Are vaccines safe? The answer to the question: NO! Those who promote vaccines have to be ignorant programmed robots. The history of vaccines from the beginning showed they left a wake of injury and death behind them. If medical doctors had studied nutrition, they would be aware that the only thing that belonged in the bloodstream would be nutrients from food. Natural immunity is strengthened by nutrients...not foreign proteins, elements or chemicals. Anything other than nutrients which feed the organs and cells would injure or destroy the human body.

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Forced vaccines are safe for big pharma, who can't be sued for damages from their forced toxic snake oils! A Godless society deserves a Godless evil industry like big pharma!

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As always, a huge thanks to Dr. Nass. And I greatly hope Congress confirms RFK JR.'s nomination but I'm not optimistic.

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Why does the FDA allow the criminals at Pfizer to check their own quality, safety and efficacy? A recipe for dangerous lies, pretence, hiding the truth and for deadly DNA contamination to be used. Profit comes first for Pfizer and all Big Pharma! 'Pfuck the customer' is their slogan!

Next, we've all got to reject everything planned by Gates and the WEF's New World Order. Like Gates's undeclared 'APEEL' coating on veg and fruit with potentially carcinogenic matter! Any product that has been experimented on with deadly mRNA material, - like fruit and vegetables grown to include dehumanising mRNA materials.

Then we must stop buying milk which comes from cows fed on mRNA-added feed. Obviously, no more mRNA injections can be taken.

Avoid hospitals at all costs. They are now instructed to terminate Covid patients with illicit medical protocols. Big bonuses for 'DEATH from COVID' and massive financial bonuses for INTUBATION used in tandem with other deadly chemicals.

Did you know that BLOOD DONATED from the 'vaxxed' isn't segregated from 'unvaxxed blood'! This causes all who require a blood donation, to be automatically 'contaminated' from blood given by the Covid Vaxxed? They are then deemed to have been VAXXED - like it or not.

We, the people, by unanimous decision, reject the extension of the WEF New World Order's Planned Pre-meditated mRNA mass-murder by injection program!

They've recently released another experimental viral illness into remote Congo in Africa. Over 300 have died so far. Such a rip-roaring success it's likely to qualify as Hotez's "Next Scandemic".

Funny how intuitive that WEF puppet, Hotez is! He's been added to our list for trial and, if found guilty of premeditated Mass murder in a court of law, he's been added to our growing list.

A resounding success, it'll probably be deemed deadly enough to be released closer to home. No doubt they're busy relabling 'out of date Covid vax' to complete the extermination process.

There are other serious diseases appearing around the globe. It's all deliberate, as goons like Peter Hotez forecast the next Scamdemic/s within days of these newly discovered diseases.

Make Pharma's 'ZERO LIABILITY' rule immediately illegal as their mRNA jab is useless but deadly.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer once we've removed NO LIABILITY and the corrupt medics.

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None of this really matters as the FDA is 100% captured by big pharma. All drugs are automatically deemed to be safe and effective until someone in the public makes a stink or the dead bodies pile up and can't be hidden. Then it is usually decades before the FDA gets around to doing something which is really doing nothing.

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I heard Trump tell reporters at Mara Lago that he and Bobby had dinner with Pfizer ceo. I would hate to be Bobby knowing they harmed all these people with a mandated vaccine and had EUA protection and sitting there having made billions on the deal. Trump salivates at money and if Pfizer says it will hurt the money what Bobby wants to do, Trump will tell him to back off. This is how the oligarchs buy their way to get out of jail and financial reparations!

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So, all of a sudden, the FDA is also chipping in to the USDA. To what end?


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Thank you Dr. Meryl Nass for all of your hard work in researching your substack topics- esp. vaccines! We are reading & sharing to help get this important information out to the public!

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There needs to be a very comprehensive collection of identifying data on all viruses that are being used in testing and production of vaccines.

I fear a bout of false flag actions to discredit any changes to vaccine uptake.

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Thank You for your Diligence, Warrior-Sister.


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