying baby. That about sums it up. 🤨

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My observation is they want to show that no one can or will be considered exempt, to test compliance, and/or to eliminate the control group so no comparison can be made ... even if it doesn't make sense.

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Yes they tried to eliminate the control group so their narrative could not be disproven! They failed!

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