Thank you as this is a subject I have been arguing with my grown children for quite some time. Our wonderful dentist who has signs all over his dental office about using fluoride prescribed my grown children, when they were finally over 18 years of age, a prescription toothpaste with EXTRA fluoride in it for their "sensitive teeth" . WTH???? I had already wanted to have "the conversation" with the dentist about fluoride but chickened out. My dentist was already complaining he wasn't getting compensated enough by our insurance so I guess he got an extra little kick back from his prescription of extra fluoride toothpaste. This dentist is local and I didn't want to ruin the relationship. So with my youngest under 18 years in the dental chair I shouted NO FLUORIDE treatment for him! No Fluoride!!! So I didn't really have a conversation with them but everyone in the building knew how I felt about fluoride.

Since my grown adult children still were living with me, I threw out their extra fluoride toothpaste. They got angry at me and got the toothpaste replaced. I bought them books about fluoride and left it on their bed to read which they mostly ignored.

I also paid my two younger kids money to just sit and listen to a phone call. There is a number on toothpaste box for poison control. I told my kids that is odd. Why oh why is there a number on a box of toothpaste for poison control. So for fun I call the number and put it on speaker so they can hear it as I am paying them to listen. I ask who answers why would there be a poison control number on the box of toothpaste. They explain it is the fluoride in it. I said what..?? The fluoride in it? Are you saying fluoride is poisonous? They say yes. But it is in the toothpaste? Why would they put poison in our toothpaste. I don't understand. They then say it is only poisonous if you swallow the whole tube at once, but small amounts of it is okay. What?? We got to be careful not to swallow too much fluoride in our toothpaste when we brush? That's crazy. We put toothpaste with fluoride in our mouth. Then I say, oh my gosh. Fluoride is in our drinking water too I heard. This is nuts. I don't want fluoride any where near us. They then say well just don't swallow too much toothpaste when you brush and spit it out. I then get noticeably upset with the conversation allowing my kids to see. I have done this a couple of times now in front of other people to the point I was worried they would recognize my voice. LOL

Fluoride messes with the endocrine system, thyroid. It also cause issues with bone density which I worry about my youngest. Of course lowers the IQ which I have to wonder if they do that on the IQ on purpose to get people not to protest the evil we are all subject too. I heard they give fluoride to prisoners to make them more docile.

Fluoride eats through cement. Since there is bad bacteria on your teeth, the fluoride eats through the bad bacteria on your teeth but then of course it eats through your teeth too. If you get a chance ask your dentist what a "fluoride bomb" is. Using fluoride for healthy teeth is like burning your house down to kill a spider. Sure the spider is gone but the house is gone too.

Fluoride studies is an example of how you can get a research study to say anything if you pay the Researcher enough to say it. They'll figure out a way to make the study show what you want. Just gonna cost you a little extra money on the side to do the "research".

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That’s why we have federally funded public schools…keep em dumb.

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It's not exactly true that it doesn't cost municipalities very much to add fluoride to the water supply. In a small community near me, Port Angeles Washington, they did not add fluoride to the water supply. About 5 years ago, it appeared on the ballot. Delta Dental offered to put up the money to build the facility to add the fluoride to the water to the tune of multi-millions, to be paid back to the foundation. How odd, wouldn't you agree, that the largest dental foundation in the US would pay to build out this facility when the outcome (at the time) was thought to prevent cavities?? It was so suspicious to me at the time that I wondered who funds Delta Dental? Certainly dentists aren't in the business of spending millions all over the US to drive dentists out of business??

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The Dental Cartel is hardly different from the Medical Cartel. We have known that osteosarcoma in the long bones of adolescent males is but one of the gifts fluoride provides while making tooth enamel harder and more brittle thus more likely to fracture...

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Maybe Delta Dental could have OSHA's MSDS on fluoride changed to "Safe & Effictieve status? Then mandating forced fluoride to all, "For the good of the people." Just like they do in Godless Commie China!

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Swansonia, Read Dentists have a large suicide rate, no wonder!

Ah yes recycling deadly pathogens rather than paying for proper disposal. The same Klan now wants us to ban cow farts when the nonsense out of their Klan mouths is the poison.

Wanna change? Ban political action that doesn't involve eliminating rules that feed lawyers and their slimy codependents.

Another example? DU ammunition sent to our Ukrainian "friends"! What is the cost of disposing of Depleted Uranium? So spread it over the best farmland in the world and get birth defect rates like Fallujah.

Proven safe, of course, lets mix it with playground sand.

5G towers tested safe, read the innumerable studies yourself.

1# priority vetting government operatives? Psychopathic testing!

It's high time Trump lives up to his Firing meme. If these greedy dumb asses, our current bureaucracy, were too stupid to save for a rainy day, let them go to the street for mercy like all the rest of us!

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The most commonly used fluoridation chemical is called fluorosilicic acid. The industry nick name for this liquid is "scrubber liquor." The CDC told industry some years ago to stop using that term, it did not sound good even though it's accurate.

