An army of researchers? Give me a break. The CDC is one of the world's biggest jokes on a par with WHO and the UN, FDA, NIH, IRS, SEC, FBI, AMA, etc, etc, on and on.

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FDA liars club

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This one is a winner!

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if you think so, that's bad news.

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fauci - incompetent, mass-murderer. He's been killing innocent people for decades.

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Try spelling his name "Fauxi"

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I never capitalize the names of criminals. Peace.

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Indeed Fauci! What have you done?

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No one I know believes anything that comes out of these agencies. Spoke to the grandmother of a 14 year old that is currently in the ICU at Columbia Presbyterian for a blood clot in her liver. For this alone, these people should be executed. A perfectly healthy child is now in jeopardy of a horrid life, that's if she survives. The parents made the decision to vax I'm sure based on scare tactics of the medical community. My own daughter was yelled at by a urologist who told her she'd risked her unborn baby's life by not taking that shot while pregnant. God help us but these physicians all need to be prosecuted. I thank God she didn't - More and more I'm hearing of horrible events and deaths. Can't help but thinking this is intentional.

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doors, it is hard to think of it any other way than intentional.

I was watching a podcast with Whitney Webb and Iain Davis and what Iain said makes sense.

"If only a misstep here or there was the issue you could say incompetence, perhaps. But, when every single measure they took was the inverse of what should have been done, then it's nearly impossible to see it as anything other than intentional."


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He says this shortly after 1:13 into the podcast , which is about sustainable blah, blah, blah 2030, and well worth watching.

He said this talking about the pandemic responses in the context of talking about the destruction of society as we know it being intentional as well. Cut farming to a degree which will make sure there is scarcity and famine by sanctions, and say it's because of sustainable energy goals while millions starve?


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It's been planned, Project Depopulation.

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So glad she stayed strong.any caved.

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My daughter was vaccine injured by the rabies series and that has how we wound up on this journey - she has neurological problems - I often wonder if I would have known to question this poison if it hadn't happened. Thanks - we RESIST.

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So much garbage. Our dear friend, 47 and very healthy, died in her sleep 4/6/21, just 6 days after her first shot. I learned of the hot lot issue in December of 21. At the time, the lot our friend took, Pfizer lot EN 6201 had 130 deaths reported to VAERS. It’s over 200 reports now. All you have to do is look in the VAERS database and the problem is obvious. The FDA is a bunch of useless hack losers. Isn’t there one person there with some integrity? If nothing else, they should be recalling the obviously deadly lots of this crap.

Our friends death kept this poisonous crap out of myself and my 3 boys, so something good came of it. Our story kept zero other people from poisoning themselves though

and most of our community in BerkeleyCA turned against us for bothering to try and warn them. The propaganda was that strong! It’s all so wrong.

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once the pandemic started, the level of science coming from the CDC plummeted to that of a piss poor 6th grade class. so says Marty Makary, Vinay Prasad, Peter Attia. there's no excuse for this. shut down the CDC

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Wow. CDC's reputation is so tanked now they are turning the FDA into the data cookery. Which is actually better, because FDA can't blame this one on the CDC.

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Meryl, I review disability claims from across the country and can absolutely confirm that I am seeing an uptick in claims for strokes in younger people as well as optical strokes, hem./aneurysm type strokes, cardiac arrest, and uptick in ESRD to name a few signals... One that sticks out in my mind was a massive aneurysm bursting stroke while working out...during brain surgery instantaneous clotting was seen as noted despite use of anti-clotting agents... Very bad things are happening but because they do not happen in everyone who got the shots, they have plausible deniability. They are lying.

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So the clot shot causes clots.... yesterday's news today.Surprised the FDA even said that given they are being run by the DoD.... but don't expect them to take any action. That they won't do.

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How nice of the CDC to give us all a jolly laugh for the holidays with this Fairytale from the Land of Fauci!

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I've had zero success in trying to explain to otherwise intelligent people, how these alphabet agencies both manipulate their study design and then MSM cherry-picks 'headlines' from them, to support the narrative. this is NOT science. but most people only want headlines and rarely, if ever, do their own dive into the reports. its scientific equivalent of 'because we said so' and all those with proof to the contrary just get eye rolls. the icing on the cake is that WE are paying these jokers salaries. sad, sad state of affairs

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Most government work is done by lower level staff after work is slowly delegated downline from many layers up. Long lead times accompany the workload and minimal guidance is given

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All those people involved in a "one-time" type of analysis. What is needed is continuous monitoring in a sort of QC processing chart to examine the on-going effects with those various codes. The signal may take time.

In a collective, no person can be held accountable.

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Thank you Dr. Nass. It is blatant fraud, coupled with incompetence. I assume you know the legal ( immoral ) structure in place - see Bailiwicks News Substack. Merry Christmas.

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Concise analysis: It's bullshit. 7 months is near real-time

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Until these studies are funded, managed, designed, exectuted, analysed, reported and published by truly independent bodies I will not trust these studies, and will pay no attention. Not ever going to happen. How do I really feel? Shove it where the sun don't shine.

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