My daughter in law is due to have our first grandchild in Oct. I read about this last night and just beside myself with worry. Three of our four young adult kids aren’t as awake as I wish they were, and was planning to send all info I have on Vax to them before due date. Now much earlier due to this for pregnant women. I pray they will be open to info. I also know it’s a fine line to inject my opinions too much, so I will give info and then remove my emotions and opinions as it’s their baby not mine to make decisions for. God help us all.

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Our family vaxx-pusher is due this summer and is terrified of RSV. It must be something they are really pushing - it prompted her plans on keeping the baby in isolation for the first three months.

No one will be allowed to visit, even grandparents, until three months, or if you are like me (unvaxxed), then it's six months, which is when the baby gets its first mRNA.

I don't think there is anything that can be said for people like her. It's part of their identity to meticulously follow government advice.

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So sad, her mind has been captured by fear. So ironic as she is actually causing harm, not preventing it.

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It has been more captured by ignorance than fear.

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I'm not so sure, Vonu. We have seen that data, statistics and an education does not change much. That's because the belief system is deeply rooted in the emotional, not the intellectual.

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Nor has the level of ignorance changed much.

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It is not education that is the issue, it is morals. These folks fell for the deep 'morality' of protecting 'others' lie -they hold that by doing these actions, they are good and virtuous. And they also fell for the propaganda/fear that caused their logic circuits to be fried so they cannot absolutely entertain any other viewpoint. Now, set as they are - you the unvaxxed or critic of vax are IMMORAL wrong, bad and to be ignored or cut off. You threaten their moral status and challenge their decisions... This is the real battle... it is like deprogramming a cult victim.

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Keeping a newborn in "isolation" is the worst idea. Ignorant, in fact. It interferes with the healthy development of the immune system.

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Never possible w any but first born. When you have a second you realize, “Oh, we evolved to be exposed to everything on and excreted by all the village children!” 😂

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You need to do everything you can to insure that the baby will be breastfed for at least two weeks, so it will get all of the colostrum it needs instead of the vaccines.

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You’d have wonder what the state of her breast milk

would be after multiple jabs during pregnancy.

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It probably wouldn't affect the colostrum, which installs the mother's immunities in the child's body.

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If Mom's vaxxed and boosted - breast milk is no good. Of course if we believe everything - soon Dairy Milk products will be contaminated via mRNA vaxs for the cows...

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You are saying that completely artificial infant formulas containing nothing to nourish the immune system are better than mother's milk? Kindly provide some scholarly support for your premise.

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Yes Vonu. If the mother is vaxxed she can pass that through the milk to the infant = infant gets spike proteins plus LNPs etc. This is known fact. If I was vaxxed and boosted with a baby I'd not be feeding it my milk!!! Bad? Well, yes. But worse if I feed it my contaminants and it gets sick, no? I know many who've had this with babies they've been nursing. And the doctors tell them the babies have 'indigestion'... green poo? Stomach distended, screaming and lots of colds/vomiting etc? Yeah. I wonder, I really do. Its the vax in the milk stupid.

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Infant formula based on soy protein begins the phytoestrogen assault on male virility.

If you can't win your argument without ad hominem, I'll be ignoring you from now on.

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May 19, 2023
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If not, she will senselessly contribute to the falling replacement rate of Americans.

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Their message caters to the fearful. The FDA & CDC know it, we know it. She isnt thinking logically due to fear. . Who in their right mind offers up their baby to be a pincushion for science?! Insane. I’m sorry that the family won’t get to be a part of babies life for so many months. My neice has done the same thing however he was really early and had complications so we all understand.

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So many of us in your position. We feel so caught in a trap but my answer to that was to just keep telling them even if it meant losing my relationship or damaging it. It hasn't and when they know you they know you are protecting them. They would do the same for their own children.

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Also, if anyone has any suggestions/advise about how to handle this topic with young adult marrieds, please share.

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1. well they aren't traditional vaccines in that you aren't obtaining immunity and with every injection however infinitesimal (we know that is not true but go at it this way) there are chances of a bad reaction and why expose child to unnecessary adjuvants;

2. they don't work at preventing the illness;

3. getting the illness will assist her immunity as it WILL provide antibodies;

4. so if she was going to get it anyways, mother natures vaccine of producing antibodies is free of all side effects

5. there is some worrisome literature in the covid vaccine especially with fertility, do you want to see Dr. Wolfs video on this. You might as well have some information to base your decision on it might matter to you 15 years down the road. whats 30 minutes with Naomi going to cost you.

