My daughter in law is due to have our first grandchild in Oct. I read about this last night and just beside myself with worry. Three of our four young adult kids aren’t as awake as I wish they were, and was planning to send all info I have on Vax to them before due date. Now much earlier due to this for pregnant women. I pray they will be open to info. I also know it’s a fine line to inject my opinions too much, so I will give info and then remove my emotions and opinions as it’s their baby not mine to make decisions for. God help us all.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

I was pregnant late in life so it had been a long time since I had been asked to get a vaccine. My OB/Gyn was insistent that I get the whooping cough vax while pregnant. That immediately struck me as insane. And this was long before I had any clue.

These MDs are following strict AMA protocols. Push the vac on the pregnant! Why? The pregnant are incredibly vulnerable. They practically dangle the life of your unborn baby in front of you. She was visibly irritated when I declined.

I will add that my children (now 10 and 14) just had a regular doctor appt. I found it so strange for the first time. Undressed fully, the doctor listened to heart and lungs for about 2 minutes total, then, to their horror, stuck her hand under their testicles and felt around. It struck me so odd that this was the sum and substance of the whole exam--a demonstration of the power of doctors. They get to touch you with full permission in your most vulnerable areas (so hard for kids) to establish rank, file and trust. And why? Is it because testicular cancer is rampant in 10 year olds? No. It is solely because the APA dictates the essentials of the exam. This is exactly how we are all *trained* to treat doctors as gods. It is literally by design to establish this very strange relationship, reminiscent of grooming, allow a stranger to touch you in your most vulnerable places while your parent nods and smiles, validating the act. Message: Doctors are 100% trustworthy whether we know them or not and are all powerful.

Other than this 3 minute exam, I was given the full update on their vaccines, which thankfully none of them were due for. Perhaps I should do them early she suggested--it wouldn't really matter. (My biggest regret in life will be submitting to the childhood vaccine schedule---my children will never get another vaccine in their lives if I can help it). I feigned interest and casually declined and said "next time." She didn't press but when she came back to the room, she gave me the same talk as if she hadn't already done so. Very gentle, no hard press. My guess is that she hadn't been successful in getting any more vax in them this visit and that was a failure. It's the system that is evil--she's doing her job well, trusts her mentors, and is warned of the crazy people. That's me, I just wore a disguise to get what I needed done that day.

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Big Pharma is nothing less than organized crime.. they need to be shut down and brought to justice, and allow real science in medicine

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VERY troubling vote by the FDA's newly "packed" Advisory Committee. I would personally REFUSE any and all vaccines during pregnancy (and for the rest of my life).

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People need to stand up and say NO. People need to realize that these shots do not have adequate safety testing. How could they have been in such a short time? Keep spreading the truth. That’s all we can do.

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Is anyone really surprised by this?

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There are just no words left.

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Just say no! As a parent it is YOUR duty to put your child's interest first. Not the government, not your pedeatrician, it is you!

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The FDA is and has been a murder cult for decades. They are big pharma's rubes and shills...creatures of death and destruction and nothing else. Billions of babies survived to grow up and live long lives prior to big pharma drugs and vaccines and the invention of the modern stone age medical mafia.

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Think FDA, think criminal syndicate.

Think CDC, think criminal syndicate.

Think NIH, think criminal syndicate.

Think HHS, think criminal syndicate.

Yes, this criminal syndicate will double down on the murder and maiming of homo sapiens children and adults.

Thank you for shining light on the criminals and the crimes.


Here is a good recent exposure of murder operations of COVID "science".


EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Pentagon Report Forensically Dismantled Fauci-Led Natural Origin Study

By Hans Mahncke

May 16, 2023Updated: May 18, 2023


And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Ephesians 5:11

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These people cannot be trusted at all on anything. 25 RSV deaths. Now, a quackcine with data only supplied by the manufacturer, and no long term followup. Insane.

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As if we needed to enhance the occurrence of miscarriage and SIDS.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

So ironic. These childhood vaccines gave my child, starting at 18 months, chronic RSV and life threatening asthma. I never realized it until covid and the truth was revealed.

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WEF anti-human schills

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Scabs that are even worse then the individuals on the board.

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Coroners don't even have a code for "death by vaccine."

Expecting mothers have been targeted for a long time:


Mortality figures have been doctored, even retroactively, since September, 2020, when they showed lower-than-usual mortality rates in several countries.

The same thing happened to VAERS data after November, 2021, when "intent to harm" was becoming obvious, because cyclical recurrence of deaths and damages were showing after specific numbers of batches (each batch was different in order to secure plausible deniability) irrespective of manufacturers:


It's even more amazing that "viral transmission" is still the core of the propaganda for the injections, despite that everyone who has been interested, knows by now that Germ Theory and Viral Theory has never been proven. Recently, even Pfizer's ex-CEO said there was no "virus." Yeadon announced that in public on May 11, 2023.

The whole situation feels like government and its agencies are representing a foreign power...

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