"First Deputy Commissioner of Human Foods Jim Jones Joins FDA"

The only thing we learn from history is that we learn NOTHING from history.

~Georg Hegel

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Both the People's Temple Agricultural Project (a.k.a. "Jonestown") and the Covid-19 lockdowns were both "Prisoner Dilemma Game" military ops by CIA/DOD.

Jim Jones had to have been in clandestine services/CIA. How else does a poor-as-a-churchmouse inner city preacher get the State Department clearances to obtain passports and enough money to pay for the costly transportation of 900 (or 500 depending on who's counting the bodies) very poor, inner city congregants from San Francisco onto a Union Carbide property in British Guyana?

To do so, Jim Jones would have had to obtain the approvals from (1) Guyana, (2) Union Carbide, (3) MI-6 British Intelligence, and (4) the U.S. Department of State. All of that is a major undertaking, and is NOT something a preacher of a poor, inner city congregation could have accomplished without outside financing and the hidden hand of CIA.

Like the smaller scale "Jonestown" operation, the Covid-19 operation/lockdowns was a MUCH LARGER scale Prisoner Dilemma Game in which we were all held prisoner in our homes in 2020, with the ineffective and deadly mRNA shots substituted for the Kool-Aid (actually Grape Flavor-Aid). The only escape from Covid "to return to normal," as the lying media drummed into the people's brains, was to take the unsafe and ineffective experimental mRNA shots. And so most did as they were told to do as they felt they didn't have much choice. And now many are sorry they injected the Cull-Aid into their bloodstream!!!!!!!!!

Just 10 days after the Nov. 18 massacre at Jonestown on November 27, 1978, the Moscone/Milk assassinations happened in San Francisco, with the "hidden hand" paving the way for the rise of Diane Feinstein who, prior to the assassinations of Moscone/Milk, couldn't even win an election to become Mayor of San Francisco on her own! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Moscone#Assassination

There are no coincidences. The Moscone/Milk assassinations were likely a clean-up operation.

"The Black Hole of Guyana The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre" by John Judge (1985)


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This is just a sample of some of Jim Jones' many political connections:

"Jones became active in San Francisco politics and was able to gain contact with prominent local and state politicians.[142] Thanks to their growing numbers, Jones and Peoples Temple played an instrumental role in GEORGE MOSCONE's election as mayor in 1975. MOSCONE subsequently appointed Jones as the chairman of the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission."

"In September 1976, Assemblyman WILLIE BROWN served as master of ceremonies at a large testimonial dinner for Jones attended by Governor JERRY BROWN and Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally.[146] At that dinner, WILLIE BROWN ... said he [Jones] was a combination of Martin Luther King Jr., Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Mao."

"HARVEY MILK spoke to audiences during political rallies held at the Temple,[148]" and he wrote to Jones after one such visit: "Rev Jim, It may take me many a day to come back down from the high that I reach today. I found something dear today. I found a sense of being that makes up for all the hours and energy placed in a fight. I found what you wanted me to find. I shall be back. For I can never leave[145]"."

"Through his connections with California politicians, Jones was able to establish contacts with key national political figures.[142] Jones and MOSCONE met privately with vice presidential candidate WALTER MONDALE on his campaign plane days before the 1976 election, leading Mondale to publicly praise the Temple.[143][144]"

"First Lady ROSALYNN CARTER met with Jones on multiple occasions, corresponded with him about Cuba, and spoke with him at the grand opening of the San Francisco headquarters—where he received louder applause than she did.[143][149][150] Jones forged alliances with key columnists and others at the San Francisco Chronicle and other press outlets that gave Jones favorable press during his early years in California.[151]"


Fascinating story for the ages. So many connections to heavily militarized California. I have finally understood that the history of the state of California -- from the 23 Spanish missions to the Stanford University/private banking nexus that funds the ongoing techno-enslavement/biodigital convergence, more commonly referred to as Silicon Valley/Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazon/Netflix/Elon Musk's Neuralink, etc. etc.