6 long term consequences that arent mapped now have been the modus operandi of the industry who goes forward and says sorry after . after pocketing billions.

7. the industry literally thinks fines of millions are taps on the wrist.

8. sensible people dont trust them

9. just look at opiods, thallidomide etc.

10 something that you wont see for years; do you want to be responsible for that.

11. when i worry its from love for you.

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I say pose the simple question: what if you are actually causing permanent harm instead of preventing it? Blood brain barrier talk helps too--babies haven't developed that like adults have.

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I would suggest getting them the book “Turtles all the way down” and pointing them to the children’s health defence site. Good luck. It breaks my heart to see this blind adherence to big pharma

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Thank you! I’ve been following RFKjr for years now and LOVE CHD. I’m saving tons of info to share with them, but my daughter in laws dad passed from “Covid” so she’s a bit sensitive to alternate info. I don’t want to cause a wedge😭😭

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Have them watch the Highwire and/or read CHD's Defender newsletter.

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If they have been emancipated, they probably don't believe anything you tell them anymore.

You should have started teaching them the truth instead of submitting them to the public fool system for indoctrination in lies.

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I was pregnant late in life so it had been a long time since I had been asked to get a vaccine. My OB/Gyn was insistent that I get the whooping cough vax while pregnant. That immediately struck me as insane. And this was long before I had any clue.

These MDs are following strict AMA protocols. Push the vac on the pregnant! Why? The pregnant are incredibly vulnerable. They practically dangle the life of your unborn baby in front of you. She was visibly irritated when I declined.

I will add that my children (now 10 and 14) just had a regular doctor appt. I found it so strange for the first time. Undressed fully, the doctor listened to heart and lungs for about 2 minutes total, then, to their horror, stuck her hand under their testicles and felt around. It struck me so odd that this was the sum and substance of the whole exam--a demonstration of the power of doctors. They get to touch you with full permission in your most vulnerable areas (so hard for kids) to establish rank, file and trust. And why? Is it because testicular cancer is rampant in 10 year olds? No. It is solely because the APA dictates the essentials of the exam. This is exactly how we are all *trained* to treat doctors as gods. It is literally by design to establish this very strange relationship, reminiscent of grooming, allow a stranger to touch you in your most vulnerable places while your parent nods and smiles, validating the act. Message: Doctors are 100% trustworthy whether we know them or not and are all powerful.

Other than this 3 minute exam, I was given the full update on their vaccines, which thankfully none of them were due for. Perhaps I should do them early she suggested--it wouldn't really matter. (My biggest regret in life will be submitting to the childhood vaccine schedule---my children will never get another vaccine in their lives if I can help it). I feigned interest and casually declined and said "next time." She didn't press but when she came back to the room, she gave me the same talk as if she hadn't already done so. Very gentle, no hard press. My guess is that she hadn't been successful in getting any more vax in them this visit and that was a failure. It's the system that is evil--she's doing her job well, trusts her mentors, and is warned of the crazy people. That's me, I just wore a disguise to get what I needed done that day.

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My mother got her nursing training in a Catholic hospital a few blocks from where she lived. They started her out emptying bedpans and didn't pay her until she'd passed her RN board. Then they put her to work running the operating rooms as head surgical nurse. Her job was to set up the trays for all of the ORs and close the patient's incision in the operations that she personally assisted in.

After I was born, she brought me home from the hospital where she and my 8-year old sister started reading to me. They continued to do so every chance they had until I could read to them. I entered first grade a year early, reading at a third grade level with a junior high vocabulary.

When I was two, my mother took me to the doctor (possibly the one she worked for) for an ear ache. The doctor gave me a shot of penicillin without challenging me for an allergy to it that I had. My mother was in the room and recognized the onset of anaphylaxis before the doctor pulled the syringe from my arm. If she hadn't been there to scream "epinephrine, STAT" at him, I probably would have died there and then. She and my sister, who was raising me, spent the next three days with me in a bathtub partially full of tepid water, sponging and cooling the fever that was raging from the shock of the residual anaphylaxis. But for that, I'd have been a vegetable.