In the manufacturing of phosphate fertilizer sulfuric acid is poured onto phosphate ore. Fluoride (and other toxic chemicals) fumes come off, going out of smokestacks. For decades this polluted the surrounding area with fluoride, and there were many lawsuits. The fluoride particulates fell onto grass and crops, then animals (like cows) ate the plants and got sick and died. Farmers sued.

Then pollution scrubber systems were invented and used. "Scrubber liquor" became a cheap source of fluoride for water fluoridation. The EPA wrote a letter saying this was good, as there was less fluoride air pollution and cities had a cheap source of fluoridation chemicals.

So fluoridated water contains recycled pollutants. And some of these are nasty chemicals like arsenic. But since it's so diluted down, we are told it won't harm you.

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I'll put that in the "No shit Sherlock" folder...

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The Perplexity AI response seen here is wrong, which often happens with AI systems which are programmed by humans. It says this: "In the past, chemical byproducts containing fluoride from industries....were sold to municipalities for water fluoridation..." It's wrong to say "in the past" because it's happening right now.

Water fluoridation means raw, unfiltered recycled pollutants are used because they are a cheap source of fluoride. People only consume about 1% of the tap water produced, so 99% of fluoride in fluoridated water is wasted and becomes another pollutant for the environment.

You don't need fluoride in your tap water to wash your car or water the lawn.

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I agree. Why councils don't distribute flouride pills to those who want them is beyond me. Maybe cars stay cleaner longer when washed with flouride?

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we are being conditioned to accept AI just as we were Fluoride and Quaxcines...

Just say no...

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I am actually relieved at how bad this so-called AI is--at this pace it won't be able to accomplish anything.

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I was wondering how long it'd take before AI results got manipulated by humans

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Yes Daddy AI made me do it!

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in 2006 the CDC and ADA (American Dental Association) admitted an increased risk for fluorosis if parents prepare powdered infant formula using fluoridated tap water. The Initial ADA & CDC advice was to advise these parents to use non-fluoridated tap water. These infants would often get a does of fluroide that was above the upper limit (UL). Here's what going over that level that means:

UL. The largest daily intake of a nutrient considered safe for most people. Taking more than the UL is not recommended and may be harmful. The UL for each nutrient is set by the Food and Nutrition Board at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. For example, the UL for vitamin A is 3,000 micrograms/day. Women who consume more than this amount every day shortly before or during pregnancy have an increased chance (risk) of having a baby with a birth defect. Also called the tolerable upper intake level.

This can be found here, on an NIH webpage:https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Fluoride-Consumer/

In 2011 the ADA changed its advice to this: a pediatrician can recommend fluoridated water be used to prepare infant formula despite the risk. And parents do not have to be informed about the risk. Here's why they changed their advice: telling parents to not use fluoridated water reflects badly on fluoridation, and fluoridation is still something people occasionally get to vote on in the U.S. So the ADA and many other powerful fluoridationists in public health want to keep this advice suppressed as much as possible. Even efforts to get this advice on water quality reports has been opposed.

So the result is infants continue to get a massive overdose of fluoride, sometimes going over the UL by parents unaware of the risk advised by pediatricians usually uneducated about the risk. The kicker is that for infant 0-6 months of age they have no erupted teeth, and thus get no topical fluoride benefit. This makes it all risk for no reward for this age group. The adequate fluoride intake for this group is only 0.01 mg per day - roughly the amount of fluroide found in breast milk. More than that provides no additional fluoride benefit according to the CDC and all experts.

What has happened is organized dentistry and public health has decided the what is best for infants is less important than the reputation of fluoridation. And all this happened BEFORE the recent conclusive science showing neurotoxic risk to unborn babies and young children. It's time for the proper advice to become well know, to protect infants.

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Is this why countries all over the world are removing Fluoride from water?

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I knew it wasn’t healthy & shouldn’t be in our water or in toothpaste

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OSHA also knew! See their MSDS on fluride!

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The worm turns but ever so slowly. Whenever the government has played a role in creating a problem, they will always obfuscate that problem.

Instead of improving or fixing a problem they helped create they will circle the wagons and defend the status quo because they think that is where they will have security. Job security is very important to these technocrazies. Try and tell them there is no security in maintaining the status quo... they will dismiss you and your helpful comment.

It dosn't have to be fluoride... it could be Aspartame that was rammed thru the FDA. Rumsfeld had to put in his man who over rode the FDA Scientific Advisor Council that was not going to approve Aspartame..

Well all those players are dead... Rumsfeld, Dr. Hayes, all dead... but we can't get any interest at the FDA to revisit the approval of Aspartame a known carcinogen.

Now, maybe that will change... Let's hope so.

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A strong supposition: They no longer need fluoride as they have something even "better"

at decreasing IQ... The Dental Cartel is every bit as corrupt as the Medical Cartel.

Was shocked to learn this in 1990 and was by no means early...