Understanding California is *essential* to understanding our current predicament.

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This is excellent research. We in the "bedroom" communities around San Francisco were stunned by those incidents of high strangeness and at times it's crossed my mind if the Jonestown forced suicides were somehow connected to the Milk/Moscone murders and that, in turn, to the rise of DiFi. It sure makes sense. Thank you for doing the digging that makes all the puzzle pieces all fit.

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Wow! I learn something new every day.....

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We have been seeing a hurricane of coincidences and “you cannot make this S up” these daze. But I think this might top them all. Some days I honestly am convinced I am living in the matrix.

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...only some days?

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The matrix or the ‘end times?”

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Thank you Dr Nass. I think it’s safe to say that when any one of the corrupt alphabet agencies makes a recommendation, it’s best to run the other way. Dr Mercola has a baby formula recipe on his site that is a far healthier (& safer) alternative to any commercial product.

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Well, just a pinch of cyanide. I mean, it's not like the FDA is trying to kill people, or anything ....

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I thought you were making that up as a joke! Truly one for the simulation hypothesis, Jim Jones, unbelievable. My list of the villain names as easter eggs in the simulation are: Adam Blight Ceo of Monsanto in Australia a few years back; Scott Weiner as pedophilic exhibitionist sex crazed senator in SF; Faust as the "doctor" interrogating you, though the other day I learned, watching Restore the Republic, that the head of Moms for Liberty, that fights for classical schools and against the UN demonic sexualization of education, is named Tiffany Justice, like a jewel or diamond and justice. The heroic easter eggs.

Or else God has a sense of humor, and that, in these times, is comforting lol.

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Charles Manson has been appointed to the new "Human Chemical Absorption" unit at EPA....

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Jim Jones, a name that will live in infamy. My first thought was “you have got to be kidding me! “ That guy should change his name.

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Hah hah haaah, Leslie-- me too!!

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Ikr. It’s almost as is the FDA WANTS to make us shiver

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2 hrs agoLiked by Meryl Nass

The other side likes to play with names... (Kamala's Jamaican dad's name is Donald J.... cracks me up every time, especially because Trump was born in Jamaica Queens...).

On a more serious note, I see the FDA left off he worked for Kerry, Gates and his Oxford relation... sigh

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9 hrs agoLiked by Meryl Nass

This is also reminiscent of the over-glorified and over-paid Dr. Jeremy Faust(us)… flown in for the absurd hearings you endured… ”never too late if Faustus can repent.”

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I thought it was all but a joke, but.........Wow!

What we need now to polish the framed picture completely is someone named Heinrich Himmler to oversee the governing of jab distribution entirely!


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One thing (of many) I've been wondering since boning up on the technocracy, as described by Patrick Wood, David Hughes, Lissa Johnson, and Daniel Broudy:

What do technocrats eat?

While we're at it, do they live in climate-controlled biodomes to avoid all the geoengineering detritus to which they're exposing the rest of us?

In other words, aren't they poisoning themselves along with the rest of humanity?

Or have they already gone full cyborg? Joking, of course. Still, my question is a serious one: how are they not also putting their own health, and even their own lives, at risk?

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Elon wore an Occupy Mars Tshirt to Trump's Butler rally today. I think they figure they will be able to buy the safe healthy stuff , technology can fix everything, right?

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Chris, I've been wondering the same things...

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Here's another (although it's unrelated to this post about the FDA):

If the Covid shots contain nanoparticles that self-assemble and respond to electromagnetic radiation, which strongly suggests that the whole operation was a stealth way of nanotagging humanity, then why are multiple doses needed?

Is it to preserve the pretense that these injectable products are vaccines, and thus require a series of doses (like conventional vaccines)?

Or is the human body capable of eliminating or somehow inactivating or degrading them, necessitating repeated injection for ongoing nanotagging?