When I was in my mid20s, my mother asked me to drive her over to my old junior high, where she wanted to get a Swine flu shot and talked me into getting one as well. A few hours later, I developed very severe back cramps in my left lower back. She drove me to an ER where they diagnosed me with Guillain-Barre syndrome and admitted me for observation, starting with a strong enough IV of valium to knock me out cold. Every time they hung a new bag of saline, they titrated the dose until I was getting just saline by morning.

While my mother was getting a very through professional level discharge briefing from the attending physician, I was chatting up the head floor nurse, whose smile suddenly went away and she told me that I was lucky to be alive, they having had several patients who came to the hospital with less severe symptoms and left in body bags.

The most important thing I learned from my mother was not to trust doctors.

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It's truly incredible how they have (had?) captured the brightest minds into believing that chemical injections are good for us for diseases that almost all had a 99.9% recovery rate. Obviously still going on.

I have a delicate question for you: Why would your mom ask you to get a vaccine after what she saw you experience?

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Because my mother was trained by doctors in a Catholic hospital where they were nearly deified. The penicillin shot was straight up medical malpractice. The Swine flu shot was the only one she'd had me get. I don't remember getting any other vaccine. My late sister was nearly as indoctrinated as our mother was. Her favorite foods were steak and bread and the latter, with assistance from her lifelong diabetes, caused her to come down with the pneumonia that killed her.

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I can't find it right now, but apparently pediatricians get kickbacks according to the percentage of their practice they vaccinate, higher kickbacks if you vaccinate higher percentages. Hard to know if the doctor really religiously believes that the vaccines are good or if they are frothing at the mouth at the possible yacht down payments.

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I would love that source if you can find it! I think in our case, our doctor is sweet and genuine. Which I think is worse--she is fully invested in the lies. She works for a huge and highly regarded children's hospital.

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Big Pharma is nothing less than organized crime.. they need to be shut down and brought to justice, and allow real science in medicine

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And only their victims can do so by shunning them in favor of naturopathy.

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They make the Gestapo look like a daycare operation.

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VERY troubling vote by the FDA's newly "packed" Advisory Committee. I would personally REFUSE any and all vaccines during pregnancy (and for the rest of my life).

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People need to stand up and say NO. People need to realize that these shots do not have adequate safety testing. How could they have been in such a short time? Keep spreading the truth. That’s all we can do.

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Is anyone really surprised by this?

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There are just no words left.

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Just say no! As a parent it is YOUR duty to put your child's interest first. Not the government, not your pedeatrician, it is you!

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The FDA is and has been a murder cult for decades. They are big pharma's rubes and shills...creatures of death and destruction and nothing else. Billions of babies survived to grow up and live long lives prior to big pharma drugs and vaccines and the invention of the modern stone age medical mafia.

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Think FDA, think criminal syndicate.

Think CDC, think criminal syndicate.

Think NIH, think criminal syndicate.

Think HHS, think criminal syndicate.

Yes, this criminal syndicate will double down on the murder and maiming of homo sapiens children and adults.

Thank you for shining light on the criminals and the crimes.


Here is a good recent exposure of murder operations of COVID "science".


EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Pentagon Report Forensically Dismantled Fauci-Led Natural Origin Study

By Hans Mahncke

May 16, 2023Updated: May 18, 2023


And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Ephesians 5:11

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These people cannot be trusted at all on anything. 25 RSV deaths. Now, a quackcine with data only supplied by the manufacturer, and no long term followup. Insane.

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As if we needed to enhance the occurrence of miscarriage and SIDS.

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So ironic. These childhood vaccines gave my child, starting at 18 months, chronic RSV and life threatening asthma. I never realized it until covid and the truth was revealed.

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WEF anti-human schills

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Scabs that are even worse then the individuals on the board.

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Coroners don't even have a code for "death by vaccine."

Expecting mothers have been targeted for a long time:


Mortality figures have been doctored, even retroactively, since September, 2020, when they showed lower-than-usual mortality rates in several countries.

The same thing happened to VAERS data after November, 2021, when "intent to harm" was becoming obvious, because cyclical recurrence of deaths and damages were showing after specific numbers of batches (each batch was different in order to secure plausible deniability) irrespective of manufacturers:


It's even more amazing that "viral transmission" is still the core of the propaganda for the injections, despite that everyone who has been interested, knows by now that Germ Theory and Viral Theory has never been proven. Recently, even Pfizer's ex-CEO said there was no "virus." Yeadon announced that in public on May 11, 2023.

The whole situation feels like government and its agencies are representing a foreign power...

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