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Fluorosis causes damage to teeth and bones, and debilitating ARTHRITIS. Why no one deals with this in America is strange. You can find documentaries on this happening to people in India, but apparently it is under a media blackout in the USA. I was severely fluoride poisoned as a baby and it destroyed my endocrine system, made me infertile, and caused debilitating arthritis in my 20's.... all of my adult front teeth came in malformed without an outer layer of enamel, the two top front ones were lost by the time I was in my mid-20's. A lifetime of fighting for detoxing abilities and super nutrients, on top of being persecuted under eugenics in the USA.... my life story could be a movie that nobody would ever believe... which is why it ain't!

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How did you get so much fluoride into your body as a baby?

Nobody knows how much skeletal fluorosis we have in the U.S. because it's not a reportable disease, and few doctors know how to recognize it. Plus, we have better nutrition that many Indians, and that is a big factor. We don't have children with curved bones like they do in India.

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The city tap water where I lived at that time in history was highly fluoridated, and tap water was mixed with the fluoride “fortified” infant formula my mother gave me. Apparently I was never breast fed. Also I did research into the fluoride levels in infant formulas and it was at its all-time highest the year that I was born.

My leg bones have also slightly curved over time, which was apparent in the way that the orthopedic braces I first wore would no longer fit after a number of years, because of the curving of my leg bones. All this I have witnessed alone. I have never had family support or community and consequently the medical establishment has incessantly gaslit me and my history attempting to sweep away my existence. They’ve only HALF succeeded in doing that. Bc I’m still alive and kicking to be heard. I’ve had a plethora of chronic health conditions to wage war against in this lifetime. It kept me busy, especially without social supports.

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Doctors don’t know because they are TRAINED NOT TO. A doctor told my mother that the fluorosis damage in my teeth was from the antibiotics I was given in a military hospital. They lied. Of course. That’s what they do. I’ve never witnessed anyone in the medical profession being truthful. And I’ve lived all over the USA. That says a lot.

The “we” that have better nutrition is also inaccurate. Certain segments of American society are traditionally blacked out from view intentionally. Like poverty? “We” don’t have that HERE. Lmao what a crock. Every nation on earth does this crap.

Apparently “we” do have children with curved bones here. I’m not even talking about me. I know people who had club foot babies because psychiatric drugs high in fluoride poisoned the moms and then consequently the fetus.

Yeah a lot of bad stuff happens all over the world. We just need to be talking and listening to one another. Thank you for your questions.

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Doctors trust the science, and the science is settled, and the vast majority of scientists agree with whomever is funding them. – Anon

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It is shocking to realize what has been done to Americans over the last many decades, let along the last 4 years. When Kennedy brought this issue up, he was accused of being a conspiracy theorist. Today he has been vindicated. This will serve to make his confirmation a touch less distasteful but we'll still be in for a clown show. I can only imagine all that his demand for transparency will reveal. I am awaiting, watching my old friends, who shunned me during covid, find a way to pretend that they weren't deceived and betrayed by the democratic party. Our regulatory agencies and MSM can be quite creative so I suspect they're already working on a story line. Pass the popcorn please:)

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So we all know that OSHA's MSDS on Fluoride is ALL "Conspiracy Theorist dogma! Right?

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In addition to whatever damage fluoridation itself might cause, a confounding or compounding factor could be fluorine's catalyzing effect on aluminum absorption. https://drchristopherexley.substack.com/p/potable-water-fluoridation

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I am surprised you didn't mention the lethal dose limit of fluoride which is 32 to 64 mg/kg body weight and the child toxic dose (requiring clinic visit) which is 5 mg/kg body weight. I looked this up when my dentist gave me a free nightime mold to fill with toothpaste and allow the fluoride to build up a protective coating. Problem was when I did as instructed I got nausea because the dose of fluoride was in the low toxic range. Anything that is lethal that you put in your body, even at low doses needs to be thoroughly investigated before using to avoid complications and early death.

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I knew this fluoride information back in the 1980s and handed out almost 100 pages of similar information to every client. I became aware of the dangers of vaccines in the seventies...connecting my son's poor head start to the vaccines I gave him in the late 1950s. I had no idea that FLU0RIDE aluminum, mercury , formaldehyde, etc., were in these vaccines, until I came across Vaccination is NOT Immunization by Dr Tim O'Shea about 15 years ago. He listed every ingredient in these childhood vaccines. Its appalling what medical research has produced in the way of drugs and vaccines used in order to get more customers.

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And we thought the Incas were the only ones sacrificing babies to the gods! My grandson was forced/ sacrificed on the altar of MMR religion!

Who says we can't be Godless savages?

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Good review. Regardless of what time interval we discuss its a fork in the road analogy.

Health is the preferable choice. The idea that it can come from a needle is so clearly false that it screams false. Details are evidence but they changed no fools mind, ever.

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Not just neurotoxic for children but adults too. What about fluoride pharmaceuticals like fluoroquinolones? What effect do those drugs have on the brain and nervous system?

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