I did find some evidence that simple graphene sheets can be degraded by enzymes secreted by activated neutrophils and eosinophils, but I don't know about more complex graphene structures.


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re: "and respond to electromagnetic radiation"

It is HARD to see how they would also not respond to visible light (which is also electromagnetic radiation from the sun), or the 1/2 Gauss magnetic field strength from the earth, and as it changes, when we move. A hand-held loop of wire and a DVM can easily show an induced EMF/voltage effect too.

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I'm talking about the particles seen by microscopists in the bloodstream (i.e., in a sample of peripheral blood) and, given their small size, almost certainly within tissues as well. Even therapeutic lasers don't necessarily penetrate too far below the skin (depends on the wavelength and other factors, including skin pigmentation and hair cover).

But my question was why multiple injections are needed? Might there be a vulnerability to the nanotech being revealed in that??

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if, and it's a big if, the mRNA rollout is a test bed for human compatibility/survivability of the nanotech, multiple doses would weed out those whose systems can only somewhat tolerate the technology, leaving only those strong/adaptable enough to successfully integrate it into their own biome.

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

I saw a video how a Dr/scientist was able to disintegrate the nanoparticies with a pure nicotine solution dropped onto the sample. Unadulterated nicotine direct from tobacco leaves, not like it is found in a cigarette. So possibly multiple doses are to overcome things that can rid the body of the particles? Make it a yearly vaccine to keep it “fresh” in the body?

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It reminds me another infamous Jim Jones...

Jonestown - Massacre, Guyana & Cult | HISTORY

The “Jonestown Massacre” took place on November 18, 1978, after more than 900 members of an American cult called the Peoples Temple died in a mass suicide-murder under the direction of their leader Jim Jones (1931-78). The mass suicide-murder took place at the Jonestown settlement in the South American nation of Guyana.


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Yes. See "Don't Drink The Kool-Aide's" excellent research of these events above, seared into the minds of us Bay Area residents of a certain age.. It all makes sense now :-).

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And, of course, the safest and best food for all babies is their mother's milk.

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The FDA are heavily funded by Big Pharma, so why, with Zero LIABILITY being their fiercely guarded 'Get out of jail Free' opportunity, should they bother about ensuring we enjoy healthy and wholesome foods, safe medicines and DEADLY INJECTIBLES?

ZERO LIABILITY equates to ZERO Quality Control, ZERO INTEREST in SAFE medicines, Zero concern regarding contaminants. As long as the excessive profits to roll in - No problems need be addressed.

Do Big Pharma's statistics of Excess Deaths of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed include their magic con trick of regarding all injected recipients as 'UNVAXXED' until a 14 or 21-day 'post-jab' period has elapsed? This is an important question, which could hide millions of sudden VAX RELATED deaths - POST VAX!

Nobody listens to the defunct corrupt World Health Organisation any more! They lie to create opportunities for lunatic Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, to further profit from pretend health emergencies.

Sometimes, even the most ludicrous nonsensical suspicions come to be reality. I suspected the dangerous injections they 'knocked up' "at the speed of science", were at best USELESS, Now it seems they were even more dangerous than we could have imagined. Useless AND deadly!

This could have been predicted as soon as we learned that BIG PHARMA (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) demanded that NO LIABILITY came with EVERY DEATH SHOT! Such a ridiculous condition should have alerted everyone of the potential dangers of these magically quick cures being created within just months of the release of Fauci's Coronavirus Scamdemic! Apparently, some still accepted Death Shots!

'Excess Deaths' are part of Big Pharma's mercenary business plan!

Unjabbed mick (UK) We live longer without dangerous intervention by corrupt (just for profit) medical companies.

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Most formula is junk food.

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Prohibiting states from doing their own safety testing is just so wrong!!

This is, to be frank, well beyond just plain stupid, its criminal.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

I hate ANYthing that seeks to restrict or revoke state’s rights. Why wouldn’t more senators be resistant to that?

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